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  1. https://www.chron.com/news/texas/article/Southwest-Airlines-in-late-March-ending-Mexico-13561308.php You dirty ass motherfuckers.
  2. I've never planned on it myself. But I have a friend with a family farm in Norway, and if Trump wins another term, I will seriously consider it. Part of me thinks, no, you stay and try to fix your homeland. But the other part of me thinks patriotism is for suckers and this place won't be salvageable if that fat fuck gets another four years. What say you?
  3. https://pagesix.com/2019/01/22/chris-brown-detained-in-paris-after-rape-accusation/ U.S. singer Chris Brown and two other people are in custody in Paris after a woman filed a rape complaint, French officials said Tuesday. Brown was detained Monday on potential charges of aggravated rape and drug infractions and remained in custody Tuesday, a judicial official said. A sad turn, for such an upstanding young man.
  4. First tip: get the right cut of meat. A well-marbled chuck roast is where it's at. This one was 3.5 lbs that HEB tied up into a nice little package: Second tip: brush it with this stuff before you liberally coat it with salt, pepper and any other spices you deem appropriate: Then sear the hell out of it. Don't be shy. At least five minutes a side, if not more. Look at this crust: Third tip: go in dry. It's a pot roast not a braise. Do not add water, stock or any other liquid: Cover it with a lid, put it in the oven at 275, and resist the urge to check it for three hours. Trust me little dude, it's still there. I promise: Although you started dry, you now have a beautiful roast sitting in a good amount of undiluted and extremely flavorful au jus: Now, and only now, add the vegetables to the bottom of the pot and place the meat on top. I leave the garlic cloves whole because I fish them and the celery out before serving. Cover the roast and put it back in the oven for another hour: You may have noticed there were no potatoes, and that's the last tip: roast them separately because crisp potatoes. Eventually the meat will be tender enough to twist a fork in it, and that's when it's ready:
  5. holy shit. I think I have an idea of the gas shortage and corruption situation in Mexico. But I'm not sure how stealing from a lake of gas from an illegally tapped pipeline is a good idea. 21 dead, 70+ seriously injured. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/burned-fire-illegal-tap-mexico-fuel-pipeline-60483361 NSFL video. sorta graphic. turn down sound. not sure how long this will stay up in youtube.
  6. The kids are gone, Round Rock ain't what it used to be, allergies, blah blah blah... I'm going to be selling some stuff that collects dust and am going to put it up here first (before my wife posts on Facebook, Nextdoor, LetGo, etc.). There will prolly be a few more things going up as we clean/clear out all the crap we've been hoarding. First up - 2x acoustic guitars: Epiphone AJ-500MNS (Masterbilt Dreadnought) and Mitchell MO-100S/VS (standard basic 6 string) - will not split as I need 'em to go, asking $450. Nobody in our family ever learned how to play, so they're in outstanding shape if quite dusty - the stand goes with them, we don't have any cases. Sorry, no USB ports, cup holders or pix of your mom. I'm in Round Rock.
  7. Brazil's new right wing President throws shade at Venezuela's President. Quite the kerfluffel. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-brazil-idUSKCN1P82FJ
  8. The New Orleans Saints will finally get their chance to prove they deserved a first-round bye when they take on the Philadelphia Eagles this weekend in a rematch from the regular season when they dropped 41 points on them. Head coach Sean Peyton didn’t want his players lacking or tacking their opponents lightly, so he decided to pull his own big d*ck power move to inspire his players as they get set to face big d*ck Nick Foles and the Eagles. Payton decided to wheel the Lombardi Trophy and $225,000 in cash into the locker room Tuesday with the help of four armed security guards. Mark Ingram confirmed the head coach told the team: “Y’all want this? Win three (expletive) games,” via WDSU sports anchor Fletcher Mackel. Ingram told Mackel that the room of players erupted. The $225,000 is each player’s Super Bowl bonus, Mackel reported. If that doesn’t get you hyped up, I don’t know what will.
  9. Pretty sure that was the 200th Texas win vs prior & current SEC. Prior defined as wins during their SEC existence. GTech & Tulane being the priors. Overall 200-91 if my data sources are accurate. 68.7%. Texas needs to continue scheduling OOC with these clowns.
  10. Watched Texas/Ga w/ sound off entire regulation and it was an awesome experience, save the lack of crowd noise/ reaction. Would love to be able to hear the game w/o the colonic babble and infuriating spin and agendas but hear the crowd. Commentators do not add to the viewing experience of most games. Yes I like Craig Way but it’s not usually synced to the game for Texas games. I would consider paying a small fee to scrub out sportscaster dribble. My comments are for all CFB in general.
