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  1. We give a ridiculous amount of minutes to guys that are barely NBA players. We're like a fuciing make-a-wish NBA franchise. And we give guys that should be playing spot minutes at best serious playtime. If the FO is serious about winning then close to half of this roster needs to be turned over going into next season. Blake Wesley, for his career, is 61 of 186 from 2 and 32 of 57 from the line. I mean at some point you have to pull the plug. Lord knows Branham has straddled that line all season himself - despite him showing some more flashes at least.
  2. think about how hard it is to get a truly top flight, game changing player. not easy, huh? and yet those guys are everywhere. there’s a fresh crop of 18 year olds who fit the bill every year, not to mention even more ready-made transfers. now think about how few top flight head coaches there are. guys who build and sustain programs, who consistently win 25+ games and establish a program as a year in, year out power. there’s barely any of those guys, and the ones who do fit the bill ain’t leaving their current gig any time soon. but as i’ve been saying all year, our fans, and most fans, can’t wrap their heads around that. they don’t see the coach out there on the floor the way they see the players. they don’t see or understand how much of the team/program’s success comes down to that guy and what he does with his 60-70+ hour/week job. you’d think that the fact that there are only 5-6 coaches who are killing it at any one time in any one sport would tip them off to this fact, but nope- fans will be fans, and will delude themselves into believing that whatever they *want* to happen is totally possible when it comes to their HC being the real deal. like i said- you guys look at the players and you see their limitations and you base your expectations off of those limitations, even if you’ve only seen the guy play as a bit player for one season. you look at coaches like shaka and barnes and you say, “we all know who this guy is/how his season will go.” but when it comes to *your* coach, for 90% of fans, what you want him to be completely trumps what he has shown himself to be for 28 years now. and then you lash out at anyone who dares to say otherwise, no matter how much statistical and empirical evidence proves who RT is. you’d rather go to war over a lie then just admit the obvious truth. i will never understand nor abide by this phenomenon which permeates seemingly every fan base in america. you look at dillon mitchell and it takes you five seconds to realize he can’t shoot threes. you look at rodney terry in year 28 and you say, “it’s only rational to wait and see how good he is.” no it isn’t. i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that guy is who we thought he was. it shouldn’t take an embarrassment like last night for so many to see the writing that’s been on the wall for years.
  3. Going in, I thought we'd need to score 40+ to win. The tactical job for PK and his guys was to hold UW under 40, and they did exactly that. The secondary being unable to stop Penix was not much of a surprise to anyone, but was good enough to win... almost. I said somewhere we lost the turnover battle 0-2, but the Defensive side of Special Teams did get a fumbled punt that we turned into points. So, 1-2 on turnover. All things considered, you could say it was the Offense that let us down, between the lost fumbles and the red zone woes at the end. Yeah, the end game was an aggy-esque running out of time... but I dunno if having plenty of clock would have won it for us. Being able to run woulda helped, but as Darrell said, "Don't talk to me about shoulda-coulda-woulda... What shoulda happened is what did happen."
  4. Too many TOs, and only 3 people showed up on offense. Didn't help that the officials let a lot of contact go on our offensive end. Unbelievable that Tech shot 7 more FTs than us. We aren't winning many games with Shedrick and Cunningham scoring 2 points combined.
  5. Ordinarily, these would all be legitimate points. But reality is that this team has played a total of three good-to-decent teams and was never a threat to win any of them. This was one of a handful of “winnable” home conference games, all of which we HAVE to win to be .500 in conference and make the tournament. Now we’re going to have to beat a much better team than Tech in Austin….or beat a good team on the road. Nothing that this team has done all year indicates that they can do either. It’s more likely they become disinterested and flame out to a 4 or 5 win conference season
  6. We did everything we could to win the game in Lawrence then to have the refs decide the game is typical Big 12 basketball. I've seen it countless times with most all Big 12 schools in that building. If you can't have a double digit lead with a minute left in the game, the refs are going to find a way to bail them out.
  7. Got beat? No, we lost to a very much equivalent team. We came within a few seconds of winning. And that's with a -2 in turnovers and our QB going 0-5 to start the game and 0-4 to end it. No blame, just woulda-coulda-shoulda.
  8. I'm hoping for a 2021 season ending performance where we went into Philly and wiped the floor went them to end the season on a high note (before getting bullied by SF at home in the first round). I'm not sure the last time Dallas played for the East title in terms of them controlling their own destiny on the very last week. Not depending on another team losing. And a loss means probably not winning (assuming Eagles take care of the Giants). I guess it would have to go back to the 2013 game, our 3rd in 3 years defacto NFC East championships. I know in 2019, we did play Philly next to last week of the season and that game kind of determined the East. We won, and I think we would have won the East? Played like dogshit that day and lost. Missed the playoffs entirely. But by that point in the season, this team looked like junk and really going nowhere. East was week that year.
