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  1. I have no doubt Tom Herman is a very very intelligent guy. Why do I not have that doubt? Because he is falling victim to the same trap so many highly highly intelligent people fall victim to. They are always always always playing chess and they are overly certain of their plan. Analyzing things like "well I've said we need to win the game by doing a,b, and c. But today it looks like we could win the game doing d. Will the press and fanbase doubt me because I didn't do it the way I said I would? Will I be viewed as less of a genius because my plan wasn't foolproog? No, No calm down Tom I'm sure the way I had it planned will work .Ok so let's keep doing a,b and c because I KNOW that's how we are going to win." Grinding every little decision like that out over and over and missing the forest for the trees of....just win. Sometimes you need a checkers player who will jump a motherfucker.
  2. we are going to win it now. The Fups are out of the system. I feel Collin with the winner.
  3. We are going to be fine. D looked terrible on first drive but that’s the first drive of the season. They get a pass there. That 65-yard bomb was a terrible pick play coverage that will easily get cleaned up. And if Boyd had held onto the INT, that wouldn’t have happened, and the D really would have looked fairly good for a first game against a not-untalented O in our first game. The O on the last 3 drives looked fine. Sam settling, the line looking better, and the play calling were night and day from the first 4 or so drives. We are going to win this game like 39-31. And then get a lot better en route to 9 wins.
  4. What about the slacks, did you get new slacks. Cause from what i know you need em. and yes sir We are going to win
  5. I was about to ask if this is the Surly version of we are going to win.
  6. Just, you know, so I could say I told you so. I'll leave the reasoning to finer and wordier minds, like CTJ. But bet the house, it's a stone cold lock. OK just one short word on why. The rest of the league is down. TCU, OU, WVU, need I say more? Go look it up. Now, I'm not predicting anything crazy, like an NC. Just a return to the natural order. Look I know you may disagree with this hot take. I'm sorry your mother didn't hug you enough when you were small. I'm sorry your balls never descended. I'm sorry the shadows are so scary and you need Viagra to get a boner. Really I am. But you know, facts and shit. A haiku: Longhorns are the shit. Offense. Defense. Special Teams. We are going to win. Texas today. Texas always. Texas forever. Let's roll. Amen and OU sucks.
  7. I guess I almost look like Col Sander with my white beard. But I wear shots, fllip flops an Burnt Orange T-shirts and I do cook good Chicken but I am best know by my Kool-AID! Oh and UOSUXS and Fuck Chip Brown and WEs are going da WIN!
  8. I know we are going to win cause we have a team of big Johnsons! We haz Gary, we haz Colin, we haz the undiscovered possible diamond of Kirk. When I grew up we had a great drive through call 2-Jays. I want this to be the year of 3-Jays! In Keith Jackson’s voice, “Johnson takes the ball away and sores!” “Johnson just destroyes Clay and forces a, an OU(sux) FUMBLE!” Johnson, yeah another Johnson rips off another long gain for huge yardage!” “First Down! Yeah commitment me now. I love my koolaid too much! Damn I want some of this type of hero football. It was what I was raised on.
  9. We are going to win at least 10 games unless our quarterback room has a complete meltdown. Sam can be a stud if it all works. Cam Rising or Casey may have done just as well as Sam if the roles were reversed. Rising is a big dude with a big arm, and is free from big game losing brain farts. Casey is a Big 12 QB that most of our competitors would have liked to have including, little Lincoln. I am dranking the koolaid. Tope Imade is a big bad mofo that is kicking seniors asses and raising hell. Tre Watson, Johnson and Ingraham breaking ankles and Young showing out like the bowl game. Less than a month. Sign me up.
  10. Yep, Phillip Giegar (true freshman) pulls up there on that punt rush and I'm certain we win. I'm not blaming Phil but jeebus we were going to win that game imo, even with Simms shatting the bed and getting Benson hurt in the process.
  11. Pulled the trigger on season tickets for the first time. I think we are going to win 9 games this year and this is the beginning of us competing for Big XII and National championships again. Wanted to lock in great seats before the demand and donation increases. Fuck the pussies on this thread who don’t want to see games at DKR. Nothing beats or comes close to experiencing a college football game in person - no matter how cheap the beer is or how great your TV is at home. My veneration and love of Tom Herman will be validated this season and I get to see it in person. Hook ‘em.
