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  1. If we win this game I won't know. I am going to pound 3 whiskey drinks and go to sleep. Fuck this was a blast!
  2. "we're going to win with great defense and the head corch has to let them know we are going to have a lot of confidence in them"
  3. I'm surprised it's that close. It seems like nobody thinks we are going to win that game. I suspect that line will go up, not down.
  4. This game is going to be like Texas/OU 2008. We are going to be underdogs but will pull a 45-35 win. Fuck LSU, aggy and OU.
  5. Has anyone alerted the coaches that the next game is in Arlington? If we fail to show up, we are not going to have a chance to win the conference.
  6. If we lose to Tech, and ou wins, they would go due to the tie-breaker. We have the head to head against anyone else.
  7. Make all the excuses they want about injuries, but we are never going to win shit with this dude playing QB. And we all know it.
  8. Well that is just what we do. That is why we have so many close losses. But hey, going to have to win anyway.
  9. We need to win this series (and preferably this game) because if we don't I'm going to think about that Daly double (play) for years.
  10. I think we go 11-1 but if we start out the season 5-0, we’re winning every one of them.
  11. What are we against HOU this season? Feel like it's basically the reason that we aren't leading the division/aren't going to win the division.
  12. Good point and probably so. Clemson and ND are the teams we need to lose. If they lose and Texas wins out, we are going to the CFP.
  13. Go for the big plays between the runs too. We don't need to "try to win by one" fuck that. We need TDs and TOs.
  14. We were always winning this as long as we didn't let Wallace go off for about 300 yards. Orlando isn't dumb.
  15. Never been more confident in anything sports related after we stopped them on 4th down that we were going to win.
  16. All this handwringing (I’m doing it too) for a team we have a .750 record against. Of our 5 losses to them, 3 were in Ames. Texas has whooped that ass in Ames 7 times. We are going to win. Likely going to be ugly and come down the last couple of drives, but we are winning.
  17. I was going to say 14 wins, but it's year one. You're right tho, 12 wins or else he needs to go pronto. We don't settle with mediocrity here because we're Texas, sir.
  18. first off, if trump wins, nothing will happen to any of his political enemies, including biden. no chance. second, he’s not going to win. we fixed the last election, we can fix this one too.
  19. We were always going to need to win the Iran game after we didn’t beat Wales. Now Wales isn’t going to catch us if we keep the England game close and beat Iran.
  20. If we didn't lose to the fucking Cardinals or blow the first Eagles game at the end, we would be sitting a lot better. We are going to need to win out and have Philly drop another game to win the division. Don't see that happening.
  21. Please hold on....and go toffees Won't matter if we don't win out but dear baby Jesus please dont leicester win another league match.
  22. When the "#2 Team In The Nation" doesn't even win their conference, something is not right. Can we go on and win the NC? Sure. But something is amiss. Flame away.
  23. Kansas will be an easy win. We should beat Iowa St at home. Won't be a gimme but about a 10pt win. Texas Tech is going to be very tough, though.
  24. We're going to have plenty of big wins playing in the Big 12. We already have a couple.
  25. If we don’t win this, just go ahead and let RT know he ain’t got the job
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