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  1. First off. This isn't a complaint. I'm genuinely curious. Kick the PAT, and it's a 2 TD lead. You miss it, they can score a TD, 2-pt, and field goal. You make it, and it's still a 2 TD lead. I know the coaches have the chart. Can someone set me straight?
  2. You read that correctly. Texas has not won four consecutive games on its home field since 2009. That could all change starting this weekend. Texas plays four more home games this season, starting with Okie State. Meanwhile, Oklahoma State is the proud owner of both an active 4 game winning streak against Texas, the longest current streak, and a 4 game winning streak inside DKR, also active. We can piss and moan about the 2015 rip-off from the refs all we'd like. I don't dispute that it legitimately looked like a rigged game, and the analytics certainly back it up. That said, one game shouldn't matter for a proud program like Texas. We're at a point now where other people can credibly make an argument that the fucking Okie Staters have lately owned the Texas Longhorns, and that we're paying them rent every month for using DKR, since they own that too. They didn't even need T Boone Fucking Pickens to buy it. While this debacle has been unfolding for Texas, Oklahoma State has been flexing as nothing more than above average at a national level. They had an outstanding 2011 season, but have generally otherwise existed to validate OU when OU needs a whipping boy late in the season in order to beef up their playoff resume. So is Texas back? To me, no outcome this season matters more to validating Sam Ehlinger's Sugar Bowl claim than the game this weekend. Beat Oklahoma State the way you should, and make all the claims you want. Lose to the okies, a-fucking-gain, and no one but the most nauseating apologists can claim that Texas is anything but a continued enigma, or worse. So what are we facing, really? Oklahoma State has faced 3 teams this season: -Oregon State - 1-2 - Losers to both OSU and Hawaii, Oregon State just rolled an FCS nobody in Cal Poly. Once you account for fending off Stefen Djordjevic, Cal Poly has nothing for any opponent. Oregon State is hot buttered trash and they'll wind up 2-10 this season. -McNeese State - 2-1 - Winners against the mighty Southern Jaguars and Alcorn State Braves, McNeese State hasn't had this much fun beating the shit out of black people since forced desegregation hit Louisiana in the 1980's. This is another program that shouldn't even be appearing on a P5 program's fucking schedule. -Tulsa - 1-2 - Tulsa beat San Jose State. They'll likely stumble into another couple of wins this seasons simply because the majority of their remaining opponents lack the funding for technology that would enable film review, and therefore an understanding of the rudimentary requirements necessary for shutting down the Air Veer offense, or whatever the fuck all of the Briles disciples are calling their O these days. In short, Oklahoma State is the softest 3-0 in the country. They've played no one, and they've struggled to beat two of the three no-ones they've faced. Gundy always put forth a strong offensive game plan, and this weekend will be no exception. Undoubtedly, he's going to do whatever he can to enable Wallace to get open in space. Todd Orlando and his DB coaches are fucking idiots when it comes to early season personnel choices, so of course Wallace will inevitably torch our defense for 200+ yards receiving and 3 TDs. This is a given. Nonetheless, the rest of the offense has questions. Chuba Hubbard is a solid TB. He's putting up Heisman numbers because he's played no one. Texas will sell out, as they should, to stop the running game and make OSU one dimensional. The OSU Oline has looked good, but they've been working against defenses that mattered only from the perspective that they had mass and took up space. No one has stepped up as a real receiving threat behind Wallace. There is no old school badass Okie State-esque TE threat to provide headaches. Spencer Sanders is an athletic QB but he's young and manageable as a defense. So while I expect OSU to put up some points, this isn't the OSU offense from seasons' past