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  1. @tbone_ Did the National Guard foray to the Canadian Border go well? Oh, he sent them to Texas under Abbott? Sounds like a cuck to a cripple. Easy target for Trump. Did he have them set up razor wire and big red balls?
  2. Obviously losing Dan and Jake was a big deal.... but you start losing the glue guys and it's church. Blake might be a little cuck bitch but he worked his ass off. Whatever the fuck they call donny doo and matty beers is fucked.
  3. Anymore questions, asshat? Yeah, does Ted Cruz know that you raided his boot rack? YOU JUST BOUGHT YOURSELF ANOTHER TWO WEEKS! I mean, Lobo bullshit aside. Trump is doing to you exactly what he did to beta-cuck Ted Cruz. Insulting you, debasing nicknames, winding up to insult you on stage in the very soon debate, and telegraphing shit about your wife and physical appearance. And your move is to go and buy a pair of boots that look exactly like Ted Cruz? And you're claiming that you're not mentally disabled, Governor?
  4. Yep. His strategy has been obvious for awhile now: 1) Avoid criticizing Trump and becoming a MAGA pariah (maybe too late) 2) Trump goes to jail 3) Shift all the focus towards campaigning on pardoning Trump once you win The big problem--that I'm sure he now realizes--is that Trump is going to decimate him even from prison. Honestly, this has all been so heartening to see. This may be my favorite thread on the Internet. Rewind to Feb 2021 and Ron was the fucking chosen one, the heir apparent. Every "lower taxes" conservative I knew with a little money was touting this guy. All the draconian policies, but without the Trump name scaring away the suburbs. It seemed pre-ordained. Seeing Ronnie crash and burn because he's an empty shell of a man has just been the tits. Suburbs and independents are fed up with culture war stoking by a personality-less, angry little man, and he's too much of a cuck to attract MAGA. The GOPs hopes and dreams crushed because they can't contain the monster they created. Just phenomenal.
  5. I’ve been taking creatine off and on for over a decade, and my enzymes and liver health are nominal, according to lab work. If anything, I wish I had dry scooped the powder instead of mixing with water; imagine the gains! Mike B probably thinks I’m a beta.
  6. Your wife has a rule that her parents can accuse you of whatever they want and you have to hold your tongue? Are you up for canonization and/or cucking?
  7. It sounds like she just needs to get in better shape. If the other people working out have a better exercise capacity, then they can do the same workout with a lower heart rate. The number itself is not very concerning. As you get older, your cardiovascular system loses sympathetic tone. That, and beta blockers, are why older people have lower resting heart rates. Hell just about anyone over 75-80 is sitting in the 40s-50s for resting heart rate and it isn’t because they’re marathon runners. She should definitely mention it to a doctor if y’all are concerned. But for a reference the only resting heart rate that really demands a closer look, especially at her age, is below 40 or above about 120. Or if you’re symptomatic at rest. Lightheaded, chest pain, headache etc.
  8. Children of different races holding hands is “political?” She must lurk in Daily Texan. Also you know that dude’s browser history is full of cuck porn
  9. I'm just going by my own lyin eyes bro. maralago is also there. florida man is there. can't say gay there and if you go woke you go broke YOU FUCKING CUCKS
  10. Just watched it. -Billy Liucci seems like he sucks. Big time. -So much Aggy weirdness. People who are unaware of Aggy gonna wonder what the fuck they’re watching. -So much SECSECSEC. -I found it weird that there was so little focus on the last 6 years of Manziel’s life. Looks like he at least saved enough money to sit around and grill, drink seltzers, and smoke joints with a few sycophants. -Speaking of sycophants, he did his boy from high school dirty. But that guy was just a total coattail riding cuck. -Wish Sumlin would have commented. Not like he has a lot of room to talk. -I remember a long form piece about Manziel and his relationship with his dad. It painted his dad as kind of a pussy who raised an entitled cunt. This doc didn’t change my mind on any of that. -Manziel doesn’t seem like he’s learned all that much. Just keeping more of a lid on it. Guy WAS fun to watch though.
  11. - People who carry on loud cellphone conversations in a restaurant, especially if the other caller is on speaker - People who play videos/stream their phone in public. - Parents who let their kids play video games with volume up in public - People who use the terms beta or cuck - Anti-vaxxers
  12. UT OU UW Stanford Cal UCLA UO OK St Tech Ost Wst Az Azst Co Honestly, would have been bad ass. Could have expanded to add Utqah and another. Larry Scott and USC....Mostly Larry Scott for letting USC cuck him like a bitch and deny expansion knowing they were gone. USC is evil and California should hate them for bing cunts, and also for getting POWNED by Texas in the biggest game EVAH. And apparently, Larry Scott was a moron.
