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  1. I feel about this game the same way I felt about the OU game. We are going to win, barring some crazy shit happening. turnovers and players playing out of their minds aside, I just haven't been worried about this game with the match ups and play thus far. To contrast this, I was SUPER worried about Baylor. I've felt doubt and anguish for 2 games all year and they were Maryland and Baylor. We could absolutely lose the game, but don't think we do. Hell, Charlie won there with less, against more. Hook'em!
  2. it never ceases to amaze me how everyone around here knows/says "it's hard to win on the road in the big xii", only to then freak out whenever we lose on the road. the game sucked. we were terrible offensively. it was one game, in the first week of january. if it becomes a trend, then sure, that sucks. but again, this entire regular season ain't shit but trying to build chemistry before the tourney. we aren't going to win the league. we know this. let's look for growth, and not start bitching/freaking out about the team in early january. let's act like we've watched college hoops before.
  3. Not too bummed until I think about one throw to the end zone and a DB with his arm around AD’s neck and what coulda been a TD with just this or that. In the end I had already assumed the game was over. So the last drive was gravy and I never thought we were going to win. Today I’m more holiday hung over. Bad food and lots of drinking and no exercise for 2-3 weeks. So I’m in full detox mode working some mostly hitting refresh on surly in a manner that would make anyone with OCD blush with embarrassment. Back at life 100% tomorrow.
  4. It took that cheater 5 years to start making a difference at cougar high....get some perspective. Our program has always flirted with being a top10, but more often than not has been average. It is what it is. And fuck that tweet crying about Rodney Terry getting after those UCF players. If they're doing the horns down, punch them in the mouth. Then maybe we'll see some fucking fight in this team. I see 2 good stars on this team, and the rest a bunch of bench warmers & supporting cast. If you had expectations that we were going to win the conference this season, that's on you.
  5. I hope our players don’t have a defeated mindset like the posters, I especially hope they don’t pretend their defeated mindset is ‘realistic’ to make themselves feel better about it. Hopefully they believe in themselves and look at this as a chance to prove themselves. From the point of view of a player, they aren’t playing Sauron’s rings, they are playing against the guy in front of them. If we are going to win we will need to press the deep part of the field to back the defense off. Play action then throws over the top will help us set up the run. I think our defense could be ok. I’m worried about kicking / punting.
  6. Not going to say that this play was when I knew we were going to win, but it showed that it wasn't going to be the same old Texas-OU. Showed that our big guys were ready to fight. I was reading a book about the 1991 UDub football team earlier this summer and this little passage about the Cal game stood out to me: This is a big part of why the Huskies were so good that year and this reminded me of Kelvin Banks. Lincoln Kennedy got most of the attention on that team, but Malamala was the dude on the O-line who didn't take shit from anyone and set the attitude. And he went on to play 10 years in the NFL.
  7. I mean yeah. I would never have thought after OU we were finishing the conference season 7-2, and after going 7-2 I would never have thought we would go out with a wimper against Kansas and Kansas State. And after going 0-2 against Kansas and Kansas State I wouldn't think we were going to win a regional. So who the hell knows? I am certainly not putting any money on this up coming regional. I would probably bet money Texas isn't winning it all if I were a betting type.
  8. Alright, Texas is playing for its 900th program win this Saturday at DKR against USC. Currently, Texas is 3rd on the list of all-time wins in college football, with Ohio State ahead of us at 900. We might not be competing for championships this year, but Texas sure as hell can solidify its position in the record books as one of the most successful programs in the history of college football. There is most definitely something to root for here on Saturday when the 'Horns take the field. Tom Herman is not bigger than the program (Mack thought he got close but destroyed any notion of that in his last 4 years) and we still need to win regardless of who's at the helm. We are going to win
  9. We are going to be fine. D looked terrible on first drive but that’s the first drive of the season. They get a pass there. That 65-yard bomb was a terrible pick play coverage that will easily get cleaned up. And if Boyd had held onto the INT, that wouldn’t have happened, and the D really would have looked fairly good for a first game against a not-untalented O in our first game. The O on the last 3 drives looked fine. Sam settling, the line looking better, and the play calling were night and day from the first 4 or so drives. We are going to win this game like 39-31. And then get a lot better en route to 9 wins.
