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  1. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1392942676186705923?s=20
  2. Graduating this May moving back home for work. Only bars I've gone to are Kirby Icehouse and a couple random bars in Midtown. Where should I be going in Houston as a new grad? What places have good weekday or weekend specials? For reference, mainly looking at inner-loop and West Houston.
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/10/amazon-wants-to-depose-president-trump-over-jedi-cloud-contract-loss.html Bizzarro world.
  4. Well, just a second there, professor. We, uh, we fixed the glitch. So he won't be receiving a paycheck anymore, so it'll just work itself out naturally.
  5. I've heard it is a fun city. Where to stay? When you arriving? How much alcohol will kill me?
  6. coming in to the season, pretty sure we all would have signed up for that.
  7. Things are escalating from yesterday... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/27/world/asia/kashmir-india-pakistan-aircraft.html
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/nike-investigation-abuse-mary-cain-alberto-salazar Nike has announced an internal investigation into allegations of “emotional and physical abuse” leveled against disgraced world-class track and field coach Alberto Salazar this week in an op-ed by former Olympic hopeful Mary Cain. Cain, 23, opened up about the abuse she experienced after joining the Nike-backed running program “The Oregon Project” in 2013 in a video Op-Ed published in the New York Times. “I joined Nike because I wanted to be the best female athlete ever. Instead I was emotionally and physically abused by a system design by Alberto and endorsed by Nike.” Cain described how her “dream come true” quickly turned into a nightmare when, at just 16-years-old, she was body-shamed and pressured to be “thinner and thinner and thinner.” Not quite at the level of "Dirty old Bastard," but still.
  9. Never travelled out of the US so doesn't know how to prepare for using foreign currency. She wants to know if she should load up on Brit coin here and take it? Exchange once there? What about fees etc.. for using her US debit card/credit card? Staying 7 days, also isn't sure about what that is going to cost if being done on a tight budget so thoughts on that would be appreciated too. TIA, no pics, big hoots.
  10. Phil steel seems to think so. TX/OU at the top, with Iowa state and tcu following closely behind Phil seems to think tcu at 7 in vegas is a lock on the over. Also thinks Baylor is a lock at 8 wins. Baylor at 8 wins. Wow. Tech gets confused at 5 wins. Kansas teams win 6 combined. Okie light wins 6, maybe 7? Discuss.
  11. He's being called out for being a dirty old man: I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. https://www.thecut.com/2019/03/an-awkward-kiss-changed-how-i-saw-joe-biden.html NOT SO FAST In a Medium post released late Sunday, Stephanie Carter addressed a viral photo in which Biden had his hands on her shoulders and appeared to be whispering in her ear during the swearing-in ceremony for her husband in 2015. “As the sole owner of my story, it is high time that I reclaim it — from strangers, Twitter, the pundits and the late-night hosts,” Carter wrote. “I won’t pretend that this will be the last of that picture, but it will be the last of other people speaking for me.” Carter said Biden had hugged her because he sensed she was “uncharacteristically nervous” and leaned in to thank her for letting her husband serve in the Obama administration. The then-vice president, she added kept his hands on her shoulders “as a means of offering his support”. “But a still shot taken from a video — misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends — sent out in a snarky tweet — came to be the lasting image of that day,” Carter added. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2019/apr/01/donald-trump-latest-news-mueller-report-border-politics-live
  12. Used to have a pretty large bookmark collection but no more. www.fxcuisine.com - badass blog that's been dormant for years. still a great archive for rustic european dishes. www.seriouseats.com - venerable source... love their approach and methodology, but honestly the recipes aren't very successful when i make em https://www.youtube.com/user/BonAppetitDotCom/videos a bit too hipstery, but decent entertainment value https://www.youtube.com/user/americastestkitchen it is what it is. i do enjoy the equipment testing https://www.youtube.com/user/stevescooking home-cook doing mostly british and pan-european stuff https://www.youtube.com/user/adamliaw the only one i earnestly recommend. chinese cuisine. seriously high hit-rates replicating these recipes
  13. Austin Shuffield is his name. Bartender (well was) at High And Tight in Deep Ellum. This happened in Deep Ellum. I saw this video released a few nights ago and it has since blown up. Has gone viral all over the country. While he was in jail for the the little he was, his Facebook page was blasted. A lot of his page was public. His last post he made reached over 11,000 new comments since anyone could comment. They raided his whole Facebook page with comments.His friend list also went from over 900 friends to about 660 before he deactivated it. His bond was only $2,000. Seems low for having a gun in your hand and causing assault. Her lawyer and other activist groups and pushing for multiple felony counts being charged. Right now, it's just 3 misdemeanor charges. You can search his name Austin Shuffield and tons will pop up. The video released by the news stations is not the full video. It does not capture what happened leading up to him punching the shit out of her. The unedited version you can see the gun he had in his hand. This is the unedited version. Article below...
