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  1. In fairness, I think the top 5 jobs are pretty fluid right now. We don't really know which schools are going to be most committed to NIL (and have coaches who know how to exploit it). Florida seems like it should be a top football job, but... Florida State seems more desperate to win big and may significantly out spend them. It seemed like Aggy was about to be a major player in football when they were writing blank checks, but it hasn't panned out yet.
  2. He can hire Carroll, Belichick without anyone batting an eye. He will have more trouble with hiring Vrabel or Harbaugh. It's why he hired McCarthy, no one said anything because McCarthy had won a Super Bowl. This is the most important thing to Jerry and I think it is why he hung on to Garrett for so long. and again. McCarthy went to 1 Super Bowl with Aaron Rodgers as his QB. He ain't getting there with Dak. but since we are stuck with Dak, I'd go hard after Belichick to see if he could put a D(coaches and players) together that could win a Super Bowl. Carroll might be able to as well. I'd be down with Harbaugh for the pure circus of it all.
  3. I was wondering who was going to blame us for their demise, just like Nebraska tried to do. Now a bunch of jackass mouth breathers from Bama. Here they were, clean as a whistle, enjoying their simple lives of winning national championships and Texas comes in and wrecks it. Drives the greatest coach to walk on water off and steals their players. Joy. Hopefully they step up and UGa keeps doing their thing so we don't have to listen to conspiracy theories all year.
  4. Due to the icy weather predicted to arrive last night, I went for a long walk prior to the game. Hustled home when I saw it was starting; spouse was watching when I returned and I ask the score. 7-0 GB and I was a little surprised but not a big deal. He's watching and I'm going around doing tasks, pre-supper prep etc and whenever he yells out, 'they scored,' was more and more like what the hell because it was (almost) always the Packers. The same Packers that I had assumed were underdogs. So I trot in to watch circa 2nd quarter. The folks that were talking about the defensive 'cushion'? Yeah, that seemed accurate and the weird thing was it had the effect/appearance that Dallas hadn't game planned anything. NGL, I was rooting for GB, after living up north for many years, we liked them--or more accurately, we disliked Jones and the way he micro-managed to the point of missing the big picture of team ownership (emphasis on team). Green Bay may go no further after this game, but they had in a way, less to lose, but they played like a team that was invested in winning, in proving something by winning. That seems more important than being invested in an image and proving something by trying to protect that image. (my amateur p.o.v. on Jones' method).
  5. Juicy

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    The rumor around here is that it is either the chargers or Michigan. I guess we will see if the chargers put their money where their mouth is. Harbaugh will make 15 mil a year with Michigan if he does any of the following (beat O$U, Win the b1g or make the playoffs. So the Chargers are going to have to pay at least that to get him to make the move. Will chargers ownership pay 15 mil a year? Or will they take the cheap coordinator route and pay 5 mil a year.
  6. Our offense going back to the Garrett era when he took over the offense in 2007 has been the exact same. The same boring out routes and comeback routes. Every route is unrelated to the others, no rub routes, slants, deception. The same boring shit over and over. It all relies on each man beating their defender. And if that doesn't work, it can look extremely bad. which is why our success is usually based on feasting on lesser opponents. Doesn't translate once they play good talent. This has been talked about forever now from opponents and former players. Just how predictable and easy to plan for this offense is. Our playoff wins going back to the Garrett era is a very weak McNabb led Eagles team that was on its way from disbanding, a very meh Lions team, a Seahawks team with a washed up Russell Wilson, then a losing record Bucs team in a year where Brady was just going through the motions. None of those teams were of any quality and we always go exposed the very next week when the opponent talent level increased.
  7. This was a weird season. I thought we were going to tank the season after all the stupid changes made in the offseason. But we ended up winning a lot. So, Belichick? Harbaugh? Probably Dan Quinn. ugh I predict Eric Bieniemy.
  8. Local media covering the team were given a sneak peek of the rendering of the new unis last year and the response was positive. They obviously were not allowed to share any specifics or take any pictures but the consensus was that they looked good. It’s amazing how winning now makes me like our unis more than in the past. I couldn’t wait to get new unis when we sucked but now kind of wish we were not going to change them because they look damn good in my eyes now.
