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  1. Yes I've been drinking since 11, but the question still stands.
  2. Watched Texas/Ga w/ sound off entire regulation and it was an awesome experience, save the lack of crowd noise/ reaction. Would love to be able to hear the game w/o the colonic babble and infuriating spin and agendas but hear the crowd. Commentators do not add to the viewing experience of most games. Yes I like Craig Way but it’s not usually synced to the game for Texas games. I would consider paying a small fee to scrub out sportscaster dribble. My comments are for all CFB in general.
  3. The Flying Ginsu. Can take out an terrorist from 10,000 feet and not even hurt his dog. https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-cia-has-a-flying-knife-missile-that-is-as-awful-as-1834781708
  4. Mr Badass trashes Trump in his new book. Too bad he had Trump's dick in his mouth during his speakership.
  5. On the way back to Austin. Fuck Tom Herman
  6. And we wonder why we can't get back to prominence. We've never been squeaky clean ever when we've been at the top. If you want to win you've got to play the game and hire cold hitting pipe hitters. Fuck you dorks that want to be Michigan - go cheer for them.
  7. Just a city-killer; no big deal. https://instantweather.ca/2019/07/28/XyPiJ3--city-killer-asteroid-with-the-power-of-a-nuclear-bomb-came-uncomfortably-close-to-earth-this-week-and-nobody-saw-it-coming/?fbclid=IwAR2_KUp1Wmm8jrx5DmYfbZ2f9pRXL2iNcGd0H_0aEYT4Xn0Iyso4U8g5mB8 And now scientists have revealed that they have discovered an asteroid named Asteroid 2019 OK earlier this week and only figured out the magnitude of it just hours before it came within 73,000 kilometres of the earth as reported by NASA. For comparison, the moon is over 5 times that distance at approximately 380,000 kilometres away so that’s relatively close even though it seems like a large number. According to The Washington Post, it was already expected that a few asteroids would pass by earth this week and pose no threat. So, for most scientists, it didn’t raise any alarm bells when reports began flowing in about an asteroid that brushed by the earth on Thursday (July 25). After information about the size of the rock was released, it was then realized that this asteroid wasn’t among the ones they were tracking and it had remained undetected until it had passed by. "2019 OK (so far)," indeed.
  8. Why? Can someone outline in detail for me exactly why he was ever benched and try to justify it alongside the countless WORSE performances we've seen from other QBs since? Again, fuck so many of you who have been toting the "Give Sam some time" line for almost a year now. At least I don't ever have to read that shit anymore, regardless of what you think of my take on Heard's wasted talent. One more time: Fuck you if you ever said it, and you are part of the biggest problem at UT which is lack of a good QB (quite obv most important position in ALL of sports).
  9. The latest one just killed 4 children he was holding hostage: http://abc13.com/4-children-dead-including-gunman-after-nearly-24-hr-standoff/3592889/ Completely unscientific big list of Something Wayne Something murderers: https://thenewstalkers.com/community/discussion/2531/list-of-killers-with-the-middle-name-of-wayne
  10. Ballistic gel material. Hmmm . . . What happens when you put this in a football helmet.? Maybe do away with the hard shell and return to something like leather helmet made of gel cloth! Could this turn the tide of wussification of the game? Too good to be true? At least it’s the right color - if not the right shade. <Now I attempt a link> https://apple.news/ABnX_q7ZkQdu2TAzsIU8Qag gt -
  11. I screw shit up sometimes and need to delete instead of edit. Thanks.
  12. Let's see. A foreign government is funding a domestic group that marches around the streets with guns, calls for open insurrection in some cases, and has a board member who has made open threats to government officials. The National Rifle Association reported this week that it received more money from people with Russian ties than it has previously acknowledged, but announced that it was officially done cooperating with a congressional inquiry exploring whether illicit Kremlin-linked funding passed through the NRA and into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said on Wednesday. Wyden released a letter from the NRA, dated Tuesday, in which the gun rights group reported receiving $2,512.85 in contributions and membership dues “from people associated with Russian addresses” or known Russian nationals living in the United States from 2015 to the present. In the past, a congressional aide to Wyden said, the group had confirmed receiving only one financial contribution, in the form of a lifetime membership purchased by Alexander Torsion, a Russian banker. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/11/nra-russia-money-guns-516804
  13. Folks requesting new 2023 Roster page. Thanks for this info @texifornia When yah get a chance, can we get a new updated roster chart and participation chart from @BornAndRaised Thanks!!