  11. Of the known players who won’t be on the team next year who do you think we will miss the most? I’m going to with with Andrew Beck.
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/ac8x0t/tj_lavin_challenge_mania_recap_122019/?st=JQHGJ4I3&sh=0c43c686 Whole lot of good stuff in the podcast recap, and some encouraging words from TJ-
  13. https://twitter.com/JordanHeckFF/status/1080495423725424641
  14. 2018 was a fucking amazing season after wandering the desert for nearly a decade. Texas is back. Yes we are. I haven't been this excited for what's to come since probably the 2008 off season. That said, fuck the off season. But now seems as good of a time as any to look forward into our 2019 football schedule and talk a little bit about what we should expect to see. So here it is: Aug. 31 - Louisiana Tech This is our home opener, and believe me our team will still be riding the high from their win over Georgia in the Sugar Bowl. We're going to prepare well and we will win this one comfortably. This will be the first time we've comfortably won an opener since... 2014. Sep. 7 - LSU This is the game. LSU will be ranked top 10 to start next season. But so will we. This is the game that will put us squarely in the discussion for a CFP appearance, or will take us out of that discussion completely. I really hope that our players treat this game like our 2005 players treated the Ohio State game. The parallels are there. Ehlinger confidently declared in front of the country on Jan. 1, 2019, that "we're back." I'd love for him to take another page from VY's playbook this summer, before two-a-days begin, and write on the locker room white board something similar to "Anyone who wants to beat (LSU), meet me at (practice location) for drills." Sep. 14 - @Rice (NRG Stadium) This will be a workman's win. Rice does not have the horses to compete. Sep. 21 - Oklahoma State This game is actually huge. We have not beaten OkSt since the 2014 season. If we're going to make a splash next season, we absolutely have to win this game. It will set the tone for conference play. OkSt will be breaking in a new quarterback, as their veteran Cornelius will be out of eligibility. If we complete this first stretch 4-0, we can start to be very giddy about the rest to come. Sep. 28 - BYE A much needed bye week to prepare us for a test in Morgantown before the RRS. Oct. 5 - @West Virginia Like OkSt, WVU will be breaking in a new quarterback (and possibly a new coach if the UH rumors are true). WVU has looked pedestrian without Grier, and we will be favored. Our team will want to leave no doubt this year after the way WVU conducted themselves last year in Austin. No doubt that Ehlinger has this one circled on his calendar. Oct. 12 - Oklahoma (Cotton Bowl) This is the other game. Like OkSt and WVU, OU will be breaking in a new quarterback (and also possibly a new coach if the NFL rumors are true). We will be favored, but nothing is guaranteed against OU. This is our rival and we will need to play our very best to get it done. Fortunately, I feel more confident playing OU under Herman than I have under any other Texas coach in the past 20 years. Oct. 19 - Kansas This will be another workman's win. Oct. 26 - @TCU Although TCU still has a big question mark at quarterback, Patterson won't stay down for long, and he will have TCU ready to play us. This game represents the finale of the second act of our season, and I expect our team to leave it all on the field and play well enough to win. Nov. 2 - BYE Another much needed (and rare) additional bye week for the season to prepare us for the final stretch. Nov. 9 - Kansas State KSU will be breaking in a new coach, and we get them in Austin. We will be favored. Nov. 16 - @Iowa State This is going to be the toughest game in the last stretch of our season. ISU can beat anyone in Ames. Fortunately, we match up very well against prostyle teams like ISU, and Herman has a wonderful track record so far against this squad. Nov. 23 - @Baylor At this point in the season, we will just need to not fuck up. We'll be big favorites in our final two games. Stay focused and play well. Nov. 29 - Texas Tech Ditto. What's most interesting about next season is the way it's broken down... we have two bye weeks, which essentially trifurcate our season into 3 four-game mini-seasons. That's how the team and coaching staff will approach them, anyway. And I think it will work to our advantage. We should also be favored in every game we play. That hasn't happened since 2009. The Big XII overall will be down. Our defense will probably take a step back next season with the loss of so many seniors, but our offense should be better with a continually improving offensive line, and it will be scary good if LJH and CJ both return. I think Ehlinger will play a big part in convincing those two to stay. The bottom line is that we proved ourselves as a very good team this year, and we are returning most of those pieces next season. While we are good and only improving, our competition will be slightly worse and rebuilding. This is a prime opportunity to make a serious run at the conference title, and even a CFP berth. We have a realistic shot at making the CFP next year for these reasons. Will we be as good as Clemson and Bama? No way. But we have a favorable schedule and enough talent and grit to run the table and slide into one of the CFP slots, hinging on how we perform in the LSU game. Frankly, anything less than a conference title next season will be a disappointment. And I am looking for us to make noise in the CFP discussion as well. Happy New Year, everybody.