  9. Nahlin When I said December and January would provide much more drama than the previous year I had no idea what I was really talking about. This has been non-stop! For Texas, portal recruiting is still going full steam ahead. Oregon State wide receiver Silas Bolden is on campus this weekend and IT feels he is a take despite Texas having Matthew Golden in the class and and also pursuing Isaiah Bond. Bolden is a quality receiver but it's likely his special teams work and ability for Sark to add a page to the playbook that has put him over the top as a take. I feel good here but I haven't heard quite enough to put in an RPM. Kendrick Blackshire is a tough read. Ole Miss is pushing extremely hard for the Alabama linebacker (by way of Duncanville) and often times these things come down to motivation. He might have an easier path to the field in Oxford. Texas met with Jabbar Muhammad last night and we hear the meeting went well. Oregon had the lead before that meeting but Texas feels like it's right there in the thick of it. This one might have a hangup or two for the coaches to overcome. Purely gut, but I lean towards Oregon winning out at this time. That could change with one phone call, however. I feel better on Isaiah Bond and Texas than I did when I put in an RPM at 80% confidence. The former Alabama wide receiver isn't as explosive as Xavier Worthy but he's a more natural receiver. I'll be in and out today. A friend decided today was the best day ever to ask me to help him get his boat off the water and into storage. It's also my nephew's birthday party. It's at Main Event. The place being filled with hundreds of Silas Boldens running jailbreak screens in all directions should remind me to check back in.
  10. Williams means a hell of a lot more to Auburn than he does us. Huge optics win for them if they can pull it off and a giant direct fuck you to Bama. Also gives them a real shot as they try to flip Lacey. Put all that together and it is just very hard for me to imagine Texas offering anything close to what Auburn likely will. It is like how Texas viewed Simmons this cycle. We weren't going to let ourselves be beat out even if things became unreasonable. Auburn is that way with Williams. But they are also... Auburn. So maybe we have a chance. I really doubt it personally.
  11. As bad as we are, and probably going nowhere in March, I'm really hoping we can shut down this hillbilly barn with a last-second win.
  12. A good, old fashioned ass kicking. Always remember the team with the best player is usually going to win, and we got CJ.
  13. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say if we turn the ball over 24 times we will not be winning this game
  14. The top 4 Big 12 teams play each other today so we should see some interesting shakeup in the standings. If Texas and Baylor wins, all 4 teams will be 4-1 Baylor @ ISU Texas @ KSU Ok State and OU can also go to 4-1 with wins today. Top of the league looks strong early
  15. It was never going to be Lame ass Kiffin or Dabo. Saban ain’t handing his efforts over to either of those clowns. DeBoer is better than Lanning. Sark would have been a contender if he were at some other school not Texas. This will be fascinating to watch DeBoer work with Saban because we all know he isn’t some silent type. He will help grease the wheels with boosters and with the recruiting side and probably give him a lot of great advice. Of all the names out there I figured DeBoer would be the slam dunk and guy most able to continue the path. Bama wasn’t going to wander around in the desert. Winning means too much.
  16. Guess he never wants to win the Golden Hat himself. Also, it would have been a lot funnier if he had enrolled at Okie State to finish the trolling of his dad. "Dad I know we live in OKC, but I'm going to Texas..." *a few years later "Dad I'm transferring out of Texas." "Great son! Where are you going?" "Nebraska!" *this year should have been "Dad, fuck Tom and FAU. I'm going to Okie State with Gundy."
  17. I'm stone cold sober this month, probably my issue. I'd love Bama to suck and Texas to roll in (no pun intend) and dominate. DeBoer had great talent but not across the board and he's only lost 3 games as a P5 coach in two years and won 3 titles the last time he was a HC, albeit NAIA. I do think he's going to be one of the best in the business. In that Saban interview he said that rebuilding a program and maintaining a winning are two totally different things. Nothing to prove in the second one, and it's harder to learn when you've been winning. I hope Sark keeps learning, I hope losing that need to prove to people isn't the core of his motivation. Saban preached playing to a standard every week, for 15+ years he fucking did that. If Sark is like that, wants to be the best he and his players can be for that reason alone and he learns even when he wins, then we will be fine.
  18. We had a blast last week for the game. Wife and daughter are celiac, so eating out is a struggle. We were wary of NoLa but it delivered. Did Twisted Waffle and Bearcat for breakfast. Both were great. Bearcat has a better menu, worse service. Dinners at GW Fins (delivered); Deanie’s (gf fried food and fryer for the win) and found this little interior Mexican restaurant in CBD whose name I can’t recall that was excellent. Bon in Jackson Sq (near Landry) had gluten free “beignets” which were pretty solid and they made the best to go hurricane I can remember. So for those Celiacs out there I give it a thumbs up!
