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  1. Fuck 2020. Fuck you, 2020, for killing off Neil Peart. Fuck you, 2020, for killing off Edward Van Halen. Fuck you, 2020, for taking my good friend's Mom Barbara, who was like a second mother to me. Fuck you, 2020, for taking my actual Mom, who was a truly wonderful person and I miss her every day. Fuck you, 2020, for yet another year of Donald Trump dividing our country, ignoring the danger of COVID, and trying to steal the election. Fuck you, 2020, for COVID. Fuck you, 2020, for losing to OU. OU sucks. But you might actually suck worse than OU. Fuck you, 2020. Let us air our grievances.
  2. Just got inked again. 4th spot. It's been 15 years since my last one. Anyone else like the ink? I'll never get one that I cannot conceal.
  3. The US Military Academy at West Point is dealing with the fallout from a major cheating incident involving 73 cadets, the largest cheating episode at the elite school since 1976. Seventy-two of the cadets accused of breaking the academy's famed honor code are first-year cadets, referred to as the "plebe year," according to the academy. One student is a sophomore. All of them are accused of cheating on a calculus exam in May, when West Point had shifted to virtual classes due to the coronavirus pandemic. [/l] What's the punishment for that? Firing squad? https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/21/politics/west-point-cheating-scandal-2020/index.html
  4. For the longest, on both my laptop and on my iPhone, when I would click on a topic to read it it would always automatically take me to the topic page and entry where I last viewed it. Now when I click on a topic it always takes me to the first page. For topics that have multiple pages it is a pain to figure out where I last read. What happened? How can I fix it?
  5. Only made it to #3 this year, gotta do some work to knock off the champs over at tigerdroppings.com Made texags our bitch though. https://messageboardgeniuses.com/2020/12/22/top-5-college-football-message-boards-of-2020
  6. One of my all time favorites. Anyone else a fan? In 1982 when I was 14 and flipping burgers at Sonic on Shady Grove Road in Irving and very certain that Iron Maiden and Judas Priest we’re the end all be all of music, we would routinely give our manager shit for being a Bob Seger fan. When you dipshits grow up, he said, you’ll understand. Well, Kenny, you were right. I’ll start with this:
  7. What kind of service is this https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJgx4e7D/
  8. ...because unbeknownst to me before about 30 seconds ago, bowl season starts this saturday. http://fantasy.espn.com/college-bowl-mania/2020/en/group?groupID=278966 password is: werefucked $25 entry, PM me for venmo, cashapp or paypal. don't mention gambling in the message, just put surly.
  9. https://www.today.com/video/the-texas-school-for-the-deaf-s-football-team-wins-state-championship-for-1st-time-97611333734 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQbJ408-2uk Neither link will embed. Sorry bout that.
  10. Honest question and not trying to melt any snowflakes ... it feels like for the past 40 years football on the 40 Acres has underperformed given its tradition, financial resources, and natural advantages. Legendary program, great city, richest athletic department, finest facilities, and the flagship university in the nation's most football crazy state. Does't it feel like we should be in contention for a national championship every year? Take ousux ... yeah it does ... but every one of us would swap the past 40-year on-the field performance with those assclowns. I bang my head against the wall constantly trying to glean why we are not better year in and year out. Is it no cheating? Academic expectations? It is not like we have Jerry Jones running the show.
  11. Domedriver

    Colt Wins!

    Colt McCoy throws a touchdown and beats the Seahawks!🤘🤘🤘
  12. I would go to 1968 Whisky A Go Go to see The Doors first, then 1967 Monterrey Pop Festival, and then CBGB in 1977 to see The Ramones with Blonde to open. Where would you go?
  13. This essay could've gone in multiple threads, but it deserved its own. Have included the link but the entire thing (part one anyway) is behind the spoiler. Long but thoughtful, very thoughtful read.
  14. You can't find a good replay, which means it's bad. https://sports.yahoo.com/joe-burrow-leaves-sundays-game-on-cart-after-suffering-injury-200117525.html
  15. It's year 4 in the Tom Herman era and I think it's pretty clear that if Texas doesn't make the CCG this season, Herman is shown the door. It's also a safe bet that if we win the Big 12, Herman is retained. But What happens if Texas makes the CCG and loses? My nightmare is we make the CCG and lose and Herman is retained because it's 2020 and everything sucks.
  16. At least not to send pictures or attachments. It turns out any picture or attachment is uploaded to their web servers and exposed as a sequential url. meaning anyone can view it if they have the url and since the url's are sequential if you have one url, like https://gs.3g.cn/D/e3a6d4/w you can just iterate through to view other attachments, like https://gs.3g.cn/D/e3a6d5/w I think they're being hit pretty hard by lurkers and hackers right now so sometimes it gives an error.