  12. World Cup 2018: 'This is Harry Maguire's moment' - Rio Ferdinand column Harry Maguire's emergence as an integral part of the England team has been one of the stories of this World Cup, but I am not surprised it has happened for him here in Russia. Sometimes, the penny just drops for a player at a tournament, and it is the right time for you, in the right team. For me, that moment came at the 2002 World Cup. That was when I found my way, and developed a total and clear understanding of my position. It seems like Maguire, a ball-playing defender like me, is doing something similar. I had my reservations about his mobility at this level, because there have been times I have seen him exposed in the Premier League for Leicester. But some people are just made for the slower pace of international football and, on top of that, Maguire is thriving on the kind of football England play. We are a possession-based team now, who look to dictate play and hold on to the ball for long periods. That is completely different to how his club side play, but it gives him the chance to bring the ball out of defence, and he plays a vital role in the way England boss Gareth Southgate has set his side up. I had a frank discussion with Gareth about England's defence before this World Cup, when he laid out what he was trying to do. Gareth told me he did not have two centre-halves who had proved to him they were good enough to play together in a four, so he was going to go with three at the back. He also made it clear about how he wanted to play. He wanted England to set the pace and tempo of every game, and for that to happen he needed defenders whose main attribute is to be good on the ball. They need to be able to defend too, obviously, but they have to be comfortable in possession. The three he has gone with at the back - Maguire, John Stones and Kyle Walker - all fit that template, but they also all offer something a bit different, which gives us a bit of balance that is great to see. Stones will pass it through the lines into the attacking players, Maguire likes to come out with the ball, and Walker can run with it too. Walker has also got the pace to act as cover behind if we lose possession. I was sceptical about playing a full-back there, but it has turned out to be a great thing. What I like is that Gareth has not looked at the negatives of any of his centre-halves, and asked: 'What are they lacking?' Instead it is: 'What are they bringing to my team?' His thinking is, 'well, we are going to have to defend sometimes but, the majority of the time, we are going to have the ball, and I want players who can use it'. That is why Gareth left Chris Smalling out of his squad, and why Gary Cahill has not been starting games, and he has been proved right. He has switched the whole mindset of the defence, in terms of the role they play for the team - we are forward-thinking now, in every position on the pitch. If we had just one defender who could bring the ball out, then England would be easy to stop. The opposition could just sit on him, and stop him playing out from the back. But all three of our defenders are near the top of the rankings at this tournament for passes, passing accuracy and passes per minute, and they all take their turn in their own way. 2018 World Cup (rank) PlayerMost passesPasses per minutePassing accuracy John Stones339 (8th)70.1 (25th)94.2 (2nd) Harry Maguire322 (10th)66.6 (30th)87.3% (33rd) Kyle Walker317 (12th)74.5 (16th)91.8 % (14th) They know their role, individually and collectively, and so does everyone else. It's been a long time since we have been able to say that - probably since the time Glenn Hoddle was in charge - and it means no-one panics when things go wrong. Midfield movement is key to making Southgate's system work The whole point of bringing the ball out of defence is to draw the opposition players out. It's vital when you've got teams that are so well organised like at this World Cup. At previous tournaments, the opposition have been quite happy for us to have the ball, because we did not seem to know what to do with it. Now, we have a plan. If, say, Maguire comes out with the ball then Jordan Henderson drops in behind him There are opposition midfielders marking Jesse Lingard and Dele Alli but, at some point, one of them has to engage Maguire, and he will leave a lot of space behind him. That is the trigger for movement from Lingard or Alli, depending on which side of the pitch Maguire is on. They can find space, and create an overload with one of the full-backs where we have a two-versus-one situation, then suddenly they are free and facing the opposition defence. You need that initial movement, though, to make it work - because you have to give the defender options. You cannot just rely on him being good on the ball - that is not enough on its own. Far too often in my England career, I would look up and have one or maybe two options to pass the ball - or just go long. In this England team, though, our centre-halves have got four or five players to look for. Our full-backs are always looking for the ball, and either Raheem Sterling or Harry Kane are dropping deep too. So at any one time we have got four players in that central area who are looking to get on the ball. We have a gameplan and we are going to stick with it, and we will do the same against Croatia in Wednesday's semi-final as we did in our win over Sweden on Saturday. All the successful sides I played for believed in the system the manager had implemented and this is what I see when I look at England - the players completely trust the way Southgate is asking them to play. Rewards outweigh risks of playing out from the back There are going to be times when a mistake is made, but it's been from England trying to do the right thing. Every time you see someone get in on our goal at this World Cup, it has stemmed from us trying to play. Walker made a mistake on the ball against Colombia. Maguire did it a couple of times in the group games and Stones has been caught out too. But I would never berate them for it, or change the way we are playing because of it. Of course, it might cost us a goal at this World Cup or in the future, but it will lead to us scoring many more than that. This is the way I want to see England play in the future, and the rewards far outweigh the risks. If we go on and win this World Cup then the roof will come off - it will be brilliant. But even if we don't, we will come out of this tournament now with a genuine philosophy of playing and an identity of our own. That is a massive achievement in itself. If I was a young player watching England now, I would be excited. Not just because I think we are going to win this World Cup, but simply because of the way we are playing. Long may it continue.
  13. Yeah, the point is that Xi isn't really following opinion polls. I guarantee you that my reps are keeping track of what soybean farmers and hog producers are feeling. Xi knows that. We aren't going to win a war of attrition because we aren't really going to fight one.
  14. Guest

    Tell Me About Texas a&m

    Where are our wins? Where? Why did you flush those wins down the toilet? I was counting on them! We left the Big XII for this! I knew that we'd lose to them! They would have beaten us! They were all over us! We will always lose! Karen, we were going to win the SEC!!! Why did you do that? No we're nothing like we've always been...
  15. The Longhorn Foundation’s persistence in reaching out to me caused me to finally pull the trigger on a sweet pair of seats in one of the club sections. This is the first time I’ve had UT season tickets since I was in law school. My thought process was that I think we are going to win 9 games this season and we will be back competing for conference and national championships the following year so I wanted to lock in my donation now. Who else here has taken the plunge?
  16. Never been more confident in anything sports related after we stopped them on 4th down that we were going to win.
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