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  1. That was well said. He was very measured and calm, and precise. I think there was a lot going on between Norris and Max that was not in the spirit of racing. Both were assholes today but, that final incident was on Max. That was wrong. And as others have said, that's Max from 8 years ago. It's not a good look for either of them, or the sport. It is kind of funny that Russell was there to pick up the pieces. I have made no secret of my disdain for English drivers in a German car. I don't like it but, I don't hate Russell. And a good job by him being in position to do what he did. I would have liked a few more laps to see if Piastri could have gotten closer. I also chuckled that Sainz finished in front of Hamilton. I think it was very good that eight teams were in the top-10 in this one. Aston better get its shit together, cuz, they suck.
  2. Black Shirts and Banned Flags: Ultras Push Politics at Euro 2024 Hard-core fan groups, embracing a strong nationalistic streak, have provoked pushback from soccer’s authorities at the European Championship. The instructions were concise and clear. Those hoping to march to the stadium with Hungary’s fans for their soccer team’s first game of the European Championship were expected to report by 10 a.m. sharp, five hours before kickoff. A strict dress code would apply. Some could wear black. Others were to stick with red, white and green, the colors of the country’s flag. Under no circumstances was there to be any flashiness. “Gaudy colors, clown hats and bagpipes” were all prohibited. They were, prospective marchers were reminded, “going to a soccer stadium, not a circus.” The hectoring and slightly priggish tone felt jarring, considering the source of the orders: the official Facebook page of the Carpathian Brigade, a virulently nationalistic faction of hard-core fans — ultras, as such groups are known — that provides the Hungarian national team with its vociferous and volatile backing. The Carpathian Brigade has, in recent years, become perhaps Europe’s most infamous ultra group, its reputation forged by clashing with the police, showering opponents with racist abuse and displaying homophobic banners. In 2021, during the last European Championship, it had to remind members to cover up any Nazi-related tattoos so as not to contravene German law. None of that has stopped its growth. If anything, it has accelerated it. Drawn by the Carpathian Brigade’s voluble Hungarian patriotism and unabashed right-wing values — an ideology that both echoes and trumpets the populist rhetoric of Viktor Orban, the country’s prime minister — the group may now be able to call on as many as 15,000 members. It is also not alone. Black-clad ultras have been a fixture at Euro 2024 this month, with detachments — sometimes numbering a few hundred, sometimes a little larger — visible across Germany and at games involving Albania, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia, among others. Though some of those groups were formed as a response to the Carpathian Brigade, in most cases they do not share either its motivations or its precise political agenda, and none carry quite the same air of menace. Their presence at the Euros, though, has been an issue for UEFA, European soccer’s governing body, which has levied fines on a number of countries during the tournament, including multiple punishments for “transmitting provocative messages not fit for a sports event.” The groups do not just provide a soundtrack and a visual spectacle whenever and wherever their national teams play, they also hint at the rising tide of nationalism across Europe.
  3. This Dubin gonna go at least 4 IP, 2 or less ERs
  4. they just can't figure out what to do with gergg at least we know we have a time-wasting clock-killing chance-preventing strategy and formation southgate achieves all of that, without a strategy, or a formation
  5. They will give him the $2.7m we paid for Schloss' buyout, but spread it over 5 years and pocket the interest. Win!
  6. cmontexas

    Euro 2024

    Mexico doesn't take themselves as seriously as England aggy or believe their fanbase is more special and deserves to win. They are just rowdy assholes Mexico is Tech
  7. Reminder: those plentiful photos of Trump with the Clintons and with Jeffrey Epstein aren’t going to drop themselves into casual conversations with your MAGA friends and relatives,
  8. mdmost

    Whatcha reading?

    Going to pivot away from another nautical themed non-fiction to a history of LA and old Hollywood. I've been wanting to find something that details that era and this seemed like the best fit. Since July is a long month, I'll go to the Endurance book if I get through this one quickly.
  9. Going to see it later this afternoon. Unhinged Yorgos is best Yorgos (I do not mean best as in quality of work)
  10. Did they ban flares? I expected to see that whole center grandstand go up on orange smoke at the start of the race, but not even 1.
  11. and always worth repeating that aggy had already decided to join the sec 7 months before espn announced the lhn we knew it at the time and got aggy-documented proof from bowtie's book it's like the turdition talking points they hand out to tv production crews on gill, dogs, milkmen etc. which are parroted unquestioningly
  12. Armybrat

