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  1. https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-state-lawmaker-wins-re-election-from-his-jail-cell SIAP
  2. Got a big anniversary coming up, and the wife (no pics) and I want to venture beyond the Grapevine high-end steakhouse scene to celebrate. What are the great, special occasion places in Dallas and Fort Worth these days?
  3. Please tell me at least one of my teams doesn't suck ass. Looking forward to learning about the team and how awesome Rick Barnes is. (Just kidding Goo.) Go Horns!
  4. After watching yet another episode of College Football Final. Featuring that dumb ass Palmer and Puppet using their fancy board to post their take on the top 5 teams. I felt compelled to ask a simple question. What was the real reason logic didn’t prevail and simply take conference champions and say, an at large bid? Money, pride, TV demanding good match up rating numbers? Who would want to watch Ol Miss, Wisconsin, Utah, Okie lite, Wake Forest, and Boise State right? Taking the conference champs and an at large would leave an opening for either ND should they run their schedule, and not piss them off. Or provide what could be the occasional Cinderella team out of the other schools like a UCF? Instead we have invented a new phrase, these fuckers can’t use enough....“the eye test”, which is nothing more then a euphemism for, man I really like these fuckers and the ratings would be awesome. Plus I think they should be in the mix. And I don’t care if they just lost, and can’t win their conference they looked really good doing it. For more then a century the subjectivity of the sport was actually part of the fun. And losing late was a season killer. Then the money got bigger and we got bowl tie ins. But that still allowed ambiguity in the ranks. And when a few select schools didn’t like those results we got the BCS. Which began the current corruption. And resulted in the bullshit we have now. I don’t have to remind any of you of the obvious shit. But one thing should be pointed out. Absolutely no one doubts the talent level of a Alabama. You watch them play and you can see it. But one doesn’t have to look any farther back then last year, where they failed to not only win their division, but the conference as well. However because of the “eye test” their loss to Auburn was largely meaningless. And if anything it allowed them not only a mulligan but time to heal, and extend their preparation for the four team playoff. One of which was a team from their own fucking conference they should of had to deal with in the first fucking place. I get that the SEC is the greatest and can beat several NFL teams. Shit I won’t even bother to argue that shit anymore as no one really cares. But the fact that we have a fucking committee going behind closed doors (no chance of impropriety there) and arbitrarily selecting the four schools without a reviewable data set is pretty laughable. In place of measurable data we get instead “their body of work” or the “eye test” bullshit. And lastly it still allows the mighty SEC to win every year. Because fuck it they do anyway. But the team that does do that will also be able to call themselves conference champion. Something last years champ can’t even fucking do. And it equally applies pressure to every member of every conference that to get in just win. Because, you know. It’s football, and sometimes really fucked up shit happens regardless of the “eye test”. Sometimes, on occasion, once in a blue moon, the favorite doesn’t fucking win. Fuck it, I’m done...
  5. https://weartv.com/news/local/shirtless-pensacola-man-arrested-for-going-house-to-house-looking-for-someone-to-fight-11-03-2018
  6. When it was 4th and less than a yard. Fucking stupid. They are not stopping us for less than a yard. Keep the chains moving and punch that in for a TD to give us an 11pt lead. But instead we kicked a FG. I don't get it. Grow some fucking balls.
  7. Brrrrrrt. We suck this year lol.
  8. Everybody go to their meetings on time, ok?
  9. Just saw crawler at bottom of game on ESPN that Anderson will enter draft. Losing Murray and Andersonnshould lead to a big step back on offense but they always seem to just reload.
  10. Schedule is here: https://texassports.com/schedule.aspx?schedule=393 There are five days remaining until tip-off against Eastern Illinois, which means the season is nearly upon us. Although there are no high-end talents (one-and-dones) on this roster, this may be closer to the team Shaka Smart actually has a chance of succeeding with: athletic, multiple playmaking guards, and a decent amount of experience. Shooting and rim protection remain question marks, as does the overarching team offensive philosophy. What are your minimum expectations for a successful season, and what do you predict will happen?
