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  1. Damn, look at that democrat Beta Soy Boy!
  2. Isn’t “TCU porn” the same as searching for “BBC cucks?”
  3. Buncha beta cuck soy boys on this thread. Jurassic Bark kills me every time.
  4. Ohh well dat be da liberuls tryn skeer us into beta woke cuck idilogy.
  5. I was raised by idiot, wing nut, southern Baptist assholes to believe that being white meant you were better, and education was for pussies. Luckily I got my brain from my grandfather, who was a MD and oil man, so I recognized the bullshit at an early age. I was literally beaten for expressing any opinion which contradicted my biological father. Little did they know the beta cuck hippie id become. I was always moderate even voting republican sometimes, but since G-Dub I've been solid blue.
  6. And what that beta make man shout in his undershirt from that balcony window before falling to his death? you guessed it, “PELLA!!!”
  7. We also get to beta-test our JV equipment and weapons platforms against the Russian varsity stuff. And now see what a coalition would look like should we have to do battle with China, a bigger and bolder NATO. All without a single boot in the theater. Also the dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about.....not only is our flyover/satellite intel beyond reproach...we can deploy real time feeds of Russian movements down to the squad level comms systems, or even their smart phone. we even know when a drone "wakes up", long before it even flies over the battlefield. The only wild card remains...what if out of desperation...Putin deploys a nuclear warhead? And worse, what if it's an unreliable as the rest of their conventional weapons systems? Only thing worse than a warhead headed for Kyiv is a warhead leaving Russia headed for whoops?
  8. Ha. I am the opposite of that. I love woman and have no insecurities. In fact, I wish woman had equal workplace rights and did not have to deal with beta male sexual harrasment.
  9. Big dick checking in. You are not a true Texan if you were not outside drinking and grilling in shorts, shirt, and sandals these past few days. Smoked me some food last night and it was not even that cold. Weird to see Texans dressed as if it is freezing outside. Usually it is the woman that want to play dress up or beta males that do not lift. Hahahahaha.
  10. He's just mad because the LB they tampered with decided to go to USC instead. Jimbo got cucked by Little Lincoln
  11. Johnny West is another guy who would cuck Ken.
  12. It’s Candi. Cucking Bilbo right out of the gate.
  13. It's astonishing how these cucks for authoritarianism will just line up to advocate for whatever their leader of the day tells them. I mean, does anyone REALLY think the average redneck white trash American wants to "quit porn"? Or make birth control illegal? Or even abortion? I mean, sure, it's one thing to vote against one's economic self interest, but to vote against SEX?
  14. Im still partial to Aggy recruiting 2024: Cuck Around and Find Out
  15. Elon showing a lot of little dick energy. What a beta, cuck, snowflake he is.
  16. He's likely toast. They are saying he had said he had tapes showing he wasn't the primary aggressor, but did not turn them over to police. But who would be dumb enough to turn anything over to the police in this sort of situation without talking to your lawyer. So basically it sounds like the relationship wasn't the greatest. She broke his glasses. And he snapped and there seems to be a lot of physical evidence on her body. I guess he didn't choke her to the point of leaving any marks according to Texas Betas post. it will be interesting to see how this plays out. But I am assuming Beard will remember this as the worst decision of his life. And that he will indeed find another job and rehabilitate his coaching career somewhere. I also would not be at all surprised to see the choking aspect of the charges dropped. At least the boys finally got ahead of Rice!
  17. a couple jewish lady friends told me chapelle said some very antisemetic things on sat night live a couple weeks ago. He thinks Jews control the banks and hollywood blah blah blah...he's the reverse side of the coin of people who talk about the nba being racist because each team is mainly Black. Ken White (Popehat) posted this morning that he's in process of closing down his twitter and moving to Post, and perhaps he'll try Mastodon, as well. Josh Marshall posted yesterday that he can't move to Post yet because it so far lacks the threading of replies that he needs, or something like that. Anyway Post is still in Beta. They've unveiled a lot of improvements and ehancements over the past few days. For example, youtube clips embed now. Not sure how hard it is to find people over there...they may just not be there yet. Still about 150k active users with many on the waitlist. That's fewer registered users than the number of followers that even a somewhat random but respected journo like Laura Rozen has. It's still a bit glitchy and so far doesn't give the dopamine hit that twitter used to. They're working hard to beef up their moderation team, which they are fully serious about. They've made example of the couple users who've broken basic societal norms. But that Noam dude seems like he knows what he's doing and has put a lot of thought into the product.
  18. Fool. A stock peaking and then losing almost half of its peak value in less than three months is how a SUPER BRAIN GENIUS runs his company. You're just not smart enough to follow Elon's BRILLIANT plan. You should just be thanking your stars that you get to exist in the same timeline as his transcendent brilliance and hopefully one day, you'll be close enough to him so that one of his brilliant droplets of sweat, created because his brain runs hot, splashes onto you. You stupid cuck beta soyboy.
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