  9. We are currently in a pre-stage of a world war. I compare it to the period between 1936-1939. The civil war in Spain is raging and it is unclear who will win, but Italy and Germany help Franco, while the West mainly stays silent. Same goes with Czechoslovakia and Austria, two sovereign nations which still are independent but on the verge to be annexed. Again the West does nothing. By the end of this pre-world war period the fascist regimes have achieved everything and with the Hitler-Stalin Pact the gates to WW2 are now fully open. Russia, North Korea and Iran, as well as their minions such Hezbollah, Hamas, Assad-Syria and the Houthis in Yemen are currently moving against the free world. China is in my opinion currently more on the side-lines even when some Chinese hardware appears in Russian arsenal, but it is far from what it could be if China seriously goes in. China has its own plan and it does not include an existent Russia. This might sound bleak but it doesn't have to be. There is still a chance to avert world war 3. The key to everything is Ukraine, and this is no hyperbole. When Russia fails in Ukraine, then the whole axis of the dictatorships will fall apart. Putin will be considered the greatest loser of Russian history, will be removed and Russia in its current form will end to exist. Regimes in countries like Belarus, Syria and Serbia will lose their puppetplayer and will end. The mullah regime will be extremely exposed and vulnerable, offering the freedom-loving people of Iran to finally overthrow their mullah regime. This in turn will cause a domino effect in the Middle-East, ending the most important ally of the Assad regime, Hezbollah and Hamas, and freeing Syria and Lebanon from their biggest curse. It is up to us in the West if we want to avert WW3. Ukraine and her fight are directly connected to this question. Ukraine is the key between freedom for all of us or WW3 if Ukraine is abandoned. There is nothing in between. It cannot be overstated that this is the single-greatest decision of our times. ————- I don’t agree with a lot of that, but if Putin were to succeed, then all bets are off as he clearly won’t stop there. I don’t think he takes on NATO, but he will go after Georgia and the ‘stans and Moldova. Belarus will be annexed as well.
  10. It's painful. No other word accurately describes being "so close, and yet so far away." But if you look at it objectively two things are true. First, Washington played a great game. Penix was very accurate and mobile, and their receivers flat out went out and made plays. The muff was costly so not a flawless game, but nearly lawless when you look at the penalty perspective comparatively. If you don't give them credit for a great game, you actually discredit our players. Second is that played far from a perfect game, and nearly won that mofo! If we simply get almost anything going our way we win it. But that's what makes it so damn painful, knowing you honestly did not come close to playing your best game, and still being so very, very close. Just one or two less unforced errors and we are playing next Monday night. But if you don't love the character of this team, you simply don't have a heart. They scratched and clawed despite all odds damn near overcame all the miscues! The team we had two short years ago would have lost by 30+ to this Washington team. So pain must be viewed with perspective. The one thing I just thought of while typing this, brought a little grin to my face. Texas IS Back! And now we have set a team standard to play up to that is truly on a championship level. So let's lick our wounds, tip our hats, and get back to work. That made me think about what I might tell the guys if I was Sark- First off' let me say how proud I am of all of you. Each of you put in the hard work over the the last year so that for the first time in more than a 15 years (yelling) anyone could honestly say Texas is Back! But now you all know what it takes from a commitment and intensity level to make it this far. I want each of you to look at the man next to you, and know that each and every one of you helped raise the bar and get us back. I want you to look at the man next to you and commit to putting in the work it's gonna take to get back to this place. It's not gonna be easy. But we know know how to rely on our family, support each other, and now what it takes to get this far. Look at the man next to you again, and commit in your mind to push past what you did this year. Raise the bar again! You know what it takes, so let's do what we need to do in the coming year to once again PROVE that Texas really is back! Love you guys! Let's huddle up...
  11. The upside for Gregg is that these games are at home. The downside for him is that they are in a competitive tournament. Bolivia is a South American team and Panama can give us fits. In both cases, put the carrot of the Copa in there, they are not going to be easy wins. Throw in Gregg has not yet showing he can let the team play free and open and you better believe we can lose one of those games. We could potentially draw either or both of these games and in this tournament, that could be detrimental. I think the margin of error for missing the KO round is a lot smaller than you might think.