  14. Time for Herman to Crank up this Offensive....Just like BlowU Game Defense got exposed by Okie Lite. Wheeler & Locke were on the bench a lot during the final 3-4 games of B12 Season in 2017. Gonna need more points to beat West Virginia, Tech and Iowa State..... Part of Scipio's write-up discusses this below.... "If you're interesting in assessing primary blame as to why Texas lost in Stillwater, look to the defense and some key mistakes on special teams. Refer to that sentence if you mistake any criticisms here for a defense of the Texas defense. If you concede the defense struggled and want to win the game anyway by exploiting a vulnerable and coverage predictable Cowboy defense, the Texas offense has to learn not to waste possessions. Four of the first six UT first half possessions encompassed 14 plays for a total of 22 yards. Times of possession? 1:20, 1:02, 1:02, 1:04. Including three failed possessions in a row after a score on the opening series while running tempo. While Texas did score 14 first half points, they had the ball on 7 individual first half possessions starting at the UT24 or better. So now we need to factor in pace and opportunity. A score on 28.6% of possessions against a Big 12 average defense just won't cut it - particularly when five of those possessions were effectively useless and didn't alter field position positively. Our offense played OSU about as well as Kansas did. By trying to focus on "ball control" and putting a natural cap on our offensive production with the kinds of routes our WRs were running (look at the early low reward/high risk far hash routes we had Ehlinger throwing) and a running game less interested in potentially gashing OSU's run blitzes, but in grinding away 2-3 yards at a time, Texas prevented itself from keeping the ball (or scoring points) and exposed a hapless Texas defense again and again. Real ball control involves moving the ball. Not purposefully capping big play opportunity. And ball control shouldn't be your goal against a feast-or-famine defense to begin with. We seemed to get this against OU and forgot it against OSU. This was the kind of early grind approach Texas needed to avoid and that it happened while OSU was ringing up the Texas defense with 31 1st half points was unfortunate. The idea that Texas is good enough to manhandle an opponent at the point of attack and impose their will just doesn't hold up to the season evidence. When Texas took advantage of fine pass protection and threw the ball aggressively down the field, good things happened. Long gains, pass interference penalties and, yes, moments of an effective running game. It also opened up everything underneath. There's a tendency in analyzing close games to forget wasted early possessions as attention narrows on the 4th quarter and the final few possessions. 35 points should be enough to win a game in a vacuum and that's exactly the kind of platitude we tend to spout after a loss when we're (rightfully) pissed at the Longhorn defense, but it wasn't enough to win this game, against this opponent. And Texas was fully capable of scoring more than 35 points against this opponent. So evaluate them to that standard, not some notion of 1980s football. The final UT possession to narrow the lead to 3 points was also a frustrating rendition of the two minute drill. First, the QB should have more than one play at a time called so that they're not looking to the sideline and burning play clock. Second, you have to snap the moment you're set - particularly when the clock begins to run again after 1st down. Third, everyone has to run to get lined up. Fourth, 4-6 yard check downs in the middle of the field are fool's gold. You're playing clock, not the opponent. Any yardage gain less than 10 yards that doesn't go for a first down or doesn't end out bounds is a waste of opportunity and clock. You shouldn't even have a receiver standing there as an option unless the Cowboys have a ghost town in the middle of the field. They didn't. So you're effectively suckering your own QB. You also want to preserve time outs for the defense, so clock the ball rather than allow 25 seconds to tick off - you'll still have 3 downs. Texas burned 3:58 (we started with 5:44 on the clock) on that drive to go 75 yards and there were at least two instances where the play clock burned 20-25 seconds between plays. 3:58 represented UT's longest TOP for the game. By contrast, Texas's otherscoring drives were all 3:13 or less. Even one minute more on the clock means Texas doesn't have to onside kick (21% success rate) with sub 2:00 on the clock. Orlando's defense made that point moot, but I'd like to see the process played out correctly. "
