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  1. If our current DT strategy is the same strategy we had under Bo, then it likely wasn’t all his fault. If you aren’t going to commit a bunch of NIL money to DT then you definitely should be recruiting backup plans better. Our strategy at the position makes no sense. One of the backup guys we didn’t really bother to recruit much, Chace Simms, just committed to aggy.
  2. Roughly: 60 % Pit Bull 30% Some Sort of Shepherd 10% Grand Pyrenesse.... Very sweet dog. Used to bring me eggs from the chicken coop without breaking the, Dumb as a rock though. Might be the dumbest dog I've ever met. Tends to hit stuff with his face. And hasn't figured out how to get on and off the couch using his legs.... Sometimes gets stuck going around corners.
  3. As for the polls everything is still up for grabs even those disaster state polls means shit like 40-41 or something? There is still 20% twideling their thumbs, my theory is that they are mostly anti trumpers but currently terrified and sticking to home not vote. and no this has nothing to do with the debate because it has been the same for months. This is why I think Biden has a chance it is easier to calm nerves than change minds. Trump wins only through terror.
  4. Correct, but that doesn't stop Georgia, Ohio State and Bama from loading up yearly at those spots. I think we will end up fine at DB, but it doesn't have the wow factor of some previous classes. Maybe a little like the 2023 OL class after we hit the grand slam in 2022 on the OL.
  5. I really wish Trev would flame out super fast so we can get one last Sharp Special before he rides off into the gomer pastures.
  6. DB recruiting was going to be tough this year after last year’s class with multiple 5/high 4 stars.
  7. Which is why CBs are taught from the age of 8 to either grab/fall on the ball or kick it to row Z in that scenario. When the whistle blows, you do whatever it takes to ensure the attack stops and your defense gets set. Richards has to grab the ball and then go protest the foul/card.
  8. The ones who don't have private sector options are probably already in full CYA mode. The best we can hope is that a good portion the military brass and the folks in charge of anything nuclear-related are putting collective interests above their own.
  9. I am honestly not trying to be snarky here, but absent some form of Minority Report pre-cog mutants telling us in advance what the proper ruling is, who in your system of litigation determines what is clear or unclear? The way we do that in our system is to have a hearing and the judge rules. My very serious question is how does your system deal with the procedural aspect of one side wanting to bring up an issue that the other side thinks is stupid? Who/how is it determined in advance what issues a party can bring up in your legal system? Because that seems to be your main complaint, and the one thing you blame all the lawyers about the most. I will hang up and listen to your solution.
  10. It's such a low bar that it makes it a little hard to tell, but I think we broke them beyond repair. It's like someone who takes too much acid and fries their brain.
  11. We can see the accomplishments, and he’s the person in charge. Seems pretty effective. Doesn’t really matter if he’s calling the shots or just the figurehead. The results mean he’s effective as a leader. He’s not sitting around watching tv and eating yogurt all day.
  12. Why are we even sending an Olympic team?
  13. Right, and I acknowledged that. But my entire comment was a response to a poster stating that Biden had been an effective leader, which assumes he is actively engaged and directing his subordinates “behind the scenes”, something (as you say) we can’t know.
  14. Panama has just of 4 million. I won't get into Bolivia since few will venture into the mountains to count. Uruguay has half of the people of the DFW area. It is a cultural issue for us. It crosses the entire way we look at the game.
  15. want to bet? Klein was known for his funky tube shapes also the stamped the logo near the dropouts see image below Bike thieves are in the running for the fucking worst humans on the planet. I just don't want to give them a reason to even think it might be worth pinching. I want it to look like a beater walmart special, but ride like dream. I'll keep it locked up, but I don't want to have to worry too much about it either. Just don't want disk for a casual bike. I have some nice light old levers laying around. less weight, less rotating mass, less unsprung weight, less hassle (bleeding), less noise, shorter cable runs. Do they stop as well as disk? nope but that's ok. Yup gonna use the Klein. Have a Salsa fork I'm going to put on it and see how stupid it looks. But it'll tame the geometry.
  16. Official statements can't be made while you're campaigning. The Hatch Act exists, even if it was shredded during the trump admin. I'm just so fucking exhausted of trump's lawyers proposing something that's completely absurd and farcical on its face, and then all the kings horses and all the kings men twisting themselves into knots just to argue every little specious fecal filing down to get the right ruling. It's a scenario where trumpco only needs to succeed once or twice, and apparently attempting to overrule a democratically appointed slate of electors is actually a presidential duty. Or at least it's so fucking unclear that we need to pause everything to argue about it for a few more months. What a goddamn clown fiesta.
  17. The Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum was terrific. Three large hangers filled with restored airplanes, tanks, and related military equipment and armaments. The planes in particular are fully restored and operational. They make a point of identifying the handful that are the only known remaining of its kind - we don’t fly this one anymore, because we can’t risk losing it.