  12. Maybe we are the bird and Evans is the worm and his pistol is a metaphor for a terrible attitude and cancer on a roster that we have to avoid, or maybe we are the worm and all of college football is the bird and the pistol is a metaphor for Texas being back, but I’m thinking we are the worm and all of the SEC is the bird and they think they are going to eat Texas alive - SECSECSEC - but the pistol is our metaphor for the trophy after winning the conference championship in our first year in the SEC. // Jules talking to Ringo at the diner
  13. You guys know I’ve been the Bowman apologist from day 1. I believe I predicted a 10-win season this year…. It was looking dicey there for a bit but we pulled it off. So I’ll say it now - we’ll win the Big 12 and go to the CFP next year. Boom.
  14. The country is increasingly divided, and it reverberates onto this message board. It manifests politically, but the root issue is decency and truth. While Donald Trump was the catalyst for this environment, it truly is an issue with information technology, social media, and regulation. Donald Trump broke the foundations of truth. He lies with every breath, and by electing him to Team B, anything he says, including every lie, is supported and promulgated as truth by Team B, and not just be online weirdos anymore during birtherism. Legacy media, particularly Fox New, but also CNN and other legitimatized his lies. The same can be said for the entire Republican Party. When you listen to an audio recording of Donald Trump asking a foreign leader to investigate his own political rival, and there are no consequences. It hurts democracy. II hurts truth. When you listen to an audio recording of Donald Trump asking a Secretary of State to find votes for him, and there are no consequences. It hurts democracy. It hurts truth. There is no longer a shared reality. Nothing anyone says is true anymore. No one believes anyone anymore about anything. Add in the same destruction of truth with people like Joe Rogan and the Pandemic, and it adds fuel to the fire. If a racist comedian is given the same deference to information as a medical doctor that spent their life studying disease. There is no shared reality. The loudest voice wins. We used to laugh at conspiracy theorists and anti-vax weirdos. Now they are prominent. Legitimized. For example, it would be like a person on this board stating sovereign citizen insane shit in the football forum. And if anyone said they were crazy, someone saying "take it to the CR" or believing the world is flat is normal and can't be ridiculed outside politics. That is what Trump/Rogan/Republicans have done to America. They have legitimized insanity. They have legitimized Nazism, fascism, racism. It's a legitimate pollical believe that only white males should have the right to vote, that vaccines cause autism, that immigrants have dirty blood, or that Epstein was a Mossad operative. It's only going to get worse.
  15. Arch could definitely end up the better QB. It is unlikely he would be better next year; and if the staff thought he would be and wanted to go that route, Ewers would be declaring. If this was two years ago then sure roll with Arch. Texas has a legitimate SEC championship/playoff run window open into next year and hopefully at least a couple years beyond that though. This goes back to everyone coping with a somewhat underwhelming 2022 by saying “this is the year before the year.” It turns out that was right. I know we’re not used to this as a fan base anymore but the fact is Texas has entered win now mode and decisions need to be made accordingly. I agree that we definitely should not overblow any of that, but I think where it comes into play is where you alluded to his peers - his last name is the reason we’re having this conversation at all and the reason comparing him to his peers is simply not apples to apples.
  16. Looking at Massey just now and adding up the game by game odds, he has us going 10-8 in conference. Looking at our schedule, it looks like a pretty balanced draw. We have to play Houston, Baylor and OU twice, but also get to play WV twice, and only have to play KU once. Home and Away: #1 Houston #8 Baylor #12 OU #33 Texas Tech #126 West Virginia Home only #34 Iowa State #46 K-State #83 UCF #95 Okie State Away only #3 Kansas #13 BYU #40 TCU #52 Cincinnati We also start conference with four winnable games in Tech, at Cinci, at WF and UCF. If we win all of those, then we get Baylor at home which should be a rowdy atmosphere.
  17. Look, I think you seem to be a great guy and you run a wonderful message board that brings me tons of enjoyment but your football takes aren’t always the best. As good as Quinn can be, he’s behind schedule. I guarantee he and his family are surprised he’s not preparing to be a 1st round pick in April. Him coming back is a business decision plain and simple. Does he love Texas? I think so. Does he want to win titles? Yeah, I believe so. But his #1 goal has always been getting to the NFL — and he should be going there in 2024 but isn’t. Maalik was gone the minute Arch signed with Texas. That he got in for any meaningful playing time is remarkable. Seems like a great kid and I wish him nothing but success. We are just fine with where we are. Sark will likely pick up another stud QB in next year’s class, who will be a couple years behind Arch. And speaking of chemistry, put talent with talent and you’ll get results. I do agree with you at being at peace with the Sugar Bowl result. I don’t hate Washington. And they beat us plain and simple. They’re easy to root for over Harbaugh. We got the last Big 12 title and won 12 games. We have a solid foundation as we head to SEC. We’re gonna be just fine at QB.
