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  1. I didn't know if this should go in another forum but it very much seems that football and men's basketball will be impacted the most. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court holds that limiting compensation to tuition and expenses, etc. violates anti-trust principles.Justice Gorsuch writes:https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/20-512_gfbh.pdfLet the games begin!
  2. Please shoot me a PM if so. Thanks. Disclaimer: does not involve a shirtless photo of my boss and a mole
  3. Kentucky Man finds 700 Civil War-ear gold coins on his farm
  4. Apologies. Saw this guy has fled the country and is a bit rapey. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/anti-flag-justin-sane-sued-sexual-assault-1234879770/amp/ I was big into Anti-Flag back in the early ‘00’s. Wow.
  5. Guidelines..... we have plenty of threads about how shitty the cops are and we know this. This is the thread for where they show a reasonable amount restraint dealing with idiots only to finally snap resulting in the laughs. Midwest & Florida seem disproportionally represented....
  6. J.J., there are two priests in that car. They want us to pull over. Victor, that's two priests driving a Ferrari. When's the last time you saw two priests drive a Ferrari? What are they doing, taking home the bingo money? No, they're doing the work of the Lord. In a Ferrari, they can just do it faster.
  7. This whole LT thing has gotta go. Look at Casey's stats and please explain.
  8. Dear god, what are these cloven hobbit feet? https://twitter.com/ThatLoomis/status/1417635316664610818?s=20
  9. I need every article you can find describing what an asshole he is/bad things he's done Any tweets from former players or coworkers are good too. I need to collect this stuff to give to someone I know.
  10. So, the Lake Travis disaster is over. Today, in San Diego Bay, about 1000 boats are expected to participate in another dotard boat parade. Exactly what the fuck is going on here? People that own boats are "showing their support" for the fat fuck, but what does that accomplish? Is it just a matter of being with other like-minded dipshits? If you really support Trump, wouldn't your time be better spent working a phone bank, or knocking on doors? Taking the 20 or 100 bucks (depending on boat size) that you'll burn in gas and donating to the campaign? Do these people believe that they are going to attract voters by having a boat parade? I don't get the psychology here.
  11. Post-coitis last evening, the GF is running her fingers through my hair, and says "your hair has more grey, and less hair than it used to have" or some similar bullshit. Mid 50's here. I'm not bald, but yeah, I suppose it's thinning. Any Rogaine bros here?
  12. https://www.fox4news.com/news/struggling-food-truck-owner-finds-ally-in-hungry-plano-pizza-shop-owner?fbclid=IwAR1LlLC1bxEfgDDmwJlsGX8ejaILYhoDNAc5K6RjUcXZ87wtqEPRLY9pbkw PLANO, Texas - A woman who opened her restaurant in the middle of the pandemic at times did not know how she was going to make it work. Another business owner reached out to help. Juline Mathe took a leap of faith and started a business during the pandemic. FOX 4 interviewed her about the new restaurant, Renee’s Jerk Chicken, in November. "I actually come from a family of chefs born and raised in Jamaica," she said. The Frisco mother left her career as a flight attendant hoping to fulfill a dream and protect her daughter, who is considered high-risk because of an underlying health condition. "So for probably a solid month and a half we were doing amazing. And then all of a sudden it just got dead," Mathe said. People loved her food but she ran into roadblocks struggling to find places to park her food truck. "Our chicken is cooked on-site so it’s not like it’s something we can reuse. I was losing so much money," she said. A pizza shop owner in Plano with a craving for Jamaican food saw Mathe’s story on FOX 4 and called her up. But what he found was a woman on the verge of giving up. "I called her and said, ‘Hey, what are your hours? I want to buy some of the food.’ And she was very depressed. And she said well we don’t have a spot or whatever," said Ram Mehta, the owner of In-Fretta Pizza and Wings. Mehta knew he could help her. "I texted her and said, ‘Hey if I can be of any help. You can just park right across from my restaurant," he said. "So wait a minute. You own a restaurant and you want me to bring my mobile restaurant and park in front of your business? Okay, what’s it going to cost me? And he’s like, ‘Nothing. Just come bring your truck, sell your chicken. You know, I just want you to win,’" Mathe said. Once homeless, Mehta knows hardships. The now successful business owner started a movement called Everyone Eatz, which organizes free food giveaways. It’s a result of a promise to his late mother and a vow to always give back. "He’s just been amazing. I call him my fairy godfather," Mathe said. "No! I’m from New York. No fairy godfather. The queens!" Mehta joked. The two are now committed to working together. Renee’s Jerk Chicken sells out regularly and the Everyone Eatz initiative grows bigger with each passing day. This past Saturday marked more than half a million meals handed out by the organization.
  13. even it’s related to a Trump trial that hasn’t started yet? The New Yorker seems to think the optics are working against her. After hearing her testimony on the stand I disagree: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/fulton-da-fani-willis-nathan-wade-optics-battle-over-trump-case.html
  14. If you haven’t signed up for the ChatGPT AI tool, you’re missing out. It can do most of your job for you or it can do this:
  15. not a lot that needs to be said. back in pot 2 in the uefa champions league, two points away from winning the league title, and still fielding one of the youngest yet most cohesive teams in europe. there are no more questions about expectations- they are high, which is where they will stay going forward. now lets sell some of our deadwood, bring in some more first tier players in the midfield and up top, and let’s get right back after it. COYG! 🔴⚪️
  16. I’m hoping this forum can sort of serve as a support group for all of us that play a little, a lot, or as a primary source of income. I’ll go first. Literally got the band back together for a high school reunion show. Since then we have been traveling around to meet up, drink fancy craft beer, and record (and in that order). When COVID started, we made it our goal to release a song per week until the end of the year. It’s really made the pandemic manageable by giving me some purpose (for myself, not work or family), a form of expression, and a sense of accomplishment. I’ve also been striving to get better at playing and recording, trying to take online lessons and learning new riffs. The song I posted “For the Moment” is our latest and my personal favorite.
  17. Just a general directory or something? Perhaps only for veteran members?
  18. we got a shooting, these folks drive by, there's a high-speed pursuit, ends here and then this execution type deal.
  19. This is why our policing continues to deteriorate..... he gets $30k a year for life because he got PTSD from a situation he caused. https://news.yahoo.com/police-officer-lost-job-shooting-120824546.html
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