  15. TXs

    WE DEM

  16. Fuck Uga. Fuck Fromm. Fuck a&m aND the sec. Hook em!
  17. Congrats Team... You guys played your asses off tonight. Thank You for a great season. Love you all.
  18. We're good now. Thanks for joining. Our work here is done.
  19. For my own sanity I unfollowed the President the United States on Twitter because he is a bat shit crazy narcissistic sociopath. At this point whether or not he is impeached is almost irrelevant. A Democratic led house will finally lead to some checks and balances. IMO, the fear mongering/brain washing from Fox News and Conservative Talk Radio being spewed on the public for the last 30 years is the sole reason. Republicans and Democrats aren't that far apart. We all want good education, healthcare and opportunity; just philosophical differences on the best way to achieve those goals. The Right is now so far beyond NeoCon, ChristianCon that they are almost unrecognizable as a political party. No one is coming to take your guns. The borders aren't being overrun with migrants....and if it is, you're hiring them as day laborers to work your fields and do your construction work. Hell municipalities and states are hiring contractors that have nothing but non resident aliens on their payroll to build and repair our roads. I did some back of the napkin math on the original 33 billion that DJT asked for in 2017 for the wall and border security. You could hire 6,600 more border guards and pay them each 50k a year for the next 100 years. Then, all of the money spent would be taxed and recycled back into the system. Not really sure why I'm typing this out other than hoping it will be cathartic and help cleanse my mind. In the words of a wise WarZone poster from 2007. "Fuck that puto."
  20. Oregon's legalization law was VERY Capitalist and lots of producers and retailers jumped in. Well, now they have "overproduction" and consumers are happy and growers are not. Ie, supply and demand are shaking themselves out. (Some guy bought a pack of joints for $16. Is that cheap? Dunno) Not intended to be political at all. It's just intriguing that this is happening. The story is surprisingly even. Producers complain some about "lack of regulation," and consumers are happy about low prices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyCbAuHqN0M
  21. Just a general directory or something? Perhaps only for veteran members?
  22. Holy hell... https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/california-politician-arrested-spanking-daughter-something-232402437.html A Democratic assemblyman in California was arrested Monday on suspicion of child cruelty after allegedly spanking his daughter. On Wednesday, he claimed that he had only done so as a means of punishment. In an interview with the Fresno Bee, lawmaker Joaquin Arambula spoke about an incident at home Sunday night that led him to spank his 7-year-old. The following day, when she went to school, she allegedly told her teacher what had happened and expressed how she was upset about it, sparking an investigation by Child Protective Services (CPS). “I disciplined her as a consequence to something she did. This is something that’s really rare for us. It’s a tool of last resort but it’s something that we do. And I spanked her bottom,” he explained. “She was pretty upset, and she struggled to be able to share her emotions, as I’m sure you can appreciate a 7-year-old will. But that’s all that happened.” Still, Arambula was arrested on Monday night and accused of willful cruelty to a child. As of Wednesday, CPS and the Department of Social Services declared Arambula and his wife, Elizabeth, fit to bring their three children — aged 3, 6 and 7 — who had been staying with Arambula’s parents, back home. “It was us disciplining — normal discipline to our child,” Arambula said. “And I’m in the midst of a process that is playing out as we speak.” The Fresno Bee additionally reports, “Arambula thanked his daughter’s teacher, Fresno police and Child Protective Services for ‘doing their jobs’ and ‘following the process.’” Family psychologist Barbara Greenberg tells Yahoo Lifestyle that the incident was “handled beautifully.” “Anything that hurts a child physically and emotionally, in my opinion, is abuse and should be reported,” Greenberg says. “Too often kids go to school looking for help and they’re not taken seriously. The school took this very seriously, as they should, and they did what they were supposed to do.” As for the assemblyman’s actions, however, Greenberg says, “Nothing good comes from [spanking].” “There are much, much better ways to teach your children, and losing control and putting your hands on a child, there’s nothing good that comes from it,” she says. “You don’t create kids with self-esteem and with the ability to handle frustration by spanking them.” Arambula told the publication that he has no plans to resign. If convicted, the assemblyman could face up to six months in jail and possible probation.
  23. I've heard it is a fun city. Where to stay? When you arriving? How much alcohol will kill me?
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