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  1. I really thought you were going to end this with “and we’ll be lucky to live through it”
  2. Yep. We play in the East or Central, we are still 10+ games behind and in 4th place.
  3. There is a chance this offense is lethal next year if they fit the puzzle pieces together correctly in the infield. Bergevin is a 1B/DH type most likely. If Grahovic comes he obviously slots in at 3B. Flores or portal at SS and portal or Kennedy at 2B. I think they are going to try to add multiple OF’s because there are so many good ones on the hook. Sorrell, Winfield (ULM), potentially Laviolette and potentially the Penn transfer who was previously committed to A&M.
  4. No they talked about it quite a bit on NPR. They were worried about the country. The ones pushing for it did so knowing it would probably mean losing to Hillary and they were ok with that risk. Unfortunately more cared only about winning
  5. The only way this happens is if his Democratic support completely collapses, which means you need to hope for polling so brutal there is almost no hope for any Democrat to win. Are you sure you want that?
  6. I get that you’re pissed. I am too. But the fact remains all this ‘oh man we are heading for Nazi boogaloo 2’ talk seems like BS when the democrats knew this was who they were trotting out. That’s who deserves your anger. Fucking clowns.
  7. Jon Stewart, CNN Panelists React to Trump-Biden Debate: “This Cannot Be Real Life” 'The Daily Show' host gives his take on the first Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump presidential debate of 2024, while CNN panelists give a blistering response. BY JAMES HIBBERD Plus Icon JUNE 27, 2024 8:49PM Jon Stewart at the 'Daily Show' desk MATT WILSON Share on Facebook Share on X Share to Flipboard Send an Email Show additional share options Logo text Jon Stewart and CNN panelists reacted to a very dramatic debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday night. Stewart roasted the performances of both candidates, and seemed massively frustrated with the electoral choice America has apparently been presented with. Stewart seemed particularly concerned by Biden’s performance, with the president seeming pale, fragile and shaky on stage during CNN’s 90-minute debate. “The one thing that we did prove tonight is that MAGA conspiracy theory about Biden’s upcoming debate performance was nonsense,” Stewart said, and rolled clips of conservatives claiming Biden would use performance-enhancing drugs to be charged-up during the debate. “Let me just say after watching tonight’s debate, both of these men should be using performance enhancing drugs. As much of it as they can get, as many times a day, as their bodies will allow. Performance enhancing drugs that will improve their lucidity, their ability to solve problems, and in one of the candidate’s case, improve their truthfulness, morality, and malignant narcissism. Whatever magical drugs that can kick their brains into gear, because this ain’t Olympic swimming. Oh, he solves the Middle East, but he was doping, so it doesn’t count? And if those drugs don’t exist, if there aren’t actual performance enhancing drugs for these candidates, I could sure fucking use some recreational ones right now. Because this cannot be real life! It just can’t! Fuck! We’re America!” Related Stories NEWS Panic Ensues Over President Joe Biden's Shaky and Stumbling Debate Performance NEWS Biden and Trump Face Off in Testy, Insult-Laden First Debate But perhaps the most impactful moment wasn’t anything Stewart said. The host played a clip of Biden seemingly blanking out about 10 minutes into the debate, and Stewart’s audience went quiet and gave some pained moans. “Call the real estate agent in New Zealand,” Stewart quipped. “Sure, it’s not something that repeated throughout the debate causing Democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. Anybody can fuck up … talking. A lot of people have resting 25th Amendment face.” Stewart also ripped Trump for saying a great many things that were blatantly false. “Everything that Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie,” Stewart said at one point. “Blatant and full. And we were tight on time putting this thing together. There’s plenty more.” CNN’s panel after the debate was blistering about Biden’s performance, with CNN anchor John King noting, “This was a game-changing debate. Right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It involves party strategists, involves elected officials. It involves fundraisers, and they’re having conversations about the President’s performance, which they think was dismal which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket and they’re having conversations about what they should do about it.” A very grave Van Jones added: “I love Joe Biden. I worked for Joe Biden. He didn’t do well. It looked like the old man versus the con man … I just want to speak from my heart. I love that guy. He’s a good man. He loves this country. He’s doing the best he can. But he had a chance to restore confidence of the country and of the base and he failed to do that. And I think there’s a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. We’re still far from our convention. And there is time for this party to figure out a different way for people to do that.” Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin said: “I believe Biden lost in the first three minutes. I think a lot of voters probably tuned out and millions of people are having conversations with their families and with their friends if the President is up to the task, and if he should step aside. I’m someone who believes the former president is a threat to democracy. I think he is a threat to the America and we know he wants to fundamentally change our institutions. He has laid out what his plan is. I am not confident that [Biden is] the man to take him on. He cannot tell me democracy is on the line and then give that performance. That was painful.”
