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  1. This is in part true. And now that he's gone, I can say this---there was something uniquely cunty about Tucker Carlson. Guys like O'Reilly and Beck are racist, misogynist, anti-queer assholes. They hate the black, the poor, the gay, the foreign, and puppies. But their schtick was predictable. And I think deep down, they were at least pro-America (twisted though it may be) Reagan-acolytes. And they were at least transparent enough to say, "This is me, this is an issue, this is what me thinks of issue." Tucker had two unique attributes. He was clever in that he realized that a man with a middle school picture day haircut and vocal fry, could tap into the darkest places in the Fox audience with deft coyness. His whole routine of just asking questions and finishing every controversial statement with the intonation of a junior high girl from Dallas was a stroke of genius. He became a McGuffin, he was the Hunter Biden's laptop of news personalities. By delivering his sick message with the cadence and interrogative positing he did, he was able to let the Fox audience project onto him their worst thoughts and fears and he volleyed it back to them with less force so they felt warmer and more at home with their hate-filled thoughts and concerns. I've never seen/heard anything like it. It will be emulated and parroted, but never matched. Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes, Steve Bannon, even Sean Hannity...they can't do what Tucker did. They are beta males who have to try and assert themselves on top of the message to gain positioning. And it works, but only to a certain extent. They are still the message. Tucker's unique approach was he slides in alongside the message as not so much the messenger, but the guy who glides smoothly over next to you on the sofa and asks what you think of all this madness in the world while patting your knee or shoulder and offering a cup of tea. And his second great difference is that Tucker was very clearly to anybody but his most demented followers, a propagandist in the Anti-American sense. He took another gambit after Biden took office and Russia invaded Ukraine that he could drum up enough anti-aid-to-Ukraine fervor in this country to usurp the BIden administration. He became a Russian puppet, even more than Trump, and thought it was a tack worth taking. After the election fraud bullshit, which he knew was bullshit, ran outta steam, the next move was Hunter Biden's laptop and that doesn't seem to have legs after six fucking years. So the next move was "Biden is selling out America to help Ukraine" and it played okay with the base but it never got big traction with the mainstream GOP and centre-right/centre-left bloc of Americans. But had he kept at it, who knows? May have put larger dents in Biden's armor leading up to 2024. I think he would have more progress towards the goal but for the fact he's a sexual predator who cost his company $800mm. Shit like that...boss ain't gonna bankroll your little pet project anymore. When you're taking a shit at work or at lunch, call 512-463-0001. Lt. Gov. Patrick's office. Don't say "Voter" and don't say "donor", say "Supporter." You're a supporter of the Lt. Gov. and you want to encourage him to take over Tucker Carlson's spot on FoxNews. It just needs to get enough rumor inertia on social media and around the Capitol to undermine him in the 2023 legislative session /noCR.....but he is from broadcasting by trade.
  2. i don't know when maxim was founded and i'll take your word for it that it exists for photographing near naked women for men who want to objectify them. My theory is that something has changed since its inception that has made "subscription near-porn delivered by mail" a poor business model while at the same time making it possible to monetize outrage clicks from easily triggered beta cucks.
  3. The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a reply that was way too good to keep to herself. The tech support people's love advice was hilarious and genius! The query: Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as: NBA 5.0, NFL 3.0 and Golf Clubs 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and House cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed: Desperate The response (that came weeks later out of the blue)… Dear Desperate, First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System. Please enter command: I thought you loved me.html and try to download Tears 6.2. Do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember, overuse of the Tears application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download Snoring Loudly Beta version. Whatever you do, DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Mother-In-Law 1.0 as it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources. In addition, please do not attempt to re-install the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0. Good Luck Tech Support
  4. All the “never play a tough OOC game again” folks are bringing some serious beta energy to the thread.
  5. Last week's episode had some entertaining fights. Here' the card for tonight: Starchild v Huge should be some comedy. Will Huge actually launch a bot into the air? Triton v Horizon ... I mean... lulz... Bloodsport v Beta might be interesting if Beta uses their amazing wedge. Bloodsport used a blade that gave them some reach in their last fight. Will they break Beta's hammer? Black Dragon v Riptide will get all the hype. Similar design for the bots so I expect this fight will be determined by driving skill.