that Texas is facing, and Texas is OSU's first test of any sort. OSU shouldn't score more than 30 points this weekend and if they do, Orlando should be fired attempting to enter the locker room after the game. Defensively, and there's already a thread covering this for these guys, but Oklahoma State's defense is absolute shit. They forced 2 turnovers against McNeese State and have done nothing otherwise. They haven't been facing great OLs and great offenses, either. They have 6 sacks on the season, 3 of which came against Tulsa. Oklahoma State's front 7 is weak and should be exploited in the run game. The secondary is the strength of their defense, but it's not scary. It's basically just better than the garbage in front of it at DL and LB. In the past, OSU always seemed to have random 2nd-5th round picks sprinkled into their defense, and they lack that this season. This is a defense that should be exposed for big gains in both the running and passing game by Texas. Texas should be good for at least 40 in this game and I could see 50, easily. Anything less than that is a choke by the offensive staff. Special Teams-wise, OSU has put up pedestrian numbers so far. There's nothing interesting going on with OSU at punter, kicker, KR, or PR. It's just an overall mediocre set of numbers coming from this group through 3 games. Ultimately, Texas owes Oklahoma State a fucking beatdown. This would be a good time to deliver one. OSU is a paper tiger coming in, and they're not going to be a great team this year. It would be good to set a tone heading into the Big 12 schedule that says that Texas is Back, baby!, but honestly, given the dominance OSU has shown over Texas during this past decade, give me a fucking win. There's no excuse for that not to happen. Stop the embarrassment. Take back DKR.
  3. You read that correctly. Texas has not won four consecutive games on its home field since 2009. That could all change starting this weekend. Texas plays four more home games this season, starting with Okie State. Meanwhile, Oklahoma State is the proud owner of both an active 4 game winning streak against Texas, the longest current streak, and a 4 game winning streak inside DKR, also active. We can piss and moan about the 2015 rip-off from the refs all we'd like. I don't dispute that it legitimately looked like a rigged game, and the analytics certainly back it up. That said, one game shouldn't matter for a proud program like Texas. We're at a point now where other people can credibly make an argument that the fucking Okie Staters have lately owned the Texas Longhorns, and that we're paying them rent every month for using DKR, since they own that too. They didn't even need T Boone Fucking Pickens to buy it. While this debacle has been unfolding for Texas, Oklahoma State has been flexing as nothing more than above average at a national level. They had an outstanding 2011 season, but have generally otherwise existed to validate OU when OU needs a whipping boy late in the season in order to beef up their playoff resume. So is Texas back? To me, no outcome this season matters more to validating Sam Ehlinger's Sugar Bowl claim than the game this weekend. Beat Oklahoma State the way you should, and make all the claims you want. Lose to the okies, a-fucking-gain, and no one but the most nauseating apologists can claim that Texas is anything but a continued enigma, or worse. So what are we facing, really? Oklahoma State has faced 3 teams this season: -Oregon State - 1-2 - Losers to both OSU and Hawaii, Oregon State just rolled an FCS nobody in Cal Poly. Once you account for fending off Stefen Djordjevic, Cal Poly has nothing for any opponent. Oregon State is hot buttered trash and they'll wind up 2-10 this season. -McNeese State - 2-1 - Winners against the mighty Southern Jaguars and Alcorn State Braves, McNeese State hasn't had this much fun beating the shit out of black people since forced desegregation hit Louisiana in the 1980's. This is another program that shouldn't even be appearing on a P5 program's fucking schedule. -Tulsa - 1-2 - Tulsa beat San Jose State. They'll likely stumble into another couple of wins this seasons simply because the majority of their