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  1. Schedule is here: https://texassports.com/schedule.aspx?schedule=393 There are five days remaining until tip-off against Eastern Illinois, which means the season is nearly upon us. Although there are no high-end talents (one-and-dones) on this roster, this may be closer to the team Shaka Smart actually has a chance of succeeding with: athletic, multiple playmaking guards, and a decent amount of experience. Shooting and rim protection remain question marks, as does the overarching team offensive philosophy. What are your minimum expectations for a successful season, and what do you predict will happen?
  2. It's always great when OU loses so this makes me highly enchubbened.
  3. Headed to Cozumel for 5 days soon and wondering if I should exchange some dollars to pesos or can I just do everything there with dinero Americano? Are there any risks or advantages to exchanging some or not exchanging? Yeah I know this sounds naive but I haven't been further than a couple of border towns in over 30 years.
  4. https://www.king5.com/amp/article/news/local/seattle/seattle-ceo-dan-price-resigns-assault-allegations-gravity-payments/281-21eb62fa-a85a-4fa7-8735-1475d04998b4 The woman attempted to order an Uber, and Price suggested waiting in his Tesla until it arrived. Once inside his car, Price allegedly attempted to force a kiss on the woman and grabbed her throat when she pushed him away. Documents say the woman told police he became "incredibly angry," and his demeanor completely changed. According to documents, Price then drove the woman to a North Seattle parking lot and did "donuts" with his car before attempting to kiss her again.
  5. Wally, I presume you shorted this one too? Cheeky bugger. Nickel trading will resume on the London Metal Exchange on Wednesday, over a week after being suspended amid a historic short squeeze, after the tycoon at the center of the crisis reached a deal with his banks. Xiang Guangda, whose large short position roiled the market last week, has secured a standstill agreement to avoid further margin calls, reducing the risk that the squeeze is repeated when the market reopens. In a notice to members on Monday evening, the LME said that bank support for Xiang’s Tsingshan Group Holding Co. “could suggest that the potential for further disorderly conditions may be mitigated.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lme-reopen-nickel-market-march-200706173.html ETA for a better link: Yet the day before, the market had started to unravel, with prices rising by a stunning 66% to $48,078. Now, the traders watched with a mixture of horror and grim fascination as the price went vertical. Already at an all-time high by 5:42 a.m., it lurched higher in stomach-churning leaps, soaring $30,000 in a matter of minutes. Just after 6 a.m., the price of nickel passed $100,000 a ton. The spike was driven in large part by a short squeeze centered on Chinese tycoon Xiang Guangda, who had amassed a big wager that nickel prices would fall through his company Tsingshan Holding Group Co. On Monday, a week after trading had been suspended, Tsingshan announced a standstill agreement from JPMorgan Chase & Co. and other banks that would allow it to maintain its short position. The LME said nickel trading would resume on Wednesday. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-14/inside-nickel-s-short-squeeze-how-price-surges-halted-lme-trading
  6. From last summer. Video released of gun shop employee chasing robber out of store and shooting him as he’s running away. https://abc13.com/store-employee-shoots-unarmed-man-in-the-back-video-shows/13145497/
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/22/nyregion/robert-menendez-indicted.html You almost have to admire the man's commitment to criming. The Supreme Court has worked so hard to try to eliminate bribery as a crime almost entirely, but he was determined to find a way.
  8. Searched and didn't find a related thread. Just started this for the millionth time. Such a classic. Philly is the perfect setting.
  9. Lotsa douchebags (think Kardashians who go to the gym alot) in the fitness community, and the YouTube algorithms seem know I'm one of them. Algo's pushed this guy on my last winter. A Texan (sorry) who owns a supplement company that focuses on dehydrated organ meat. On his YouTube he espouses "ancestral tenants" like sleep alot, train alot and stay away from EM radiation. Do all that, and you can look like him. Other fitness DB's called him out from the start, "You can't look like that at 45! COME ON!" Even Surly-hated Joe Rogan hates him. Well one of his enablers squealed and leaked emails where he detailed the PED's he takes (alot of them). A bit surprising he didn't just deny it; emails can be faked and everyone is a liar. It's my version of trash TV. Dude's SO transparent, you can't believe anything he says. He's the physical embodyment of the inflation-driven meme culture we've been in since 2020. He's the FTX of internet fame. And I can't stop watching.
  10. I had some plums in my icebox that I was saving for breakfast. They looked sweet and delicious and cold. Some asshole ate them.
  11. I’m hoping this doesn’t turn cloak room. Pray for a normal football season bros
  12. After the deaths of a dozen horses at Churchill Downs in less than a month, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority — or HISA — is holding an emergency summit at its headquarters in Lexington. In a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Lisa Lazarus, HISA’s chief executive officer, said the results of the necropsies of all 12 horses aren’t in yet. “But they will use whatever they have at their disposal, and determine whether or not there's anything missing, particularly like training records or veterinary records that preceded the horse racing of the track,” Lazarus said. In response to a reporter’s question, Lazarus said HISA does not have the authority to halt racing at Churchill, but they can keep the track from exporting their signal to other tracks. Lazarus said she’s confident they’ll get the information they need to make the proper recommendation. “We have the best people in place with the greatest amount of access and knowledge to kind of come together which is why we have this summit to make the right decision going forward. And so I really trust this group implicitly,” she said. Churchill’s spring meet resumes Thursday. Lazarus said she believes if the investigation concludes that racing at Churchill should be halted, track officials would do so. https://www.lpm.org/news/2023-05-30/emergency-summit-on-churchill-downs-horse-deaths-underway-in-lexington
  13. There are rumblings on Reddit that Ketch has been anounceing The Horn will shutter at the end of the month. this is of course off Reddit, but if true would suck. No Austin based sports radio??? anyone else hear anything???
  14. If so let me know, I have some tickets and will be attending.
  15. At this point I think it is inevitable and possibly even can be accomplished without historic bloodshed as has happened before in large-scale American realignments. Sensible ex-Republicans like so many of y'all on this board join forces with centrist Dems for a moderate middle party. This would be the fulcrum. On the left you'd have the People's Party and on the right you'd have the "Patriots." Middle party has to make deals with these two -- hopefully, most of these would be with the left, as this People's Party would just be an irrational rage vehicle. I know there are a million hurdles in the way of this happening but again, what we have now is not sustainable. The divisions among the Dems are kind of dormant now, but they are almost as deep as those among the old GOP guard and the MAGATs, which is going full on Whig Supernova right now. Like slavery before it, the Internet is a stress test the Constitution is failing. It's fucking cliched as hell now, buuutttt: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. I do believe you could have a party with both Mitch and Joe Biden on the same team. I would not be a member of that party, but I don't think it would be as bad a party as either partisan centrist Dems or partisan moderate Repubs fear. That's the strong principled party I'd like to see and snipe at from the left. And it would isolate and contain the CHUDS into a fringe party with almost no financial backing save what they could raise on their own.
  16. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1392942676186705923?s=20
  17. Graduating this May moving back home for work. Only bars I've gone to are Kirby Icehouse and a couple random bars in Midtown. Where should I be going in Houston as a new grad? What places have good weekday or weekend specials? For reference, mainly looking at inner-loop and West Houston.
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