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  1. Going to a Mexican restaurant and ordering cheese enchiladas of all the things available is an interesting decision that’s for certain. And when Zillatard throws his lot in with you, it means I’ve already won the debate.
  2. We haven't even talked about how undemocratic it would be to change candidates after the presumptive nominee won all of the primaries with actual votes.
  3. None of what you said is based in any kind of fact. You, nor anyone else here, has any clue what is going on behind the scenes.
  4. YGIFS

    Longhorn Network

    I was embarrassed that I didn't know until much later in life that Cronkite was a Longhorn. My father used to watch him and Mike Wallace religiously when I was a wee lad in Chicago. Most years, before the Distinguished Alumni Awards, there's a luncheon earlier in the day for friends and family of the recipients. This was a short while before he died, Cronkite gave some remarks alongside some other luminaries. I was running late from work, and missed (was there to see a friend get her DAA deal). So I rushed in and realized I had missed most of it. So I go to take a piss at the Alumni Center bathroom. Nobody around, everybody's inside having dessert. And I'm just staring down/straight ahead like you do at a urinal. And out of nowhere I hear this unmistakable booming voice, "A full bladder and a full tank of gas are never a good mix." Walter wisely snuck out to take a leak and make the long drive to Houston for some other event. His voice was still the same after all those years. I wish we could have shaken hands but we both were holding our dicks. But the acoustics of that tiled bathroom and his unmistakable voice even in his old age...best piss I ever took.
  5. I agree the Biden admin has been effective, but just because an administration is running smoothly doesn’t mean Biden has been an effective leader, or even that he has been the leader. His cabinet is full of competent people who could be working under their own authority. We don’t have visibility into that; we did have visibility into Biden’s competency on the debate stage and it was clear he’s not fit. Fwiw, I think the argument that Biden is an empty suit and that Harris/Buttigieg/Blinken/Austin/Sullivan are working as a Voltron President is valid, and a significant justification for continuing to support Biden even though he’s clearly unfit for office.
  6. I figured JV would catch him and Pog would settle for winning a sprint for the bonus. Impressed he was able to keep increasing the gap.
  7. 4PM Tuesday Beryl Update: Keep your guard up, Texas. Hurricane Beryl is still on track to eventually emerge in the Gulf of Mexico, and the newest forecast shows it near hurricane strength as it approaches Texas or Mexico. At this time Hurricane Beryl remains near category 5 intensity, but it is starting to feel the impacts of wind shear, which should cause the intensity to decrease some on its approach to Jamaica tomorrow. The National Hurricane Center notes that the storm is expected to be stronger than previously predicted on its approach to the Yucatan Peninsula, and it is also likely to re-strengthen some over the Gulf of Mexico. How strong it gets over the Gulf is largely a function of how much it is weakened by the current wind shear and future land interactions with Jamaica and the Yucatan Peninsula. This is the final key message today from the National Hurricane Center's forecast discussion: "There remains uncertainty in the track and intensity forecast of Beryl over the western Gulf of Mexico this weekend. Interests in the southwestern and western Gulf of Mexico should monitor the progress of Beryl." The forecasters at the National Hurricane Center are the best in the world at what they do and consistently outperform every computer model...and they acknowledge they don't know exactly how this all plays out over the Gulf. For those asking, I don't have a gut feel on this one because storms have a history of doing unexpected things around Jamaica. I just know that if it gets knocked down significantly by wind shear and Jamaica, we're in better shape here in Texas. If not, a hurricane landfall along the Texas coast becomes more likely sometime in the Sunday-Tuesday window. We should have a clearer picture once it clears Jamaica tomorrow. Continue to monitor the storm along with us, review your hurricane plan with your family, and be prepared to take action later this week if needed. abc13.com/tropicalupdate
  8. dcar00

