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  1. The hate against the gay community needs to stop. Fuckheads like Tucker need to be taken off the air. This particular cuck wasn't motivated by these assholes. But the motivation is there. And in no way shape or form am I trying to blame the LBGTQ community but I have a transgender friend and she's a 120 lb Vietnamese girl and she's always like I bang all these "straight" dudes and they love it. I tell her find the wrong one and doesn't realize you got a dick and he might beat the absolute dog shit out of you. I have another gay friend who is a tatted good looking black guy and he's like oh honey. I can turn anyone. I just keep saying y'all are playing with fire. People are fucking crazy
  2. ESPN is basically telling Watson’s wife she is the butt of a shitty joke that implies she is a slut and her husband a cuck. They owe her an apology as well.
  3. If Evan Stewart was smart he would have chose Texas in the first place because the offense was and is more capable of exploiting his talents than coach cucks offense.
  4. She doesn't have any Theranos money left. She cucked some rich ass hotel dude and has one kid with him with another on the way. She met this dumbass after the the whole fraud fiasco.
  5. At this point, I don't think Dotard will return to Twitter. He'll just bitch on Truth about how Elon needs him to return to Twitter to save it, and he won't give him the satisfaction. Plus Truth is the only space he can control. If he returns to Twitter, some new demonetizing dipshit algo could bury Trump's reach and dilute whatever ragey, bizarre messages he wants to get out there. It's like Musk is beta testing this new shit and the best way to test it is to get Trump back to posting.
  6. There is no cuck greater against his “rival” than Mike Gundy. Pure shit. The Cowboys and refs get fired up to play us every single year and somehow, they go through castration surgery before they play OU. Without fail.
  7. Y'all can't handle some banter? Little cucks...
  8. Viper

    Nintendo Switch

    Hopefully it's fixed in time for Christmas since this is at the top of my kid's list. A special thanks to all the people out there who spent $60 to beta test.
  9. I remember leaving the old site because of a UT application thing I was involved with right around 2016 election. And I had so much pos rep from bashing Obama and Hillary (a lot of it from the people who neg rep posts of mine from months ago who are on this very thread). And I basically sat out politics and the new site for 2017 and even 2018 (aside from Seinfeld and Ass posts, I am human after all). And I guess while that was happening, everybody who was pro-CR became anti-CR. And everybody but me was let in on some super magic secret that you couldn't post anything against Trump without meaning you were a beta-male, socialist cuck. And i wasn't pro or anti-Trump at the time, but all of a sudden there were no more facts or articles or analysis. It was just a shouting match. Trump was sent by God and if you didn't like him, you sucked. And then others felt that Trump was Hitler and was going to kill all of us and install a dictatorship. Nobody ever showed their work. It was ridiculous. But by 2019, I finally realized the con he pulled. Mainly out in America, but also on here. This site, and CR especially, is different from the mainstream idiots he conned. The folks on here, former Republicans like myself, aren't special...but we are different. We are far more educated and insulated than the average MAGA member. That's what made the shift of the CR so weird to me. It could be a place of proper discourse and factual discussion, but it did kinda become an echo chamber of sorts. But then you also have much of the rest of the site bitching about it without coming to it and saying "Here's my position, here's the facts to back it up, here's why Trump did this thing correctly, fuck you very much, where's the tylenol?" I understand why people just shout what Trump shouts to own the libs, but this is a very different group of folks. In the end, the two reasons I oscillated back to CR after my days of bashing Obama and Hillary is there are a lot of us on there still scratching our heads, looking at one another like "Did they tell you we were totally changing the party to stupid? They didn't tell me. Maybe we're the stupid ones then? I mean, I do dumb shit but I was kind of in an influential position within the party. Did you get the memo? I didn't get the memo." And the other reason is, it's fucking funny in the CR. Maybe not your cup of tea, but something I know more about than politics is comedy, and it's fucking way funnier in there than it is with the rest of some of you miserable pricks. And guys like Poe and Incrudelity, those guys are funny too. Stern anti-CR's like PilotsError, StruggleBus, McFly...those guys could put the skids on a fun time real fucking quick. In the end, there's lotsa far-left folks that I don't agree with on pretty much anything. But there's a lot of us there that again, just didn't get the stupid memo about Trump. We missed the train so we're just partying with the folks still at the Depot.
  10. On a side note, watching Pence try to take on Trump in the primary season will be a real-time political snuff film. That spineless cuck spent 4 years with Trump's cock and balls down his throat and was 100% in lock step with dotard on every political initiative. He couldn't even introduce Trump at a routine midday press conference without a standard 5 minute monologue praising Trump for his political wizardry and emphasizing what a blessing it was to be a part of such a magnificent administration. The only time I can remember those two being opposed was on the matter of election certification, and that caused the majority of the GQP to fucking despise the man. AOC has a better chance of winning the republican nomination than Pence, and watching Trump publicly emasculate him every time he opens his cock holster will be a riot.
  11. And to boost donations. Stop the steal ran its course, and glomming on to midterm candidates at a 95/5 split is over. On to 2024 asap. also, what kind of beta cuck soyboys just say ok when they’re told they can’t leave a place they want to leave?
  12. One, ok. two? nah... They were shooting at the border. Either way, move NATO Air Defense to the border. Guard Western Ukraine. Let's call it Article 5.1 Beta.
  13. Wife has style? She put his cuck ass in that clown suit. She dresses like she’s headed to the AVN awards to get her prize for best sex with a coach’s monkey.
  14. It’s a beta cuck who’s wife dresses him to get likes on social media. It’s really no more complex than that.
  15. Sark keeps making excuses for Quinn. I think Quinn’s parents have him by the balls. We can’t keep this beta guy. I bet only RoJo, Bijan, and Snacks are the only ones pissed after losing. The defense did their jobs. Looks like Jamison may have been addition by subtraction.
  16. Because Sark is a beta cuck bitch that love getting pegged while wearing glamorous suits
  17. Some are saying Jessie Watters is a beta incel cuck. I think based on current evidence, Jessie Watters might be a beta incel cuck.
  18. Imagine cheating on him and he finds you in bed with his wife, dude could probably strangle you with one hand while enjoying a cup of hot tea with the other. I know the Rs love to project cucks because they are ones but it’s sort of funny
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