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  1. Can we allow Bernie to finish her fucking thought? Jesus.
  2. aggy is in a world of shit now and for the rest of this decade. Ross Bjork helped when he was told to send Jimbo along his way with an IOU until 2030. Bjork did the honorable thing and got the hell out of that sinking ship. Alberts has to come in and start whacking people to help with budget cuts. Olsen field stadium improvements were promised to begin in June of 2024, fat chance. Now the promise of $80,000,000.00 is to occur between 2025-29, in a pigs eye. They're going to need that loot for something else. They may be able to do some cosmetic or fan amenities improvement. A full scale expansion is going to use it all and then some. I may have these two items reversed as aggy does like to build thing regardless of what may be logical. Their coaching search is coming up empty as any level headed coach can see that if Coach Schloss and CWS final couldn't make a stand there, why take a chance. Meanwhile, AD Alberts is going around talking about budget cuts and firing people. For a splash hire aggy going to need some of that improvement money. I don't know, but if I were a big money donor and seeing all these dollars going to this clown show, I would be discouraged and unenthusiastic about continuing contributions, "fuck it". For all their bragging and blustering, aggy is broke and needs to stop with the spending. My first semester at UT, a statics professor defined an Engineer, "To do with one dollar what any Aggie can do with two." Enjoying this shit show during this slow sports summer!
  3. Checked at Texags not really expecting anything new enough to post. Wrong again. The Early Crisis and what it means for Texas' and Schloss' tarnished reputations. Just how much of a victory is it to persuade an assistant to be head coach? Evidently pretty big and difficult to attain. It would lessen the deflating and crumbling should Earley do so! It took me a moment to get that one. He's talking about Texas offering to take care of A&M. We see what happens when they wander away from that helping hand. Too bad, it will never be extended again.
  4. Dubin should be good for 6 Cy Young level innings today, but it will probably have to be a combined no hitter with King and Contreras. If only we still had Nick Hernandez...
  5. It was there in the mid-late 90's and around for longer than a few months. Many a Hand Grenade were consumed. We even bought a pack of Hand grenade mix and turned our home ozarka machine into a dispenser 🤣
  6. Maybe we should've just brought Giles back.. (sarcasm.. sort of)
  7. Are you under the impression someone said he's better than those guys? Or that we have the option to get one of them? That .333 slugging and .072 ISO. He's slappier than Dubon this year. But Julio is 5 years younger and a Big Boy, so I'm pretty sure the M's will hold onto him. And for all I know, his production may be more evenly distributed!
  8. Did we get the last 4 of your SSN yet? Would help with the answer.
  9. How exclusive is Moody, specifically for film? My son has just begun the process. He's in IB, probably between 6%-9% in his class, extremely high test scores. My wife is in full panic because we had been going by the 10% rule, which he's safely under. I was unaware UT had its own 6% rule. From what I heard on the tour we took Friday, he'd be SOL per some of the schools (specifically Cockrell).
  10. Deej

    Below Deck

    Casting for this show must be amazing. "Do you have any experience? If so, how many times have you been fired?" "Are you cool with cheating on you significant other with someone you just met, while we film it to broadcast later?"
  11. We'll shoot retreating Russians but that's as far as we'll go.
  12. Still don't think he's the right coach for the job but he's certainly better than what we got.
  13. The former vice president of the Russian bank Gazprom was wounded at the front fighting for the Ukrainian armed forces. Igor Volobuyev is one of the Russians who left the Russian Federation and joined the Ukrainian armed forces after the start of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. A native of Ukraine, he lived in Russia for more than 30 years, where he worked as the head of a state bank. In an interview with the German program DW, Volobuyev said that he does not experience moral concerns due to the fact that he is at war with his compatriots. "I did my job. It was important to me that what I did was effective, roughly speaking, that I hit where I shot, because I was a fiery support. I have no moral dilemmas. For me, it is the enemy. Just as I am their enemy. And if we cross them there, it means they want to kill me. And I want them out of here. I don't care if they are alive or dead, but the fact that they are not here is because this is my homeland," Volobuyev said. Volobuyev also said that he himself was a "victim of propaganda" and that he trusted Putin until the war with his homeland began. He believes that the senior management of Gazprom knew about the invasion in advance and was preparing to work on the occupied territories, believing that Ukraine would fall in a few days.
  14. Great weather on this trip. Now I get to go back to the Austin hotbox. Yay.
  15. Dubln vs Severino. Likely going to need to score a good number of runs today gents
  16. I don’t mean it to be directed at 17 year old kids. I mean it as a middle finger to schools like a&m who were blatantly buying players then…while we can blatantly buy players legally now. We line up the Lambos (legal) and the illegal Trans Am like they used. Just an F you because we can.
  17. It could make it very difficult to recruit the nation's top talent, and especially difficult to sway them from just going to the draft/minors if he's not going to drastically change how he does things. But if he drastically changes how he does things will he still be effective? All I found researching him is he turned down Baylor in 2015 but interviewed for the Texas job in 2016 and didn't get offered.
  18. Come on, man. Kwiatkowski has been one of the great defensive minds in college football for 10+ years. He's not going to forget how to coach just because some high schoolers don't pick his school. One of his calling cards is finding the strength of teams from year to year and making that the emphasis. This season, the DTs will obviously not be as dominant as last year's, but I suspect the overall defensive metrics stay about the same or improve slightly. Now, we sure need high-end DT talent coming into the program every year. Sark needs to fix this before it becomes a chronic issue that prevents Kwiatkowski and the defensive staff from becoming predictable, one-dimensional, and unable to do some of the things they'd like to do.
