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  1. Posted a song in the Obscure bands thread that reminded me of Dave Edmunds, which got me thinking about Rockpile. A supergroup before there was a name - Nick Lowe, Dave Edmunds, Billy Bremner, Terry Williams. Let's hear some of your favorite bashers! Another album I had and lost, MaxHorn posted it on his old blog a while back, glad to get another copy of it. Credited to Dave Edmunds, but as you can see in the video, it's Rockpile: Again, Rockpile masquerading as a Nick Lowe solo effort (Kind of like Rod Stewart with the Faces):
  2. He's being called out for being a dirty old man: I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. https://www.thecut.com/2019/03/an-awkward-kiss-changed-how-i-saw-joe-biden.html NOT SO FAST In a Medium post released late Sunday, Stephanie Carter addressed a viral photo in which Biden had his hands on her shoulders and appeared to be whispering in her ear during the swearing-in ceremony for her husband in 2015. “As the sole owner of my story, it is high time that I reclaim it — from strangers, Twitter, the pundits and the late-night hosts,” Carter wrote. “I won’t pretend that this will be the last of that picture, but it will be the last of other people speaking for me.” Carter said Biden had hugged her because he sensed she was “uncharacteristically nervous” and leaned in to thank her for letting her husband serve in the Obama administration. The then-vice president, she added kept his hands on her shoulders “as a means of offering his support”. “But a still shot taken from a video — misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends — sent out in a snarky tweet — came to be the lasting image of that day,” Carter added. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2019/apr/01/donald-trump-latest-news-mueller-report-border-politics-live
  3. Used to have a pretty large bookmark collection but no more. www.fxcuisine.com - badass blog that's been dormant for years. still a great archive for rustic european dishes. www.seriouseats.com - venerable source... love their approach and methodology, but honestly the recipes aren't very successful when i make em https://www.youtube.com/user/BonAppetitDotCom/videos a bit too hipstery, but decent entertainment value https://www.youtube.com/user/americastestkitchen it is what it is. i do enjoy the equipment testing https://www.youtube.com/user/stevescooking home-cook doing mostly british and pan-european stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/adamliaw the only one i earnestly recommend. chinese cuisine. seriously high hit-rates replicating these recipes
  4. For me these days it's "Dumbass Shit on Facebook." Used to be "Favorite Subreddit" but the posters have lost the plot (even on the old board it devolved into a lot of plastic plate/sweet tea discussion). On the football board I usually check "Tell me about aggy." On the old board it was "Adhawk" and I used to look forward to "Errant Tire and Wheel" updates. I like the "video/pic of Holy Shit" except for those fucking Russian building climber people and their death wishes.
  5. They don't get enough credit. I know we talked about Neil Finn the Fleetwood Mac thread.....but we shall enjoy this. Saw them about 4 years ago and they are still killing it. This is just fun. And watching Will Lee on the bass makes my heart smile. I can't imagine what it must feel like to write a song an and then live the experience at the 4:00 mark.
  6. Didn't see a thread and couldn't resist with the title. Just had Pho Envy - not a big Pho guy but it was amazing. Sitting here drinking the remnants of the broth at the bottom of my bowl. Got it from Uber Eats and the way they packaged it to go was great. Noodles and raw filet mignon in the bowl - broth and fixings on the side - so you can dump it in and have it be just as fresh had you sat down at the restaraunt. Sliced fresh japs were killer. They have a lot more on the menu besides pho, too (couldn't resist getting some cream cheese wontons). Will definitely be eating this again. Other good spots?
  7. Austin Shuffield is his name. Bartender (well was) at High And Tight in Deep Ellum. This happened in Deep Ellum. I saw this video released a few nights ago and it has since blown up. Has gone viral all over the country. While he was in jail for the the little he was, his Facebook page was blasted. A lot of his page was public. His last post he made reached over 11,000 new comments since anyone could comment. They raided his whole Facebook page with comments.His friend list also went from over 900 friends to about 660 before he deactivated it. His bond was only $2,000. Seems low for having a gun in your hand and causing assault. Her lawyer and other activist groups and pushing for multiple felony counts being charged. Right now, it's just 3 misdemeanor charges. You can search his name Austin Shuffield and tons will pop up. The video released by the news stations is not the full video. It does not capture what happened leading up to him punching the shit out of her. The unedited version you can see the gun he had in his hand. This is the unedited version. Article below...
