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  1. Signing PG is like an admission you wont be winning a title the next 4 seasons.
  2. We're through three. The Fuck You no Fuck You arguments are noisy and pointless beyond a few seconds. The misery of the workers starts raising questions about why they continue. The good cheer is gone amid the toil. The first episode is like a very well-crafted tone poem. That's hard to do because there is such risk that a single misstep will lose the audience. It's the kind of patient filmmaking you see in the Station Agent and The Visitor (Tom McCarthy movies). Now it's like being plugged into a wall socket. We'll finish because it's been so good, but I'm glad of the warning that it doesn't really go anywhere. Lowered expectations will be a boon.
  3. I can see a logic to their approach- offer big $ for a proven winner, and if you strike out, don’t overpay for a less-than-sure-thing. Instead, go cheap. They can’t afford to pay over-market salary for average results. Of course, a better strategy is to take care of your program and AD so that it’s attractive to proven winners. That takes time, though.
  4. That's just nuts. It's crazy. $212,000,000, $53,000,000 per season, WOW. I do like whenever someone says "nobody is worth that kind of money" but, if someone is going to pay it to you, grab it.
  5. I'd feel a lot better on our end if we got an actual quote from Max B. about coming back.
  6. There's always a wayward sheep going into heat around BCS, so for aggy there's always a cherry bro.
  7. Yep. They have some great players, but a mass migration of their top talent to Texas wouldn't feel altogether right to me. We seem to be doing just fine, as you say, without them.
  8. Napoleon

    USMNT 2024

    Ancelotti would not turn our roster into one of the best rosters in the world, but… He would put the right players on the field, in the right positions, using the best possible formation, with some of the best tactics that we could hope for. The guy doesn’t work miracles, but the guy does adapt his tactics to fit his roster. And that would be refreshing as fuck!
  9. i’ve felt this way before (i hope we lose!!) and invariably i’ve found myself unable to actually root against my team on gameday. i have no doubt that when the game actually starts that i’ll be all-in on a US win, but i can’t lie- an early uruguay goal and i’m going to flip shit and masochistically root for a bloodbath.
  10. Lizzie Musi of drag racing fame. Only 33, from a reallly tough rapid spreading variety of breast cancer. Lots of docs won’t do mammograms until 40. Urge your ladies to push hard for testing if they think something is going on in their bodies. An insidious disease.
  11. Holy fuck Duke is cute. We had a little bbq at the house on Saturday. Grilled fajitas and Biscuit got a shitload of handouts. He fuckin loves people. But as you can see his skin gets so damn red from his grass allergy. The Cytopoint shots don't work anymore so we're going to the vet Tuesday morning and will probably get him on Apoquel. I keep the grass short af but it doesn't seem to matter anymore.
  12. We called the Web Pages in the ACT Lab, but we had to use a Unix program to access them. It was another couple years before Mosaic came around.
  13. Well, that season is over. Who do we bribe for the uncensored Kaiela shower vid?
  14. No that’s the best part. We still get to keep Chris Paul from getting a ring.
  15. When I worked at a call center in west campus we rented out part of our office space to a construction foreman who was in charge of building a big apt complex across the street. We were on the 2nd floor so we got a good view of the whole process every day. The head foreman and I used to shoot the shit sometimes and we were talking about the big holes that had been bored for the concrete supports to go in. He tells me "if you ever want to get rid of a body, drop it down one of those holes. They'll fill it with concrete soon and nobody will ever find it." I was like "yeah you're probably right.." and just kinda changed the subject. He looked like he had maybe done it before.
  16. this is one of the ~5 or so most viral stand up clips of the past several years, and it exists for a reason: men who like sports finally got tired of being bitched at by female athletes, as if we (men) are the reason that they don’t get paid what they want, or why their arenas are half empty, or why they can’t fly charter jets. they started this fight years ago, and now more and more men are saying, “alright fuck it, let’s have this conversation. let’s treat you the same way we treat male athletes and let’s see how this goes.” so far they don’t like it. whaddaya know.
  17. I have literally never watched a minute of a WBNA game. I don't give a shit about the league. It's not for me and that's 100% fine with me. I just don't also see it as a fight. Of course I know that the NBA is subsidizing the league. So what? If they weren't doing that would the money be going to me? Is there a Serak fund that I don't know about? I skim this thread every once in a while because I am truly amazed at how strongly people feel about something they don't watch or enjoy. You said "we" subsidize the league, let them cosplay or play dress up but how are you doing it? Just because you are a man doesn't mean you are doing shit for the WBNA. Are you also enabling the Cartels by being part of a sex that buys drugs?
  18. All I got is that at a previous job I volunteered for the technical rescue team and one of the training activities they had was to shimmy through 20 ft of 18” pipe. I was the only one of about 20 to decline. I was also the fattest, and also have a decently wide skeletal frame. You have to go in arms first like a dive, and head down, and push with your toes and inch or two at a time. I could actually fit into the pipe, but couldn’t make myself get in to the point I couldn’t back out. The claustrophobic aspect was bad, but the biggest thing was how uncomfortable it was to have my arms straight out like that and shoulders tucked in.
  19. men. men gave them the league, men support the league and buy more tickets and merch than women do, the men’s league keep the wnba afloat when it’s hemorrhaging money, and on and on and on. look i’m not the one who started this fight or drew this line and decided that it was women vs men. the wnba did that. they have bitched about men not doing enough for them for longer than i can remember, and until recently we (men) just ignored all of that garbage and kept it moving. but then the events of recent months transpired, these women who you so blindly support and white knight for finally got us (men) to pay attention to thhwie terrible sport, and their reaction? they go after the one girl who brought all of us here in the first place and they scream at men for not watching this shitass product sooner. okey dokey! if you and the women of the wnba didn’t want me claiming victory then you shouldn’t have made it so clear that i was on the other team, that i was your enemy, that i was to blame for your struggles. don’t get all butthurt now that we (men) are finally tuning in to your sport just to find out that not only do these women objectively suck at basketball, but that many of them are even worse people. don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
  20. We used a mobile mechanic to replace front and back brakes on my 2016 X just last week before we bugged out of Texas for a month (taking two cars). We’ve used them before. They have a shop in RR too but will travel as well. Good work imo. I can pass along their number if you’d like. I’d have to ask the wifey she found them and set it all up.
  21. I'm soaked in sweat just going out to my garage to grab something from the toolbox or car or whatever. Love me some Summer weather.
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