  19. If he goes to lockup, even briefly...he will be in GenPop. It will harm a lot of other inmates that don't deserve the same fate, but when you know where a prison gets its food supply from...it's that hard to tamper with it. Yeah, we've all seen movies where they shank one another or whatever. And that's not entertainment. But when you know what and when somebody is going to eat or drink something, it gets real easy...real fucking quick. Now trouble is you may have otherwise harmless prisoners eat/drink before him and start to show signs of illness and so Steve gets wise and doesn't eat. But it ain't all prison yard brawls and carved-up toothbrush stabbings. Now the problem, aside from taking out people who don't deserve it, is if it doesn't work the first time---they lock down and install new food distributor safety procedures. So you really only get 1 or 2 cracks at it. It's harder to do with a guy like Trump who moves all around the country, not just Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower and Burger King. The easy parts are knowing when and where exactly someone will be eating, not that hard to ascertain when they're in lockup. Then getting to the facility food distributer, harder but not impossible. Then trying to minimize fallout to other inmates so the target doesn't suddenly lose his appetite. It's a delicate balance but it's been done hundreds of times before. csb/ I've told this story before. Most former Presidents still have plain-clothed SS agents go to random grocery stores to buy groceries for the former first families. You can't taint the entire supply chain for every single grocer and takeout joint in a whole metroplex. But when somebody eats 80% of their meals from the same kitchen at the same resort which also caters private events, all using the same delivery invoice. Getting to that warehouse isn't that difficult. The cartons are checked upon departure from the warehouses and again at arrival and again in the kitchen. But Sysco and Eurostar don't grow/slaughter that shit themselves in an industrial park . They just aggregate it, process it, package it, and deliver it. Nobody gets to bad men like this with a knife. When you know precisely when and where and what meal they will be having, the situation becomes much more clear. Tight as security may be around me, if you know I'm in the cell block C commissary every day for oatmeal at exactly 8:03 am because my order in the line is first for the second tub of cereal. Or you know that 4 days a week, I eat a deconstructed hamberder at 8:45pm before going to post social media rants. It's just a reverse engineering of logistics and chemistry. This isn't the Roman Empire, there are no royal food tasters anymore. Just transportation dossiers and publicly released schedules.
  20. Thread bump as I just spent this last week up in Branson with my parents and my 8 and 13 yr old. They rented a nice condo out in Indian Point that was only a short 10 min car ride into town. All my kids wanted to do was live at the go kart tracks. I've inhaled so much small engine exhaust, it probably cut a few years off my lifespan. Well worth the money for them to have fun. Rented a boat on Table Rock Lake - highly recommend Top of the Rock: We did the golf cart tour early in the week when the heat index was 105+ and it was miserable as fuck. By the end, I was just ready to get back and get in some A/C. Would have been a lot nicer if we had done it later in the week after a front blew through and the high temp was 87. Also, the Ancient Ozarks Natural History Musuem tour comes with your ticket for the canyon tour. Their website description doesn't do this place justice. TONS of Indian artifacts, like a disgusting amount that left me wondering how the fuck they were able to collect all of it. It was an overwhelming amount. Also lots of cool civil war stuff. Titanic museum: This was better than I thought it would be. They give you a boarding pass with a passenger bio and you find out if you lived or died at the end of the tour. My boys got a big kick out of the fact that out of our group, I was the only one that died. I was obsessed with everything Titanic as a kid so I already knew a good bit of the history but my kids seemed to enjoy it and actually learned a few things. I'd like to come back someday to do more outdoor stuff like play golf, rent another boat and go fishing, etc. This trip was more for my boys to have fun so I spent the most time bouncing around the go kart tracks in town. Also doesn't help that my parents both have bad knees and I am nursing a sprained achilles and it seems everything out there is stairs and hills. I was supposed to come out here a couple years ago and stay at Big Cedar Lodge via a vendor I deal with at work but at the last minute, our new VP nixed it because said vendor was about to bid on a requisition we were putting out and he didn't like the optics of them bringing us out there. In the end, the req didn't even happen so I got fucked out of an all expenses paid trip. Still a little salty about it.
  21. I'm not willing to go full @Wulaw Horn on it, but there's probably some legitimacy to what @CoachEmUp64 said above--if you have 5th year, maxed out seniors that have previous starting experience at major programs, you can get 75% of the benefit of better athletes by having enough of them you can keep them fresh. I don't think that's what Sarkisian is intending, but it might be what we have to live with.
  22. That also reminds me, didn't Austin have a Tropical Isle (NOLA bar) back in the 2000's for a few months? Not sure about any racist dogs, but I coulda sworn we had one for a short spell.
  23. We need to stop allowing rich shit heads more rights than poor shit heads. Someone needs to take one for democracy and cut this cunt’s head off. Then go do ptheven miller. World will easily be a better place without both. No more quarter for racist anti American dick heads. USA USA USA and these traitors six feet under!
  24. If you’re staying near the Shinjuku area, go to Edy’s Bar.
  25. y'all remember Maggie, my mom's mini dachshund i inherited? and how much i wanted one of my own? well... meet Duke 😊 picked him up today! 🥰 he got his first parvo shot this morning before i got him so he's been feeling a little lethargic most of today, but he finally woke up about an hour ago in the mood to play a little and grab a bite to eat. i'm sure i'll be sharing lots of way better pictures in the future...but it's been two years since we last had a dog, we had to put Maggie down just a couple months before we moved to CO in 2022... i realized a few months ago that it's literally been the longest period in my entire life without an animal. not anymore ❤️
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