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  1. Agree. I admit, I'm fairly disturbed as well, but I think it just shows how freaked out everyone is about what the Rs have done. I haven't seen anyone on the right screaming about how the dotard should step aside as a candidate. They've been behind him for YEARS, even when it became clear what he was. It makes me crazy that somehow the Dems are to blame for having to fight against a cult that wants a dictator. In a sane world, it would be like 80/20, Biden/dipshit. But no, here we are, and let's all blame the Dems for the shortcomings of the right.
  2. Yup. We would gain a few young people who think Biden is too old and we would lose everyone in the middle that doesn’t pay attention to the details.
  3. We’ve decided we’re not going to do anything “patriotic”. This country doesn’t deserve a celebration
  4. The media would have a field day. Today: Biden has to step down, he can’t run and win Tomorrow: DEMS IN DISARRAY!!!
  5. this is why it's Biden no matter what. I can't believe this isn't understood. the party isn't running for office, a candidate is and he has his or her own enterprise - funders, staffers, key executives, operatives, intel, data, etc. etc. Yes the parties help their candidates and there are organizations through out the country that try to help but in the end, the candidate has his or her own apparatus and that isn't just seamlessly handed off with 4 months to go. it would be an epic disaster behind the scenes not to mention any sort of infighting seen publicly.
  6. Arizona and Colorado are probably both a little bit high, but otherwise it looks pretty good. I'd pick KSU to finish ahead of Utah, mostly because they get OSU at home and Utah has to go to Stillwater. They don't play each other so the OSU matchup likely swings the season.
  7. I would caution anyone who thinks replacing Biden gives the Dems a better chance at victory across the board than that which currently exists, to tap the brakes. And overlooking VP Harris would simply de-energize the party’s most faithful voting bloc and all but ensure defeat. That’s just real talk. We have to think this through without be so reflexively emotional.
  8. Maybe, but is it inaccurate? I mean, everyone is saying Kamala can't be who takes over for Biden because she's black and/or a woman and won't win. None of which matters to me personally when deciding on who I'll vote for, but if it matters to the populace, then clearly her vice presidency was an idea whose time had not yet come.
  9. There’s a VEEP episode on this so we already know how it would play out
  10. Opinions like this are maddening when we literally have people posting anecdotal information about their peer group having people who would vote for someone other than Biden. It's like yeah, we hear you but don't believe you... We think people will vote for a corpse because he's the incumbent and it's the "right thing" to do
  11. True. The Biden voters will quell their fears and still get out there for him. Straight-ticket R's and MAGA cultists will get out for their guy. Nothing will change on percentages. But for EC purposes, it's just who stays home this time around---not who turns out. You can't offend milquetoast Trumpers too much or they vote to spite you, you can't feed any gas on the "Biden is Senile" fire anymore because that brings them out, too. Party in-fighting looks suspicious and weak at this stage in the game. But instead we're gonna spin our wheels worrying about 90 kids at Columbia who may not vote for Biden because of Gaza and a few stutters when everything should be thrown at 90,000 voters in the Rust Belt to make them feel just ashamed enough about Trump that they don't vote at all. This thing isn't gonna be won by Gavin Newsom, or Young People, or Green Party defectors. The only way this works is a few million middle-bloc voters of Trump stay home. I'm listening to these fundraising bundlers and consultants spew bullshit "With your support, we can get out the 18-35 Latino vote in Arizona." Yeah, that thing that's never changed an election, ever. Believe it or not folks, there are still Trump voters who feel shame and regret. I know you think all 75mm of them are evil and have no conscious. But a few of them still feel and want to be part of society. You won't get them to break for Biden, but you can break them just enough to have a seat in November and get right with God.
  12. Aggies are going all in on next year's team so they can try and have a team that can beat Texas. That is the only thing they even care about. They got a shitty coach with no experience just to try and hold the roster together for a fleeting victory. Mortgaging their future for one good year. Can't wait to punk their asses anyways. Bring it on losers.
  13. I tend to enjoy low key celebrations, I think we are opting out all together. i'll go fishing or we will go hiking. no cell coverage. enjoy our dog and fish, they are where it's at. I thought the same.
  14. The announcing has been every bit as entertaining as the gameplay in this match. Austria isn't going to save Europe from the Saracens this time.
  15. Where's he going to play? Isn't that Burton guy coming back?
  16. Assuming everything you say could be proved to be true, and I don't really have reason to believe they wouldn't, the situation the Dems find themselves in is even more maddening. 1. Their candidate Methuselah is someone who has aged out of being able to campaign much less be a defender of democracy against a would-be despot 2. The least invasive alternative would be to replace him with the young VP, but they are an unviable candidate because they are a social experiment 3. There are other bright young stars in the party that would be viable candidates, but they cannot be considered because that will piss off the people who wanted the social experiment as VP 4. There is no coherent strategy and there are no contingencies. We are just asked to remain calm, give them a vote and enjoy the band as democracy capsizes. 5. When voters register their alarm, democrats call them morons and idiots for daring to wonder WTF is going on and not just voting mindlessly None of those are the fault of Trump, the GOP, Fox News, Russia, CNN or dumb voters. Those are all damming self-owns by the Democratic party and their constituents. The only bright side I see at this point with what is looking like an increasingly likely Trump victory is that the leadership if not the whole of the Democratic party goes away. Adios, motherfuckers. Then hopefully something less impotently shitty can replace them/it.
  17. Whore for public in-state schools. Maybe he can go play a fourth year at UH if he doesn’t get drafted
  18. Independents and apathetic voters now staying home because of Biden is what we've been talking about, my dude. Why are they more likely to stay home for Whitmer than they are for a severely in decline Biden, assuming that he doesn't go on a media blitz and turn the narrative around? (And let's not pretend his approval ratings were great before the debate.)
  19. There’s a lot of assumption that the Biden/Harris campaign team, full of vets who have run presidential candidates and signed on to run an incumbent re-election campaign, are just going to shrug their shoulders and say okay and go work for whoever the DNC declares is the Biden/Harris replacement when they get kicked to the curb. Because none of the names thrown around have a national ready campaign apparatus ready to hit the ground hard in July 2024.
  20. What do you want me to say? It's not ideal. Nothing in this is ideal. But "oh well that's not enough time so I guess we have to run the guy who has trouble completing sentences that no one wants to vote for and is all but guaranteed to lose" is not the better strategy. Edit: I think you misunderstood my post.
  21. If the nomination is up for grabs at the convention that’s an ugly process which will no doubt come off as a shit show mixed with protests about Gaza. We are fucked.
  22. I guess it was their refusal to lend a hand to Trump when he was trying to steal 2020, along with ordering his tax returns released. I knew Alito and Thomas would be good little fascists for their orange overlord, but I believed at least 2 of the remaining 4 assholes wouldn't go so far as giving us a king.
  23. You think the non clued in voters are going to watch the Dem convention? Go ask 10 people to tell you anything about Whitmer, Booker, or Newsom. Joe is old but when those people wonder into a voting booth they need a name they recognize, old or not.
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