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  1. No this was not a game that the defense could win for us. But I do think with a better defensive game plan going in we could have done more to disrupt the rhythm of the UW passing game so that it didn't look like they were throwing against air for 1/2 the game.
  2. I tend to agree this is definitely how it is going to be going forward. With NIL spreading the wealth around, Bama and UGA can't just stack a roster with 5 stars at every position where anyone else is at a massive talent disadvantage. I think most years will be a lot more similar to this year where any of the final 4 teams can win and it's all a matter of who plays their best game on any given day. It sucks to come so close and lose (particularly knowing we didn't play our A game) but our roster should FINALLY be back in the position that we should be in the 12 team mix most years which is all you can really ask for as a fan.
  3. I really thought we should have gone for it on 4th and 4. Then we only needed a FG to win if we make it. We knew we were only going to have 10-15 seconds if we didn't get the onside kick. But we got lucky with the injury timeout.
  4. Who gives a shit at this point? Much of the significant portions have been leaked already. We know who was with him, and why. It wasn't his winning personality. You don't get on private jets unless you know why. You're on a commercial flight with a sex trafficker, a guy with a kilo of drugs in his bag, or a woman who steals people's kidneys...you have plausible deniability along with 200 other people. You get onto a private jet with a known enabler of underage sex trafficking...that's on you. All this list is gonna do is stir up "what about both sides-isms!" Just people justifying certain passengers presence as "They were just discussing real estate or politics or sports or the weather!" Just more bullshit to justify our warm embrace of ignorance and stupidity. I'm not saying every single passenger on that manifest raped young girls. But every single passenger on that manifest knew they were on a place with men that raped young girls. Hell is vast, it's got just as much room for men that look the other way as it does for the men who actually engage in it. Watching the mental gymnastics of many Texas "men" when this shit hits the fan is going to be the only satisfying part. Otherwise it's just a tragedy of sin and most will skate.
  5. I find it amazing that this is a supposed "institution of higher learning," and that they falsely pride themselves on not "lying, cheating, or stealing." They ran away from us to the SEC (making sure the "final" game would be in CS, blaming it on mean old Texas and the LHN, yet it came out at the time that they had been in secret discussions with the SEC for well over a year, while publicly lying about it to everyone else. They then proceeded to attempt to destroy the Big 12 and blamed us for not rearranging our schedule to continue playing them. Later, they spent way beyond their means to hire Jimbo Fisher and declared to the world that they were the richest program in college football by using falsely inflated numbers and mis-categorizing assets. In the process, they reset coaching salaries for everyone. Jimbo won NOTHING. They beat up on shit teams and inflated their win totals with FCS schools and a covid year in which they beat a bunch of terrible teams who had either recently fired their coaches or who did that season. During covid, their coach was cheating and illegally hosting recruits at his ranch "off the books." After that season, they spent more money they did not really have to give a shitty coach a ridiculous extension he did not actually merit because no one else really wanted to hire him. In the 2022 recruiting period, they illegally paid players outside of NIL regulations because they mistakenly thought that would provide them a sustained big boost as a program. They did everything they could to crow about hos rich they were and how everyone was going to see that the sleeping giant (has anyone ever checked its pulse? I don't think it's asleep) had finally been awakened. In the process, they took a bunch of low character divas who were more interested in spending their illegal loot and smoking weed than they were in actually playing football. Their cheating was so blatant that they signed a #1 class, showing the whole world that something wasn't right, and drawing the ire of Nick Saban. During the same timeframe, they found out Texas and Oklahoma had been invited to the SEC, making A&M just another bottom-feeding SEC school. Rather than work to better their program, they immediately leaked the news in hopes of sabotaging the move. Seems really ethical, no. Back on the football field, the Ags immediately faceplanted. The heat of the spotlight proved to be too much for a perennial middling program. Their mercenary players had no self-control, their head coach was detached from reality and stuck in his ways, and their irrational fanbase demanded the program be something it never has been: a winner. With Texas winning and bound for the SEC, A&M panicked. They shit all over themselves. Because of their idiotic contract "negotiations" (not negotiations at all. Fisher told them how it would all go) they owed Jimbo and staff a ton of money they don't actually have. No reasonable program would have fired him in 2023 with so much money owed, but Texas A&M is no reasonable program. Without considering the consequences, they fired Jimbo. They had no replacement lined up. They really had no idea how much they would have to pay to hire an inexperienced replacement and his second rate cronies. They just HAD to do it. They could not let mean old t.u. get a jump on them in the SEC or make them look like the losers they are. A&M probed around and got turned down by several top tier and some less-than-stellar coaches. They hired Mark Stoops and then reneged when the rest of the CFB world made fun of what a mediocre hire that was. At that point, they had to hire the next person who wouldn't send Bjork's call to voicemail. Here we are. The whole situation looks like it wasn't planned out...because it wasn't. As with everything else A&M has done in the last 15 or so years, this will blow up in their faces. Meanwhile, the athletic department still hasn't paid back the academic side for a loan they took out in the early 2000s. Maybe someone should put responsible adults in charge over there.