  18. You literally just said "can or will LSU win a bidding war against Texas? I'm pretty sure the answer is no" They have the money to offer more than we may be willing to, he also has extensive ties to them. I can't see him going to work for Brian Kelly though. I'd be more concerned if Bama came hard at him.
  19. Whiskey was involved. More later. Disappointed? Yes. Proud? So very proud. After starting with the first two passes batted down, we had a chance to win with a short pass on the last play of the game. This year far exceeded expectations and energized our fan base in a way that we are lucky to be a part of. Cherish it. “… other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play? My piece of the stock market dropped ~$20,000 yesterday. At least I got to enjoy spending my money, the old fashioned way, with cash. Going to The Big Easy, over New Years weekend, to see Texas take over New Orleans and play for a berth in the National Championship game Is as good as it gets. The Texas Kool Aid will never taste sweeter than it did this weekend. Met a lot of like minded souls, some old, some young, and the continuity of Longhorn love across generations can’t help but to make you feel good about where we are. Through an error in judgement, this whiskey drinking, firework watching, social security drawing, new year celebrating, 8th generation Texan, saw the southside of 2 am in the Quarter, on 1/1/2024. Woke up later, finished the remaining whiskey in the glass, and started getting ready for game day. Had some breakfast, got seated at a table next to a guy I used to work with, walked a bit, ended up at Mannings. Looking at the pictures on the walls, soaking it all in, I thought the next time I come here, Arch will have a place on the wall, wearing a Texas jersey. Sweet. ”Accidentally” walked into the Green Room where Bobby Burton was chatting with his guests. Talked a while with a grandad, his son and 11 year old grandson (T’Vondre Sweat is his favorite player.) Met some mid-70’s ladies: they have season tickets for Texas football, baseball, basketball, etc., travel to select away games. They’re trying to take it with ‘em, or having some fun on the way. Texas playing in the Sugar Bowl in Nuevo Orleans, plain ole good times. I used to live in Houston & Lafayette, so I knew I was driving. Had Taco’s a al Ninfa at Ninfa’s on Navigation, at 10:15 in the morning. Enjoy the ride…375 miles in 5 hours, including the trip to Ninfa’s (not the time to eat). Bobby Burton & guests. Recognize them? I started drinking whiskey way too early. Some guy parting the Red Sea? One of the many…Did I say Texas travelled well?
  20. Losses always suck, but sometimes they are more or less painful depending on the context. Obviously the context of this loss was it took us out of a shot at a national championship, but if you take a step back and look more broadly than just 1/1 to 1/8, I think there are a couple reasons why the loss didn't suck as much as it could have. 1) Season overall was enjoyable and exceeded any reasonable expectations Imagine another fanbase of a team that was 8-5 last season, hadn't fielded a top 5 team in a while, but recruits well. They are starting a soph QB, a young OL, and a reasonably young defense. Pick a random blueblood team in your head. And before the season you said, hey, I'm from the future, next year, you guys are gonna win the conference title in your final year in the conference get scoreboard on all your old, annoying ass wannabe rivals who are staying in the old conference beat Alabama in Tuscaloosa by double digits avenge all your regular season losses get to CFP. Draw a tough matchup in semis and unfortunately the opposing QB is going to play absolutely lights out, leaving your team just short on a last minute comeback drive pundits and coaching staff will sum up the season as "a young team that was one play away from playing for a national title" If someone from the other fanbase said, man, what a letdown, you'd think their expectations were a tad high. Expectations are a lot different when the team is building off a top 5/10 finish the year before and the QB/OL/key players at every level of defense are all upperclassmen and headed to the draft after the season ends. Losses in those years hurt more in part because deep down you know there is an ebb and flow to cfb and this is a "ceiling year" for the program/staff. It's always gonna suck to be close to a national championship, but 2023 was more of a holy shit this is a great opportunity to sneak in and win a national championship with a young team sort of years. Yeah it still sucks to lose a shot at a national championship, but the downside just isn't the same as it is in a year like 08/09, because the implications are different. 2) Sounds dumb but the end of game mattered imo In terms of the impact on the program, I know this sounds stupid but I thought it was important that Texas had a shot to win the game at the end. As opposed to a couple more bad swings and Texas loses to UW by 17. It also helped that Penix made so many tip-your-hat throws. From an outsider's perspective, it just wasn't a bad loss. And I'm just saying that makes a difference in terms of what the pundits are gonna say next year, and what the coaching staff can say on the recruiting trail, etc. 3) Next game wasn't a gimme TBH, if Michigan could severely limit the run and get a big rush on Ewers, I'm not sure the next game was a gimme. Yeah, we could have won, but it wasn't like another team with an Okie state profile was waiting in Houston. It's not like we lost the national championship, we lost the chance to play in a game where we prolly would have had all our signs stolen been in another really tough matchup, this time for the offense. All I'm saying is, even if we had won, I wasn't as confident about a Michigan matchup after seeing them in Pasadena. So, again, yes the loss sucks, but the implications aren't as far reaching as they could be. 4) The impact of this season and the Sugar Bowl will be decided next year Someone from the future could have come here in August and said hey, this staff is gonna take an 8-5 team that is still young in key spots and get them one play away from playing in Houston. Then they are gonna build off that and get the program on the right track. I think we all would have taken it. (shit, I would have taken that in October). If the coaching staff problem-solves and the players are motivated and bust their ass during the offseason, 2023 could be a turning point for the program. If not, the loss will sting more over time, i suppose. But i'm not gonna worry about shit that hasn't happened yet. hook em.