  17. Posting this in DT because it maybe won't get ate up with political pissbagging? Maybe? Anyway, Peru impeached their president and some people are upset. The protests were sparked by Monday’s dramatic and unexpected vote to impeach Mr Vizcarra, who stood accused of corruption relating to his time as a regional governor. He denied the charges but, using a vaguely-worded clause in the constitution, members of congress voted overwhelmingly to remove him on the grounds of “permanent moral incapacity”. Hours later, Mr Vizcarra quit. Usually, his job would go to the vice-president, but Mr Vizcarra had no deputy, the consequence of previous battles between the executive and congress. The post instead passed to the house speaker, Mr Merino, a relatively unknown and unremarkable career politician, who was sworn in as Peru’s unlikely president the next day. https://www.ft.com/content/8b933864-f7fb-4f0e-9f40-dc0ff522ea45
  18. https://www.ocregister.com/2020/11/12/republican-janet-nguyen-declares-victory-over-democrat-diedre-nguyen-in-race-for-72nd-assembly-district/ Republican Janet Nguyen has defeated Democrat Diedre Nguyen in the race to represent the 72nd Assembly District, keeping the open seat under GOP control.
  19. Nerd Alert! I got hooked on Dragonball Z and then Naruto back in the day on Toonami and watched some other stuff from time to time but over the last few years I’ve picked up a couple of series which have been pretty good since they are now readily available on Netflix/Hulu/etc. (Note: I only watch English dubs) Full Metal Alchemist ‘Brotherhood’ Hunter X Hunter Sword Art Online Parasyte Anyone else watch any of these or have any other recommendations?
  20. I realized today that I didn't truly appreciate Obama. I know that's a weird thing to hear an African American say. During the Obama years while I knew there was still racism, I didn't realize the vastness of it. Then along came Donald Trump. The division and hate sowed by Trump and the people who ate it up showed me that we were completely wrong about the amount of racial tension in this country. Trump followers stand for everything that is wrong in this country, and bring out the ugliest parts of humanity here in the USA. So seeing so many Americans rise up and declare enough is enough made me so proud, and judging by all the people in the streets I am not alone. Knowing that there are so many good human beings out there gives me a peace of mind that even surpasses the pride I felt when we elected a Black President. So for those of you that voted to oust the wanna be dictator I say thank you. Thank you for giving me and my people hope in the people of this country. Thank you for helping ensure that my daughter's diabetic condition will be tended to without emptying our life savings. Thank you for helping get this country pointed in the right direction, back to love and unity. And lastly, thank you for restoring my hope! What did this moment mean to you?
  21. At 11:00 to go in the 2nd, we are up by 3 to a team that looks less talented and well coached but not spectacularly so. Lot's of possible explanations, but I can't help but think we are right back in the Mackovic problem. A coach that thinks so highly of himself that he fails to connect as a leader with young men. Mackovic was more aloof, wine drinker, distant (tool). Herman comes across as more of an arrogant, (Vodka and G2?) distant tool. Either I'm reading it wrong, and we have a LOT less talent than we seem to show in flashes and flickers or there is a bit of a psychological gap between the coach and the team. This is my working theory, but then again I haven't tried Vodka and G2.
  22. Even if Biden pulls this out at the end with WI, MI and Penn, the fact that the Democratic candidate loses to or could barely beat one of the worst Republican candidates in history is unsettling. Trump has a cult following from a massive group of uninformed voters, but that’s just the point. Logic, reason, and policy is not a winning strategy in the United States of Idiocracy. And at the same time, the Party needs to search deep within itself to understand why the Party doesn’t resonate better with half the country. There have been endless conversations on surly and elsewhere about both the messaging that the Democratic Party projects outward, as well as some of the policies the Party promotes. The Party has two choices. It can just keep waiting for the slow demographic shift to take over, or it can examine itself more critically to understand why it can’t comfortably beat a party with massive flaws.
  23. I’m hoping this forum can sort of serve as a support group for all of us that play a little, a lot, or as a primary source of income. I’ll go first. Literally got the band back together for a high school reunion show. Since then we have been traveling around to meet up, drink fancy craft beer, and record (and in that order). When COVID started, we made it our goal to release a song per week until the end of the year. It’s really made the pandemic manageable by giving me some purpose (for myself, not work or family), a form of expression, and a sense of accomplishment. I’ve also been striving to get better at playing and recording, trying to take online lessons and learning new riffs. The song I posted “For the Moment” is our latest and my personal favorite.
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