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  1. Can't argue with that. Did you put Frank at catcher because he's the only one who can bend over repeatedly or so this cuck can stare at his ass all game?
  2. Absolutely no idea. Probably not. Trout has a no trade. Trout isn’t likely to be moved for a reasonable and so passionate assessment of his value in the marketplace. He’s the face of the franchise in Anaheim and bullshit Mickey Mouse organizations like that out a lot of stock in such things- because they are fucking losers so they need the face for the billboard so their fans can be comfortable in their middling futility. If I was the Astros and angels and really trying to get together on a deal maybe something like Meyers, Gilbert, Montero, Garcia, Melton and McCullers for trout. 75M in current dead money out the door in Montero and McCullers that might turn out to be something for Anaheim, a high floor CF that has 4 years left, your CF of the future in the minors with a high floor but probably not superstar talent, a low floor high ceiling good prospect, plus some cheap and controllable pitching coming off of TJ surgery. I’m not near as good at this as @Snake Diggitymaybe he’d have an opinion. I think it’s telling that Trout isn’t on any top 50 trade lists of value I don’t think. Who knows how that kind of deal would go for either team. Super high beta for sure.
  3. As this has gotten more coverage in the news I am sure the Republican voters of Texas will rebuke Governor Abbott for his shameful conduct. Referring to Sleepy Joe as "President Biden" or "Mr. President" is unacceptable. The 2020 election was stolen from the rightful POTUS, Donald J. Trump, via massive fraud. Abbott is a RINO cuck for recognizing Biden's illegitimate authority. Throwing in some human rights abuses against migrants to appease the base won't save him, Republican voters are too smart and principled for that.
  4. I think Jason Aldean makes shitty music for Texas beta males who think they're alpha males, and spend most of their time waiting for Andrew Tate to show up and stop the bad guys in their small town, which they would do themselves as soon as they're done giving Joe Rogan a neck rub.
  5. That’s the blood of his enemies, you beta cuck.
  6. This guy just called you a beta cuck...
  7. Some party at an Aspen Security conference, there were some Ds (including Escobar) there. But yeah, Gaetz’ wife shit-talked it on Twitter, complete with Beta references. my penance:
  8. Hell, DeSantis has "tried" (barely) and is now polling 40+ points behind Trump, while Trump blasts DeSantis' donor list about how terrible DeSantis is doing and how much he sucks. That boy likes to get cucked.
  9. You know what a Cybertruck is not? Oh, wait, this is sarcasm/irony. I’d put slogans on it like “Musk doesn’t know what he’s doing with Twitter” and “Musk censors free speech” and “Musk is balding” and “Musk is a cuck” and spread it around Twitter and see how long before he tries to remotely disable it or threatens it.
  10. Take your fucking logic and fuck your face!!! In all seriousness, we’ve been punished enough having to live through the Poot years. He just continually got cucked recruiting and paying players that went elsewhere. I am convinced the Dooley, Butch and Pruitt years gave me a raging drinking problem because I was at every home game until Pruitt’s last year. I’ve been humiliated from Gainesville to College Station and kept showing up. I treated football like flying as I would get fucked up and hope for the best.
  11. Was it that big of a slur? No. But even the most racist, backwards-ass fuckwads in Congress know better than to bring that shit onto the floor and speak it directly into the record. And he did it from printed notes, it wasn't some ad lib that just slipped out of his mouth in the heat of the moment after a 3-martini lobbyist lunch. Dude could obviously kick anyone's ass in that building, but I'd like to picture him like the bully Alpha Beta in Revenge of the Nerds and then the national tri-lambs barricade them in. I could see Eli Lane going on another rant and then the 30 or so black male Democrats in Congress line up in front of him, led by All-pro LB Colin Allred ready to whip his ass. And Lane looking over at fellow Republican John James (Black, former Army Ranger) and James looking back at him, "Dude, you have black colleagues...not black friends. You on your own man." and walks away.
  12. 10000000% this. All the very cool and useful features that legacy truck makers (with a century+ experience building trucks) are putting in, like bed storage, tailgate steps, etc, that make a truck even more useful? Those are for beta cucks. Real truck guys want a truck that’s functionally fucking useless as a truck. That’s what a manly man would do, Andrew Tate and Tucker told me!
  13. lol, fuccboi. Next up you’ll be calling someone a cuck or a beta. This shit writes itself. I care enough to comment because anyone who spends time littering this website with ketch’s bullshit deserves ridicule and mockery. It’s for the rest of our mental health. Go back to Orangebloods and keep giving Ketchum your money and your mouth, asshole.
  14. Volkswagen/Audi will honor a warranty, that's for sure. Newer iterations can make the owner feel like a bit of a Beta tester though. Once they figure it out and the quirky parts get replaced, they'll go for the long haul.
  15. I think they want a benchmark for Yuki. They want to see if he’s worth promoting to the second RB seat next year. If either Yuki or Danny Ric clearly beat the other, I’d say that driver has the inside lane for the second RB seat. That and De Vries has been absolute dog shit and never deserved the F1 seat in the first place. Scoring a point at Monza in that Williams really wasn’t that impressive and his junior career was extremely underwhelming. Easily the worst junior career of any F2 winner ever. I mean Latifi got second the year he won F2 and he didn’t beta Latifi by much.
  16. Well, it’s official. He used cuck non ironically on someone who, as far as we know, isn’t actually a cuck. Short of calling guys a Beta and complaining how unfair it is that women decide a man’s value these days, I’m not sure there is a more glaring blinking sign that Elon prescribed to incel talking points. Imagine being the worlds richest man and giving not just this much, but any kind of a fuck what people think? It’s like Wilt Chamberlain getting hung up on a one night stand’s opinion on his performance.
  17. A guy who was CEO of a company whose board fired him while he was on a honeymoon, who is watching as nearly half of his users go to another site, who has had 10 kids by three different women, whose last baby momma left him for another woman, and one of his oldest twins came out as a trans woman and changed her last name because she wanted nothing to do with Musk (both of these things are probably why he takes potshot at the LBGTQ folks), and based on his tweets implying that he spends his days and nights at work (or hanging out at raves where nobody gives a shit about him), doesn't see his kids that often. Meanwhile, Zuck, as much as we hate him, has been married to the same woman for 11 years, seems to have a very good relationship with both his wife and his kids, and posts the occasional photo of he and his family that..looks like what you'd think a robot with a human wife and three kids would look like on vacation, complete with dorky hats. But Zuck is the cuck.
  18. Musk called someone else a cuck while half his Twitter platform left him to spend time with someone else
  19. He’s calling Zuckerberg a cuck, yet Musk is the one who can’t stay in a relationship, complete with his last one involving the mother of his last couple of kids leaving him as well.
  20. As president of the United States of Trump, Donald grabs women by the A) Intellect B) Abortion C) Pussy, you dumb ass, the f'n pussy. Stop being a beta
  21. Wonder if Elon will respond with a poop emoji. https://www.statesman.com/story/business/technology/2023/07/06/tesla-austin-nhtsa-national-highway-traffic-safety-request-records-full-self-driving-autopilot-beta/70388784007/
  22. Never heard of Boursin. Have fun with your beta soyboy omelettes I guess. I’ll eat like a real man instead.
  23. Some pure-uncut aggy stuff here….lamenting that the cult indoctrination didn’t fully take with the kid, then calling him out as a cuck, while forgetting/ignoring that their beloved Jimbo is actually the same. Flawless.
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