  15. This cop is the rule not the exception. The victim's friend recorded the incident, but if you don't have a dash cam, you're an idiot. We focus a lot on death row cases (understandably so) but how many innocent people do you think went to jail or prison on smaller shit like this? I'm betting thousands upon thousands. An award-winning Louisiana sheriff's deputy won't face criminal charges for fabricating DUI arrest. A Louisiana sheriff found no criminal activity related to a deputy who fabricated facts on a police report to arrest a man for DUI two years ago. St. Tammany Parish sheriff's deputy Bryan "Ricky" Steinert admitted to cutting and pasting the facts from a previous arrest report to arrest a man named Ryan Held. And he would have gotten away with it had it not been for Ryan Held's friend who video recorded the traffic stop, showing Held flawlessly passing a field sobriety test. But Steinert claimed Held was unable to walk a straight line nor keep his balance when he was told to raise one foot, which was why he had to charge Held. And despite admitting to fabricating a report, which is against the law, St. Tammany Parish Sheriff Randy Smith allowed Steinert to resign on May 11, 2017. St. Tammany Parish Sheriff Randy Smith Less than a month later, he was hired by the Red River Parish Sheriff's Office, only to get fired in March 2018 after reports of his fabricated arrest surfaced, according to the Advocate. "I've never in my career had any write up or any disciplinary actions," Steinert had claimed in his job application to become a Red River Parish sheriff's deputy. Steinert's downfall began the night he pulled Heyd over on January 16, 2016. According to WWLTV.com: The video along with the fabricated report prompted District Attorney Warren Montgomery to drop the DUI charges against Heyd. It also led to an internal investigation within the department where Steinert admitted to fabricating the narrative in his report. But the sheriff found that his actions were not criminal and closed the investigation, allowing the deputy to resign in 2017. “We would have to look at it as a criminal matter to decide whether we were going to pursue charges or let another agency look at it so there's no conflict,” but Smith said that has not been done in the Steinert case, “I didn't see it as a criminal act. I'm the hiring and firing authority as the sheriff. I make those decisions to whether we open up an internal investigation.” The IA report ends by saying, "This case is considered closed." The district attorney has identified at least two dozen other cases that are now in jeopardy because of Steinert’s actions. Montgomery has since recused his office from the case and has forwarded the results of the investigation to the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office for review. Heyd has filed a federal lawsuit over his arrest claiming his civil rights were violated. Read more about that here. Steinert's aggressive and unlawful approach to law enforcement not only earned him a Deputy of the Year award in 2016, he was also featured on A&E reality TV show “Live PD” that same year. https://www.themaven.net/pinacnews/police-brutality/video-saves-man-from-false-dui-charges-deputy-admits-to-fabricating-report-Ab72nQBUnEOKZUeLtj4cbw/
  16. Ha. I just heard this on KLBJ. In HTown. http://abc13.com/hpd-officer-to-woman-pretend-like-were-going-to-shoot-you/3499764/ HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A viral video involving Houston police officers is now under investigation after an officer was recorded ordering four individuals to exit a vehicle. In a video recorded by Denee Harris, an officer can be heard over the loudspeaker saying, "Hands up! Put your hands up. Over your head! Pretend like we're going to shoot you." "Why would he say that?" Harris said in the video. Another officer confiscated one of the passenger's crutches, throwing it on the ground, and an officer can be seen driving the vehicle away from the scene. Harris is heard commenting in the video, and later told Storyful News, "I was so scared. I didn't know how it was going to end." The reason for the traffic stop and detentions were not immediately clear. HPD told Eyewitness News that they are aware of the video and are looking into the video and circumstances of it.
  17. Last year I enjoyed a pretty good run by switching things up and just finding teams to bet against every week. The absolute dregs of college football, teams that usually didn't even come close to covering point spreads. East Carolina was a shining example of this, especially early in the season. UTEP and I think UCONN were other "winners" for me last year. I know Oregon State is supposed to be dreadful, but I am expecting that most of the value is going to be sucked out of them since everyone is expecting them to be dogshit. Anyone else on your radar? Obviously I shouldn't have to say this, but for any noobs on here, it had to be more than just a bad team. It has to be a team that's much worse than anybody expected, or a team that is just so dysfunctional and terrible that even Vegas doesn't have the right read on the depths of their suckitude.
  18. Mine is Mile Davis Kind of Blue. I know that album like I know myself. I have it in multiple versions in many forms - From SACD to MFSL LP to cassette and of course FLAC and DSD for portability. When I want to audition a system or new component, that's what I fire up. As a dynamic recording, there are parts that will expose lesser quality playback devices easily enough, though not as easily as other recordings. I'm just really familiar with it, so I know what to expect and it sticks out like a sore thumb when it's not there or otherwise altered. What are your favorite recordings for testing out gear or environments?
  19. Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus. For a second, I thought you took on the shape of a unicorn.