  8. Then this shit is rigged. Hell, even if the Knicks win it.
  9. Starting this thread to keep the F35 thread free for bashing the F35 and quoting Top Gun. Starting it here and not the CR so it hopefully doesn't get ate up with stupid. https://ahvalnews.com/nato/turkey-nato-stand-coming-head-times Erdoğan’s insistence on buying Russian-made S-400 air defence missiles and the country’s pivot towards the east is an obvious problem for NATO, which was founded to counter Russian power, the Times said. Turkey signed a contract with Moscow worth a reported $2.5 billion in December 2017 for the purchase of the S-400s despite objections from its NATO allies, who are concerned that the system could collect data on NATO jets and undermine their defences. “We can’t have the F-35 and S-400 in the same place,” the Times quoted Hodges as saying. “I would want to know more about what Turkey is asking for with the Patriot that industry is not willing to give them.” Choose your bedfellow, Turkey. Choose it wisely.
  10. oh its a Sneaky fucking cougar that somehow got stuck 50 feet up the tree in your fucking yard...... Side note: turns out cougars have learned how to bungee jump as well:
  11. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/02/27/oprah-winfrey-weight-watchers-international-ww/3002180002/
  12. Things are escalating from yesterday... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/27/world/asia/kashmir-india-pakistan-aircraft.html
  13. Buying one for a customer with bad eyesight. (He's old) 17" screen with high resolution, can't be an Mac Book. Gotta be Windows. $1600 budget. (Buy once, cry once) Help a brother out.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/man-dies-porta-potty-catches-010037254.html A man was tragically killed outside of the Baltimore Ravens football stadium over the weekend after he attempted to escape a porta potty that had lit up in flames. The incident happened on Sunday outside of M&T Bank Stadium at approximately 3 p.m., Blair Skinner, a spokeswoman for the Baltimore City Fire Department, told The Baltimore Sun. After the portable toilets caught fire, the unidentified man was seen running from the blaze — also engulfed in flames himself — by a stadium security guard, Skinner explained to the outlet.
  15. Welp. That’s not good... Grand Canyon tourists exposed for years to radiation in museum building, safety manager says For nearly two decades at the Grand Canyon in Arizona, tourists, employees, and children on tours passed by three paint buckets stored in the National Park's museum collection building, unaware that they were being exposed to radiation. Although federal officials learned last year that the five-gallon containers were brimming with uranium ore, then removed the radioactive specimens, the park's safety director alleges nothing was done to warn park workers or the public that they might have been exposed to unsafe levels of radiation. In a rogue email sent to all Park Service employees on Feb. 4, Elston "Swede" Stephenson — the safety, health and wellness manager — described the alleged cover-up as "a top management failure" and warned of possible health consequences. "If you were in the Museum Collections Building (2C) between the year 2000 and June 18, 2018, you were 'exposed' to uranium by OSHA's definition," Stephenson wrote. "The radiation readings, at first blush, exceeds (sic) the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's safe limits. … Identifying who was exposed, and your exposure level, gets tricky and is our next important task." In a Feb. 11 email to Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall, Stephenson said he had repeatedly asked National Park executives to inform the public, only to get stonewalled. "Respectfully, it was not only immoral not to let Our People know," he added, "but I could not longer risk my (health and safety) certification by letting this go any longer." According to Stephenson, the uranium specimens had been in a basement at park headquarters for decades, and were moved to the museum building when it opened, around 2000. One of the buckets was so full that its lid would not close. Stephenson said the containers were stored next to a taxidermy exhibit, where children on tours sometimes stopped for presentations, sitting next to uranium for 30 minutes or more. By his calculation, those children could have received radiation dosages in excess of federal safety standards within three seconds, and adults could have suffered dangerous exposure in less than a half-minute. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission measures radiation contamination in millisieverts per hour or per year. According to Stephenson, close exposures to the uranium buckets could have exposed adults to 400 times the health limit — and children to 4,000 times what is considered safe. Emily Davis, a public affairs specialist at the Grand Canyon, said the Park Service is coordinating an investigation with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Arizona Department of Health Services. Davis stressed that a recent review of the building in question uncovered only background radiation, which is natural in the area and is safe. "There is no current risk to the park employees or public," Davis said. "The building is open. … The information I have is that the rocks were removed, and there's no danger." Davis declined to address Stephenson's