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  1. Learning is for cucks and soy boys. [\Incredulity]
  2. dope revisionist history. 2008-09: we spent exactly one week in the top 10 in january/february (it was the first week of january). we were unranked by the second week of february and went into the tour eg unranked. we lost to Duke in a 7 vs 2 game where we outplayed Duke for the majority of the game only to have them get that special Duke officiating down the stretch. here was our mighty "top 10" roster: but yeah, sure, getting boned by the refs in a game where are the 7 seed against 2 seed Duke is such a total flameout, and totally aligns with RickBarnesLover's assertion that we were a top 10 team in february that flamed out in the tourney! 🙄 🙄 🙄 2009-10: as covered in the post of mine which you quoted, this was a total crash and burn. 2010-2011: should i just copy/paste the post you quoted? we got absolutely screwed by the committee (no.3 in kenpom, yet we're a 4 seed that plays the toughest first two opponents of anyone in the tourney), and not only should we have been a 2 seed, Arizona should have been a 3, maybe a 4 seed. then behind getting screwed by the selection committee, J'Covan Brown puts on his best "Travis Mays vs Purdue" impression and straight up wills Texas to a win vs Arizona, only to have it taken away by a referee who couldn't handle the moment. now i ask you: what kind of Texas fan describes that as "three straight years of shitting the bed in the tourney"? what kind of Texas fan (or really anyone with a brain) points yo those seasons as examples of Texas "being in the top 10 in february only to shit the bed in the tournament"? ESEPCIALLY that 2011 team that screwed 10 different ways? what kind of Texas fan talks shit about that team or that loss as if it wasn't one of, if not THE biggest screw jobs in UT Basketball history? No Texas fan does these things. No Texas fan rewrites history like this to shit on our former coaches and players. Only a soy boy beta cuck bitterwhiteguy-wannabe i del would say these things. congratulations; you've made an ass of yourself.
  3. What kind of bullshit is this, Mr. Beta P. Woke? This is half-assed. You're teaching math where there's only addition with no subtraction, you likely groomer. You're all, it's okay for this and that. That's only half of it. That's all just candy-ass appeasement. Who is going to teach them who to hate? You're depriving your children of one of life's great addictive pleasures: rage!!!!!! They'll be destroyed by illusory enemies and have none of that fine zero-sum game of building self-esteem! Thanks for keeping America from greatness, again.
  4. Jimbo 2023: Situations Normal All Cucked Up
  5. Jimbo 2023: Cuck Around and Find Out
  6. Trump absolutely wants DeSantis to lose but he is ready to cuck him.
  7. Hard to overlook what a puckering mother fucking bitch Mack Brown was in the early 2000s against OU. We gave up 60+ points against them 3 times with some of the most talented teams since Earl Campbell was on the 40 Acres. Mack was such an insufferable beta cunt vs Stoops. See Mack Brown choking like a sex worker at an MMA convention above. No he doesn’t. (And I love LJH.)
  8. told you cucks we'd win. beat the 13th ranked team on the road at night. Sark is a boss.
  9. Ketch is such a stupid, worthless piece of shit. Is the concept of being a fan lost on him? Or what a rivalry is? Why the fuck would a team's fanbase put one of its players on blast? That's OU and aggy's job. Just like it's our job to hyperbolize their player's transgressions. Do these limp-dicked cucks even enjoy it when Texas wins? Fucking A, man.
  10. Tim Ryan, owner of huge balls, in a room full of cucks.
  11. Yeah wow just in terms of design principles, you have completely different paradigms between social media (low risk, unlimited compute) and robotics controls for multi-ton vehicles (high risk, constrained compute), and just the underlying tech and services used by each. There's probably some foundational language overlap, but I doubt there's much transferrable as far as patterns, architectures, or best practices. Lol at anyone who's been paying $10k to have (now) twitter engineers drive them around. Your previously beta software is now fully released! ... what changelog, you ask?
  12. I guess Tesla's Autopilot software is out of beta. Congrats Autopilot owners! You've been rewarded. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/31/elon-musk-has-pulled-more-than-50-tesla-engineers-into-twitter.html
  13. This fucking guy…he definitely likes to tell everyone about the exercises he did today at CrossFit and what his favorite bourbons are, spends an inordinate amount of time opining on “alphas” and “betas”, and generally takes himself waaaaaay too seriously. “Our enemies?” Jesus man.
  14. Are they? You fucking cunt cuck. Enjoy sitake and tuiaki, bitch.
  15. If you're a beta because you're an Astros fan what does that make a Yankees fan? Lol on Houston having zero food culture. Tell me you've spent no time in Houston without telling me you've spent no time in Houston.
  16. Cheesesteaks are fucking awesome. But go ahead and be a beta and root for the Astros, must’ve sucked watching the entire postseason from your couch this year. Also what good food comes from Houston? Literally nothing. They’re not known for BBQ, their good seafood is all Cajun and not actually from there, and everything else that’s good is just foreigners that moved there serving their native food. That city has 0 food culture whatsoever but you want to shit on Philly?
  17. I don't know what else it says about Texas, or me, but whenever these shootings happen and the invariable "lemme learn you something about the weapon and ammo of choice here, beta-male!" armchair cosplay warriors come out of the woodwork...all I think of is the SNL sketch "Yeah, but how much ya' bench?!?" To tell fellow parents, "Now is not the time to discuss sensible gun control, let the families of the victims mourn before we interject politics into this story!" and then get right back online and lecture us on how certain NATO calibers couldn't have ripped through child flesh beyond recognition with xyz123 modifications to the weapon of choice, as if that was helping authorities, families, victims, the public, the media...anything except your flaccid mushroom dick. Impotence must be so hard for some Texans.
  18. You mean that beta that called the team savages in the box that blew Jomboy up and made all the MFY fans jerk off their needle peens?
  19. This kind of shows what the problem is with the Yankee clubhouse. No one is a competitor and they’re led by a beta, so the team takes on that personality.
  20. From what she has told me, she is not into needle dick cucks, so there goes your chance.
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