    Longhorn Network

    ?? I am not complaining - just said goodbye. We enjoyed the baseball, basketball, volleyball, track, and occasional football games.
  13. Don't be ridiculous. There's no hurricanes in Vermont. Unless the Japanese bought it all up and brought Tsunamis to drive down property values to bring prices down, which was all a dream in the end Yes, we get dumb visitors to our shores. But also remember that every single extreme weather event in Texas always also has the Native Texan who is gonna "Stand My Ground and not told what to do!" Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Extreme Heat, Extended Freezes, etc. It's the old tale of the man by the river and the 3 warnings god sent him. Our visitors are pretty fucking stupid but we got a lot of neighbors who say, "Oh yeah, hold my beer."
  14. Yeah that latest icon model is going to freak people out around here. thankfully still a week out, so it’s going to change
  15. So just like we all thought, everybody in the country said Hell No, I don’t care how much money you’re giving me, No. Then Aggy said, Fuck it…see if Earley will take it.
  16. With this bullpen day shit it is gonna be a miracle if we win (Last time i said it would be a miracle based on lineup we actually won so lets keep the miracles going)
  17. Back in the day, we called this "tubbing." And in informal pickup games at the park, there was always one fat dude or just some lazy SOB that resorted to this after about five minutes of play.
  18. Gerry has been critical of the DT recruiting. His biggest complaint is the lack of targets. Texas has passed on in state guys that will go to SEC schools. He has basically said if you go big game hunting at one of the most competitive positions, you better bring in 8-10 visitors there. I believe Texas brought in 5.
  19. It's hyperbole, dude. I'm not actually freaking out...yet. But I really can't watch coffee and football and listen to prognostications about a recruit leaning our way and then we lose them to...Oregon. Also Winston is 6'1. That's not exactly ideal size for a TE unsless he hits a growth spurt.
  20. My how the turn tables, Tennessee fans were all “we got you bro” with A&M fans just to have them offering free handies to Vitello behind their back. Where is the Aggie honor code for Christ sake???
  21. What about Santiago, can he confirm? An hour of actual real world, grinding Woodward & Bernstein journalism to get to the bottom of this since it's a non-military aircraft at a civilian/commercial airport and what those other two aircraft (who obviously look like they want to be seen on the apron with Trump's 757). But nope, we'll get a 6 hours of updates of the British Royals and Shark attacks instead. I know we like to insult hard-right media, but the whole thing is a fucking shitshow right now and we fucking know it.
  22. One of the best comebacks I’ve heard- (jerk mouthing off to a very stoic, tough friend of mine): “I’m going to kick your ass!” My friend: “Let me know when you’re done.”
  23. 'Deepfake' Southgate videos viewed by millions England manager Gareth Southgate in a news conferenceImage source, Getty Images Image caption, The videos were made to look like Gareth Southgate news conferences Laura Scott Sports News Correspondent Published 30 June 2024, 06:22 BST At a major tournament England head coach Gareth Southgate's words are analysed, deconstructed and debated. But Euro 2024 has brought a new dimension - AI-generated fake interviews with the England boss that are being viewed by millions on social media. These fake clips purporting to show Southgate making crude remarks about his players have been called "offensive" by the Football Association. The videos have been circulating on TikTok and Instagram. They include derogatory comments about England's Euro 2024 players as well as those who were not selected. Comments on the social sites suggest the material, about players such as Phil Foden, Jordan Henderson, Jack Grealish and Marcus Rashford, had been believed by some viewers. The videos are all made to look like Southgate is giving press conferences, but use an AI voice generator to overlay fake words and artificially move his mouth. In one of them the artificial voice apologises "to the nation" for the manager's performance and criticises players. In another, the fake Southgate says: "I think we really missed Jordan Henderson's presence out there tonight." BBC Sport spoke to several England fans in Germany who had seen the material on social media. The majority said they found the content funny. "It's the classic stereotypical British humour. It helps build a bit of morale to keep people motivated and happy, so I think it's harmless fun," one supporter told BBC Sport. "Apparently, Gareth doesn’t read anything or watch any social media anyway." Another described some of the videos as "quite funny" but pointed out it was not just the England manager who has been targeted. "I've seen a lot of players and, during the season, [Jurgen] Klopp, Pep [Guardiola] and [Mikel] Arteta getting it too." However, the FA said in a statement: "As we do with all harmful content we will take steps to have these offensive videos removed. "Gareth and everyone in camp are focused on Sunday’s game." England won Group C of Euro 2024 and face Slovakia in the last 16 - but there has been criticism of the way England have played as well as of Southgate personally. AI videos a 'clear and present danger' Earlier this year London Mayor Sadiq Khan said deepfake audio of him supposedly making inflammatory remarks before Armistice Day almost caused "serious disorder". And former Justice Secretary Sir Robert Buckland said AI videos in politics represent a "clear and present danger" to UK democracy. While AI-generated content is allowed on TikTok and Instagram, there are rules on what content is considered harmful. Shortly after the BBC approached TikTok about a number of videos on one account, the material disappeared. It is understood it was taken down because it repeated violations of the platform's AIGC policies. Meta, which owns Instagram, was also reviewing the material. Experts warned that those in positions of power were not the only ones vulnerable to this kind of manipulation. Professor Hany Farid, a digital forensics expert at the University of California, said: "It's not just people who have a big digital footprint whose identity can be co-opted. "I can take as little as 30 seconds of someone’s voice, as short as a single image of somebody, and create deepfakes of them." He added that there was a delicate balance to strike with regulation when it comes to satire. "It's one thing to have an article that is satirical, making fun of a politician or an athlete," he said. "It is very different to have a video of that person in their voice and in their likeness that can be quite offensive, and I think the courts, and we as a society, are going to have to think about where we draw that line."
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