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  1. Chances of dying in a fire are at least going up a bit every year.
  2. I think Gavin riding with a dramatic convention nomination, a few days after Biden addresses the nation LBJ-style, would be great TV/Social Media, would run his candidate ID up to where it needs to be, and would give all the folks bitching about having two old people to select from a real choice. The right's greatest advantage against a Dem presidential nominee is the slow-drip-drip of turning people against them on their media outlets, in chain emails, and at the watercooler. It's what made Clinton, Bill a great candidate. "Who? Well, I gues I can vote for him." But then made Clinton, Hillary a terrible candidate. "Yeah, Billary. Man is that pants-suit lesbian actually be president. No way!" Dems with little record of being slurred by right-wing media, and the often complicit mainstream media, fare MUCH better than the old hand. Biden won because Trump fucked up COVID. Period. We probably could have, in retrospect, nominated a number of other folks and pulled out that win. Of course, who eles could've made it through the Dem nominating process is a totally different discussion.
  3. That may be but the perception is California is not a well managed state by those outside of the state. I am not going to pretend to be confident knowing what the exact course should be in something that has never happened in my lifetime at least. If Biden has to step aside after the Democrat party chose to run him through the primary process, I cannot imagine people being very high on the Democrats. It’s damage control at best and I don’t know what the right next candidate should look like.
  4. Joe would have to emulate LBJ and step down voluntarily. And if he was going to do that, he should have done that last year. Ah well. I live in Texas, I am used to politics being extremely demoralizing.
  5. Its dumb there is no clear cut nominee after biden either so it would be a civil war. At the end of the day the only solution is to just hope Donny thinks he won and Biden challenges him to more debates that never take place, everybody knew Biden he was going to stutter and lose his train of thought, but how could anyone really change their mind and vote for Donny? haha Crazy outsiders only work if they are a blank slate everyone knows what a Trump term would look
  6. He’s 1000 times better than we deserve. We’ve decided on self-immolation. So be it.
  7. Just now clicked on this thread. Didn't watch the debate. So fucking depressed. What a nightmare. I hope it was not as bad as what I'm reading here and more like a game thread after we go 3 and out on our first possession.
  8. So what? Republicans aren't going to vote for a Democrat no matter what.
  9. Dude, you are brilliant. But not Wes Moore, the dems can get Kinky Friedman to step in and...
  10. So, political infighting to win an election after the presumptive nominee has won all the primaries? I mean, I guess it could work. I'd watch.
  11. I said on here probably 18 months ago running Biden again was a risk and as a minimum they should have come up with some kind of strategy to pivot from Kamala as VP (as she is just not popular). If they would have done that, they would have someone to actually pivot to now that the plane has effectively crashed into the mountain. They have completely fucked this up in every way possible. Defeating Trump after 1/6 + felony conviction should have been a slam dunk and they have fucked this up so bad Trump will win easily. Good job good effort morons.
  12. The same egos that spent the last several months gaslighting the American public about Biden’s health have to suddenly do a 180 on their strategy. It’s not going to be easy but necessary if they don’t want to see Trump win.
  13. Again, who is going to convince him to do this? Who has that power over the leader of the free world.
  14. You have to convince him to step aside. This has to happen soon. No one wants to see him go out this way and get beat in November. As of now that is all but guaranteed. Every single network after debate show is talking about if he'll step aside.
  15. My wife walked off, I can’t help but watch. My self preservation requires me to know how bad things are. This was so bad. We need Biden to step aside and Gavin needs to be the nominee. I prefer pete I think Gavin is more likely to win.
  16. While that is correct, she was not the person to break through that barrier. Jackie Robinson was a brilliant choice to break the baseball color barrier because, among other things, he was an all-timer. Kamala struggled in the early primary debates, and this is coming from someone who thought she might just be the candidate in Dec 2019/Jan 2020. The first black woman to be a presidential nominee of a major party will have to be a great candidate, not just one good enough to win a nomination were she a white male. Not a Dukakis or a Mondale or a Dole or a Biden or a GWB. Obama won because he was political Jackie Robinson. Kamala wasn't that. I guess she might grow and be that if she tries again, but in 2020, no. All that said only reinforces your point. Her candidacy was short-lived because she's a black woman.
  17. I mean they had people on who absolutely love Biden…. They just couldn’t ignore what they saw and truthfully if he’s replaced anyone else has a better chance of winning vs Trump…
  18. You people are pathetic, this election was decided in 2020 when Biden was senile back then as well, nobody is going to go Hmn I am going to let lunatic trump back in office when I voted against him in 2020. If the system gave RFK jr a chance then yeah worry, but everyone knows a vote for him is a vote for Donald. That is why losers bow out, they don't get blown out eliminate Roe v Wade and beat the same guy 4 years later.
  19. There’s no way this could happen given the egos involved, but the correct move would be to replace him with someone that Fox hasn’t already spent years bashing. Sorry Kamala, Gavin, Pete, and Gretchen. They need someone comparatively unknown who can come in, deliver a few convincing speeches, dominate a debate, and doesn’t have a huge oppo file in the RNC archives. Someone like Wes Moore could probably pull it off.
  20. I really wanted to watch this and have it recorded. Now that I've read the thread I think I'm just gonna pass on watching. I am actually most concerned about this because of how weak America has become. These two fucking idiots are the best we can come up with?
  21. It doesn't matter. Even most Trump voters probably concede he lies. This was all about optics and the optics were fucking terrible for Biden. American voters aren't going to sit and read all the fucking fact check dissertations that come out tonight and tomorrow. They are going to watch fucking twitter and tik tok videos of the current president looking like he should be in a nursing home. The Democrats have completely fucked this up.
  22. Well only about 100 straight days of 100 degree weather to go this year!
  23. From a political standpoint, the only chance you have is to go all in with the incumbent. But maybe this time will be different if you replace him.
  24. To be fair, it was Defcon 1 then too, and they picked a winning (if problematic) strategy.
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