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  1. He's a beta of one of the San Diego news teams after his leader delivers a zinger before the rumble. His suit is from the toilet store.
  2. I thought the finale was good and it was true to the overall show. I could’ve done with a little less of the back and forth with Shiv in this episode, but it did serve the purpose of allowing them to have a brief moment of fake happiness before blowing it all apart. Each of the Roy siblings was terrible in their own way, and none of them would be good at the CEO position. It’s a fitting ending that none of them would get the thing they wanted the most, especially Kendall who has felt entitled to it from the very first episode. I like that Tom ended up CEO, mainly because he was always treated like a second class citizen by the Roy family and he’s the only one still involved in their business, even if he’s just a puppet for Matsson. Tom has always been slightly less terrible in my book, due to him being an outsider who did something to make a name for himself, rather than assuming the world was his birthright. I think he’s a little more competent for his role in the company, but it’s obviously not why he was chosen in the end. Not sure how to interpret Shiv and Tom’s relationship in the end. On the one hand, you could say he’s a cuck of the highest order, listening to Matsson say he wants to fuck Shiv and still going along with it without protest. On the other hand, I think Tom has considered their dead for some time and it’s purely business for him moving forward. In the past, he seemed to always welcome Shiv back, and when she asked him about the prospect of a real relationship, his answer was “I honestly don’t know.” If there are any winners in all of this, it would be Gerri, Frank, and Karl. They got what they wanted and can ride off into the sunset.
  3. Such a great show. Even during the “meal fit for a king scene” I was anxious that Ken would have an allergic reaction and die. I’d say it largely end on a high note, and it needed to end when it did. I doubt many of us would want to stick around for a season of Matsson cucking Tom.
  4. It still amazes me. George Pee Bush's claim of validation is when Trump complimented him at the insulting expense of his entire family. He even made a koozie depicting the entire exchange, as we know. And these are the people who use the word "cuck" and "snowflake." Standing silent and idle while Trump insults your family has become somewhat of a GOP rite of passage. Trump's endorsement comes in the form of disparaging your father or your wife. And they line up for it. "Mr. President, we'd be really appreciative if you could find the time to call my father a useless piece of shit. Thank you in advance." These people are fascinating.
  5. If there was an express bus that picked up downtown and maybe stopped one more time (Riverside or East Side) and then straight to the airport and I mean...right in front of the terminal with some sorta priority access...I'd do it in a fucking heartbeat. To leave work and go with maybe a 25-minute ride considering bus lanes. But nope, why in the fucking wide world of sports would CapMetro ever consider beta-testing that when we could just sell voters a bag of bullshit costing tens of billions without achieving the same goal?
  6. I don't call other dudes 'cucks', you do you. Also, I was around for all 82 this season. Take the rest of tonight off.
  7. Y'all are arguing with a guy that has now used the word 'cuck' twice, & thought Jamie's play was a 2-minute minor.
  8. Take a breath. When has Benn ever bowed out like a cuck? If anything he fucking loses it at times (see tonight). If he didn't answer questions tonight who fucking cares, he played what, one shift? What the fuck was he going to contribute about tonight's loss? Who's going to rip him to shreds tomorrow? Subban? Cool. DeBoers needs to put the team from games 1 and 2 back out there and move forward and work on the breakout during tomorrow's practice. Top line needs to put up points, another d-man needs to elevate their game past 3rd line, Miro can't carry the backend for 4 straight wins.
  9. I believe they nerfed Necro quite a bit from the previous beta. I think they are undoing some of those nerfs. I think it also depends what build you make. I made a frost sorc and it didn't feel great. But I heard pretty good things about fire and lightning builds. For comparison on the Necro I did a corpse explosion build and chose some talents that let me create corpses from one of the starting channeled abilities. I had a blast.
  10. Man, they're already breaking out the classics: "The good Russians said 'fuck it!' We do our own special military operation. From 3 days to Kyiv...to 3 days to Moscow! They already gain more square kilometers of soil than those Wagner cucks in 10 months!"
