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  1. You didn’t really clearly state anything. “I’m all app’d out” seems like a bit of a beta response. I’m sorry you’re so goddam sensitive on a message board. And I’m sorry that don’y really wanna try that hard to find your (evidently) beloved British shows that you’ve never seen. How much googling did you have to do for that response? Triggered much?
  2. OU will not vanish from the CFB landscape. They will however, as all other schools including Texas, have to survive in CFB 3.0. The SEC is not going to allow any one school an easy path to annual or near annual conference championships. Barring a fall of some of its powers, there won’t even be terribly easy paths for traditional powers even to play annually in the CCG. OU brings reputation and institutional commitment, but memory can be short, and many schools want to win. Going forward, getting Jimmys and Joes is going to depend heavily on a well-managed and funded NIL and portal operation. A Wilkinson-style desk full of cash helped launch some programs, but neither OU nor aggy nor even Bama can coast forever on that part of their past. OU may turn up a billionaire angel to keep them competitive— who knows. The day before our first B12 meeting against Nebraska, few would have predicted that they’d be in a ditch and the LA schools joining them in the B10 25 years hence. TLDR: OU has an enormous beta, both next season and long term. They are not a giant or terribly wealthy school.
  3. re: off center bot i thought was Emulsifier as well but that is Triton here is emulsufier: * Starchild looks fucking dumb too. same team as RIPperoni. same wheels and material as Huge, but vertical spinner? and in what is going to, with 100% certainty, be a trash fight this bot and Huge fight each other in the 4th round of their pool plays basically. * Kraken and Beta are both in it because they aren't spinners - I thought Beta was trash as well but they went 3-1 in Season 2 of the ABC reboot, went 3-0 in Discovery S5 before losing to Ribbot Kraken went 1-2 in S4 Fight Nights, then 0-3 in Exhibitions, 1-2 in Season 5 Fight Nights then lost to SawBlaze, then 0-3 in Season 6 * Horizon is the dumbest looking robot maybe since Shmeeeeeeeeeee. that thing is going to break into a million pieces i bet. Shreddit is a "direct successor" to Pain Train from the same team. I am assuming something crazy happens
  4. Monsoon v Black Dragon - I don't remember Monsoon. I remember Black Dragon as mediocre (not terrible, not great), but capable of working while on fire for 2 minutes. Malice v Emulsifier - Malice sucks. Is Emulsifier the unbalanced flywheel (off center vertical spinner) bot? Starchild v Overhaul - Who? Starchild looks like a Huge clone. Can it perform better than Huge has? Gruff v Quantum - This could actually be an interesting fight. Gruff's strong armor vs. Quantum's industrial press piercing tooth. I wonder if either bot damages the other or if one just pulls a Pain Train to lose. Kraken v Beta - Not sure why either bot is still in the field. Both should have retired ala Rusty, Pain Train, Smeeee, etc. Horizon v Shreddit Bro - Not sure I've ever seen either bot before Whiplash v Hypershock - Whiplash's weapon looked really weak in their last match. Hypershock has a real weapon.
  5. Has “most country music is just whiny beta emo romantic shit with a country accent” been posted yet?
  6. Another good thing that failed was the NFL’s beta test for an offsite AFC Championship. I’m supremely glad that blew up in their face. Glad that the Bengals were insulted. For all the bitching that people do about NFL being rigged and creating their narrative and executing it the Bengals told them to fuck off. Judging from the reactions of most everyone…no one thought the offsite game was a good idea. That won’t stop Roger and the NFL from trying it again but at least Burrow (Joe Cool/IceMan) and Cincy blew that up this year. This pleases me and I hope they go on to win the SB.
  7. Real shame about the rules because I have an awesome story about that time the stupid son of a bitch @futureman and the mean son of a bitch @closetojumping were assfucking some slutty nuns at the Alamo while socialist marxist Robert Francis O'Rourke and neonazi cuck fascist Ted Cruz were gay aborting babies. But I guess that's too good for your readers.
  8. It's not that they're cucks so much as Russia has been their "dealer of stuff we dig" since the fucking Hanseatic league days. The ties between Germany and the Novgorord-to-Baltic Russian trading communities go back centuries. And in recent decades, Russia was Germany's cheap energy dealer (and many Germans, including Gerhard Schroder, got fat off of that trade). Germany's take on Russia is "yeah, yeah, y'all say they are bad. For shame, Russia, be better! But....we profit handsomely off of our Russian dealings, so we won't be quitting those anytime soon." It's a pretty big fucking flaw in the German national character.