  8. Joe Biden has been stuttering and losing his train of thought for years and years and years, he does it again and honchos panic? that said if the demographic was more like Russia Trump could have taken a shit and masturbated in front of the cameras and still won the election. People have made their minds, do they want Trump or not, that is it and that will never change, Biden could die tomorrow and the ticket would still win the presidency based on a mountain of evidence. Fun fact it has happened like 4 times nationally and the deceased won every time.
  9. Gregg has to be gone after URU, right. I mean, I want us to win. But, when we don’t?
  10. Because of exit polls? admitedly I don't follow european exit polls, but now the ones here and the youth vote overwhelmingly pick Biden. If anything that is the leading theory why democrats keep winning since 2020. gen Z is not being found to be polled correctly.
  11. It's going to be so funny when he doesn't have a cold and sounds like 10% better for the next debate and all of you are like "WHERE WAS THIS JOE LAST TIME!?" The debates haven't mattered in decades. The overwhelming majority of the people who watched tonight are political sickos who already know who they're voting for. Sure Trump will run clips of Biden looking bad. People whining about that are ignoring that there will also be lots of clips of Trump looking bad too. Unless he dies between now and November he isn't getting replaced because that'd be much fucking worse for Dem chances in November than running Joe out there with a visible puppeteer.
  12. This election is going to be decided by North Carolina population change, Phoenix suburbs movement , Atlanta enthusiasm, Wisconsin and Michigan paychecks and Philly turnout. Nobody will have the courage to repost this. -Your Aunt — on Facebook and Las Vegas wait staff -pissed of Js1 who I couldn’t tag
  13. The Dog

    USMNT 2024

    Even Lalas is off of the GGG train. We will lose to Uruguay badly and this humiliation will be the final straw. The leadership at US Soccer deserves this.
  14. Roma is up there. Antoine and 290. Great store. You might consider an Uber. The owner strongly encouraged me to sample every store pick. I should go to Rice more, but it’s very boom or bust. That said, I can pick something up at HEB if I strike out and Jax is the 610!reincarnation of Sweet Mesquite. Never been in Colony. Bert is going to be pissed you’re giving away neighborhood secrets.
  15. This is just wrong. Biden's age/competence is THE ISSUE in this election. If Biden was 20 years younger he wins this in a landslide. He's not. He's old AF. This reinforced (beyond anything the R's could have ever hoped for) their position that he is unfit for office. Full stop. I don't think he can recover from it. The worst clips from tonight will be played over and over and over again the next 4+ months.
  16. Change? Probably not. Biden would most assuredly get more votes. But we don't have a pure democracy, so this election will come down to probably less that 50k votes total over 3-4 states. The worry is that casual voters won't show up at the polls, and the Dems have far more casual voters than Trump.
  17. Read the orientation material we recieved when crossing the aisle. Dems take that more seriously than they should, while Pubs ...
  18. For the record comming in 2016 the only thing I was sure of is Hillary winning the popular vote which she won, I have been silently confident of Trump losing ever since, he has lost so much because everybody knows who he is. Panicking right now is handing him the election if there is a democrat civil war.
  19. Mid Season Grade: D This team was so bad, I dropped Fubo and began listening on iHeart Radio and I haven't missed too much. This was a lot for me as I would watch them every night for the last few seasons. Pitching and RISP horrific early on and have finally come around a bit. We'll see what happens tomorrow when we take on the flaming hot Grimace's. Not very hopeful for this season with our lack of top end pitching. But hey, lets win the AL West and see what happens!
  20. Nice finish today for Akshay, birdie, eagle, birdie to go from -4 to -8
  21. Most of this board has been way too optimistic about Biden's chances effectively giving Trump no chance. I've thought for a long time it's 50/50. After tonight, I don't think it's even close. The American electorate is not going to dive into the fucking issues. They are going to watch the worst of the worst clips of Biden looking like he should be put in a nursing home (of which there are many). He is essentially unelectable at this point. Full stop. The only thing I'm surprised is that apparently most of the talking heads actually realize this and not shying away. Tonight was a flat out disaster for Democrats. No way around it.
  22. Then go ahead and bet for him, put your money where your mouth is. Nobody changed their mind after the debate, the only thing is that they panicked like pussies. That is it.
  23. Let's be clear, I'm not shaming him if he lives in his mom's basement and demands meatloaf whilst unemployed. I'm just curious what utopian profession he is in that he can shit on mine like he's trying to win best colonoscopy prep. Because it must be a model of perfection. And I'm guessing it isn't since he's dodged the question so thoroughly.
  24. We’re planning to see it tomorrow because it’s hot AF and you can only spend so much time in the pool. It’s up to us, we few Americans to save the Western. They don’t do well internationally anymore. Godspeed Lt. Dunbar, but I think he’s taking a L.
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