  11. They sell shitty beer to racists and homophobes. They should have known that adding diversity into their advertising wouldn't have actually added any new customers but would lose so of their old customers. As long as they make shitty beer, they won't be increasing their sales to younger generations who actually want something that tastes good. They should have continued their ads using attractive women and "manliness" airing right after ads for boner pills so that they could keep their customer base--fat, racists, homophobic, impotent cucks with no taste.
  12. Played for the first time during their final beta test this past weekend. Didnt enjoy the necro as much as I thought I would but thoroughly enjoyed the sorcerer so that will be my first character. Chain lightning with fireball enchantment is pretty fucking awesome. Will be running a lightning build. My brother is going Druid.
  13. Brothahorn is a cuck in the sense that he's part of a relationship where his partner doesn't respect him.
  14. Well they tried to do two drive-thru lanes but the variance just wasn't in the physical realm of possibility. I'm hearing the idea is to have slots where runners can take out orders to both delivery service drivers and private patrons alike. And also, have a quick way to pull in, jump out, grab your kiosk pre-paid deal, and be on your way. But yeah, the actual proper drive-thru is gonna be S.O.P. Which means for What-a-Burger the line starts at 360 and goes all the way down Walsh-Tarlton unfortunately. Again, this is a literal beta test for the franchise and real estate folks. So it's gonna be a shitshow for awhile. I'm sure the crew cab, long bed pickups with 30' trailers having a lunch break and a dump will make things infinitely easier. But those guys gotta eat, so more power to 'em. I think you'll see, within just weeks, people parking over by modern market 'n shit and just walking over to grab their order. Thank god Chase Bank put a half million into the renovation at the other corner since I've seen a grand total of zero people walking in/out since the project was delivered.
  15. I would have had a smidgen of respect for elmo if he showed up to meet Macron, who's a huge twat, dressed like his usual clown self. But to put on a suit and tie and then go all beta by apologizing to Macron for looking out of sorts is just so weak and lame. It's on the same level as previous elmo power moves like telling the engineering staff to print out all the code they've written so he could review it. He's out of his freakin' mind. Whatever drugs he's on, they've deep fried his brain.
  16. welp, i remember not to long ago, the league that is the source of your angst, spread it's legs for you and miami, and, welp, the way things have shaken out, you could have locked down the state of florida, brought along gatech and clemson, and who knows who else from the acc, and you would be making 2x what you're going to bring in for the rest of the decade but NOOOOOOOOOO your cigars were fascinated with their big dicks and their SITTING NATTY CORCH just like usc+ucla+az+azstate in a pac south with UT, tech, oSu & 0u, oh what could have been but NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you wouldn't have it and now here you are cucking Central Fucking Florida and it's just not acceptable to you! number of fucks given by disney, the largest employer in your state: ZERO POINT ZERO
  17. Sure they are producing more hence the dog shit quality but at least they are doing price cuts now so the Tesla owners are getting completely cucked.
  18. "Ah've go no tahm fo-ah betas, suh. Keepin' a lookout fo-ah that looonghorn. " "I bet he's scared of me and admiring my traditions and code of honor. I wish they'd let me bite Blaggies. Gonna run again if Varsity comes looking for us."
  19. And for just $5,000 more, we will unlock the grooves in your tires so that you can drive in the rain! Elon says that once it’s out of beta and we work the kinks out, we may even allow all CyberTruck to have a free month of being able to drive in the rain.
  20. He thinks he is an alpha, but in reality he is the ultimate beta. The very definition of a snowflake.
  21. troph


    I have some flannel and I'm more of the F350 type lezzie who owns exactly one pair of heels and thinks a collection of open toed shoes means flip flops and multiple styles of birkenstocks. Subaru's are no longer lesbian cars, they are now for beta cuck hipster with well trimmed beards to show how manly and woke (at the same time) they are.
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