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  1. This has been rehashed a million times, but the Falcons have effectively given Cousin's a 2 year deal they can (relatively) affordably cut and walk away from in 2026. In effect, they've elected to try and bring in a veteran while they have their core rookies on value bargain deals and hope they can put a run together. The weakness in their division (the Panthers are quickly becoming the most poorly run franchise in the league, the Saints are grasping at straws with an aging core and Derek Carr, and the Bucs are meh) suggests that it's a pretty sound strategy, assuming Cousin's Achilles holds up. It's pricey, but a better option than hoping Desmond Ritter is going to stop being ass or that the 8 pick is going to net them a qb that will get them to the promised land while the core of the team is still cheap. This and the weird Steelers situation are just further examples of teams trying to figure out how to win with talented core's while not attaching themselves to a QB who is going to bankrupt the talent pool of the team. We are likely to see more, not less, creative QB solutions in the future.
  2. This? The war is going swimmingly for Hamas and Iran: - Israel’s normalization paths with other Arab states are on ice - Iran and its proxies are emboldened to launch strikes at American targets and disrupt shipping - World opinion shifted in a big way against Israel and its friends, disrupting what we can do on other fronts - We have a whole fucking CSG tied down wasting munitions on the gotdam Houthis - An entire generation of Palestinians and Israelis will never be able to even make an overture at serious peace and reconciliation talk - Not to go full CR, but what IF the presidency comes down to the wire and the Michigan Arab-American vote loses it for Biden? These dipshits basically tilted the course of U.S. history in a big way I can’t emphasize enough that “winning” would be terrible for Hamas. Killing half the country and destroying every building is much better. Peace and calm leaves little use for a terrorist government that can’t do anything, the latter is actually the optimum environment for them. Truly intolerable that the global hegemon is so entwined in this squalid quarrel. We really need to tell everyone that we are done except for leveling any shithead that dares strike a ship. With dumb bombs and not the expensive stuff.
  3. Alright, I have thoughts. Just got back from the Long Beach tournament. CSB - After the win vs Nebraska, I ran into Coach Metzger. I'm one of those people who assumes famous/public figure types aren't interested in shooting the breeze with the plebs, so on the rare case I do engage, I'm careful to be quick. I was just going to say hi and congrats on his first dual win, and let him continue on his way. He stopped me for a few mins to talk - was interested in my ties to UT and the beach team, we talked AVP a bit, I told him how exciting it was to have him and Coach Akers on campus. We went our separate ways. [a few hrs later] After their last match concluded Sat, I was watching one of the other matches going on. Coach walks by, we make eye contact, and we do the mutual head nod. He takes a few steps past me, stops, walks back to me and asks "What did you think about the team's performance today?" So you have an Olympian and an American beach volleyball great asking me, a guy who's skins on the wall include a few BB level bar league titles and the occasional 0.500 season at A level, what I thought. We talked a bit about the pairing changes, the struggles on the first court, the late start to the season, etc. I apologize to this forum for missing the opportunity to send him the link to this thread for all the answers. I take the blame for any future losses. Either way it was a cool experience - I'm not a parent of one of the girls; I'm not a BMD; I'm not a high school or club coach with a hotshot recruit. Just a UT grad who loves beach volleyball and traveled out to see the team play and he took the time to engage. Also got to speak briefly to Coach Akers. Looking forward to seeing what those two can build at UT. On to my thoughts: The bad news: We're young and starting the season a few wks later than most teams. So many signs of youth and limited chemistry: Too many marriage balls / balls falling between the girls on serve receive due to miscommunication Simple defenses. We're line blocking almost exclusively - at least in the matches I saw. On Sat, a few teams started mixing things up. You usually keep it simple when 1) you're not confident your defender will read and react to blocking calls correctly or 2) the game is moving too fast and you don't have the ability to process everything going on in addition to identifying opponents' patterns that you can exploit via defensive calls. The few times I saw us try angle or show blocks, maybe 1/3 of the time it was executed well and 2/3 they were late or out of position. I wish we'd be more aggressive (but smart) on sending free balls. There's a difference between floating an easy ball that they'll return in system at a 99% clip and a ball you purposely drop in between them, drop within 5', or push to the back line where you might cause some issues 10% of the time. The set is to 21, but it's usually one or two points that lead to a win or loss. I don't see a clear #1 on this team We're weak at the #1 and #5 spots. That means you need to sweep 2-4 to win a dual. It's like our team is