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  1. Schlossnagle radio interview at texags Says he will go with RHP Chris Cortez regular Tuesday starter. Inconsistent last year, fared well this year vs IWU and Lamar. Not overpowering, control was issue last year. Playing at Texas’ field is awesome. You can feel it just during batting practice. There is mutual respect between coaching staffs. We see them on the road a lot, and I've known David Peirce since he was a high school coach in Houston. But it is what it is. I’ve been preparing, even Braden. I said to him, “You have no idea what you are walking into.” Especially next year when you are walking into a three-game series in the SEC? The world may explode. I don't know. But I've been there. I’ve been there for Super Regionals at TCU. But it's not the same. It's not normal, but its great preparation for our league, at LSU and Ole Miss. All of this is great life experience and great preparation for the future. No win or loss will define our season whether it’s Rhode Island or Texas. Yesterday, we had a hit by Bard and put the ball over the bag to extend the lead. Friday night, two swings decided the game, Montgomery and Sorrell, otherwise that's a scoreless game or if we have a couple of balls fall, then that's an 8-0 game. Baseball is so fickle. It's hard to predict what will happen. We want to win ball games, and playing those guys over there is going to be a lot of fun. Chris Cortez playing at Texas will do a lot for his confidence and mine too. I’ve had confidence in him from day one and kept pushing him out there. It would be a great opportunity for him to showcase himself in that kind of environment. All I ask from our starting pitcher is that when I take the ball from you, have us in the game, and I’ll manage the rest with the bullpen guys. If Chris can get out there and give us a great four innings, then we will pass it on to whoever's next on the way. https://texags.com/s/57739/jim-schlossnagle-recaps-texas-ams-3-0-weekend-at-globe-life-field
  2. Dynasty about the New England Patriots is really good. It's been so long, I forgot how cold-blooded Belichick was with Bledsoe, their $100M quarterback. I didn't think that Bledsoe was healthy until the very end of 2001--when the team was winning at a high level Brady--but he was medically cleared when the Patriots were 5-5 (5-3 with Tom starting). The coaches--none of them with any skins on the wall--saw in the film that an aging Bledsoe was starting to see ghosts in the pocket, even before the injury, and Belichick announced that Brady would remain the starter the rest of the year. Would have cost him his job if it went sideways. The same arrogance that convinced him that they could move on from Brady once he started to show signs of happy feet his last couple of years in NE. The episode about Aaron Hernandez was well done too. I've never heard Patriot players open up like that about it before. Brandon Lloyd, when he joined the team and got the locker next to Hernandez, recalling Wes Welker taking him aside and warning him that Hernandez is going to fondle his junk in front of him and talk about bathing with his mother...and, whatever he does, he HAS to ignore it. Also never knew that Hernandez went to Bill and told him the his fiancee and daughter would be in danger if he stayed near Bristol, and asked to be traded to the west coast to be as far away from his hometown friends as possible. Bill said no, of course, because football.
  3. My yearly expectation is we go to Omaha. And that’s what it should be. Acting like we should win the thing every year just ignores reality though. DP has met expectations with his ability to get to Omaha.
  4. Literally no one ever said Jos was smart. At this point I want Newey to go to FER, Helmut (who has never led a team before) to become TP and then die because he's 80 and in poor health, Horner to AM on a fuck RBR revenge tour and then we as the viewers win. The result would probably be max going to Mercedes and winning a billion more championships though. I hope RBR pulls whatever access Jos has.
  5. 0-2 so far for the weekend, this makes for a longer than usual drive to the HTX this morning. So, what can we fix first that will begin to pay dividends? Coaching? Offense or Defense? I've been on team DP since day one, so I guess continuing sticking with him one more season is my only choice. Speaking of choices, Schuessler is about the only choice at C until Galvan can return. PB and JOD, should they continue to get time on the field? Was yesterday's performance enough to let them swing the bat? It's baseball and a lot of things have to go right to win. Baseball and fishing both take some optimism to enjoy. Maybe we should check their shockers or eye lids or have 'em wear garter belts. If I had the answers, I'd be in the dugout giving signs. I'll be there today to support the boys. Give 'em hell today and stick it to Vandy.
  6. Slacks

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    We are going to win.