remaining opponents lack the funding for technology that would enable film review, and therefore an understanding of the rudimentary requirements necessary for shutting down the Air Veer offense, or whatever the fuck all of the Briles disciples are calling their O these days. In short, Oklahoma State is the softest 3-0 in the country. They've played no one, and they've struggled to beat two of the three no-ones they've faced. Gundy always put forth a strong offensive game plan, and this weekend will be no exception. Undoubtedly, he's going to do whatever he can to enable Wallace to get open in space. Todd Orlando and his DB coaches are fucking idiots when it comes to early season personnel choices, so of course Wallace will inevitably torch our defense for 200+ yards receiving and 3 TDs. This is a given. Nonetheless, the rest of the offense has questions. Chuba Hubbard is a solid TB. He's putting up Heisman numbers because he's played no one. Texas will sell out, as they should, to stop the running game and make OSU one dimensional. The OSU Oline has looked good, but they've been working against defenses that mattered only from the perspective that they had mass and took up space. No one has stepped up as a real receiving threat behind Wallace. There is no old school badass Okie State-esque TE threat to provide headaches. Spencer Sanders is an athletic QB but he's young and manageable as a defense. So while I expect OSU to put up some points, this isn't the OSU offense from seasons' past that Texas is facing, and Texas is OSU's first test of any sort. OSU shouldn't score more than 30 points this weekend and if they do, Orlando should be fired attempting to enter the locker room after the game. Defensively, and there's already a thread covering this for these guys, but Oklahoma State's defense is absolute shit. They forced 2 turnovers against McNeese State and have done nothing otherwise. They haven't been facing great OLs and great offenses, either. They have 6 sacks on the season, 3 of which came against Tulsa. Oklahoma State's front 7 is weak and should be exploited in the run game. The secondary is the strength of their defense, but it's not scary. It's basically just better than the garbage in front of it at DL and LB. In the past, OSU always seemed to have random 2nd-5th round picks sprinkled into their defense, and they lack that this season. This is a defense that should be exposed for big gains in both the running and passing game by Texas. Texas should be good for at least 40 in this game and I could see 50, easily. Anything less than that is a choke by the offensive staff. Special Teams-wise, OSU has put up pedestrian numbers so far. There's nothing interesting going on with OSU at punter, kicker, KR, or PR. It's just an overall mediocre set of numbers coming from this group through 3 games. Ultimately, Texas owes Oklahoma State a fucking beatdown. This would be a good time to deliver one. OSU is a paper tiger coming in, and they're not going to be a great team this year. It would be good to set a tone heading into the Big 12 schedule that says that Texas is Back, baby!, but honestly, given the dominance OSU has shown over Texas during this past decade, give me a fucking win. There's no excuse for that not to happen. Stop the embarrassment. Take back DKR.
  4. Where we are today: good thread outlining what we know with thoughts on the decision tree that led to where we are today: VVV First, and perhaps most importantly, at the time of the Mueller testimony to Congress we KNOW there was an ACTIVE counterintelligence investigation into Trump. Mueller testified to this fact. Trump would spare nothing to root this out and shut it down. It took less than a month after the Mueller testimony for the crosshairs to find DNI Coats leading to his departure. This suggests the CI investigation was not being run through the FBI as Barr presumably would would have known enough to shut it down. It appears the CI investigation into Trump was in the hands of the DNI, potentially initiated by one Andrew MCabe, who Trump apparently has pressured DOJ to indict. Could be that former DNI Coats and/or the Deputy DNI Trump refused to appoint are ready to speak.