out of tweener casting. Everyone is 5'9" - 5'11" aside from Robertson at 6'1" and Devin. Makes for good split blocking and defender reach, but not much in the way of blocking intimidation on this roster. It would have been nice to put some of them behind Molly as a true blocker. Those uniforms… I still don't like the big white stripe on the back. And I could go on about the Macho Man glasses everyone seems to be wearing the past few years. I don't get it. The good news: This team with mostly beach players is night and day from last year. Aside from Madi, Molly, and maybe one or two others last year, this team is way more fluid on the sand, quicker to get down and up, and more well rounded skill-wise to play beach. No more littles who can't side out or bigs who are a huge liability in serve receive and setting… Ok, "no more" is too strong, but we're in much better shape. There are still some lopsided scores, but I didn't see anyone that looked unnatural on the sand like we saw last year. It seems like the coaches are teaching the girls how to scout opponents in these tournament environments. The girls are still young and there's an element of seriousness/business that will have to be built to reap benefits from that studying. It seems snack time can occasionally take priority over scouting… but I noticed similar from some of the LBSU girls who are very good. Keep forgetting many of them are still teens. Depending on the lineups, we can put together very competitive teams in the 2-4 spots Hashman and McClockey have some pretty mean serving when dialed in. Not tallying a bunch of aces, but can put the opponent in a bind. Wright/Ogden and Butler/McCloskey are fun duos to watch. Lots of live arms and Wright seems to have some fight/grit/spunk to her I didn't see the notes about the scores being messed up until too late. I hate trying to read my phone in the bright sun. If memory serves, the had issues keeping the teams straight at this tournament last year too. It looked like they had extra players and LBSU communications majors running the scoring. Who's going to be at TCU?
  4. Lisa Petersen mentions we had to go through 3 tournament teams to win the Big 12 title and that mattered a lot
  5. Why dont we just go win them all? It is only 6 straight games, I am sure we did that at least one time this season... checks notes... nope
  6. 4-0 win over UCF today. Zeynalova hasn't played in 4 matches, and #1 OKST is up next. If she can't go against OKST, we don't have a realistic chance to win that one.
  7. And simply letting kids have more individual style ain’t winning shit. CDC is a smart mother fucker. He’s going to right the ship, frankly I hope we just rip it off this year and get on with it. we get our house in order it’s LSU and Texas at the top of the SEC for a long time. The mystique of Texas will return. This isn’t rocket science but it isn’t as easy as printing names on their jersey and letting them flash bling. DP needs to go and Longhorn nation especially admin and mlb alumni need to step up.
  8. This is it. The instruction and reps is massively increased and better than when I was a kid. It’s also brings about more depth and competition to more teams. And you can’t leave them on the field all day to outwork your opponents either. People here struggle to understand baseball as it is today. Kids are repping the hell out of it like never before. They have technology and infinitely better training backing the hitting. But the smaller strike zone is big too. You see it on occasion with that wide strike call. Totally screws with the hitter. One it’s a bogus strike and two it screws with the head and opens up chasing pitches. The staff has taken a step back, but the biggest issue is Witt. Is that Pierces fault this far removed from his surgery? What about Duplantier? He came on strong but has not returned to that level. I have a question there. You jackwagons are too willing to give up on guys and talk yourself into shit you want to believe. If the skills are there, you have to allow a player to work through those issues. That doesn’t mean they start every game, that doesn’t mean the leash is infinitely long, but baseball at every level since the beginning of time has ups and downs and fits of streaks. More than any sport. Wake had the great staff last year. It didn’t get them a title or a CWS finals appearance. I was thinking they lost a top pitcher to the portal this year. One of Tennessee’s biggest arms last year was relegated to the pen but had some nice post season moments. Hit the portal. In the end, Skenes had the biggest performance of the year for LSU. Top MLB draft pick. LSU bought right. It’s frustrating to play like this. But we could have skipped the opening tourney and notched 3 more wins. Our RPI and SOS entering this weekend were pretty strong. Everything for this team is on the table. Witt needs to progress. LBJ needs to go deeper in games. Hurley needs to not be given up on. There’s nothing wrong with a bullpen guy starting game 3 then Hurley taking you 5/6. That’s where he was best last year. There’s quite a bit of ability in the lineup. We will see about the consistency and growth. Belyeu and Flores have trended up this year. Thomas has started strong. You need to win games like yesterday at a very high clip. I’m still on the limit of this team is likely on LBJ, Witt and Hurley. To do what they’ve done in their individual pasts. Perhaps even improve over that since they’ve got a years maturity.