  6. If it is, I see why she cheats on him because he's a total cuck.
  7. You didn’t even get to slay the pussy, just had to clean up after. Beta cuck.
  8. Pretty sure this is headed to the big reveal that Harlan is a cuck and Clarence has been fucking his wife in front of him for years. While dressed as Hitler. While Ginny ate. And ate. And ate. And ate.
  9. Obtaining a bye and getting an extra week of rest after a long season is more than enough reason to want to win the conference. No one remembers regular season champions in basketball but everyone celebrates the conference tourney champion. In conclusion, eat shit with your beta cuck attitude.
  10. This has been a pretty revealing episode for how the media - yes, even the "liberal" ones - carries water for Wall St. and capital. Both the NY Times and the LA Times ran pieces with the following headlines in the immediate wake of the stabbing: Stabbing of Cash App Creator Raises Alarm, and Claims of ‘Lawless’ San Francisco Cash App founder killed in San Francisco stabbing, reigniting concerns over violent crime San Francisco is not IN THE TOP 25 cities when it comes to violent crime. Given the headlines though, one wonders how they reached this conclusion that SF is consumed with violence and that fear is reflected in their citizens? The LA Times quoted 2 tech executives - Elon Musk and MobilCoin CEO Joshua Goldbard. That was it. That was their basis to support the headline above. The NY Times quotes 3 people to support their "claims of 'lawless San Francisco." They are: Elon Musk, Matt Ocko (tech entrepreneur and venture capitalist in Palo Alto, Calif). and Roy Bahat (head of the venture firm Bloomberg Beta) Is that good journalism? To amplify obvious political talking points from billionaires as representative of a city? TechBros, heal thyselves
  11. Not really, as there are a lot of shooters who have experienced problems with several models after their introduction, the LCP included. My brother watched his friend’s early LCP slide fly downrange after the retention pin had “walked out” of the frame. Lol - pretty startling to say the least. The early Mini14s have a rep for inaccuracy because of the lightweight barrel “vibrating” when it gets hot after extensive firing. Like many manufacturers, they rush products to market too soon without old time quality controls and seem to rely on beta testing by the consumer. Bean counters have affected a lot of reputations that way. That’s why I wait a year or two after introduction until Ruger gets most of the bugs worked out before purchasing a particular model. I have bought about two dozen Rugers (revolvers, semi auto rifles, pistols, single actions) since 1959 and have actually come across one with a problem that will require a trip back to the factory to be corrected. That one is a 2nd generation LCP .380 that will not seat the magazine at all, empty or loaded. I had bought it new for $170 several years ago, never test fired it, and gave it to my granddaughter for Christmas last year. She brought it back to me last week so I can send it in to have Ruger put in a new magazine catch. Both my brothers own numerous Rugers, among other brands, and have not had any problems with them. Maybe we are just lucky.