  21. UW just plays their game. Even when you are out playing them, they can get in you head. Case in point Oregon game 1. Oregon takes that game if they just kick field goals rather than going for it. I'm not saying Texas wins the game without the fumbles, but I think you end up with a much more competitive and compelling game in the 4th quarter without them. In my pregame analysis I thought turnovers would be would more important than in most games, kind of like Red River, and they were. I just thought the risk would be from ints and not fumbles. When the offense is not 100% not clicking and the defense is is on high alert the whole game all of the little things matter as then end of the game will bear out. All that said, we did almost all we needed to do to steal this game, but failed on the end with legit opportunities with our best unit on the field. Super frustrating.
  22. I think they are too good to be "whipped" by anyone. We could win a rematch of chips fell our way but we are not going to blow them out.
  23. My season goal was met. We won the Commence Championship coming in and going out. Everything else was gravy. Goal for next year is to win the new Conference Championship. I'm just disappointed the season is over a week earlier than it had to be.
  24. I was shocked we were in the game with no sacks. I do think it proves that if you can stop the run, you have a chance against anyone. at least 5 - at least 3 where we got an arm on him or had a chance to tackle and missed. at least two where he was hurried to throw. pressure was actually good to really good. his ability to evade the rush was out of this freaking world. I think the number one way we all knew Texas could lose is falling asleep in the 3rd quarter and red zone offense. Both happened. 3rd quarter was two fumbles. Red zone offense in the 4th quarter. Everyone wants to "boil it down" it was the third quarter disappearing act and red zone offense. Of course better Edge play woulda been nice for a few sacks, but that was not what we needed most. If I'm going to get frustrated and upset this would be why, we didn't play our best and had we, it's like the 10+ game at Alabama. Hell, we dominated the 4th in this one too, just couldn't close it out. A lot of that credit goes to WA - the blocked passes (great prep), moving Trice away from Banks (massive impact), front seven confusion for Ewers, I'm sure more. The refs didn't give the game to WA but they for sure cut into our focus, execution and confidence. This is truth, I said +1 in TOs and 4-5 stops. I think Texas D was "torched" but still did what the formula required to win. We lost how we know we can - disappearing in the 3rd and redzone offense. FUCK. WA is a super legit team. Coach is upper echelon. Penix is one of the best QBs college football has ever seen. We thought our Edge players would do better (no holdings calls in the Big 12 is a thing), and I honestly thought Burke and Anthony Hill might push Penix into the interior DL but when that happened Penix either threw the ball or slipped away and more importantly away from the bigs. He's brillant. moving Trice to the other side was brillant, maybe the single best move by DoBoer. I was itching to see Banks and Trice go at it, I honestly thought Banks would win most. Never had the chance. I don't even think Texas was prepared for the possibility. We got a hand on him twice. maybe one hit but I think none. Texas pass D was pretty good. even tipped the ball ... for a WA TD. contested catches and perfectly thrown balls make for a terrible night. Another thing our D did well was stop 1st down. damn though Penix would get it all back on 2nd down.
  25. I watched the game at my brother’s place in Seattle with his 3 kids being UW grads/students and son-in-law being a Michigan fan (Berkeley grad but Michigan native). Felt bad congratulating them when I was so confident that we would win the NC based on the Rose Bowl play. To punish them, I am going to be a contrarian the whole week in our WhatsApp group.
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