  6. Ewers doesn't have mental toughness. And our guys were not in the right mindset going into the game. That false start at the very beginning told me everything I needed to know. Miracle we had a chance to win it despite all that. I hope the RB stable develops because we will not be able to win playoff games or make the SEC championship game based on Quinn's arm alone.
  7. Last night's game was tough to take, but at the same time gives me nothing but confidence going forward. I mean, it took a 6th year, Heisman runner-up QB playing a near perfect game to beat us...and we still had a chance to win it at the end. Not to mention the help from the refs and our RBs coughing it up twice. I'm not into moral victories, so I won't go that direction, but how could any Longhorn fan watch the game last night and not feel great about the future. Our long walk through the desert finally looks to be over. We're back baby!
  8. The last thing we should want is for Quinn to leave here and go somewhere else as a seasoned vet and help another team win after going through his growing pains and doing all his developing with us. That would not be ideal. He's our crop and i want to see him through to harvest.
  9. So much has to go right for you to be in position to win it all. You have to have some coin flip moments go your way, get some luck and receive a favorable bounce or two. That’s what sucks about this journey being over. This team was right there with a chance. And while I am no doubt excited about the future, there are no guarantees in football. I’d like to think this program will be back in this position soon but damnit each season takes on a life of its own and this one felt special. Sark seems to be building this the right way. All you can ask for is a chance to get in the playoff and let the chips fall where they may. I’m hopeful we won’t have to wait long for our next chance.
  10. Not too bummed until I think about one throw to the end zone and a DB with his arm around AD’s neck and what coulda been a TD with just this or that. In the end I had already assumed the game was over. So the last drive was gravy and I never thought we were going to win. Today I’m more holiday hung over. Bad food and lots of drinking and no exercise for 2-3 weeks. So I’m in full detox mode working some mostly hitting refresh on surly in a manner that would make anyone with OCD blush with embarrassment. Back at life 100% tomorrow.
  11. This is a friendly reply everyone. Exactly. I used the term "football gods" as a metaphor for fortunate or random events in the universe that often seem inexplicable. It's a metaphor! This is not making an excuse for Texas losing or going aggy. Repeat: It is a metaphor! Did y'all not take a literature class at UT? Never listened to rock music? Metaphors galore. 1. I never said Washington was not the better team. They clearly were last night. -- Sometimes the "best team" wins, despite the football gods or random strange events (Washington did). Sometimes the "worse team" wins (Tech in 08) due to strange, fortunate events (Gideon dropped INT followed by Crabtree catch). That's what are also often called "upsets." 2. But, somehow Texas had 4 shots to win the game with the Huskies, through the gaffes/fortunate events that gave Texas a shot. Pick what ever metaphor you want: Washington opened the door or failed to close the door, random luck, fortunate events, football gods, tossed a bone. (Switzer called OU's continual lucky plays "Sooner Magic." Grrrrrr!) 3. Last night, it was as if the football gods (or random chance in the universe) reached out to Texas, as if to say, here is your chance to make up a bit for 2008 (Tech) and 2009 (Bama). The Longhorns blew the chance to play for a very winnable title in Houston. I get it, we are all happy with the Big 12 title and Sark this year has done way more than the previous two dudes and late Mack. That's great. But history shows "title chances" are generally rare and you have to seize chances (especially the unlikely chances) when presented, and especially when you are not the best team on the field. That's why the loss was "catastrophic" and will remain so, no less than 08 Tech, 09 Bama, 01 Colorado. Just my take, using some book learnin' from UT (and elsewhere). Carry on. Have a good year!