  5. Loud sex, mistaken for fight, ends with gunshots and 2nd-degree attempted murder charge. in Around 2 p.m., two clerks at the front desk of the Towson, Maryland, Days Inn received a phone call from one of the hotel's rooms. During the call, the workers believe they heard two people fighting in the background, which prompted the on-duty security guard to phone the Baltimore County Police Department. When police arrived, the two women, who had been in the room in question, informed police that they were not fighting — they were having sex. The security guard requested that police remove them, and the children who were with them in another room, from the hotel. As Daughtrey's girlfriend packed up their things, Daughtrey and the security guard began yelling at each other, the Baltimore Sun reports. After the family was escorted to the parking lot, Daughtrey's girlfriend informed the officers that she left her cell phone in the room, and she was escorted back into the hotel to retrieve it. When the officer and woman returned, Daughtrey was no longer by the vehicle. Shortly after, the responding officer reported hearing a gunshot in the hotel lobby. An employee ran from the hotel and informed officers that the security guard was holding down the shooter. Daughtrey was arrested at the scene and ultimately charged with attempted second-degree murder, assault, reckless endangerment, destruction of property and gun charges. After reviewing the hotel's surveillance video, police learned Daughtrey re-entered the lobby and struggled with the security guard. Daughtrey allegedly pulled out a gun and pointed it at the security guard's head. The guard pushed the gun to the side and moved his head just as Daughtrey fired a round, which struck a metal frame nearby. The security guard held the weapon, causing it to jam and preventing Daughtrey from firing again, as she continued to squeeze the trigger and bit his right arm. The guard was taken to MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital to treat his injured hand. A grandmother picked up the children. According to Daughtrey, the firing of the gun was unintentional. She claims that the security guard struck her face and, in retaliation, she swung her bag at him when the gun fell out and discharged the single round. “If I intended to ever use the gun, I would never have missed the target,” Daughtrey said in her defense to police at the Towson police precinct. Daughtrey currently remains in custody at the Baltimore County Detention Center.
  6. We are in a political Cold War. We have not had such a war in over a century. I'm not clear how it ends. Each day I look at the work of the Senate and of the President. This is not the crap you see on TV, hear about on the radio or read about on the Net, like Trump drawing sharpie marks on a hurricane chart. It is the actual work - the bills signed into law, the nominations confirmed and the Presidential Actions taken. Like who was confirmed Commissioner on Children, Youth and Families, Department of Human Services. https://www.dailypress.senate.gov/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/ We are in a vicious circle of having the minority behave like total dicks and have the majority respond by ignoring the minority. The President has about 715 spots to fill which need confirmation by the Senate. The minority can't stop any if the majority stays united, but they can dramatically slow them down. So for the past two and a half years the Dems have been Grade A asses about virtually every nomination. The Ambassador to SurlyLand has to wait years to get confirmed. In fact there will never be such because it isn't one of the places the Senate will spend its time. Even in a week like this week where the Senate is dedicating all time to nominations and maximizing the rules only 14 relatively low-level nominees get confirmed. In a typical week it's more like four. Voice votes for uncontroversial spots are rare. The Senate has made the confirmation of federal judges its highest priority. It has confirmed 146 Article III judges. That's roughly the number of vacancies which have come open during Trump's term. As such the 103 spots to fill are about the same number as when he entered office (although the SCOTUS spot is zero instead of one, and Circuit seats are four instead of 17). Of Administrative spots only 480 of 732 have been confirmed. Spots like the Ambassador to SurlyLand will never get filled because they are too far down in the queue. It doesn't make sense to have a nominee which will just sit, waiting to get Dem action till the end of Trump's term. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-administration-appointee-tracker/database/ So how does it end? Surely you don't think that the Dems will or even can end the filibuster? (That would be insane and there have been enough GOP with good sense to avoid new nuclear options. There will be enough Dems with good sense as well [to refrain from a crazy escalation].) Or will change the rules for minority review of nominees? They have utilized the Harry Reid nuclear option, to the chagrin of Dems. The Harry Reid nuclear option was a bad idea. I think. But maybe it's necessary if the minority is going to behave like a total ass. (We have to have SOME government.) But it would be absolutely nutty to eliminate current rights for the minority party in the Senate. Suppose Warren is elected Prez and the Dems get control of the Senate. I am certain the there will be some Dems that have the good sense not to turn a Cold War into a Hot War. (No elimination of the filibuster, no court packing scheme, no elimination of a drawn out hearing process for nominees). That means Warren would have an Administration with Trump appointees and civil servants in many, many places. It means she'll have a bitch of a time getting new judges confirmed. And it means that she'll get no controversial legislation. (The last such was ObamaCare when the Dems had 60 Senators.) And it means that even pissant legislation (e.g. a$6 B for a Wall) will be blocked by the GOP if it means making her look bad on a key campaign promise. So: A. Some new peace plan? B. Continued Cold War? C. A real war? I predict a continued Cold War unless there is a President who acts in a bipartisan fashion. Clinton was the last President who had any major bipartisan positions.
