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  1. Have we tried DMing sark to ask him if he’s gonna recruit any DTs
  2. We will get none of it and like it.
  3. A guy I used to work with had a nice Breville semi auto in his office. It made a pretty good cup. I don't remember the brand, but I got this tamper with a force gauge clicker in it back when we had a semi auto. It worked well and took the guess work out of that step, although the freshness of the roast and the grind were the biggest game changers.
  4. Arrived STT about 1. Couple of cocktails and then ferry ride to Tortola. That ferry ride looked like the intro to Victory at Sea and there was vomit. Not from me but I’m not claiming any superpower. It was a rough ride. 45 minute ride took 1:25. All this is hurricane swell coming up from the south/Beryl and, although I’m on the boat in Roadtown, I’m not super excited about what we face tomorrow. Might still be a little sporty.
  5. I was just glad to have two kids go sub 48 this year for my own team. QW is a freak. I am coaching a junior olympian club team right now and a couple of them even wear Bullis gear. Loved watching Syd break the WR again. Remember being there two years ago, front row on the back stretch when she won the World Champ and broke the record previously. Absolutely can't wait to see her and Femke dual it out - my two favorite women t&f athletes. Really hope Mu gets a shot for the 4x4. Rai looking great - love watching him run. And then the 4x1... always crazy. Can't wait.
  6. Schloss has done a good job of retaining all the players we needed to. Is there a player we've lost that we care about? Dee was about the only one.
  7. This. Gavin Newson and Rafeal Warnock it is then. Do it. We'd then likely lose the Senate (probably going to happen anyway), but we'd have better than a punchers chance at the Whitehouse. Having a woman at the top of the ticket doesn't do anything but get out the anti-woman trump vote whipped up like you said. Rafeal Warnock is the best of both worlds when it comes to a VP. Religious and person of color. Mayor Pete would be great as either IMO, but he has the gay. Pete can be State. Make Kamula AG or a Supreme Court Justice. Profit?
  8. I’m feeling uplifted and almost encouraged by .. capitalism*?! We gotta beat China to general/weaponized AI — is buying more NVIDIA our only hope?!
  9. We can just take some back up O line and flip them around plug the gaps. Profit
  10. To monetize EVERY function of government.... like school vouchers, private prisons, toll roads, contract control towers at some airports.... Why have the government do it, when we can have OUR companies do it, while we rake in money.
  11. He's not going to make it with that k rate. Springer was a year younger when he came up and ran a 33% k rate his first year. The next two years he was around 24% and then has been 17-20% the 8 years since except for one "bad" year at 23%. So it's possible to improve the k rate but I think George was an exception to the rule.
  12. The DNC strategy is to keep a few million Trump voters at home in November in a few key states. That's where the resources are being poured. Much as I love my mother from Mexico who taught me early on in life to stay civically engaged. Much as I would love a female President, particularly one of color like my mother and to see my daughter's faces when I tell them we're going to the inauguration. And the "big" idea is to nominate Kamala instead and moronically think they won't drive out every Trump voter who was considering not voting because they'd had enough of his bullshit? It's not fair, but it's reality. I think she's continue a fine legacy and team. But this is not the fucking year to do this kinda stuff. It's not sexism or racism. All that happens is she drives out more Trump voters who may have otherwise stayed home. I didn't invent politics nor the hatred in America's heart. Your party is fucking this whole thing up twelve ways from Tuesday. We can sort this all out in 2032. But we have to last as a nation until then.
  13. So we have maybe 8-9 players over a 30 year stretch? Seems like a fool proof strategy
  14. Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body. How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit.
  15. I hate having to drive to Taco Bell and going through the drive-thru. Give us Taco Bell.
  16. I don't go to bars anymore and we kinda know each other, but I gotta better chance of being drowned by Nicole on Rainey Street than I do being harmed by an undocumented immigrant. There's a dozen of 'em on my street every single day doing the renovation on my neighbor's house and other chorin'. Never got a weird vibe from any of 'em. They driver more politely than my neighbors two doors over who think they're in fucking Formula 1 Meanwhile, on Sunday...ran into an old friend at the SEC kickoff deal. He's a right-wing guy, but usually very pragmatic...not MAGA/Qanon type. Shows me a phone pic of his "new arsenal" in case they replace Biden and Trump loses a rigged election. I tried to slink away, but he asks, "Hey where's your family at, I wanna say hello." And I just smiled and said, "Oh, they're probably getting cookies or something. I'm gonna go check on 'em and probably never talk to you again."
  17. We would have drawn Colombia and they skull fucked us last time up.
  18. I guess with the Schloss buyout and going cheap with Earley maybe they can go big this year as a one off. Bigger picture I think their finances are still in bad shape from Jimbo.
  19. The new CBA introduced a second tax apron that is so punitive that it scared off Steve Ballmer, the richest owner in the league by far, from re-signing Paul George. The era of the super team is effectively over. Unfortunately, teams that draft well are going to be punished by this too. If you happen to draft 3 or more max-type players, your window to win with them is now shorter, you’re going to have to dump somebody before those contracts all inflate and cause you to reach that second tax apron.
  20. Also, Google “real UT map”. I think 4 states say Tennessee. Surrounding states. Any tweet about Texas there is a reply from Tennessee saying “we are the real UT”.
  21. Not so fast my friend, I’ve been killed by illegal immigrants twice this week and a homeless man tried to pick up my house and move it to a public creek. Thankfully he didn’t have any massive hydraulic jacks or a crane or a couple of 18 wheelers, but we have to be careful these days!
  22. But they’ll hear it, right? And that will delay things further. They’ll claim everything they can and it will all get heard. And then if he wins the election he’ll sic the DoJ on everyone prosecuting him along with their spouses and children until he’s let off scot free. Right?
  23. So it's a modified U-23 tournament with 3 players over that age limit allowed. But it's also not a FIFA tournament - so clubs don't have to release players for it, in fact they can restrict them from playing. That brings us to the team we're sending and how UNSERIOUS we are, the US was asking for Jordan Morris. He's 29, but has the knees of an egyptian mummy:
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