    USMNT 2024

    I wonder what percentage of the population is in the academies in the larger countries that we are trying to compete with vs US? or maybe a US v Europe comparison.
  9. Sure, this contract was about maximizing his next contract, but the third year option maintains much of his leverage over the franchise. They have been talking about this extension (and him possibly going to NY) literally from the day that he got traded from Utah. It's been looming the entire time. In the meantime, he got the coach fired. They are probably going to move off Garland. Whatever they do with Mobley and Allen, I imagine he will have to sign off on. I guess in this day and age, it doesn't really matter because every star has leverage and can just demand a trade whenever the hell they feel like it regardless of contract status, but this one feels a little more sticky to me for whatever reason. I could be way off, here. The point of the CBA is parity. They have legislated out the super teams, and it's going to be so good for the league. It very well might suck for franchises that have three guys on max contracts, have a murky ownership situation and have mortgaged all of their future draft capital though.
  10. i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say they will argue the immunity issue that the Supreme Court told them to argue. I am sitting here working on an opposition to a motion to strike jury and one of my cases. The reason that defendant wants to do that is because this particular venue is a very, very well-known plaintiff friendly place. The kind of place you want your tractor trailer accident to be when a jury hears it. I think the D’s argument will lose for several reasons, the least of which being in a joint pretrial conference the defendant agreed that we should have a jury trial. But like making sausage, the legislature has crafted a really crappy worded civil procedure article on how to demand and keep a jury that has some wiggle room to support the motion they filed. If Captainant was reading about this case in the news he would be appalled that a defendant could file a motion that wasn’t 100% clear you would win, and would be incensed that a defense attorney is trying to do something to help her client that is not a 100% slam dunk. And he would be wrong, as there is a chance the defendant will win the motion, slim tho that may be. And, as it makes sense not to have a jury trial when it is improper, and it also makes sense not to have a judge trial when the plaintiff should have a right to a jury, one side will probably take a writ after the trial court decides which one of us the court thinks is correct. I have researched the heck out of this and there is no on-point case in this factual scenario. This will also make Captainant’s head explode, as he does not want defendants to file things he does not like that seemed like a waste of time to him, and he does not like the court system to take time on writs and appeals when he wants an immediate answer - one that goes the way he wants it to go I very much enjoy Captainant as a poster generally, but when it comes to all things legal, he becomes the world’s greatest Legal Karen - demanding to see the Manager of Court delays and Appeals. I do not think the bullshit immunity defense will work here. I do not think the bullshit motion to strike my jury will work here. But parties have an absolute right to file the pleadings they want to gain any advantage they want so long as it is not sanctionable. If that means you have an unfriendly judge who is nearing retirement - and by filing some speculative/creative but non-frivolous motions you can succeed in delaying proceedings until a better judge for your client takes the bench, it is literally malpractice not to do that. Trump’s lawyers do not owe duty to captainant to roll over and say, “please convict Trump”. That is another way of saying that Trump’s lawyers can do the same thing that the lawyers in my case are doing, so long as the motion is not totally specious and frivolous. The mere fact that this legal issue in trumps case has never before been litigated makes it very difficult to prevent them from making the argument, thereby requiring courts to take time to consider it. I have no answer for your unhappiness with this reality.
  11. Agree. I admit, I'm fairly disturbed as well, but I think it just shows how freaked out everyone is about what the Rs have done. I haven't seen anyone on the right screaming about how the dotard should step aside as a candidate. They've been behind him for YEARS, even when it became clear what he was. It makes me crazy that somehow the Dems are to blame for having to fight against a cult that wants a dictator. In a sane world, it would be like 80/20, Biden/dipshit. But no, here we are, and let's all blame the Dems for the shortcomings of the right.
  12. Yup. We would gain a few young people who think Biden is too old and we would lose everyone in the middle that doesn’t pay attention to the details.
  13. We’ve decided we’re not going to do anything “patriotic”. This country doesn’t deserve a celebration
  14. The media would have a field day. Today: Biden has to step down, he can’t run and win Tomorrow: DEMS IN DISARRAY!!!
  15. this is why it's Biden no matter what. I can't believe this isn't understood. the party isn't running for office, a candidate is and he has his or her own enterprise - funders, staffers, key executives, operatives, intel, data, etc. etc. Yes the parties help their candidates and there are organizations through out the country that try to help but in the end, the candidate has his or her own apparatus and that isn't just seamlessly handed off with 4 months to go. it would be an epic disaster behind the scenes not to mention any sort of infighting seen publicly.
  16. Arizona and Colorado are probably both a little bit high, but otherwise it looks pretty good. I'd pick KSU to finish ahead of Utah, mostly because they get OSU at home and Utah has to go to Stillwater. They don't play each other so the OSU matchup likely swings the season.
  17. I would caution anyone who thinks replacing Biden gives the Dems a better chance at victory across the board than that which currently exists, to tap the brakes. And overlooking VP Harris would simply de-energize the party’s most faithful voting bloc and all but ensure defeat. That’s just real talk. We have to think this through without be so reflexively emotional.
  18. Maybe, but is it inaccurate? I mean, everyone is saying Kamala can't be who takes over for Biden because she's black and/or a woman and won't win. None of which matters to me personally when deciding on who I'll vote for, but if it matters to the populace, then clearly her vice presidency was an idea whose time had not yet come.
  19. There’s a VEEP episode on this so we already know how it would play out
  20. Opinions like this are maddening when we literally have people posting anecdotal information about their peer group having people who would vote for someone other than Biden. It's like yeah, we hear you but don't believe you... We think people will vote for a corpse because he's the incumbent and it's the "right thing" to do
  21. True. The Biden voters will quell their fears and still get out there for him. Straight-ticket R's and MAGA cultists will get out for their guy. Nothing will change on percentages. But for EC purposes, it's just who stays home this time around---not who turns out. You can't offend milquetoast Trumpers too much or they vote to spite you, you can't feed any gas on the "Biden is Senile" fire anymore because that brings them out, too. Party in-fighting looks suspicious and weak at this stage in the game. But instead we're gonna spin our wheels worrying about 90 kids at Columbia who may not vote for Biden because of Gaza and a few stutters when everything should be thrown at 90,000 voters in the Rust Belt to make them feel just ashamed enough about Trump that they don't vote at all. This thing isn't gonna be won by Gavin Newsom, or Young People, or Green Party defectors. The only way this works is a few million middle-bloc voters of Trump stay home. I'm listening to these fundraising bundlers and consultants spew bullshit "With your support, we can get out the 18-35 Latino vote in Arizona." Yeah, that thing that's never changed an election, ever. Believe it or not folks, there are still Trump voters who feel shame and regret. I know you think all 75mm of them are evil and have no conscious. But a few of them still feel and want to be part of society. You won't get them to break for Biden, but you can break them just enough to have a seat in November and get right with God.
  22. Aggies are going all in on next year's team so they can try and have a team that can beat Texas. That is the only thing they even care about. They got a shitty coach with no experience just to try and hold the roster together for a fleeting victory. Mortgaging their future for one good year. Can't wait to punk their asses anyways. Bring it on losers.
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