  11. Time for Herman to Crank up this Offensive....Just like BlowU Game Defense got exposed by Okie Lite. Wheeler & Locke were on the bench a lot during the final 3-4 games of B12 Season in 2017. Gonna need more points to beat West Virginia, Tech and Iowa State..... Part of Scipio's write-up discusses this below.... "If you're interesting in assessing primary blame as to why Texas lost in Stillwater, look to the defense and some key mistakes on special teams. Refer to that sentence if you mistake any criticisms here for a defense of the Texas defense. If you concede the defense struggled and want to win the game anyway by exploiting a vulnerable and coverage predictable Cowboy defense, the Texas offense has to learn not to waste possessions. Four of the first six UT first half possessions encompassed 14 plays for a total of 22 yards. Times of possession? 1:20, 1:02, 1:02, 1:04. Including three failed possessions in a row after a score on the opening series while running tempo. While Texas did score 14 first half points, they had the ball on 7 individual first half possessions starting at the UT24 or better. So now we need to factor in pace and opportunity. A score on 28.6% of possessions against a Big 12 average defense just won't cut it - particularly when five of those possessions were effectively useless and didn't alter field position positively. Our offense played OSU about as well as Kansas did. By trying to focus on "ball control" and putting a natural cap on our offensive production with the kinds of routes our WRs were running (look at the early low reward/high risk far hash routes we had Ehlinger throwing) and a running game less interested in potentially gashing OSU's run blitzes, but in grinding away 2-3 yards at a time, Texas prevented itself from keeping the ball (or scoring points) and exposed a hapless Texas defense again and again. Real ball control involves moving the ball. Not purposefully capping big play opportunity. And ball control shouldn't be your goal against a feast-or-famine defense to begin with. We seemed to get this against OU and forgot it against OSU. This was the kind of early grind approach Texas needed to avoid and that it happened while OSU was ringing up the Texas defense with 31 1st half points was unfortunate. The idea that Texas is good enough to manhandle an opponent at the point of attack and impose their will just doesn't hold up to the season evidence. When Texas took advantage of fine pass protection and threw the ball aggressively down the field, good things happened. Long gains, pass interference penalties and, yes, moments of an effective running game. It also opened up everything underneath. There's a tendency in analyzing close games to forget wasted early possessions as attention narrows on the 4th quarter and the final few possessions. 35 points should be enough to win a game in a vacuum and that's exactly the kind of platitude we tend to spout after a loss when we're (rightfully) pissed at the Longhorn defense, but it wasn't enough to win this game, against this opponent. And Texas was fully capable of scoring more than 35 points against this opponent. So evaluate them to that standard, not some notion of 1980s football. The final UT possession to narrow the lead to 3 points was also a frustrating rendition of the two minute drill. First, the QB should have more than one play at a time called so that they're not looking to the sideline and burning play clock. Second, you have to snap the moment you're set - particularly when the clock begins to run again after 1st down. Third, everyone has to run to get lined up. Fourth, 4-6 yard check downs in the middle of the field are fool's gold. You're playing clock, not the opponent. Any yardage gain less than 10 yards that doesn't go for a first down or doesn't end out bounds is a waste of opportunity and clock. You shouldn't even have a receiver standing there as an option unless the Cowboys have a ghost town in the middle of the field. They didn't. So you're effectively suckering your own QB. You also want to preserve time outs for the defense, so clock the ball rather than allow 25 seconds to tick off - you'll still have 3 downs. Texas burned 3:58 (we started with 5:44 on the clock) on that drive to go 75 yards and there were at least two instances where the play clock burned 20-25 seconds between plays. 3:58 represented UT's longest TOP for the game. By contrast, Texas's otherscoring drives were all 3:13 or less. Even one minute more on the clock means Texas doesn't have to onside kick (21% success rate) with sub 2:00 on the clock. Orlando's defense made that point moot, but I'd like to see the process played out correctly. "
  12. ...just look at Germany. The two parties that have dominated the country since WW2 got hammered in a regional election this weekend. https://global.handelsblatt.com/politics/merkel-cdu-losses-hesse-election-germany-976187 Merkel's CDU is still the largest party in Hesse at 27.4% but they lost almost 11 points of support. That largely went to AfD and the Free Democrat (free market) party. The Social Democrats also lost 11 points and are now under 20%, tied with the Greens who gained most of those votes. AfD is going to have 15% of the seats in the equivalent of the state legislature.