  20. Ever since the team traded away James Harden in early 2021, the primary goal of the organization has been to lose as much as possible in order to bottom out and add high end talent via the top of the draft. That process ended with a whimper this afternoon as the rockets won their third consecutive game and finished tied with the Spurs for the second-worst record. This means that their own pick in the upcoming draft could fall anywhere between 1-7 (for the time being, there is a possibility they win a coin flip with the Spurs and the worst-case scenario is pick #6). Either way, for the third straight year lottery night (May 16th) is going to be the most significant evening of the offseason for Rockets fans. In addition to their own pick, the Rockets will also have the Clippers' first round pick which will fall somewhere between #18-#20 (i'm pretty sure it will be determined via a coin flip between the Clippers, Warriors, and Heat (assuming they win 1 play-in game and make the playoffs). They got this pick by trading Eric Gordon and Milwaukee's first round pick (which ended up being #30) in exchange. This turned out to be a very good trade for the Rockets IMO, and had the potential to be a great trade should the Clippers miss the playoffs, which was on the table all the way up to the last day of the regular season. Outside of the draft, the Rockets have a ton of cap room and should be able to bring in multiple impactful free agents. #1 on that list just so happens to be a potential reunion with our old pal James Harden. The rumors are so loud that this could happen that I'm not even sure that it really matters how Philly's season ends, though if it ends in the second round or earlier, I think the likelihood of it happening are fairly strong. Harden isn't the player he was back when he left Houston, but he is still a fantastic offensive facilitator who would be a God-send for a young team that has no identity. And since the Rockets aren't in control of their draft pick next year (thanks Westbrook trade!), there is no reason not to try and be at least "good" next year. Aside from Harden, the list of Unrestricted Free Agents isn't anything to write home about, but due to the Rockets' vast amount of cap space, I'm wondering if it may be wise to be very aggressive in Restricted Free Agency? To that end, I really like both Cam Johnson and PJ Washington and think they both make some sense. There is also always the possibility of trading for a highly-paid star player who is unhappy in his current situation with some of the cap space. No matter how it shakes out, for the first time since the Harden trade, the Rockets should be a major player in free agency. They are also going to get to hire a new coach as Stephen Silas was finally let go today. Names that have been mentioned as possible candidates include Nick Nurse, Ime Udoka, Kenny Atkinson, and Scott Brooks. I'm fine with any of them though I do prefer the first two options the most. So here we are. The bottoming out era is over and the Rockets have a lot of important decisions to make before the 2023-24 season tips off in October. It will be a very eventful summer. Here's hoping it is a fun and fruitful summer and the Rockets are a much-improved team next season.
  21. First game at the FEC for me somehow. Have seen them play other places but not here. Excited to watch before the new arena! Let’s cap it off with a needed win! Hook Em! 1 Pm Central Start
  22. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/49906139 congrats to long time UT assistant Rob Lanier and his Georgia State Panthers. Lanier's team was 8-10 on February 3rd, and have now won 10 consecutive games.
  23. Texas man wins $5.5 million in lawsuit claiming restaurant overserved him alcohol Source: https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/ By Eloise Feilden August 16, 2021 Daniel Rawls, from Andrews, Texas, has won an alcohol-related lawsuit against La Fogata Mexican Grill on claims that overdrinking caused an altercation with another customer. Judge holding gavel: Texas man wins $5.5 million in lawsuit claiming restaurant overserved him alcohol Andrews County 109th District Court awarded Rawls $5.5 million in a hearing on 27 July, according to the Houston Chronicle. In an incident which took place in May 2019, Rawls alleges that the bar's negligence in overserving him alcohol later caused him to be injured in an altercation with another customer. The lawsuit was made up of five claims, including premises liability and negligence and damages arising from foreseeable criminal conduct. Robert Henrickson is named as the other customer involved in the altercation. Rawls claimed to have sustained a "serious and debilitating" head injury after being assaulted by Henrickson, according to the Houston Chronicle. La Fogata, owner Lourdes Galindo and an unnamed bartender are cited in the lawsuit as responsible for the injury, having over-served alcohol to both men and allowed them to leave the bar together. Andrews County 109th District Court ruled in favour of Rawls in a default judgement, after the restaurant owner failed to respond to the suit or attend the hearing. The court did not rule on whether or not the claims were true. According to the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, La Fogata has 30 days to appeal the ruling if they intend to seek a new trial. Rawls allegedly has a history of excessive drinking, according to the Houston Chronicle. Local jail records show he was arrested in February 2019 and May 2021 on charges of public intoxication.
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