assertion that thousands of people may have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, or his allegation that the Park Service violated the law by not issuing a public warning. "We do take our public and employee safety and allegations seriously," she said. Clean-up with dish-washing gloves? Reached by phone at the South Rim, Stephenson said his only concern is the safety of everyone who spent time in a danger zone, and he alerted them only after failing for eight months to get park officials to act. "I've never seen anything like this in my life," he said. Stephenson said the uranium threat was discovered in March 2018 by the teenage son of a park employee who happened to be a Geiger counter enthusiast, and brought a device to the museum collection room. Workers immediately moved the buckets to another location in the building, he said, but nothing else was done. A few months later, Stephenson said, he was assisting with a safety audit when employees told him about the uranium. As a former Army helicopter pilot who later worked as a safety manager in the Navy, Stephenson said he knew it was "bad mojo" and instantly called a National Parks specialist in Colorado. Stephenson said specialists apparently had no Geiger counter, so they drove to Utah to pick up a Ludlum meter, which also measures radiation output. The technicians reached the Grand Canyon several days after his call, on June 18. Lacking protective clothing, they purchased dish-washing and gardening gloves, then used a broken mop handle to lift the buckets into a truck, Stephenson said. Those details are corroborated by photographs Stephenson included in a 45-page slideshow created to document the radiation exposure and alleged cover-up. Stephenson said technicians concealed the radiation readings from him and dumped the ore into Orphan Mine, an old uranium dig that is considered a potential Superfund site below the Rim, about two miles from Grand Canyon Village. Stephenson said he drove to Phoenix in November and filed a report with OSHA, which sent inspectors to the museum building in yellow protective suits. Stephenson said they detected a low-level site within the building and traced it to the three buckets, which Park Service technicians had inexplicably returned to the building after dumping their contents. "You could hear their meters going off," Stephenson said. Davis, the Park Service spokeswoman, declined comment on those details. A spokesman for OSHA confirmed an investigation is underway, but declined to provide any other information. A 'secrecy pact'? Stephenson, a military veteran who is certified as an occupational safety and health technician, was in a similar controversy during his time in the Navy. According to court records, he began calling for action to prevent falls after a series of accidents in 2016. As complaints escalated, Stephenson was fired. He turned to the Office of Special Counsel, a federal agency that protects whistleblowers, and his termination was stayed. It is unclear how that case was resolved, but within months, Stephenson had a new job with the National Park Service. Stephenson said the uranium exposure saga developed while he was pursuing a racial-discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity office. Stephenson is African-American. He said high-level officials in the Park Service developed a "secrecy pact" to conceal radiation exposure data despite his insistence that a "Right to Know" law mandates public disclosure. "My first interest is the safety of the workers and the people," he added. Stephenson eventually obtained a report submitted by the Park Service's regional safety manager, confirming the area was "positive for radioactivity above background" and showing high levels near the taxidermy area. The report indicated radiation levels at 13.9 millirems per hour where the buckets were stored, and 800 per hour on contact with the ore. Just five feet from the buckets, there was a zero reading. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says a maximum safe dosage for the public, beyond natural radiation, is no more than 2 millirems per hour, or 100 per year. The report's recommendations did not call for public notification, but suggested guidelines for handling and storing geology samples in the future. Stephenson calculated potential exposures over 1,400 times the NRC's safe level for children, and over 140 times the safe level for adults. He said he pressed park superintendents to take action, submitted an Inspector General complaint, contacted the FBI, and wrote to every member of Congress. In his letter to colleagues, Stephenson apologized for the untimely notice. He stressed that exposure may not be severe depending on how close individuals got to the source, how long they were exposed, what they were wearing, and other factors. He also emphasized that employees will not necessarily suffer health consequences, but should consider receiving a medical screening. "Of particular concern are 1000s of children attending 'shows' in very close proximity to the uranium," he wrote. Those presentations lasted a half hour or more, he said, yet radiation dosages could have exceeded federal safety standards within seconds. Stephenson said he's heard nothing from superiors at the Park Service since he sent the warning letter. "They're in cover-up mode," he said. "I've been cut off from any kind of information."