  9. 18 games in and we are 10-8. Okie Lite is 11-8 with an early season win over Arkansas. It won't be long, and these guys are gonna jump over us in the poll. If we as a team are going to get serious about winning, we'll need to get serious about coaching, NIL, recruiting, and everything else. Kids don't come here simply "because" anymore. Without looking back in the thread somebody commented about LSU, Vandy, and Florida breathing the same air as we do. We may have had a stranglehold on the CWS for decades, but those days are over. Someone is going to wake up and smell the coffee soon. Who will it be...CDC or DP? If I were shopping for a new coach, I'd be making goo-goo eyes with Gary Gilmore or Mitch Canham. Coastal Carolina and OSU aren't premier baseball talent destinations, but these guys are getting more done with less talent. They must be doing something right.
  10. hitting is gonna have off nights. pitching and defense(especially D) are supposed to be the bedrock. this is they way winning baseball go if you don't count the LSU gorilla ball 90's. yes we could hit better but we also scored 10 and 5 in losses. portal and NIL is going to make it that much harder to develop high school prospects. you better have a coach and program that kids are going to question if they want to leave. It is strange, Pierce has made 3 CWS but we never really have dominated save 2021. I want to believe he's the guy but man we have had some rough starts and pitching seems to always be pretty good but not great. I just don't trust he can get us there.
  11. Oh I know if they can feasibly do it, they will. I just don’t think they’ll be able to this time. Maybe if we don’t blow the KSU game and get bumped to a 7, they use aggy‘s UK win to bump them to 10 and get it going. But we fucked it up
  12. This is the first game I'm actually nervous about in a long while. I have walked into every game since basically the allstar game believing we would win. guess that's what made the (few, at the time) losses hard pills. but now I actually have doubt about whether we're as good as we should be. hope they shut up that Doubty McDoubterson tonight and also don't dishonor Mo anyone going to the ceremony? post pics!
  13. we got our asses kicked by a crappy ttu team in round 1 of the 2003 league tourney, and had we not run in to that freak of nature Melo i’m certain we still could have won the whole thing. i’ve always viewed it as a nice momentum thing if you win it, but i’ve never cared too much about losing early either. a shitty performance will irk me on the day, but losing early mostly just lets me breathe a sigh of relief that we weren’t going to lose a disu or an abmas to injury in what is a mostly meaningless game/series of games.
  14. Dallas' regular season record was 12-5. Even if you want to include the postseason disaster, that's still 12 wins and a 67% win-rate "without a proper running game" for Dak and the Cowboys, which is the point I was making. Dak isn't an elite QB. I don't think he should be resigned for $50MM--$60MM/yr or whatever amount they are throwing around. But no QB is going to return Dallas to the promised land with the current leadership. The issue starts are the top, from owner and managers to coaches. Until that changes, we Cowboys fans will continue to have lots of free time in January.
  15. I’ll disagree that it’s not important as pro-Palestinian groups and government actors including even Biden are using them like they are official to make a point and win hearts and minds. Still we agree that a single civilian death is too many but that is war. When Gaza voted Hamas into power it was never going to end peacefully. I don’t like or condone Israel’s actions nor the US funding them. I can keep these thoughts in my head while also acknowledging that Hamas is making this as deadly and painful as possible for everyone intentionally and we should not reward that tactic as it will only lead to more pain and suffering. It’s a giant shit sandwich, and we’re going to eat it one way or another.
  16. yeah i wanted him to replace shaka since before we’d even played them and blown that huge lead in embarrassing fashion in the tourney. his style of play is so fun to watch and he’s a renowned talent developer. but this situation at arkansas has defintely given me pause. really weird dynamic going on up there in fayattenam. plus he isn’t everyone’s cup of tea with his energy and animated nature. but people tend to get over that when you win, and i’m sure people here would have too had we hired him 3-4 years ago.