  12. These are all really good ideas but nothing is going to change until there is a shift at the top and sadly don't think Hot Wheels, or the man who is really stopping most of these things from happening Lt Dan are going anywhere anytime soon. Wheels might try to run for El Prez again but don't see his peen measuring contest with the Florida Meatball or Trump going very well and highly doubtful he wins so will keep rolling around Texas. Lt Dan is more interesting in that I think he wants Wheels job but won't actually challenge him straight up for it because he is a cuck. Until the Lt Dan shaped roadblock is removed in the Texas Senate don't see any sort of positive movement on these state wide issues such as gambling, marijuana, medicaid, any sniff of common sense firearms restrictions, school funding formula, etc. Eventually there will be enough of the olds and rural folk (sorry to resident blue hairs and country bumpkins) being removed from the voter rolls (6 feet under) that the state-wide races will flip and give more state-wide control back to the cities and population centers despite voter suppression efforts in said areas, but flipping individual representatives/senators and local officials will take longer. Just hope by the time these things start to occur and give more encouragement for some more rational voters to show up regularly and vote that it isn't too late. TL;DR: Fuck Abbott and Lt Dan
  13. we beta tested some of those tractors like 15 years ago with Volvo. Fucking battery took up 1/3rd of the trailer size making the economics of a full load, let alone an LTL, completely backwards. But with storage and compression, they're about 1-2 years away from mass production and deployment. Gonna be really cool for the road, noise, and the environment. They still need to work on the braking system, but that's a much easier tweak than shrinking a 6000 pound battery down. We got approached during Covid to beta-test autonomous caravan kingpins. Like 3 in a row that follow each other just a couple feet apart. Technology works like a charm. We could have done it ten years ago. Trouble is the difference between entry/exit ramps on highways in the north versus the south. Up north we had cloverleaf ramps, or extended straight-veer ingress/egress. Because of the cold. Texas and the South, we build elevated to save on real estate and it only freezes a couple times a year. Problem is those angles were not designed for 250 linear feet of straight trucks in unison taking an entry or turn off. They're gonna be glorious going up and down IH-35 from Laredo to Duluth. Big problem though when they need to actually get off the highway together.
  14. I wish. I can't swing my property tax bill and private school tuition. Thankfully, it's a great district because of the teachers & Staff. But the attrition is insane due to cost of living and crazy-ass parents. I'm a complete asshole on here, but in real life, I actually do give a shit about the people that need helping. I've served on our strategic planning committee, bond committee, I do crossing guard duty once a week, clean up the campus once every 9-week period, all the carnivals and field days---as I suspect many of you dads do. The one thing I'm super proud of though is something I hope will be replicated around the state. Teachers shouldn't have to drive a fucking hour to get to their campus. We all grew up in neighborhoods where the teachers and coaches lived around us and were a part of our community, not just our classroom. But our district is too expensive for most of our teachers & staff. And there's no room to put any more multi-family product. So I spent two years negotiating with multi-family owners around the area to give over a few units in each complex to our non-profit foundation to master-lease at 30% below FMV. We then match teachers either based on tenure or recruiting to units (1 or 2 BR based on family size), they get at least a marked discount off of rent and get to live within 20 minutes of their campus and become a part of the community instead of coming in from Seguin or Belton or Elgin. They're happier and more rested when first bell happens. We are going to use this beta test to then justify the last strip of land the district owns out near Bee Cave to develop an 80-100 unit multi-family complex for teachers and staff, perhaps leaving 20 units to rent at/above FMV to offset costs. While my property taxes are being thrown at buying hotels that no homeless people want to live in, I'm actually getting some shit done for people who need help. I can't change our fucked up school funding model, so I'm gonna help the people who take it on the chin because of it. You can't live anywhere near our school district on $55,000/year so I'm gonna fix that for at least a few dozen folks. From the Capitol to City Hall of Austin, morons all.
  15. The entire goddamn world is your urinal. Beta cuck.
  16. Something I totally forgot to mention the first week of beta. I ran into The Butcher randomly in a dungeon. I guess he has a chance to appear in dungeons. Yes he absolutely annihilated me.
  17. This guy's literally doing his PAC10 update from a hotel room while on vacation with his parents. I'm pretty sure that after the podcast he's got to go sit in the cuck chair while his GF gets some BBC.
  18. Probably getting cucked by the guy on the left. Jimbo vibes. Would not hire.
  19. Lulz at all this “who’s your NL team” beta energy nonsense. My heart only beats for one team, forever & always. It’s opening day time fools
  20. When the Aggies went apeshit over Seattle using "The 12th Man" as a label for their fans, one of the reasons the Aggies said that it had to be done was that unchallenged use of proprietary stuff could lead to losing your trademark. Their case was an embarrassment to them and a field day for @Randolph Duke (Come in, Randy, come in. Over?...Calling Randy. This is Surly. Do you read? Over.........), but I actually learned something from a Texags poster. Reading the link, that asshole running the store and his lawyer are a real peaches. Poster cucks for red ass Aggies everywhere and why no person other than an Aggie can stand to be around them.
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