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  1. I’m hoping this forum can sort of serve as a support group for all of us that play a little, a lot, or as a primary source of income. I’ll go first. Literally got the band back together for a high school reunion show. Since then we have been traveling around to meet up, drink fancy craft beer, and record (and in that order). When COVID started, we made it our goal to release a song per week until the end of the year. It’s really made the pandemic manageable by giving me some purpose (for myself, not work or family), a form of expression, and a sense of accomplishment. I’ve also been striving to get better at playing and recording, trying to take online lessons and learning new riffs. The song I posted “For the Moment” is our latest and my personal favorite.
  2. We need to make a run at him.
  3. Might be kinda racist. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/30151294/attorney-group-ex-players-fires-back-iowa-hawkeyes
  4. And no this isn’t a hindsight is 20/20 situation. It was pretty obvious. We had them on the ropes. They were not only in shock, but they were spent. They were dead. There’s no way anyone can convince me we wouldn’t have got that 2pt conversion. Kicking the XP just gave them time to reset mentally and regain their focus. We had all the fucking momentum. And I know this is just another thread and nobody gives a fuck, but this one hurts.
  5. About the school. What it stands for. And is willing to stand for the school song after a fucking gut-wrenching loss in the biggest game of the year. Go, Sam. Move on beyond these gutless, entitled pansy teammates that surround you. Fuck them all.
  6. One of their movies may/may not be exploitative of minors. They've taken heat for it and now they done got indicted. https://www.rebelnews.com/netflix_indicted_over_cuties_sexual_exploitation_of_minors
  7. Fuck anyone that says otherwise
  8. Words fail me for what I just witnessed
  9. Here we go!! Drive the ball down and we have a 17 point lead with the 3qtr winding down! New OC and a chance for Tom to show the fan base times are different! outscored 28-3 since that opportunity. same Tom, same shit play calling, same shit defense. fuck cdc if he does nothing or makes excuses for the same bullshit! but we blew out utep!!
  10. When it comes to social justice reform. Scoreboard. Game planning? Technique? Execution against a shit opponent? Not.
  11. For work. Not because he’s crazy. well, maybe for both. http://www.justjared.com/2020/09/23/tom-cruise-is-heading-to-space-in-october-2021-for-new-movie/ It looks like Tom Cruise is officially heading to space! The Space Shuttle Almanac took to Twitter on Monday (September 21) to share a photo of spacecrafts and countries set to launch from in the next three years. Under the October 2021 part, the chart reads “SpaceX Crew Dragon,” with an image of a small space vehicle beside it. Next to the illustration are a list of three names: “SpaceX Pilot Lopez Alegria, Tourist 1 Tom Cruise and Tourist 2 Doug Liman.” The tourist flight also shows a vacant spot for a third visitor. Doug Liman is the director attached to the movie. Back in May, it was announced that Tom had teamed up with Elon Musk and Space X to film as movie in outer space, and NASA confirmed news that talks were happening between them all. As of right now, it is unclear whether the October 2021 is just a preliminary one of Tom and Dougto scope out space for the movie or if they will be filming at that point. You can check out the Space Shuttle Almanac’s tweet here!
  12. My favorite snack these days are baby pickles, or cornichons for the French, or Gherkins for the English. I mean I was always a spear man growing up, damn there is nothing better than some kosher dill baby pickles. Also, if you want to take a shot of vodka, a shot of pickle juice is a great chaser. Also, nothing better for a Bloody Mary than a baby pickle p.s. if you eat sweet pickles, you are a monster
  13. Only the sixth ever to do the former, and the fifth ever to do the latter. Pretty unreal. Oh, and don't worry that it's going to his head: if he ever learns to shoot he will be a champion- multiple times. still a one-of-a-kind player.
  14. Evening, gentlemen. I recently got super high and ordered some of those expensive underpants that have a built-in ballsack. You know the kind. Cradles your boys. I got the ones with the big fucking eagle on the dick, because why not. And they're nice. But I was thinking about it, and I realized I don't really notice the sack bag as much as I thought I would--my nuts just don't seem to sag as much during the day as they do at night.. This, of course, boggled my mind. Maybe my scrote expands at night. Maybe my balls get bigger during the day. I don't know, but it's some laffy taffy shit. I keep waking up because my nuts fall down into my taint, and are inevitably crushed by my legs. I could be imagining this. tl;dr: My chain seems to hang lower at night, and I'm not sure if that's a real thing. Anyway, that's not the point. I know there are some doctors on this troll-infested third-rate ad farm. I'm also certain there are others among us who know their way around a mudflap. I'm far from an expert, because I pound that front bottom. I also don't really know anyone who I can ask honest medical and biological questions about my boys. So can we talk about our balls?
  15. I will be in Section 15 wearing my tailored jersey and Texas hat.
  16. We ain't talkin' bout practice anymore. Upperclassmen-laden team, Heisman candidate QB with a first round LT, frighteningly talented DL and DBs. Time for Herman to nut up and win the the Big XII, make the Playoff, and smash up OU's trailer park. We begin by thrashing the worst team in FBS tomorrow. Hook 'em!
  17. Twitter is full of conspiracy theories surrounding building 7. When clicking on those accounts (out of curiosity), they have the same Q bullshit as well as a bunch of other shit. #AllBuildingsMatter is also trending. It's fucking 9/11, and it should be a day of remembrance for all Americans, regardless of race, political leaning, etc. If 9/11 didn't happen, would we be where we are with the current chaos in this country today or would it have happened regardless?
  18. Post-coitis last evening, the GF is running her fingers through my hair, and says "your hair has more grey, and less hair than it used to have" or some similar bullshit. Mid 50's here. I'm not bald, but yeah, I suppose it's thinning. Any Rogaine bros here?
  19. So, the Lake Travis disaster is over. Today, in San Diego Bay, about 1000 boats are expected to participate in another dotard boat parade. Exactly what the fuck is going on here? People that own boats are "showing their support" for the fat fuck, but what does that accomplish? Is it just a matter of being with other like-minded dipshits? If you really support Trump, wouldn't your time be better spent working a phone bank, or knocking on doors? Taking the 20 or 100 bucks (depending on boat size) that you'll burn in gas and donating to the campaign? Do these people believe that they are going to attract voters by having a boat parade? I don't get the psychology here.
  20. Nice that it was deliberately created and defined in such a way to target Austin. Oh, and it was written by a former Travis County sheriff. I expected this kind of shit from the fucking aggy Ricky Bobby, not from a Longhorn.
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