  7. I think Plan 2024 hinged on Item 3: Elko runs off the Class of 2022 except for a few true Aggies. How many times does he watch our games? He has encyclopedic knowledge of our worst quarters in five games and includes an analysis of four straight plays called by Genius Collin Klein. We did have some maddening games that became close at one point. In just about all of them, we also had quarters where we absolutely dominated. It's the Hermanesque every game turns into a shitfight aspect of the season that was driving us crazy. And we did manage to actually win. As vertigo says, their close losses are at least as valuable as our close wins or temporarily close games. Because I don't remember our games as well as William, I went for a look. Tied with Wyo going into the fourth quarter: It was also the week after beating Alabama in Alabama. Struggled with Iowa State: 10 point victory. Not exactly OT. Struggled with Kansas State: He and the Aggies like to talk about us playing against second string QBs. No flip side of the coin. The Houston Nightmare: Shot ourselves through the balls. Both of 'em. Credit to Houston for roaring back. Great game by them. Shouldn't have been, but they took advantage. By the end of the season we were 12-1. That's the deal, Aggies.
  8. it's now or never, honestly. Benn and Segs are in their usefulness twilight and clearly the pipeline is humming. If Benn is going to win a cup with the C on his chest in Dallas, this is probably the season. We're set up for it, now we just gotta do it.
  9. Witt: "He threw an incredible inning last night. It looked like down angle, ball jumping, up to 93-94. That was the most encouraging outing he has had. We'll see how he recovers and we'll build off of that. I think too, people look at it, a guy has surgery, 14 months. He's going to be ready. He's going to be better. Some guys are slower than others. Some guys, it just takes a little more time. Hopefully it's starting to together for him. He's worked really hard at it." O'Dowd & Brown: "They're going to have to keep working and understand we're trying to win games at the same time. And so, we have some good young players that can fill in here or there." Thoughts: 1. Pierce sounded really encouraged by Witt's performance. 2. While he was supportive of both O'Dowd and Brown, I liked that he started with a qualifier that he wants to win.
  10. There's some hall of fame level cherry picking going on there. All I know is that after the thumping of Tech we have a good shot of making the tournament. Hopefully they can pull out a couple of wins that are a little more expected than beating the Red Raiders in Lubbock. Once in, this team is capable of anything in those first two rounds. I'd love to see Terry lead this year's team to the second weekend.
  11. it bothers me that we still have people saying that rodney terry “led us to the elite 8”, because, well, no he didn’t. jabari rice led us there; marcus carr led us there; dylan disu led us there; our three point defense, one of RT’s biggest weaknesses as a coach, led us there. us going to the elite 8 got RT the job, but let’s stop acting like he did anything in particular to lead that team to those wins. the senior laden team who had been well drilled by their previous HC won those games.
  12. In my response below, I'm addressing these topics from the perspective of someone who used to like some of the high level messaging of the Republican Party many years ago, but then realized that the world is changing drastically and that many of the messages put forth by the Republican Party have been disengenuous. In addition, I've also started sharply questioning the basic ideas we hear in the media, because they are driven by progaganda in many cases and not facts. So here we go: Packing the Supreme Court - several others have already pointed out that the only ones really doing it right now and trying to do it are Republicans. Yes, extreme parts of the left have discussed this. But being a staunch Republican doesn't fix this issue given what Republicans have been doing, so how can this make you feel better as a Republican? Eliminating the Senate - as several others have said, this is a viewpoint from extremists. So why are you fearful of these extremists and not extreme Republicans, or Republicans on the payroll of Russia, or Republicans who cater to white supremicists? We had a President and group of Republicans literally try to eliminate the Excecutive branch as a voting decision. Shouldn't your concern here cause you to distrust both parties and want to support people who have the right moral integrity and are moderate, regardless of party? Changing to Popular Vote - This is a decent topic for people to argue over. While on one hand you can make the argument that popular vote should be the rule, there is an equal counter-argument that preserving a minority population's (small state) ability to have control over how they live in the US is an important protected right. If this item is really that important to you, then this might be a decent reason to align right. Medicare For All - I agree that totally run government healthcare may not be the right answer. It comes down to the fact that companies have way more bargaining power than individuals. If we had Medicare for all, there might not be a sufficient governor on costs, like there is with competition. The winning strategy needs to be some sort of combination of multiple ideas that ensures competition but also efficiency. But how can you be Republican because of your opposition to this? The Republicans have offered NOTHING for a decade in terms of an idea. Hell, they even controlled both houses and the Presidency and DID