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  1. Bellingham and Saka go down under a gust of air. Glad this ref isn’t going for it.
  2. ... and is, on the whole, so stunningly scientifically ignorant at a time when we are confronting potentially existential threats (climate change, AI, etc.). I'm sure that this will work out well for us, though.
  3. Definitely need more rotation at WR this year and we have the talent to do it. So there’s no excuse why Sark wouldn’t.
  4. SIAP but has it been reported/confirmed that Weiner is staying at UT and not going back with Earley? One thing in ATM's favor with this hire - it does give them a chance at a NC next year by keeping the roster together. From that standpoint, it's not a terrible dice roll which they can bail out of within a couple years. But beyond next year, I'd be disappointed if I were an ATM fan.
  5. Ok so now we are going the Foden cross to Kane strategy lol.
  6. For real we have to figure out something soon. This isn’t sustainable. Pitching can’t hold us up forever. wtf Julio?
  7. It was suggested I post this here -- My kid was gifted a $75 Google Play code for his birthday from a family member. But we don't have any Android devices. Can be used for YouTube tv subscriptions, as well as music, games etc. Anyone want it at a discount?
  8. LHNs greatest moment? Ill nominate Gallindos best call - “This is like a man walking on the moon…. OH MY LORD!!! OHHHHHH! (shipley - “Bevo!”) (fozzy - “ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”) still fucking hilarious. And the gif of bevo going after uga never gets old. Ever
  9. mdmost

