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  1. Going to The Parish tomorrow night to see one of my favorite bands. dada Great three piece band with really clean sounds and great harmonies.
  2. Paid a lot of money to keep this years team mostly together probably but long term…. We will see.
  3. They sure pivoted hard from GETTING OCONNOR/VITELLO/HEEFNER/SKIP to this. None of those guys wanted to go to aggy, work for Alberts or do the stupid bullshit aggy traditions
  4. Over/under 1 hour until we get the Looch "I'm getting texts from coaches around the country from HS to the Majors saying this was a homerun hire and there's not a better guy to lead a program" spin.
  5. You thought you stole our entire coaching staff but we actually kept our #3 assistant by promoting him to a role he's entirely unqualified for because we don't have the money to pull a proven guy, you stupid sip
  6. It always cracked me up when professors would take shots at A&M, doing it in a most professional/collegial manner. We had a decision/risk professor who'd say, "...so you tell Mr. Smith you're going to model the risk/uncertainty by building probability distributions into the pro forma and then running a Monte Carlo simulation to approximate the outcomes...of course, he went to A&M, so he doesn't know what you're talking about...but anyway..."
  7. More ag chatter on the "tarnished reputation" that is only visible to the most secluded of ags. Those yahoos not only think their message board parroting represent the views of all ags, but they think it represents the views of all sports fans. But I had several conversations with real-world non-message-board ags at work throughout the week. Mostly engineers and mostly sane people. They're disappointed Schloss left, and especially for UT. They're concerned about who their next coach will be but hoping they can land a good one. They're not talking-- at all-- about some "tarnishing" that occurred during the move. They know they stole Schloss from TCU in the exact same way. As for regional and national news-- nobody outside of College Station is talking about "tarnishing" at all, and the story only lasted maybe a day, anyway. The slant to pretty much ALL of the non-ag-written stories was, Texas dunked on little brother, and it's going to make the rivalry more intense. That's all, seeya in November when there's more to report. Message board ags have got to be the dumbest people on the planet.
  8. Because their Hall of Champions is a very large, very empty echo chamber I think A&M is hiring down knowing they are in bad financial straights, and paying off some debts to give it another go in 2030 Way too much spin on all the things , and of course the cult will fall in line for a few years because they get angry again.
  9. I think this was a situation where plan A (hire a top coach, the guy Texas would have hired if they couldn’t get Schlossnagle) failed, so they had to go to plan B (try for continuity with his assistant). Question - was Earley Schloss’ top assistant? Note- these hires can and have worked, although the successes have almost exclusively been when the departing coach set it up for his top lieutenant, and gave his blessing.
  10. It's a little more complicated than that. Losing in 2024 isn't an option, and we all saw what Thursday night looked like.
  11. I didn’t say we were far off. But Tennessee and A&M had better pitching and better offense. Saying we lack 3-4 key pieces - pitching and hitting - is not untrue. For most of the championship series the Aggies were trotting out 2 point something ERAs, Tenn not far behind, true neither had a weekend full of stellar pitching but it was much better than ours. I was less focused on hitting but there’s no doubt Texas loses to both of those teams easily in a best of 3. And those players we had I acknowledged that at times the elevated their play. But reality is even with flashes, at their peak they accomplished a 3 seed and bounced before a regional final. So yeah, we need a handful of ballers and a new coach. Thankfully we should have all of that for next year. Fucking A let’s go.
  12. Also headed there in late July. It's our second year in a row to go and can't wait. Now just hoping Beryl and friends don't F shit up.
  13. If they rule that President's have complete immunity on Monday, you may well be correct. If that's the case, what's to stop Biden from unilaterally dismissing the court and start just making his own rulings? Why stop there, dismiss Congress and write your own legislation. I was talking to my wife the other day and we came to the conclusion that if we are in fact to live in a dictatorship, I'd rather it be Biden's than Trump.
  14. Now they all think they are waiting to announce it to take thunder away from us joining the SEC. Lol. Clowns. Even if they did it for that reason, nobody would care. Especially if it ends up being Earley. "Hey we got you good, we stole our old coaches' assistant from you. Hahahaha"
  15. Going in late July. At least we will know early if we need to consider a new destination.
  16. The judicial branch doesn’t have any power. Maybe it’s time for Biden to just flat ignore them. Let’s go dictator Biden! We are fucked no matter what.
  17. Earley to aggy as head coach would be a great move for him. The more aggy strikes out on coaches, the more he can demand. Be the big splash aggy wants as a "Take that Texas" but he gets some of that improvement money. I'm talking he needs to be in top 5 of head coach money for this crap. I think he can get it. He also keeps his young family at current location for another 5 years minimum. He eliminates the never been a head coach tag. If things don't work out the kids will be old enough to move elsewhere and he's built a better resume and bank account. He's young and can recover from almost any disaster at that place. Hell, he may even win something.
  18. Lambo stopped in the pit entry blocking the leading #51 AF Corse Ferrari for almost a minute with less than an hour to go. Game on
  19. Can we allow Bernie to finish her fucking thought? Jesus.
  20. aggy is in a world of shit now and for the rest of this decade. Ross Bjork helped when he was told to send Jimbo along his way with an IOU until 2030. Bjork did the honorable thing and got the hell out of that sinking ship. Alberts has to come in and start whacking people to help with budget cuts. Olsen field stadium improvements were promised to begin in June of 2024, fat chance. Now the promise of $80,000,000.00 is to occur between 2025-29, in a pigs eye. They're going to need that loot for something else. They may be able to do some cosmetic or fan amenities improvement. A full scale expansion is going to use it all and then some. I may have these two items reversed as aggy does like to build thing regardless of what may be logical. Their coaching search is coming up empty as any level headed coach can see that if Coach Schloss and CWS final couldn't make a stand there, why take a chance. Meanwhile, AD Alberts is going around talking about budget cuts and firing people. For a splash hire aggy going to need some of that improvement money. I don't know, but if I were a big money donor and seeing all these dollars going to this clown show, I would be discouraged and unenthusiastic about continuing contributions, "fuck it". For all their bragging and blustering, aggy is broke and needs to stop with the spending. My first semester at UT, a statics professor defined an Engineer, "To do with one dollar what any Aggie can do with two." Enjoying this shit show during this slow sports summer!
  21. Checked at Texags not really expecting anything new enough to post. Wrong again. The Early Crisis and what it means for Texas' and Schloss' tarnished reputations. Just how much of a victory is it to persuade an assistant to be head coach? Evidently pretty big and difficult to attain. It would lessen the deflating and crumbling should Earley do so! It took me a moment to get that one. He's talking about Texas offering to take care of A&M. We see what happens when they wander away from that helping hand. Too bad, it will never be extended again.
  22. Dubin should be good for 6 Cy Young level innings today, but it will probably have to be a combined no hitter with King and Contreras. If only we still had Nick Hernandez...
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