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  1. How many current Horns could start for either of these teams? We are headed in the right direction, but we have a really long way to go.
  2. My bullshit-ass analysis that no one gives a shit about (in no particular order)... * We kept pegging ourselves with penalties. 13 penalties for128 yards is not championship football. * Ehlinger was hurt and could not be the same dual-threat weapon he was in game 1. * Their midget played like a giant. KM had some huge plays at critical times plus no turnovers like in game 1. * Related to the previous point, our pass rush sucked ass. Unless we blitzed, opening up coverage holes downfield, KM had all day to play 7 on 7 football. Their OL played well, our DL played poorly or both. * They made some smart defensive adjustments. The 3 backers coupled with Sam’s injury made our running game a non-factor and our offense one dimensional. Sure CJ hada monster game, but they limited our O enough to win, so who cares? The blitz for the safety was thing of beauty — a great call at a key moment that killed our chance to come back. * Several of our key players played below their standard, didn’t show up or were otherwise nullified. Lil’Jordan, KrisBoyd, Omenihu and Hager being the most noticeable. Well, Hager probably just kinda sucks... * OU seized the moment in their two offensive drives at the end of the first half and start of the second. They flipped the game, put us in a two-score hole and made it to where we would be playing their kind of fast-break game the rest of the way. The officiating wasn’t great, but complaining about calls is a loser’s security blanket. Bottom line, the better team won today.
  3. Conference Championship Edition and ou still sucks.
  4. We always need to beat our rival, but this particular game... and this particular quarterback of theirs... we just have to win. Kyler Murray represents everything that our University and team fucking despise---he's aggy; he's a sooner; he handled his recruiting with us in a distasteful way; and he's an entitled, poor sport, bitch ass, prima donna who will not lay it on the line for his team. He has quarterbacked our rival to a top 5 ranking and a potential playoff berth. But we have the opportunity to shut all of that shit down on Saturday like Stonie Clark at the goal line. We have to win. After last season, I thought there would never be another sooner quarterback that I would dislike more than Baker Mayfield, but here we are. Baker was a douchenozzle turned to 11, but he was a hell of a team player who laid it on the line for his team every week, which I respected. Kyler is a fucking mercenary, soldier of fortune, and nothing more. His head is also more inflated than Dolly Parton's breasts. The reason he couldn't bring himself to even remotely acknowledge Ehlinger's capable quarterback play is because, in Kyler's mind, Ehlinger is so far beneath him that he simply cannot deign to entertain a discussion that puts his name in the same sentence with another quarterback's. Kyler must stand alone (even if just barely to 5 feet). The game on Saturday is just another stop on the road for Kyler and his team. Kyler believes it is his entitled destiny to win a CFP title "just for funsies" before he heads off to MLB next year. For our team, however, this game is basically our season. It's already been established as extremely likely that we are landing in the Sugar Bowl regardless of this game's outcome, but winning a Big 12 title is something we haven't done in nearly a decade, and winning it this year would exorcise a lot of demon monkeys that have been on our back since we lost Colt against Alabama. I believe that this game simply means more to us than it means to them. And it means a hell of a lot to them, considering what's on the line. We have to win. Fuck Kyler Murray, fuck his team, and fuck his entitled destiny. I wish him the best in baseball, but in football he needs to get the fuck off my field. This is our time (and it's been a long fucking time). Although we already beat his ass in October, Kyler, his team, and all their fans, are absolutely certain that the October outing was a fluke. It was not. They are relishing in their opportunity to prove that it was a fluke. They will be disappointed. This is the game that will officially mark the shifting of power in the Big 12 back into our favor. OU's star is fading; after this season they will be without a quarterback and possibly even without a head coach. With a win on Saturday, we can proudly and confidently utter the phrase that has been little more than a meme for the past several seasons. You know the one. We have to win. There just really is no other option. See you in Arlington.
  5. If we win, we're in the sugar bowl, if we lose, OU goes to the playoff and we go to the sugar bowl from the link
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/24/world/europe/france-yellow-vest-protest.html Upset about taxes or bread or something.
  7. Fuck OU. They are pussies and they play pussy football. We are going to eat the quick little midget and shit him out like he was the turkey dinner the morning after thanksgiving. Todd Orlando is gonna earn his fucking paycheck this upcoming weekend. We will beat OU twice in one season for the first time ever. And we will laugh at them because of how much they suck. So it is written.
  8. Yes I've been drinking since 11, but the question still stands.
  9. We have two conference loses. OU and WVU each one. I get if WVU wins, OU is 2 loss and we beat them h2h so we're in. But if OU wins, WVU is 2 loss and they beat us h2h. Shouldn't the b12cg be a rematch of OU/WVU in that case? Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
  10. Been drinking since yesterday morning into this morning and we are beating those fucks from Lawrence!
  11. I'm just kidding. I didn't watch your game. Hope you guys have a good season. Hopefully will get a good game tomorrow night. Still not sure what to make of MSU. Seems like Izzo is pushing transition as usual in the non-con. Saw the UNC score. Might this one get up into the 170s/180s?
  12. https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/nfl-eyes-nrl-star-holmes-for-elite-international-program-20181122-p50hq5.html there’s another aussie league player trying to make the NFL. valentine holmes, 6’1” 200# and an absolute freak, only 23 years old. among others. it looks like the league will start actively pursuing more international talent for more than just punting duties. it didn’t work with jarryd hayne but these guys are too talented in space with the ball in their hands for someone not to stick eventually.
  13. Thanksgiving Edition. Happy Thanksgiving.
  14. With a maximum of 3 games left to our season, the new redshirt rules should allow any freshmen who haven’t played yet to keep their redshirt even if they play in the last 3 games. I think there are some freshmen like Brennan Eagles who I’de like to see in a series or two if the opportunity arises. I’m interested to see if players who are redshirting this season see some more playing time in the last few games. Or not.
  15. 25% of them are Daniel Young (This is not to piss on Daniel Young. 8 turnovers in 11 games is fucking amazing. We've been very, very good this year at TO margin.)
  16. coming in to the season, pretty sure we all would have signed up for that.
  17. Thank you Pokes! Win out and we are in. Hook Em!
  18. Gentleman, with OkSt’s win tonight, we control our own path to the big xii ccg. Beat ISU. Win the Big 12. Let’s fucking do this. Hook em and fuck ou.
  19. On our own network... Let's go.
  20. Well, just a second there, professor. We, uh, we fixed the glitch. So he won't be receiving a paycheck anymore, so it'll just work itself out naturally.
  21. As my dad has always said, nothin' good ever happens on the Caprock. Tonight something good did happen. We won. To read this board you'd think Coach Bro crushed us 70-2 while infecting the Texas skies with a cloud of Axe Body Spray.
  22. ESPN2. I want the joke of a playoff committee to have to explain why they left out an undefeated UCF for 3 SEC teams & a token other. T&P's for the UCF quarterback's hometown, MIlton's Paradise lost 90% of their buildings to a wildfire this week.
  23. ....need recommendations, visiting Texas over the Christmas Holidays, want to bring one back here to Alaska, full of beef and pork. Want to check the cooler as luggage. Alaska Airlines and local airlines beat up every box that comes in the mail. Luggage will be treated about the same.
  24. Offense is rolling. Defense will get its shit together this week. 1-0.
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