  14. Florida wins on the Men's side. https://ecm.capitalone.com/WCM/capital-one-cup/coc-complete-standings---final---6_28_23.pdf
  15. You read that correctly. Texas has not won four consecutive games on its home field since 2009. That could all change starting this weekend. Texas plays four more home games this season, starting with Okie State. Meanwhile, Oklahoma State is the proud owner of both an active 4 game winning streak against Texas, the longest current streak, and a 4 game winning streak inside DKR, also active. We can piss and moan about the 2015 rip-off from the refs all we'd like. I don't dispute that it legitimately looked like a rigged game, and the analytics certainly back it up. That said, one game shouldn't matter for a proud program like Texas. We're at a point now where other people can credibly make an argument that the fucking Okie Staters have lately owned the Texas Longhorns, and that we're paying them rent every month for using DKR, since they own that too. They didn't even need T Boone Fucking Pickens to buy it. While this debacle has been unfolding for Texas, Oklahoma State has been flexing as nothing more than above average at a national level. They had an outstanding 2011 season, but have generally otherwise existed to validate OU when OU needs a whipping boy late in the season in order to beef up their playoff resume. So is Texas back? To me, no outcome this season matters more to validating Sam Ehlinger's Sugar Bowl claim than the game this weekend. Beat Oklahoma State the way you should, and make all the claims you want. Lose to the okies, a-fucking-gain, and no one but the most nauseating apologists can claim that Texas is anything but a continued enigma, or worse. So what are we facing, really? Oklahoma State has faced 3 teams this season: -Oregon State - 1-2 - Losers to both OSU and Hawaii, Oregon State just rolled an FCS nobody in Cal Poly. Once you account for fending off Stefen Djordjevic, Cal Poly has nothing for any opponent. Oregon State is hot buttered trash and they'll wind up 2-10 this season. -McNeese State - 2-1 - Winners against the mighty Southern Jaguars and Alcorn State Braves, McNeese State hasn't had this much fun beating the shit out of black people since forced desegregation hit Louisiana in the 1980's. This is another program that shouldn't even be appearing on a P5 program's fucking schedule. -Tulsa - 1-2 - Tulsa beat San Jose State. They'll likely stumble into another couple of wins this seasons simply because the majority of their remaining opponents lack the funding for technology that would enable film review, and therefore an understanding of the rudimentary requirements necessary for shutting down the Air Veer offense, or whatever the fuck all of the Briles disciples are calling their O these days. In short, Oklahoma State is the softest 3-0 in the country. They've played no one, and they've struggled to beat two of the three no-ones they've faced. Gundy always put forth a strong offensive game plan, and this weekend will be no exception. Undoubtedly, he's going to do whatever he can to enable Wallace to get open in space. Todd Orlando and his DB coaches are fucking idiots when it comes to early season personnel choices, so of course Wallace will inevitably torch our defense for 200+ yards receiving and 3 TDs. This is a given. Nonetheless, the rest of the offense has questions. Chuba Hubbard is a solid TB. He's putting up Heisman numbers because he's played no one. Texas will sell out, as they should, to stop the running game and make OSU one dimensional. The OSU Oline has looked good, but they've been working against defenses that mattered only from the perspective that they had mass and took up space. No one has stepped up as a real receiving threat behind Wallace. There is no old school badass Okie State-esque TE threat to provide headaches. Spencer Sanders is an athletic QB but he's young and manageable as a defense. So while I expect OSU to put up some points, this isn't the OSU offense from seasons' past that Texas is facing, and Texas is OSU's first test of any sort. OSU shouldn't score more than 30 points this weekend and if they do, Orlando should be fired attempting to enter the locker room after the game. Defensively, and there's already a thread covering this for these guys, but Oklahoma State's defense is absolute shit. They forced 2 turnovers against McNeese State and have done nothing otherwise. They haven't been facing great OLs and great offenses, either. They have 6 sacks on the season, 3 of which came against Tulsa. Oklahoma State's front 7 is weak and should be exploited in the run game. The secondary is the strength of their defense, but it's not scary. It's basically just better than the garbage in front of it at DL and LB. In the past, OSU always seemed to have random 2nd-5th round picks sprinkled into their defense, and they lack that this season. This is a defense that should be exposed for big gains in both the running and passing game by Texas. Texas should be good for at least 40 in this game and I could see 50, easily. Anything less than that is a choke by the offensive staff. Special Teams-wise, OSU has put up pedestrian numbers so far. There's nothing interesting going on with OSU at punter, kicker, KR, or PR. It's just an overall mediocre set of numbers coming from this group through 3 games. Ultimately, Texas owes Oklahoma State a fucking beatdown. This would be a good time to deliver one. OSU is a paper tiger coming in, and they're not going to be a great team this year. It would be good to set a tone heading into the Big 12 schedule that says that Texas is Back, baby!, but honestly, given the dominance OSU has shown over Texas during this past decade, give me a fucking win. There's no excuse for that not to happen. Stop the embarrassment. Take back DKR.
  16. Schedule is here: https://texassports.com/schedule.aspx?schedule=393 There are five days remaining until tip-off against Eastern Illinois, which means the season is nearly upon us. Although there are no high-end talents (one-and-dones) on this roster, this may be closer to the team Shaka Smart actually has a chance of succeeding with: athletic, multiple playmaking guards, and a decent amount of experience. Shooting and rim protection remain question marks, as does the overarching team offensive philosophy. What are your minimum expectations for a successful season, and what do you predict will happen?
  17. The New Orleans Saints will finally get their chance to prove they deserved a first-round bye when they take on the Philadelphia Eagles this weekend in a rematch from the regular season when they dropped 41 points on them. Head coach Sean Peyton didn’t want his players lacking or tacking their opponents lightly, so he decided to pull his own big d*ck power move to inspire his players as they get set to face big d*ck Nick Foles and the Eagles. Payton decided to wheel the Lombardi Trophy and $225,000 in cash into the locker room Tuesday with the help of four armed security guards. Mark Ingram confirmed the head coach told the team: “Y’all want this? Win three (expletive) games,” via WDSU sports anchor Fletcher Mackel. Ingram told Mackel that the room of players erupted. The $225,000 is each player’s Super Bowl bonus, Mackel reported. If that doesn’t get you hyped up, I don’t know what will.
  18. It's always great when OU loses so this makes me highly enchubbened.
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