  13. Sort of a CSB, but it struck me as odd.... flew to San Antonio this week for a meeting to sign a new deal. Ended up deciding to eat dinner with my vendor at Signature in La Cantera. Couple of their team wanted to order a featured cocktail that was spicy and had a jalapeño component.... waiter tells them they can’t make it as shown on the menu because the restaurant has no jalapeños. Vendor is from Minnesota so they kind of brushed it off but I was dumbfounded. How in the hell does a San Antonio restaurant with something like that on the menu not have any peppers? You could swing a dead cat from there and hit 3 HEB’s. Pointless post is pointless other than I can’t fathom how they couldn’t figure out to give some bus boy a $10 and send him down the hill to HEB and grab some. Signature was otherwise great and the service impeccable- other than their pantry management.
  14. I just don’t see this team laying down like a dog. Asses are being chewed. They’ll come out and find a way to win.
  15. Everybody hates Mondays... TGIF. Let's go, bishes.
  16. Here's me: socially about as liberal as they get, fiscally I just want the government to work like it's supposed to - spend what it needs and not a penny more. I don't know what label you have for that, but stick one on it if you want. I look at the current political climate and the clear division in the platforms of those on the right and the left. Assuming we can restore some sense of sanity after the midterms, I think both major parties and the gaggle of smaller parties behind them need to have some serious inner dialogue about their message for the future. In my eyes, the Dems - even as prone as they are to trip on their own dicks as they are - have a message that resonates with a lot of young people. Especially those who are modelling their message after Bernie. Sorry, if that's shocking news to you, but it's the truth. So, in the next few years what you are going to have is the Dems veering toward the message of Bernie and the democratic socialist agenda. On the right - what? Is it still going to be the message of fear and division? I hope not. I think about a young person growing up a rural area and whose tendencies and thoughts would fit into the category of conservative. When they look for guidance on what it means to be a conservative, who will be their role models. More Trumps? More Cruz's? Who then? I'll be honest because I was that person. I grew up in the sticks outside of Dallas. There were a lot of blue-collar people there. I was very conservative growing up. Catholic household and whatnot. My first voting-age election was Bush Jr. I voted for him. At the time it didn't sting my conscience one bit. Fast forward to 2008 and you find the same me campaigning and primarying for Barack Obama. Republicans, I got away (but then again, I do not identify as a Dem either). You may not like their policies, but the crop of candidates being put up right now by the Dems have a much more compassionate tone to their rhetoric and that is driving young people to them. Look at what's happening in Florida. I bet Gillum wins, and I bet we'll discover it was because people under 30 got out and voted. Maybe not, but it seems like a good bet right now. So, surly friends who call themselves conservative - honestly - how do you keep the next me from getting away?
  17. When posting between doing work stuff 5 minutes isn't enough time to make changes/corrections. Can we get at least 10 minutes?
  18. Domedriver

    Go Navy!

    Beat the ever living fuck out of the Irish! just putting this here for Saturday and for my father who past last year. Annapolis Class of ‘46. i hate ND with the heat of a million H-Bombs!
  19. sounds like squirrels or something. the house was built in 1991'amd the outer portion of the house/chimney has worn and rotted some and we've been able to hear these critters inside the chimney/walls for a while now. whatever it is isn't actually in the usable part of the chimney but in the space in the walls surrounding it. who do we call about this, and does anyone have any idea how much fixing this problem may cost?
  20. http://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/24997961/louisville-cardinals-te-kemari-averett-charged-threat-kill-girlfriend Louisville football player Kemari Averett was charged Tuesday with putting a gun to his girlfriend's head and threatening to kill her. The tight end was suspended from the team. Olry? This made me lol: Petrino added in a statement that the team strives to "develop a culture of accountability that everyone in our program must live up to.''
  21. I can't ever remember the timeline on how the these are announced when the network exercises the option period/window (or whatever the hell it's called). Anyone know when we will get the time for the WVU game, or do we even know that yet? Thanks.
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