  18. I hope this is correct (though, "it was past his bedtime" doesn't help matters much). I have to believe that his team wouldn't have possibly let him walk on that stage if they thought for a second that what we saw was a very possible outcome. He's obviously in noticeable decline, but hopefully not a free fall. But, now he's left himself with no margin for error. I think everyone (among those with any chance of voting for him) will give him the opportunity to prove that it was just a really, really, really bad night, but he'll have to keep proving it over and over again until November.
  19. It was 100% the time thing. He looked fine the next morning. I'm also wondering if the whole all of our bases in Europe going on alert like two days later may have some connection as to why he would have been mentally exhausted at debate time.
  20. they skipped over a buncha shit between 1310-1390. I guess, call it 'Artistic License' The whole point was to show Gere and Gossett together. There's a director's cut somewhere that supposedly has more of the background of Mayo going into the Navy, dealing with his Father, getting back in with his class between his friend's suicide, the kickboxing deal, and graduation. Maybe it's covered in there, but I've never seen it. I always liked that just as the Ensign insignia has 5 points, there are 5 moments that Mayo proves his worth to the Gunny. When he admits he has no other options in life, when he steps up during training mishap while everybody else stands bewildered, when he loses his friend to suicide but pushes on so nobody else will suffer the same fate, when he challenges Foley to the fight of their lives, and when he gives up on the obstacle course record to help Seeger over the wall. Seriously though, what the fuck happened to Debrah Winger after that?
  21. Defensive recruiting is not in the same level as offensive recruiting this year. We need to bring in Faraimo or Pettijohn. They would bring the linebacker class from good to great. Without Anding our db class will be below average. And Anding is far from a shoe-in. Our DT class is bare. Our Edge class will be great.
  22. The old one in Luling did not have enough pumps. Line would be 4 deep and still assholes would go inside to get a 77 oz Pepsi, beaver nugs, jerky, and take a shit, then pump their gas. Complained to the cashier about it, after parking my car in the lot following filling my tank.
  23. They're just going to bundle it and jack up the price. The goal is to eliminate subscriber churn, which every platform other than netflix is dealing with/suffering from. You'll have less choice and be paying more. Just like cable tv is/used to be.
  24. Biden should not have sought a second term, for the good of the country. No doubt he did what he thought best but he miscalculated and the consequences are dire. As I see it, there are four paths remaining to prevent Donald Trump from returning to office. Two could work. Two are unlikely to succeed. The one that has the greatest chance of success is the least likely, and the most likely scenario is the least likely to succeed. They are as follows: Scenario #1, Trial by Combat- Joe Biden gives a major, prime time speech announcing that serving our nation as president has been an honor, and after 52 years of public service the time has come for a new generation to lead. Thus, he will decline the nomination of the democratic party and release his delegates. He urges the party to allow the delegates to the convention to choose their nominee, and in the meantime will focus his energies on the job at hand without an endorsement. This scenario combines high drama with a late schedule to create spell binding televised drama, replete with gossip, fringe characters, high comedy, and so on. In the interim period, the GOP would be stuck at idle and in the dark, forced to lash out wildly without a clear target to attack. They would try, obviously, but the result would be high expense and little to show for it. At the end, a clear winner emerges in a big, spectacular rite of public unity. No matter who it is, they have high credibility, momentum, high approval, sympathy, and the attention of the press and the public. They also have the leverage to demand a debate with Trump, with a live audience. The legitimate contenders here would be Pete, Harris, Whitmer, Newsom and Pritzger. My guess is that Pritzger, Pete and Whitmer all fall in behind Harris with Biden ceremonially endorsing at the end and Pete winning the Veepstakes. Whoever it is, the winner emerges with a 75% chance of winning. Scenario #2, The King is Dead - Biden gives a major, prime time speech tearfully confessing that due to his failing health he is no longer able to fulfill the office of president. Harris takes office immediately. Harris addresses a joint session of congress the next night humbly asking for the support of the nation and to pray for President Biden who deserved better, after 52 years of service to the public than to by dragged through ash for the crime of getting old. In his name, then, she lays out a bold agenda, including a public payer healthcare system, reform of drug laws, a nationwide high speed rail system that will begin by connecting El Paso, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and Houston, and resolute opposition to Russian aggression. As long as she has anything to say about it, the fortress of Democracy will remain just that. Or something like that - as an incumbent, she wields immense prestige and credibility, and has a 60% chance of winning, despite some baggage. Scenario #3, Succession - Biden declines nomination, pledges delegates to Harris. This is a very weak hand for her to play and the optics are terrible, but at least she's not Joe Biden and a majority of the voters are scared shitless. If she avoids major gaffes, she's probably got a 40% chance of winning. Scenario #4, Ahab and Nemesis - Biden stays in. the party rallies around him. He does the best he can. It would take a miracle for him to win at this point and even if he does, how long does he last? At best, he's looking at a 20-25% chance of winning this election and what happens next could be very ugly even if he does.
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