  7. Son, that ain't never been done! Eighty. Thousand. Dollah.
  8. ....or at least the 2019 social media equivalent of a banner behind a plane. If you regularly attend games, then you’ll agree that this “deserves its own thread.” I’ve tried in game Tweets, pregame Tweets, etc., but CDC hasn’t acknowledged (which is cool). Maybe he can’t hear Cole’s foolishness from where he sits. Maybe he figures I’m just another intolerant whiner always bitching about something. Regardless, we’ve got a world class douchebag assclown that has a microphone and is therefore in the ears of 100,000 people for 4+ hours. By midway through the 3rd quarter last night, I was ready to jump out of the upper deck after the 15th THIRRRRRGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD DOWGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRWWWN!!! This asshole takes every moment in a game, and makes it about him and his bullshit shtick. Enough is enough. Thank God CDC and team have flushed the toilet on almost everything that was wrong with home games over the past decade plus. But there is still one turd circling the drain hole. Emails, social media posts....whatever will help, please do it. Hell, if an airplane banner is the way to go, I’m in for $500.
  9. It's game week, peeps. I only plan on doing this once in 2019... (but I reserve the right to reengage of necessary) Let's get this party train started... with focusness. man, football. football is getting hit. fcb. #8gfyb. ousucks.
  10. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/bigten/2019/08/26/james-franklin-lawsuit-pressured-penn-state-doctor-clear-injured-players/2123674001/
  11. Firstly, im not an arachnophobe, so we will not be nuking the house from orbit. I kinda tolerated them because they trap skeeters and all other flying insects, but turns out we dont have much of those so its not a problem. We do have a shed for firewood and gazebo and covered parking structure and all these things which seems to attract spiders like mad. Theyre building webs everywhere and it just pisses me off walking into that shit. I can sweep them out and the next day surely they're back. Lately I've been taking a camping torch to toast all the spiders and their webs but thats mostly for gratuitous satisfaction. Are there sprays or arachnocides or traps or something I can do to rid of these fuckers?
  12. It’s that time of year boys and girls. Let’s begin our tale where of course it begins, Philly. https://twitter.com/thebibleprinces/status/1159791362365173760?s=20
  13. So, the Ohio legislature appears to have accidentally legalized weed from Seneca to Cuayahoga Falls and beyond. Ohio legalized hemp and put in THC levels that determine if it is hemp or weed. Issue is crime labs can't tell percentages of THC only if it is there or not. https://www.10tv.com/article/did-ohio-lawmakers-accidentally-legalize-marijuana-top-law-enforcers-say-yes-2019-aug
  14. Phil steel seems to think so. TX/OU at the top, with Iowa state and tcu following closely behind Phil seems to think tcu at 7 in vegas is a lock on the over. Also thinks Baylor is a lock at 8 wins. Baylor at 8 wins. Wow. Tech gets confused at 5 wins. Kansas teams win 6 combined. Okie light wins 6, maybe 7? Discuss.
  15. Never travelled out of the US so doesn't know how to prepare for using foreign currency. She wants to know if she should load up on Brit coin here and take it? Exchange once there? What about fees etc.. for using her US debit card/credit card? Staying 7 days, also isn't sure about what that is going to cost if being done on a tight budget so thoughts on that would be appreciated too. TIA, no pics, big hoots.