  10. Probably not. He will probably wait to see every single result come in, and with mail ballots being such a thing in this election probably say something incredibly stupid about- muh people, we are going to win the mail in vote bigly, this thing isn’t over. Mans he will then do the most tactless, charmless scumbag thing when all the votes are counted and look to burn the thing down on the way out the door. And might even file some absurdly frivolous lawsuits because he is, wait for it, a total and complete piece of shot that’s deluded and lives in his own reality. But the idea that he’s going to stage a coup or have to be frog marched out of there is not going to happen
  11. once I saw the rough this place had there was no way we were going to win. we have a bunch of PGA Tour players. Europe has golfers and the biggest key is they are better putters. Our guys do well because on tour they can hit driver everywhere but know "where to miss it". I knew Dechambeau and Mickelson were a waste. Fowler is a huge disappointment. we probably should have tried to split up Thomas and Spieth. Koepka played well but didn't have his putter. Finau was OK. Fucking humble pie for that asshat Patrick Reed. would be better to send his ass out by himself. Alternate shot is a killer for us. embarassing all around.
  12. Here’s what we know for sure: We are going to line up and beat the hell out of them physically. Oklahoma hasn’t been more physical than us since Mack. Every year, we punch them in the mouth. We are going to win the battle of physicality. We need Rojo to run a lot. Pooka Williams ate them up last week. Ingram isn’t going to get it done. Run Ingram when we’ve gassed them and when we’re late in long drives. Will this happen? No, but it’s how we should approach the running game. Come out running with Rojo and Sam and it will set the tone for the entire day. I expect our OL to repeatedly punch them in the dick.
  13. 2010-2011 is one of my favorite Texas teams. They were like old school Bama before the spread changed Saban's approach. They would literally slow cook teams into oblivion. There was nothing really exciting or outrageously intimidating about that group, but after a 40 minute game you'd look up and find yourself down by 20. They went on a 17 or 18 game streak where they went 17-1 with 15 or 16 wins by double digits, including that epic double digit win over KU at the Phog in front of a raucous crowd that turned silent with about 5 minute left. They're the only team that I really thought we were going to win the national championship with. That end of season collapse absolutely crushed me.
  14. I know we are going to win cause we have a team of big Johnsons! We haz Gary, we haz Colin, we haz the undiscovered possible diamond of Kirk. When I grew up we had a great drive through call 2-Jays. I want this to be the year of 3-Jays! In Keith Jackson’s voice, “Johnson takes the ball away and sores!” “Johnson just destroyes Clay and forces a, an OU(sux) FUMBLE!” Johnson, yeah another Johnson rips off another long gain for huge yardage!” “First Down! Yeah commitment me now. I love my koolaid too much! Damn I want some of this type of hero football. It was what I was raised on.
  15. We are going to win at least 10 games unless our quarterback room has a complete meltdown. Sam can be a stud if it all works. Cam Rising or Casey may have done just as well as Sam if the roles were reversed. Rising is a big dude with a big arm, and is free from big game losing brain farts. Casey is a Big 12 QB that most of our competitors would have liked to have including, little Lincoln. I am dranking the koolaid. Tope Imade is a big bad mofo that is kicking seniors asses and raising hell. Tre Watson, Johnson and Ingraham breaking ankles and Young showing out like the bowl game. Less than a month. Sign me up.
  16. All I know is that whether anyone here believes Sark sucks/is good/mediocre, it won’t change the outcome of a single game that is played this year (assuming one of you fuckers don’t get the urge to run onto the field to proclaim, in person, which side you’re repping). Whether we go 9-3, 7-5, or 4-8…… “I fuckin told you” will surely be thrown around at years end. Off-season is almost over, and the season is upon us. The amount of question marks for the team should atleast make shit “interesting” this season. Normal people would probably feel “excitement”. However, this is Surly, and you miserable fucks can’t ever let that occur. We are going to win, you fucking fucks!!
  17. Some of you are way overstating Reddick's 2019 performance. I like him in terms of chemistry and defense, but in terms of production, he is our worst starter. 0.8 WAR is not good for an everyday player. Yes, he had a key hit against Boston in 2017 in a series we were going to win as the superior team, but he has had 155 postseason ABs and has been terrible (219/280/297). He started this season well, but his OPS splits by month are: .888 .703 .748 .524 Hopefully, he gets hot again late in the year, like he was in April. If Reddick continues to suck and Tucker is hot in September, they will both make the playoff roster, and Tucker may even play some.
  18. The tide started to turn well before OU tied this game. they did nothing to stop the tide from turning. And when they did, it was too late. they did the exact opposite. OU came down from 21 down and tied it up. And what did we do? Run out a kickoff 7 yards deep. Fumble. OU scores the next play. Game over. Sure, we tied the game up but did anyone think we were going to win that game? this team died a slow death after going up 28-7 in the 1st qtr. You can talk yourself into this was some moral victory. But that is aggy stuff. This was an absolutely terrible loss in so many aspects. We were not even close to being ready for when OU gained traction. Both sides of the ball went into a shell in the fetal position.