  19. I have truly appreciated the legal information and analysis over the last few years. Perhaps I'm becoming unhinged in some quiet despairing way. Reading the intelligent post above, I have begun to have a vision of how the denouement of the republic is playing out. Regarding all of this stuff, it's like we're playing a game of chess against Trump with no time limit. Yay! We take one of his pieces every once in awhile, but the King is castled and safe. We have the upper hand, but he delays every move. All the judgments against him feel like small and petty things. Stuff on a chessboard. What does eventual victory even look like? Meanwhile, Trump fights us on the real ground. This absurd and wicked man says out loud that he will rule with absolute power. He's been found in a civil court to be a rapist. Polls show he is a credible threat to win the presidential election. Even if he doesn't, does it matter? Will he concede? Will his army pause? "Yes, but look how well we're doing in the chess game!" "It's too slow and ultimately meaningless." "You just don't understand the chess game! If you did, you'd see why the upperhand we have will pay off!" I'll go ahead and put all my money into buggywhips! Can't go wrong. Safe sex throws up her hands and writes the absurdity. We see something obvious. We see crimes, insurrection, rape, state secrets waved around, Russian influence, billions from the Saudis, and a constant stream of lies from a President of the United States. Hoo boy, he's really about to get it! I can barely care about this pending "victory." Will he pay it? Can they force him? Will it impede the destruction of the Republic by him and his GOP criminal organization? On the chessboard, a knight goes down. Next move will be a few months down the line. Yeah, things are going swell. Penalty for rape and serial sexual assault with a chance of child trafficking: I sentence you to diminution of your happiness. And it's all fucking obvious. Right in front of everybody's eyes. I'm with the writers below. Why? Because those are the rules of chess! We've got our eyes on taking that bishop at the end of the year. Do we still win if he picks up the board whacks us on the side of the head? Then he pisses on the board? What do we do? Well, that's obvious. We wipe the piss off the board, set up the pieces, and challenge that SOB to another game! This time we'll really get him, boys! The action to take is obvious and extra-legal. It must be so because plain ol' legal doesn't put a traitorous insurrectionist who we have on video tape from even being remanded to jail. He's the president, you know. Decorum and precedent. Maybe I particularly resent that I don't really find the fire in myself to risk anything to stop this. Will I drag my aging ass out to fight? Will I do more than post on this message board? Maybe I'm being punked because I'm a punk. I also resent that I now loathe my country and my home state. Sorry to go on so long. I'll go back to ridiculing Aggies. Maybe that's my chess game. Sigh.
  20. Reposting and including photo from article In March 2023, Shelley Smith, who worked 26 years as an on-air reporter for ESPN, received a call from Stephanie Druley, then the network’s head of studio and event production. Druley said she wanted to talk about something “serious” that needed to stay between the two of them, Smith recalled. She then told Smith that Smith needed to return two sports Emmy statuettes that she had been given more than a decade earlier. ADVERTISEMENT That request was one of many ESPN made of some of its biggest stars last year after the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), the organization that administers the Emmys, uncovered a scheme that the network used to acquire more than 30 of the coveted statuettes for on-air talent ineligible to receive them. Since at least 2010, ESPN inserted fake names in Emmy entries, then took the awards won by some of those imaginary individuals, had them re-engraved and gave them to on-air personalities. Kirk Herbstreit, Lee Corso, Chris Fowler, Desmond Howard and Samantha Ponder, among others, were given the ill-gotten Emmys, according to a source briefed on the matter, who was granted anonymity because the individual is not authorized to discuss it publicly. There is no evidence that the on-air individuals were aware the Emmys given to them were improperly obtained. “I think it was really crummy what they did to me and others,” said Smith, who worked at ESPN from 1997 until her contract expired last July. The fraud was discovered by NATAS, which prompted an investigation by that organization and later by ESPN. Those probes resulted in sanctions beyond the return of the trophies. While it is not known who orchestrated the scheme, Craig Lazarus, vice president and executive producer of original content and features, and Lee Fitting, a senior vice president of production who oversaw “College GameDay” and other properties, were among the ESPN employees NATAS ruled ineligible from future participation in the Emmys. In a statement, ESPN said: “Some members of our team were clearly wrong in submitting certain names that may go back to 1997 in Emmy categories where they were not eligible for recognition or statuettes. This was a misguided attempt to recognize on-air