NOTHING. Nothing doesn't deserve support or a vote. Get moderates from both parties. Wealth Tax - I probably differ from almost everyone on this topic in supporting some sort of wealth tax but not in the currently envisioned model of Elizabeth Warren. Why? Envision the middle ages when the wealthy had so much control of land, resources and wealth that the rest of the population was living as serfs. The wealth inequality changes we are now facing as a world are becoming so large, the risk of the 90-99% never being able to live a decent life is a real future threat. The amount of money in a small number of people's hands is stunning. So I don't understand why so many are against this idea given the impact on the 90-99%. And being a Republican for just this issue seems crazy. The billionaires don't need your help to make their lives awesome. Why align with them? Tax Increases for $1-2M couples - This is where your logic really runs aground. As Sydney and others have said, right now the Republicans are cutting taxes, but driving up massive deficits, but only wanting to cut spending in areas that hurt people making under $1M. The Republicans are protecting everyone OVER $1-2M. Again, why are you wanting to help the $50-100M aires and billionaires, but not yourself and the majority of the population? This is a classic example of listening to Republican party rhetoric but not understanding they are pulling money out of your back pocket while you salute the flag. Estate Taxes as is - While $25M is pretty high, dropping it to $6M is bullshit. But again, why align with Republicans? The right answer is probably $15-25M for now. But Republicans want to remove it completely for their ultra-rich donors who have Republicans on their payrolls. So why in the world support that? Can't we find a mix of Republican and Democrat moderates that set it at $15-20M? EV Conversion Mandates - There are some open issues here. But again, what in the world are Republicans doing to help this transition over the next 20 years? Nothing. They just are trying to advocate for the interests of their wealthy energy donors. So why are you aligning with people on the take from energy donors? Hydroelectric Dams - This is a nonsense red herring. Moderates on both sides of the aisle can make the right choices here. So in summary, some of your topics of concern are valid, but what I've realized over the last 10 years is that not only will the Republican party not address any of them, their major focus is on padding their own bank accounts from the wealthy, who are trying to use them to stay wealthy and get wealthier. Why align with that? I'd rather align with whoever is moderate to solve real problems for the 90-99%.
  13. I was actually thinking that same thing. Most likely a 7 or 8 seed (hopefully 7), with a decent chance of 9 or 10 if we fuck up. A 6 seed is there for the taking if we win out, which is not impossible. Baylor is going to be coming off the KU match and like you said, Love has been out.
  14. I get that they have to set the volume of those things so loud because they're obviously at intersections with lots of traffic noise. But early in the morning or late at night, they would do well to add some 37cent feature that turns the fucking thing down. It really does startle you sometimes. And as much as I'm interested in a Knicks game highlight from last month, just shut it off. noCR, but I live close to a former Chief of Staff of a prominent Texas Statewide official. And we bump into each other all the time at the grocery or Chevron. And I was remarking to him, "Hey, Texas should allow these scree deals to charge your card one more dollar and you play video poker or hand of blackjack and it just charges your card. And if you win, you get money put back on your card or rewards points or an extra gallon or whatever, I dunno." And Mr. H said, "We thought about that awhile back, but it's still a form of gambling so it's a non-starter." I said, "Cool, I'll go inside and buy a lottery ticket then which is totally not gambling." But we did concoct an idea outside Trader Joe's during Covid, and you can thank our idea for allowing to buy beer/wine now at 10am on Sundays instead of 12pm. Every once in awhile, my goofy ideas pan out./csb
  15. I don’t know how this makes us need to go 2-2 to finish but I would assume that the win last night got us in minus some just disaster. Sure we go a quick 0-2, I won’t like it but I’d take the chance and say we still get in…if the right people lose.
  16. I think we’re going to stay in Brazoria where we have a couple acres this summer. Kids really want to plant a garden. Is there anything we can plant late May that would give some enjoyment? Peas? I don’t need award winning fruits/veggies or a harvest that will feed us all winter, just something to enjoy. Would any tomato’s grow? Is there anything incredibly low maintenance we could plant in a weekend in March that would survive and produce in the summer?
  17. EVs kick ass and are a lot of fun. What they aren't is an environmental win over gas engines. It's honestly not close and pretty hilarious to watch people just side step the facts. At one point people truly believed they were carbon neutral day 1. Most things now even show 5-6 years of normal use to pay back the difference. Unfortunately that's not very accurate if we go back to how batteries are made and the environmental impact of it some studies show 10-12 years and basically right about then when batteries might start going bad and you're back on the hamster wheel. I truly enjoy the absurdity of driving an EV but battery tech will have to completely change as will how that tech is charged for them to ever replace gas.