  9. Re: Tesla compared to other cars, whynotboth.gif It's pretty clear you've each made up your minds. The car market will make its own mind. FWIW my dad has a Tesla and it is a perfectly fine (fast) appliance. It's a very good choice for him. To G650 comment, I am also in automotive engineering, have multiple friends who have been engineers at Tesla, and I find Tesla's engineering to be amusingly shit. I was literally speechless when I found out that rain sensing wiper was still a "Beta" function - the Taiwan owner base describes the function as "mentally retarded." Some things have not changed since Tesla started and Sandy Munro did his first teardowns; incredibly advanced development in some areas and literal automotive stone-age in others. I have zero desire to own one at this point, they simply aren't a finished product yet. Based on my own experiences driving/riding in my dad's Tesla, the auto driving/driver assist is not ready to be on public roads, and I am honestly surprised NHTSA has not cracked down harder on Tesla.
  10. I will now sell 5 copies of the 3 EPs by The Beta Band.
  11. rarely hear any mention of the beta band. they put out some great music that was a unique blend of psych-folk/trip hop. was fortunate enough to see them at la zona rosa before they broke up, this album still gets a lot of play:
  12. Oh and her cuck husband just switched careers from fucking park ranger (really) to small town cop. Yes, let’s give THAT guy weaponry.
  13. Cuck husband still wants to save the marriage. Her leg tat shooda let him know she's dtf
  14. *edit* I'm getting Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon mixed up in this entire post. there was some sort of toxicity/misogyny shit in the workplace with rick and morty as well I think. Hard to find since if you google this shit it's mostly about beta cuck R+M fans doing beta cuck "harass female writers" shit but it was this - https://www.awn.com/news/rick-and-morty-creator-dan-harmon-comes-clean-public-apology The story here seems to be that at Community, Roiland was attracted to one of his writers, did some harassing, and then when firmly rejected did some more abusive shit. In this case it came to light in the midst of 2018 metoo stuff - Roiland vaguely alluded to it, the writer Megan Ganz called him out, he said he hadn't wanted to put her shit on blast but gave a full account and apology, and Ganz tweeted links to his podcast calling it a masterclass on how to apologize. I had vaguely remembered this, but this is a bit more interesting now since I've become more familiar with Ganz as the host of the Always Sunny podcast (where the Always Sunny guys shoot the shit while they theoretically work episode by episode through the series). She's now a writer on the series, not sure for how long. Anyways, interesting - he's very outspoken against the sexism and misogyny that afflicts a lot of the R+M fanbase, he's clearly not been a saint himself but he did a good job of owning up to it in 2018, but here we are with assault allegations from 2020. Curious to learn more about what happened here but uhh, golly geez. Hey guys, if you have reached your mid thirties and you still haven't worked through your stupid shit like this please seek counseling wtf.
  15. I've been doing 1ml injections every two weeks for the last year and a half and things are awesome. I feel like it turned back the clock by two decades. It really is a fountain of youth both physically and mentally. I was 54 when I started and my T was down in the 200s. I felt old. I really was at the point where I was thinking I was going to need to retire or change careers because keeping up with the young-guns in the software industry was getting to hard to mentally sustain. TRT did change that. All the tests since I started had been nicely in the mid-range, until the one that came back today. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. It came back today 1100. My doc follow up is next week and my guess is he's going to lower my dose. I don't want to lower my dose. I feel like I'm about to be sentenced to Beta Force. Fuck me. I don't want to go back. Ok, watching that SNL clip again hits uncomfortably close to home: I do work out like a mad-man, and I did lose a ton of weight, and I did get rid of most of my wardrobe and buy more stylish clothes, and I do have a clean shaven head, and I do have a prescription for Viagra, but I don't need it anymore...but I still use it cause god-damn it's good medicine. If my docs cuts off my testosterone, I may have to go find some South African Xentrex. It Works.
  16. I'm still bracing myself for Beard to end up at A&M next season. Those micro-dicked morons will gloryhole themselves into a frenzy over the thought of beating the sips with our old coach. It will certainly make it easier to keep cucking ole Jimbo
  17. Parliament

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Young people playing this crappy new rap on the bluetooth. I know the subject latter of 90's Gangster Rap was bad, and shouldn't be spoken aloud, but it sounds way better than whatever these beta cucks are singing.
  18. Elon: "You sound like a little soy boy beta bitch" Interestingly enough, I saw this blurb earlier today. I guess TSLA's application must have gotten lost in the mail. https://insideevs.com/news/630075/mercedes-first-to-offer-level-3-self-driving-in-the-us/
  19. Twitter would collapse faster if the Orange Cuck went back. He’s say something horrific, and more ads would bail.
  20. McCarthy just got cucked on live tv. Why would he give up that photo opp?
  21. Lol at the bastard trying to fist bump her and her saying "I'm good"...cuck.
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