individuals who were important members of our production team. Once current leadership was made aware, we apologized to NATAS for violating guidelines and worked closely with them to completely overhaul our submission process to safeguard against anything like this happening again. “We brought in outside counsel to conduct a full and thorough investigation and individuals found to be responsible were disciplined by ESPN.” Adam Sharp, of NATAS, said in an email: “NATAS identified a number of fictitious credits submitted by ESPN to multiple Sports Emmys competitions. When brought to the attention of ESPN senior management, the network took steps to take responsibility for the actions of its personnel, to investigate thoroughly, and to course correct. These steps have included the return by ESPN of statuettes issued to fictitious individuals and commitments to implement further internal accountability and procedural changes at the network.” An ESPN spokesperson said Lazarus declined to comment, and Lazarus didn’t respond to an email seeking comment. Fitting was let go by ESPN in August after 25 years at the company. He did not respond to voice and text messages. The nexus of the scheme was “College GameDay,” the show that Fitting helped turn into a cultural phenomenon and a revenue machine. From 2008-18, it nabbed eight Emmys for outstanding weekly studio show. But on-air talent was, until 2023, prohibited by NATAS guidelines from being included in a credit list in that category. Hosts, analysts and reporters on “College GameDay” could win individual awards, such as outstanding host, studio analyst or emerging on-air talent, and they could win for an individual feature. But they were not eligible to take home a trophy for a win by the show. That rule was meant to prevent front-facing talent from winning two awards for the same work (termed “double-dipping” in the NATAS rulebook). ESPN circumvented the rule by inserting fake names into the credit list it submitted to NATAS for “College GameDay.” The Athletic reviewed the credit lists for the years the show won: 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. In each one of those seven years, names similar to the names of on-air personalities – and with identical initials – were listed all under the title of “associate producers.” Kirk Henry (Kirk Herbstreit), Lee Clark (Lee Corso), Dirk Howard (Desmond Howard), and Tim Richard (Tom Rinaldi) appeared in all seven years. Steven Ponder (Sam Ponder) and Gene Wilson (Gene Wojciechowski) appeared in five from 2014-18. Chris Fulton (Chris Fowler) appeared in 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2015. Shelley Saunders (Shelley Smith) appeared in the 2010 credit list. Smith was also given an Emmy for the show’s win in 2008, though it is unclear how that statuette was obtained; Shelley Saunders was not listed in the 2008 credit list viewed by The Athletic. However, networks are allowed to modify a credit list after a show is announced as a winner. While reviewing the 2010 and 2011 credit lists, The Athletic found three additional names that could not be verified that also closely resemble the names of “College GameDay” talent: Erik Andrews (Erin Andrews) in 2011; Wendy Nickson (Wendi Nix) and Jenn Brownsmith (Jenn Brown) in 2010. Nix confirmed that she was given an Emmy around 2010 and said she had no idea it was improperly obtained; it just arrived in the mail one day. She was not contacted about returning it before or after she left ESPN in August 2023. Brown, who left ESPN in 2013, confirmed she also was given one and didn’t know it was ill-gotten. She said: “This is all news to me and kind of unfortunate because you’ve got people who believe they rightfully had one. There are rules for a reason … it’s unfortunate (those were) abused and for so many years, too.” Brown said she has not been contacted by ESPN about returning it. Andrews, who left ESPN in 2012, declined to comment through a spokesperson. When asked why people at the network would scheme to secure trophies for on-air talent, one person involved in the ESPN Emmy submission process in recent years said: “You have to remember that those personalities are so important, and they have egos.” Smith, for one, pushed back at that and remarked how some executives lined their office shelves with statuettes. One executive interviewed during ESPN’s probe said that some company leaders were obsessed with the Emmys, using the numbers of wins each year to prove their dominance over competitors: “It’s very important to the people who go (to the ceremony) and the old-school television guys.” Additionally, many at ESPN thought the rule preventing on-air personalities from getting statuettes for a win by the show was stupid. They may have just decided to do something about it, the rules be damned. NATAS strengthened its credit verification process in 2022, and sometime in that year ESPN was asked to verify certain names. The network eventually admitted they were bogus. In its 2022 transparency report, NATAS referenced the scheme: During credit vetting, Sports Administration identified one network’s use of fabricated identities in association with one or more submissions. The matter was referred to counsel and remains pending. Fake names appeared in ESPN’s Emmy submission