  17. csb/ As a kid at Wrigley or watching at home on WGN, I used to wonder why Harry would 'disappear' for the middle 3 innings of each game and usually Dwayne Staats or somebody else would come on with Stoney. I figured it was because Harry was old. But he was just in his late 60's which isn't that old for a baseball broadcaster. One game, my dad says I'm old enough to go get my own hot dog and soda by myself. So I'm walking up the ramp and in the mezz level during the bottom of the 6th, this door to this little windowless room opens. And it's Harry coming out, and there's about 6-8 empty Budweiser beer cups at this little table with a folding chair and TV. That was his green room. That's what he did during those innings. In 2008, can't remember our opponent in Regionals at Disch-Falk (to tie it back to Texas baseball). I'm sitting under a tree with a guy who used to post on HF & Shaggy. And I'm telling him about growing up listening to Harry and how it's been 10 years since he died. And out of the corner of my eye, one of my favorite Cubs and Longhorns is walking towards us. Keith Moreland (I think he was doing 1300 at the time, maybe LHN color, dunno). Anyway, turns out my buddy used to date his daughter in college or after college (he was married to another woman at the time). But Keith walks up and says, "You guys talking about Harry?" And he knew my friend obviously from when he was banging his daughter. But I tell him I musta seen him play at Wrigley 50 times as a kid. I was actually headed back to Chicago a few weeks later for a guy I grew up with there and Keith gives me his info and says he'll hook us up with tickets. And he tells me a great story about some fundraiser in the mid 80's he did with Harry. And then they go out afterwards with Bob Dernier and got cut-off at a bar on the North Side, which is not easy to do in Chicago. He had a couple of other doozies about Harry that I can't remember, but Keith was so genuinely happy to reminisce about Harry. Usually players find the broadcasters annoying or just somebody to deal with to get on to the next thing, but all the Cubs players I ever met loved Harry. I bet many Longhorn players feel the same way about Moreland and Craig Way. A few times a year, I pull up that Budweiser video "For You, Harry" when the Cubs finally won the Series a few years back. Gives me the chills the way Craig Way called the winning moments in Omaha for us over the years. There are some guys who love the team. There are some guys who love the game. And then there are the select few that love both and actually know what they're talking about and you can hear it in their voice. May we hear that again one day soon in Craig's in a little place called Omaha.
  18. was there too! buddy has season tix and invited me. first game this season. apparently before I arrived we were in a bit of a dive. glad I could help. and yet we're tied for first in the central. I'll take shitty save % as long as we keep winning. I'm not worried about the goaltending come playoffs. we're still working in new players and have reinforcements coming. I think the GAA will go down as the season closes and will get tight come playoffs. but, we shall see!
  19. Big time. Next year is going to be painful to watch. Don’t really see how we finish with a winning record
  20. And then a little more. I'm so glad we kept this shit-stain out of the Rose Bowl. And if we're going to be delusional assholes, I'd prefer to think his one Sper Bowl win was a false flag operation. He's gone from an exceptional quarterback to a complete jackass. His smug self-regard is so immense and so impervious to reality that it could be a renewable energy source. Stick a plug in his ass and let him light New York for a week.
  21. Like I Said earlier as long as we don’t go ice cold we will win and here we are.
  22. Up 10. Don’t care how we win today just win with no injuries and get to tomorrow ready to go.
  23. Draw is tomorrow. Madrid Atléti Bayern Barça Dortmund PSG Shitty and The Arsenal. None will be easy; none we can’t win. This is where we want to be, boys. Lets. Fucking Go.
  24. “It’s whoever wants to pay the most money, raise the most money, buy the best players, is going to have the best opportunity to win,” Saban said. “I don’t think that’s the spirit of college athletics. I don’t think that’s ever been the spirit of what we want college athletics to be.
  25. He’s a cheater. Always has been. That inherently makes him a hypocrite. He’s just doing the predictable shit we said he would when NIL opened up. The game got more fierce and he didn’t have the financial wherewithal to continue winning a game that was now open. So he quit and begged everyone to help him figure out some way to out the toothpaste back in the tube. You can shill for him all you like, but it’s going to fall on deaf ears. Fuck that guy and everything he represents.
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