  16. We've probably reached the point where fake hate crimes occur more than actual hate crimes. Looks like Empire actor had his two buddies on the show fake attack him. He tried to play the Race Card and the Gay Card ... oops. Of course the regards already had him on the emotive circuit. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-jussie-smollett-persons-of-interest-20190215-story.html
  17. one you heathens needs to step up and give her what she wants...
  18. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-02-12-activision-blizzard-sees-record-year-plans-to-decrease-net-headcount-by-8-percent now, activision is claiming that these are redundant back-office type roles, which is seemingly further meant to minimize the jobs being lost. https://kotaku.com/activisions-ceo-made-28-6-million-last-year-300-times-1825715966 i understand that executives have tough jobs - i deal with many c-level executives in my career. they work very hard, but i'm not sure they work 300x as hard as their producers within the corporation. take a games company like atvi - i have no doubt that many of these people work just as many 60 -80 hour weeks as the executives. probably more, given the intense deadline drive of the business. they also announced that they are going to be hiring a lot more developers. so, once they ramp up production of titles, they'll need to rehire support staffers like those they are laying off. this makes no sense to me. take the salary hit for a couple of consecutive quarters, get creative in how to retain these people and keep them busy, because hiring is fucking expensive, and so is training up new staff. there is no way to reassign some of these folks? i remind you, the company had a RECORD YEAR. but then again, the stock is at ~$43 down from a 52 week high of ~$84, so, i guess that actually succeeding past expectations isn't good enough for shareholder value. to me, this is the biggest issue facing corporate america today. things make no sense. compensation at the worker level as compared to the executive level is extremely out of whack. granted, this is just an anecdotal example, but i see this all the time when i read financial reports. layoffs are a part of working for a corporation, and there's very little that the workers can do about it. meanwhile, those in charge, LEADING the company, continue to see their compensation rise to generational wealth levels. it's upside-down. i don't think it's sustainable.
  19. Herbies kids going to Clemson. Can't believe they didn't SEC SEC SEC. As part of its 2019 signing class, Clemson announced the additions of Tye and Jake Herbstreit, the twin sons of longtime ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit. The twins played high school ball at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville, Tennessee. https://sports.yahoo.com/twin-sons-espn-analyst-kirk-herbstreit-headed-clemson-221456216.html
  20. Dude...you can turn the Eagle into an off-road BEAST. And when I was about 10, I tried to convince my parents to buy one, because it's like a practical station wagon, but IT'S AN OFF ROAD BEAST! My lobbying was unsuccessful.
  21. The Vols are #1 in the country and look like a very legit contender to win the whole thing. Are you rooting for Barnes? Does it piss you off that we let him go, or maybe that he let our program go downhill then did his best coaching elsewhere? Etc...
  22. https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/college-football/2019/2/2/18205351/national-championship-odds-2019 https://mobile.twitter.com/lindetrain/status/1090378004407013377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-6255403312432690731.ampproject.net%2F1901302225410%2Fframe.html Poor aggy.
  23. Working on a business venture that will have an immigration component for some employees. We got any immigration lawyers here who could provide me some insight to see if I should pursue this? Thanks I do not like OU
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