  16. Just a city-killer; no big deal. https://instantweather.ca/2019/07/28/XyPiJ3--city-killer-asteroid-with-the-power-of-a-nuclear-bomb-came-uncomfortably-close-to-earth-this-week-and-nobody-saw-it-coming/?fbclid=IwAR2_KUp1Wmm8jrx5DmYfbZ2f9pRXL2iNcGd0H_0aEYT4Xn0Iyso4U8g5mB8 And now scientists have revealed that they have discovered an asteroid named Asteroid 2019 OK earlier this week and only figured out the magnitude of it just hours before it came within 73,000 kilometres of the earth as reported by NASA. For comparison, the moon is over 5 times that distance at approximately 380,000 kilometres away so that’s relatively close even though it seems like a large number. According to The Washington Post, it was already expected that a few asteroids would pass by earth this week and pose no threat. So, for most scientists, it didn’t raise any alarm bells when reports began flowing in about an asteroid that brushed by the earth on Thursday (July 25). After information about the size of the rock was released, it was then realized that this asteroid wasn’t among the ones they were tracking and it had remained undetected until it had passed by. "2019 OK (so far)," indeed.
  17. NSIAP. I'm starting a thread for people whose kids are going to college, but not UT. I'm not gonna judge you if you gotta send your kid to A&M, but I can't guarantee other people. Financial Aid, where you are looking, standardized tests, visits, essays, acceptances/rejections, etc. Brag/Bitch about your kids. My oldest son has pretty much narrowed it down to urban schools with warm climates. Right now, Occidental/Richmond/Tulane/Trinity U/American. Now I just gotta get him to finish his Essay before Labor day.
  18. Body found in former Bluffs store ID'd; man died there 7 years before it closed The body of the man found in January inside the vacant No Frills Supermarket in Council Bluffs has been identified. The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation’s criminalistics lab identified the body as that of Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada, 25, of Council Bluffs. The lab was able to positively identify the body by analyzing DNA collected from Murillo’s parents, the Council Bluffs Police Department said Monday. On Nov. 28, 2009, Murillo’s parents reported him missing after he became upset and ran out of their home, police said. At the time, Murillo worked at the No Frills at 1817 West Broadway. Murillo’s body was found Jan. 24 by workers removing the former store’s shelves and coolers. An autopsy revealed no signs of trauma. No Frills closed the West Broadway store in 2016. Former No Frills employees said it was common for workers to be on top of the coolers, because the space was used for storage of goods. Investigators think Murillo went to the store after leaving his home and climbed on top of the coolers. He then fell into a gap of about 18 inches between the back of the cooler and a wall and became trapped. https://www.omaha.com/news/metro/council-bluffs/body-found-in-former-bluffs-store-id-d-man-died/article_5e30d933-6ef1-545f-9e98-577472a6df8a.html How long would it take before you pass out from the fear of knowing you were stuck, nobody could hear you, and you were just going to be there until you died?
  19. Good 'Ol Sussex by the sea...BHAFC I really like the cleaner look this year, I don't have anything against last year's dark green away kits, since that's my favorite color, but the black sure does pop a lot better.
  20. https://www.chron.com/sports/article/Rich-Lord-let-go-from-Houston-SportsRadio-610-KILT-14105838.php?utm_campaign=chron_breakingnews_20190718&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
  21. Hey, guys. I don't know where to put this, but my cousin was in a car accident in November of 2017, and his bills have amounted to over $800,000. I'm doing a go fund me to try and help him out, but not sure how to go about it. I've posted on fb, Instagram, Twitter, etc, but would it be ok to post it here? Any and all help would be appreciated. He's paralyzed from the waist down, broke his back, and shattered his spine L1-L3. He needs help with learning to walk again, seeing a pain management doctor, help with medications, so he's needing help with funding for a good physiotherapy place. He's an amazing person, as well as a Longhorn fan. If this isn't the right place to post, please let me know. If it is, here's the go fund me I set up for him. Thanks, guys. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-with-me-learning-to-walk-again&rcid=r01-156337386233-63e4694c57694dcb&pc=ot_co_campmgmt_m
  22. This is why our policing continues to deteriorate..... he gets $30k a year for life because he got PTSD from a situation he caused. https://news.yahoo.com/police-officer-lost-job-shooting-120824546.html
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