    Euro 2024

    It really is awe inspiring how Southgate can make Foden, Jude, and Saka all look below average. But it's cool. They have Harry Kane and we know how he responds when a trophy is on the line....
  10. Complete clown show (Jimbo buyout, turn Stoops plane around after texags meltdown, Texas takes their coach, etc.) Claim there are multiple NFL/MLB coaches interested Claim there are multiple D1 coaches interested Every coach turns them down/won’t return their calls Stories now surface that ex-coach was a horrible human being and butthurt players claim feelings were hurt (but wasn’t the case when aggy hired them) End up with drastically underqualified hire, dictated by Looch, who coached at aggy, who “gets” aggy, who is the only one who would take the job Coach so overweight can only wear mumus (not always the case but give it time) Pravda (texags.com) spins this as the greatest hire possible and that this was their #1 choice all along and this coach “gets” aggy and the wins will just pile up World laughs at aggy incompetence/delusion Losses pile up Rinse, repeat (coming soon to a basketball coaching search near college station)
  11. Trev: Coach Earley, did you have discussions with Coach Schloss about leaving Aggieland to go be the sip head coach prior to the announcement? Earley: Yes Trev: Well that is not good. Ok, and when the announcement came out, did you follow Coach Schloss to sip and in fact sign a contract to be a sip coach and get your picture taken wearing sip orange? Earley: Yes Trev: Strike two. My final question....are you a living breathing human being who is willing to be the Fightin' Texas Aggie head baseball coach and live in College Station Texas? Earley: Yes Trev: You're hired!
  12. We will park the bus hoping for two ties, and watch Bolivia and Panama kick each other in the shins for 89 minutes until Panama nets a goal. We will then have to go on attack and Uruguay will get 2 on counters in extra time.
  13. It really is amazing that anything out of the confirmation bias circle is always 100% wrong with a hint of violence attached to it. I think what we did learn today, aggy is broke as fuck because of Jimbo.
  14. Wait until we trade Dubin and Whitley for Vlad Jr
  15. I recorded that show and just finished watching. He looked fantastic. About 10 seconds before the ending uppercut that one in the middle of the ring was devastating as well. A really solid effort. Lopez was so underwhelming. I guess I am just yelling at kids on my lawn here when I say he should spend less time on his ring entrance, and more time training. That entrance was such crap. Then, the fight was nothing more than a glorified sparring session. I don't know who it is that is advising him but, he needs someone different in his ear. That guy, Claggett, he fought is 35-years old. Yeah, he did okay but, he should not have been in there. If Lopez moves up he is going to have some issues because guys will be able to hurt him. I like Lopez and want him to do well but, in his present form I like him less. I am looking forward to this: July 6: Newark, New Jersey (ESPN/ESPN+) -- Title fight: Shakur Stevenson vs. Artem Harutyunyan, 12 rounds, for Stevenson's WBC lightweight title - Watch on ESPN and ESPN+, 9 p.m. ET
  16. Whatever, Looch knew before the Eisenhower administration that Schloss was going to Texas.
  17. That was well said. He was very measured and calm, and precise. I think there was a lot going on between Norris and Max that was not in the spirit of racing. Both were assholes today but, that final incident was on Max. That was wrong. And as others have said, that's Max from 8 years ago. It's not a good look for either of them, or the sport. It is kind of funny that Russell was there to pick up the pieces. I have made no secret of my disdain for English drivers in a German car. I don't like it but, I don't hate Russell. And a good job by him being in position to do what he did. I would have liked a few more laps to see if Piastri could have gotten closer. I also chuckled that Sainz finished in front of Hamilton. I think it was very good that eight teams were in the top-10 in this one. Aston better get its shit together, cuz, they suck.
  18. Black Shirts and Banned Flags: Ultras Push Politics at Euro 2024 Hard-core fan groups, embracing a strong nationalistic streak, have provoked pushback from soccer’s authorities at the European Championship. The instructions were concise and clear. Those hoping to march to the stadium with Hungary’s fans for their soccer team’s first game of the European Championship were expected to report by 10 a.m. sharp, five hours before kickoff. A strict dress code would apply. Some could wear black. Others were to stick with red, white and green, the colors of the country’s flag. Under no circumstances was there to be any flashiness. “Gaudy colors, clown hats and bagpipes” were all prohibited. They were, prospective marchers were reminded, “going to a soccer stadium, not a circus.” The hectoring and slightly priggish tone felt jarring, considering the source of the orders: the official Facebook page of the Carpathian Brigade, a virulently nationalistic faction of hard-core fans — ultras, as such groups are known — that provides the Hungarian national team with its vociferous and volatile backing. The Carpathian Brigade has, in recent years, become perhaps Europe’s most infamous ultra group, its reputation forged by clashing with the police, showering opponents with racist abuse and displaying homophobic banners. In 2021, during the last European Championship, it had to remind members to cover up any Nazi-related tattoos so as not to contravene German law. None of that has stopped its growth. If anything, it has accelerated it. Drawn by the Carpathian Brigade’s voluble Hungarian patriotism and unabashed right-wing values — an ideology that both echoes and trumpets the populist rhetoric of Viktor Orban, the country’s prime minister — the group may now be able to call on as many as 15,000 members. It is also not alone. Black-clad ultras have been a fixture at Euro 2024 this month, with detachments — sometimes numbering a few hundred, sometimes a little larger — visible across Germany and at games involving Albania, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia, among others. Though some of those groups were formed as a response to the Carpathian Brigade, in most cases they do not share either its motivations or its precise political agenda, and none carry quite the same air of menace. Their presence at the Euros, though, has been an issue for UEFA, European soccer’s governing body, which has levied fines on a number of countries during the tournament, including multiple punishments for “transmitting provocative messages not fit for a sports event.” The groups do not just provide a soundtrack and a visual spectacle whenever and wherever their national teams play, they also hint at the rising tide of nationalism across Europe.
  19. This Dubin gonna go at least 4 IP, 2 or less ERs
  20. they just can't figure out what to do with gergg at least we know we have a time-wasting clock-killing chance-preventing strategy and formation southgate achieves all of that, without a strategy, or a formation
  21. They will give him the $2.7m we paid for Schloss' buyout, but spread it over 5 years and pocket the interest. Win!
  22. cmontexas

    Euro 2024

    Mexico doesn't take themselves as seriously as England aggy or believe their fanbase is more special and deserves to win. They are just rowdy assholes Mexico is Tech
  23. Reminder: those plentiful photos of Trump with the Clintons and with Jeffrey Epstein aren’t going to drop themselves into casual conversations with your MAGA friends and relatives,
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