for “College GameDay” as recently as 2020 – a year the show did not win – but were not in the 2022 entry. (The Athletic does not have access to the show’s 2021 credit list.) “College GameDay” on-air-personalities may not have been the only ones to have been given statuettes they were ineligible to receive. In November 2023, Linda Cohn, a “SportsCenter” anchor since 1992, posted a photo on Instagram of four Emmy awards and wrote: “My Fab 4. The latest delivered today. Still grateful.” In the foreground of the photo is an Emmy for outstanding daily studio show from 2023. Because of the rule change, Cohn was eligible to receive that award. She is listed under “host” in the credit list and that word is engraved on the statuette’s base. As for the three Emmys in the background of the photo, one reads: STUDIO SHOWS ESPN SPORTSCENTER LINDA COHN The two others read: OUTSTANDING STUDIO SHOW – DAILY “SPORTSCENTER” ESPN LINDA COHN Under NATAS rules, Cohn was ineligible to receive a statuette as an on-air personality for any “SportsCenter” wins in the category of daily studio show before 2023, and NATAS confirmed Cohn has won only one Emmy. Cohn referred all questions to an ESPN spokesperson. According to a recent version of the Emmys rulebook, credit fabrication can result in a disqualification and the required return of trophies. According to NATAS, 37 ill-gotten trophies have been returned thus far. Smith gave back the 2008 award but not the one from 2010, which she had gifted to a relative. Wojciechowski, who exited ESPN last summer, declined an interview request. Rinaldi, who left ESPN for Fox in 2020, was contacted on Wednesday but said he did not have time to talk. He then didn’t respond to multiple text messages. Fitting, Lazarus and Drew Gallagher, a coordinating producer on “College GameDay,” were ruled ineligible from future Emmy participation. Druley was not ruled ineligible for future Emmys; she won a 2023 Emmy as an executive producer for “Monday Night Football.” But she was replaced on an Emmy steering committee by another ESPN executive. Gallagher and Druley declined to comment through an ESPN spokesperson. The names of Lazarus, Fitting and Gallagher were absent from the credit lists published in the program for the 44th Annual Sports Emmys ceremony, held on May 22, 2023 in New York. A year earlier, Lazarus’ name had appeared in various show credits, as an executive producer eight times and as a supervising producer once. Fitting was listed as an executive producer nominee six times. Drew Gallagher was listed as a coordinating producer twice. One year later, they were not listed at all. “College GameDay’s” credit list for the 2023 awards also did not include credits for executive producers, senior coordinating producers or coordinating producers. “Among the sanctions resulting from the investigation was a one-year disqualification from statuette eligibility for the senior leadership of ‘College GameDay,'” NATAS said in an email. Shortly after Smith’s call with Druley last March, a courier arrived at her California home, wrapped the 2008 statuette in a white plastic bag and took it away. But Smith still has the Emmy she won in 2018 for a story for the program “E:60.” “I was happy to win the (2018) one,” Smith said. “But the other times (the trophy) would just show up and I wouldn’t even know I was supposed to get one.”
  21. We might win a game or two next year. Of course, I won't be able to go to any games. Truth is, things for me ain't going to good at all. I had to sell of my house, barn and the ten acres. I'm living in an RV. All I kept was a 50 foot plot, the pigs and a worm farm. If only I had the money back I sent that TV preacher that was screwin' the hockey player.
  22. Think there is a good chance Bama gets turned down by a lot of top choices and those top choices get nice raises. Going to Bama to follow Saban seems like an insane proposition when they are not as well positioned NIL-wise as other schools, the 12 team playoff while easier to get in will be harder to win and the expectations and reactions to not meeting them are Auburn level nutso (if you are young you simply don't remember how fucking crazy this fan base gets with their coach when they are not winning, we are bad...they are psycho). Name the last coach to leave Alabama in failure and do something else meaningful head coaching-wise?
  23. this is what happens when you hire really good people and you win. they get plucked away for promotions/more $$$. the Sarkisian Coaching Tree is starting to grow. let's go hire another bad ass and keep on winning. the line of stud candidates forms to the left. we are Texas.
  24. we’re two max abmas game winners away from being in serious trouble. one of them was against louisville (one of two power conference teams with zero wins vs the kenpom top 200), and on the other one abmas traveled but the refs swallowed their whistle. very fine margins so far this year. 10-5 (0-2) with a loss to louisville and zero notable wins sees us with a drastically different feeling and outlook than the one we have today. we’re gonna need disu to keep playing like an All American if we’re going to be competitive in this league. we’re honestly fortunate to be where we are right now.
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