  19. I can! We olds lived through plenty of even more catastrophic losses, unfortunately. In 1981, #1 Texas goes to Fayetteville and loses 42-11 to piggy. Possibly derailed a MNC -- can't think of a worse day other than the 10-9 loss to jaw-ja in the Cotton Bowl in '84 that cost us another MNC. That was WORLDS worse than this shit today, because back then that Texas team was the insanely good in all aspects of its gameplay -- great defense, great offense, great skill players, great special teams. We weren't going to win a natty this year, regardless, despite it sucking hard losing to Mobilehoma. What would be HILARIOUS is if we beat Mobilehoma's dumb ass in our last Big12 championship game and fuck their CFP chances! THAT Revenge would be Sweet!
  20. 1000000% this. Pop started the year saying “Winning is as important this year as learning was in the past. We’ve got to continue to learn, but adding more wins is appropriate and mandatory.“ Within a few weeks it became “well we’re young” and “heh, well, we weren’t going to win a championship this year anyway” and “gee, we gotta see what we have” and other ridiculous musings to make it seem like they had a fucking clue of what they were doing. That Pop quote to me is telling because there’s no way he says it if the front office doesn’t think they’ll be competitive. Something like 35 wins, maybe not exactly in the hunt for a play-in, but also not eliminated in early March. in fact, we’re careening towards something like a franchise-worst 18-64. I’m not sure how they could have misjudged this team that badly, but it’s not terribly reassuring going forward.
  21. Was thinking about this topic this morning on my dog walk. I mean half this place thought we were going to lose to Louisiana-Lafayette. Surely they shouldn't be surprised we lost to an SEC team on the road, with a RSFr making his 1st road start. Did I think we were going to win last night? I did. Did I think we would get absolutely destroyed in every facet? I did not. I think/hope we can rally and go into OU at 4-1 Color me optimistic. I still have a little faith that we ca correct some of the issues. Obviously I think Casey is the guy going forward...I don't know how much of a barometer Rice or Tech will be...but we'll see. TCU on the road will be a make or break game.
  22. This match is the perfect example of why all the teams should have somebody that follows RPI/resumes/and so on. There's no reason Hintzen should have been playing tonight with a bum leg because Texas had absolutely nothing to gain from a result tonight. 1) We weren't going to win the Big 12 with any type of result tonight. 2) We likely are going to host the first round in the NCAA tournament and have to travel for the round of 32/16 matches. Nothing tonight would have changed that. Hintzen should have be resting and we should be getting healthy for the Big 12/NCAA tournament. All we were doing tonight was playing for seeding in the Big 12 tournament which means absolutely nothing because every team we play in the Big 12 tournament is good.
  23. This is one game where Sark needs to take some chances if we are going to win. If the plan is simply to grind it out with Bijan, we will have drives stall out and lose. Grinich will sell out to stop the run. Need to get creative with play action, deep passes over the middle, misdirection, jet sweeps, and RB screens. On defense, unleash Alfred Collins, use the occasional CB blitz, bring an extra LB like Overshown, stunt Ojomo, etc. Yes it's tough to sack Rattler since he gets the ball out quick, but need to at least make him uncomfortable enough that he makes a few mistakes or errant throws. Our front 4 can't generate pressure on its own. On the back end, better to tackle/grab/pull down the WR when beat for a 15 yard penalty rather than giving up the big 50 yard play.
  24. I don't see how this is "shit talk". Damn we have some sensitive people on this board. Aggy likes to beat their chest based on recruiting rankings or playing close games. This is simply acknowledging that we have been competitive as recently as last year. And again, I have never said we are going to win the conference next year. I said we are going to COMPETE for it, just like we did last year. Here is CBS ranking us at #19 without adding anyone else. I welcome anyone who thinks KU is completely head and shoulders above us to compare rosters as I have. I'm certainly open to some rational discussion. My view is that a lot of the rating services are vastly over-valuing incoming freshmen and under-valuing experience and the portal. If the roster we have assembled ends up outside the top-25, we are going to surprise a lot of people.
  25. Agreed. Walking out of that stadium with the win hearing "Poooooooooor Aggies" is like finishing dinner someone else paid for while being handed a glass with two fingers of Macallan 15. Perfect. The tailgate experience before the game was so much fun, because I freakin' knew (had a great feeling, plus their D sucked at the time) we were going to win that game. The game started with Reggie "The Real Deal" McNeil proclaiming that this was his first start against Texas, only to see Dustin Long trot out for their first series. David Thomas got matched up with a slow LB and it was 7-0 within the first 3 mins of the game. Then El Ced (RIP) ran down their throats for the rest of it and it was all but over. Got back to the tailgate and said nothing to everyone who were sitting, sad, next to a radio listening to Dave while I opened a beer and smiled. My friend looks at me and says, "I don't like it when you're happy."
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