  13. You don't like a person because they take their birthday off??? Get over yourself you big beta who gives a fuck when people take off
  14. Besides a person loudly and proudly proclaiming they don’t own a TV, what other singular act is 100% correlated to you not liking said person? I’ve now met two dudes who take a vacation day every year on their birthdays. Don’t like either of those betas. interested to hear what other singular things cause you to pull parachute on ever being friends with someone.
  15. Armybrat

    Getting old sucks

    Yesterday’s CT scan…. It was supposed to take no more than 30 minutes from the IV insertion to out the door. However the first tech had a problem finding a vein for the IV in my fat arm and had to call another in to get that done. Laid down on the gurney, they hooked up the leads to my chest, repeated instructions to keep arms extended over my head, then said it would take 5 minutes altogether (it was a new high-speed machine from Siemens in Germany). They rolled me into the “donut” hole and started making adjustments - the computer told me when to hold my breath & when to breathe while lights were flashing and the machine making whirring sounds for a few minutes. Then….silence….for maybe another 15 minutes, then the Tech came out from behind his radiation shielded console and informed me they were having software trouble calibrating the machine to my carcass to get clear images. He apologized for the delay, saying he had called Siemens tech support and was waiting for them to call back…..in the meantime he would try to deal with the computer software himself. After another 10 minutes or so, he said they were ready & rolled me back into the donut hole. The procedure went as before - and was over in five minutes. The tech guy said the scan looked good. I asked him if the Germans had returned his call, and he said, “No, I figured the problem out myself”. My arthritic shoulder joints were pretty sore from stretching out over my head like that for so long. Anyway, that one is done and next up is the ECHO heart scan this coming Tuesday. Then on the 22nd at my follow up appointment with the cardiac surgeon, he will tell me how & when he’ll do the aorta valve implant procedure. Nothing like being the beta tester for the hospital’s new CT scan machine. Guess I got a double dose of the radiation. Better keep watch for another limb growing out from my torso
  16. You missed half the party. Princely Umanmielen dunked on Jimbo Fisher's face and then banged his wife. The little hobbit was angry but then settled into his cuck chair for a happy ending.
  17. I never made the Pat=Patrick connection. Never mind the wardrobe. noCR, pos rep. somebody, somebody explain to me why I'm the beta cuck and the guy with feminine birthing hips wearing rouge off camera is idolized by "real Texas men"
  18. Little known fact, that September 1, 2018, aka "Scott Frost Day," actually checks in as the highest number of calls to 911 ever recorded in the entire history of the state of Nebraska for a single day. Almost all of them were domestic violence cases, although there were plenty of calls about suspicous "little bitch" types lurking and skulking around people's property. It seems there was just a rash of infidelity, often among neighbors, where the perpetrators end up being caught, the men fled, and the women just had the shit kicked out of them by husbands and boyfriends. I believe there were over 900 calls to Nebraska's emergency service lines by women begging for help against the abuse, or stangely the cucked bragging about their crimes and strangely telling the cops they were going to find the "pasty bitch" responsible and rip his head clean off. Tom Osborne called in one of his last political favors to claim the cancelling of the Akron and Nebraska game was due to inclement weather, but the reality is that no one could actually find Scott Frost until 4 days after September 1st. It was on September 5th that a janitor inside Memorial Stadium was cleaning when Frost just tumbled out of a storage closet, whimpering in his piss stained pants, amidst a pile of old mops hermetically sealed program guides from the 1971 football season. The Janitor called the athletic department, Frost was whisked away, and then went on to lose his first 6 straight games as the head coach of Nebraska. But almost no one speaks of Scott Frost Day, and those that do in hushed tones often refer to it as something much more ominous: Larwence Phillips Day.
  19. Don’t get that woman’s head massage technique. Pretty sure Mike B would call that dude a Beta! Used to go to a single chair barbershop in old downtown Pflugerville and the old dude strapped a vibrating thing that looked like an old sander on his hand and gave you a neck and scalp massage during your haircut, the hot towel and witch hazel treatment too. It was actually really awesome and very old school. Don’t know what that chick’s up to though with just the finger touching or whatever. Looks like she’s trying to read his head like a crystal ball
  20. Aldean's stroking his peen with his right hand beneath the table. Cuck's gonna cuck.
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