  18. Voters can influence the election, whether in a minority group or in the majority group. 100K Muslims or 100K white Anglo-Saxon protestants. It doesn't really matter. Michigan 2020 saw Biden win Michigan by 154,188 votes. So if ANY community with 100K is voting Republican, Democrat, or NOT voting at all, it will influence the election. As to why Muslims are singled out as opposed to the 100K WASPs. You are probably thinking why don't people say "fuck those 100K WASPs for not voting for Biden" as opposed to assigning blame to the Muslims. The difference is the 100K WASPs are in the majority, and nothing bad will happen to them when the Leopard eats their faces. Yes, fuck them for not voting for Biden, sure, we all agree, but the Leopard isn't going to eat their face. The Leopard is definitely going to eat the Muslim faces. The Leopard will not only ban them from entering the country, he will ask Israel to kill all of them in the Middle East. He might even try to revoke their citizenship in the US, because he's a Leopard and that's what Leopards do. The 100K WASPs won't face any of those consequences, so while the WASPs do suck, and should face consternation for fucking us all over, logically, it deserves less consternation as they will face less consequences.
  19. I thought last year that the Russian military losses were so severe that they would be 4-5 years before they could attempt any serious threats by tangling with NATO in the Baltics. We all know that is where Putin would like to strike next but I didn't think he would have enough popular support nor the military might to properly intimidate us into inaction. However Russia's shift to a war time economy is going to make them even more dependent on wartime profits. As soon as the Ukraine war ends their true economy is going to be plain to see. Putin is hallowing out their peacetime economy to feed his war machine. That social pressure he has been keen to avoid will be even hotter once the apathetic masses realize "winning" this war is not going to end up adding money to their pockets. It will not be business as usual. So I could see Putin continuing to triple down on his bets and keep up the war angle. Especially if EU/USA keep up the sanctions. Putin might be able to convince enough of his serfs that the only way to keep food on their table is being able to keep working in his manufacturies cranking out shells and drones. Plus with our own inability to really commit to ammo production means that we may look weaker than needed to stave off the little green men if they start showing up in Estonia. It's not something I thought was seriously possible but now it is becoming a bit more plausible. Especially thinking about Putin's own crazy psychological reasons for recovering their lost land and building his own legacy in history. Giving his subjects a financial reason for joining his megalomania is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae he is trying to serve up.
  20. Aside from the absolute certainty that Texas will not win another game this year -- or maybe if they get really lucky end up beating Oklahoma State at home on Saturday -- the other thing I love about this forum is that these are the number of 20-win seasons Texas coaches have had dating back 50 years: Abe Lemons: 2 in six seasons (26, 21) Bob Weltlich: 0 in six seasons (closest was 19-14 in '85-'86) Tom Penders: 7 in 10 seasons (26, 25, 24, 23, 23, 23, 21) Rick Barnes: 15 in 17 seasons (31, 30, 28, 26, 25, 25, 25, 24, 24, 24, 23, 22, 20, 20, 20) Shaka Smart: 2 in six seasons (21, 20) Chris Beard: 1.5 in 1.5 seasons (22) Rodney Terry: 0.5 in one season; currently 17-10 with at least five games to go (29 total wins including Beard's 7-1 start) TOTAL: 28 in 47 seasons So suddenly we're absolutely confident that we should be tossing a coach out the door -- before the end of his first full season and in the wake of an Elite Eight run? I must have missed where Texas became Kansas, North Carolina or Duke and is entitled to reach the Sweet 16 more years than they don't.
  21. if we go 1-3 the rest of the way then we will likely have to win a conference tourney game to feel safe.
  22. The GOP needs gutting. We used to have wild swings to the composition of Congress. The winning party used to be able to give its agenda a try. Considering the major issues facing us, Christofascism and Climate Change the foremost, maybe we should have a do something Congress this go 'round.
  23. I don't disagree and don't favor that model either, just predicting what I think they'll go after. It may be cowardly but it also gets them paid, and that is what matters. We're stuck w/ 5+7 for the next 2 years and we can see how it works, then all bets are off. But the 5 AQs is problematic. In down years we're going to get more Liberty-type G5 entrants, or in a weak Big12/ACC when they beat up either other, their champ could be a lower ranked AQ. I get that they want to keep some kind of stakes in winning the conference, which is why they're doing it, but we have a P2 now, not a P5. If we want AQ make it 3, the B1G/SEC/G5 (no anti-trust!) and 9 top ranked after.
  24. It wasn’t asserting that Texas and Ohio State were going to get a different list of coaching candidates. It was just informing that Ohio State has a deeper history than Texas in basketball. They have a 1 NC, 4 NC runner ups, 11 FFs, and 15 EEs. We have more recent history and a better winning percentage. That’s all I was saying, which is why I ended the post saying it depends on context. Your 2nd paragraph is correct, and I would even say Florida is this group as well even with their 2 NCs. And I’ll take it a step further—Texas is probably above those 2 today because of resources and recruiting territory.
  25. Zombie Washington: "You know, we pretty much fucked up that second amendment thing back in the day. If elected, I'm going to make sure it is re-written to something more appropriate for the current times." Trump wins the election 70% to 30%.
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