  12. After taking some time to digest last night's loss, and the whole season at large, there are a few things that seem very clear. Steve Sarkisian is a great head coach. He is a Saban/Smart level roster builder. He has proven to be incredibly savy in not only recruiting, but also the rapidly evolving transfer portal era. Twenty five months prior to hoisting the Big-12 trophy over Yormark bitter bitch ass, we were getting buttfucked by ISU and losing to Kansas at home. At the time, we had a roster full of losers and JAGs like J Moore, Casey Thompson, BJ Foster, and Brockermeyer, all sandbaggging on the field. Sixteen football games later, Sark fielded a roster that walked into Bryant Derry Stadium and spanked his old boss by ten points, winning in the trenches on both sides of the ball. That is a legendary roster turnaround. I don't know Sark personally, but he genuinely seems like a good person, leader, and role model for the players. This isn't the over inflated "gud guy Charlie Strong" and a far cry from Tom Herman's idiotic clown show. Sark understands what a good organization culture is and his players believe in it 100%. We are very lucky to have him as our head coach and our trajectory looks very promising as we head into the SEC. He, of course, still has a few weaknesses. What got him this far in his career and in his recovery, is his ability to self-asses and make the changes that will him better. This is critical to remember as we dissect his weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Sark is an absolute genius when it comes to play design and attacking a defense's vulnerabilities in the pre-game planning phase. The isn't a single poster on this message board that can challenge him at this skill, unless LR or Shanahan have accounts the we don't know about. However, as neutral observers, we can see how this gets him into trouble during games. Going into last night's game, everyone knew that Washington's deep passing attack, combined with the speed with which Penix gets the ball out was the absolute worst possible match up for our defense. There was a chance that we could lean on our stout front six to bring pressure and get him to throw under duress, but it became very evident early on that we weren't going to get to him in time to make a difference. It also became very evident that their defense was going to take away Worthy and Mitchell with numbers in coverage, while taking advantage of Quinn's low throw angle at the LOS. Washington's defensive staff knew that we have a running game more than capable of beating them. They also knew that Sark likes to script the first 40 plays of his offense and to distribute the ball to all four of X, Mitchell, Sanders, and J Whitt. While Sark isn't directly responsible for Baxter's and Blue's untimely fumbles, there are things he could have done to place more pressure on Washington early in the game. He had to deviate from his script and commit to the run game. Doing so would have helped both the offense and the defense. The best defense against Penix and his WR corps is to keep them on the sidelines for 6-8 minutes of play clock at a time. The best advantage we could have given our front six is to have to be on the field for less than 25 minutes of the game. Our big DL and LBs desperately needed every ounce of their strength and endurance to slow Washington down. In a game with match ups like we had last night, there was very little time to experiment offensively. Losing the coin toss and not scoring on the first possession put us behind, but we could have recovered from it by committing to the run and sticking with it until they stopped it. Sark's next big leap as a play caller will be realizing when it's time to deviate from the script.
  13. That’s why they were ready for it. Break tendencies. Go shirt to pylon. DB has to go through Adonai. Can’t break it up without PI. We win. It would be cool if the line could/would protect and give Ewers time.
  14. Texas didn't bring their A game, but they did everything necessary to win. The D held when it needed to. The O got the ball to the 15. That's where the loss occurred. Sark got us to the desert tray, but didn't let the big dog eat. Terrible play calls. We should have scored and it would have been one of the greatest comebacks in UT history - maybe even in all of college football. Sark went blind when the chips were down. He needs an OC, or at least someone to bounce plays off of or discuss strategy, especially in situations like that. He had a great year and hopefully learned a thing or two going forward. I will probably get over this loss in next year or so. Afterthought - How long was VYs scramble to the end zone against USC. If we'd been on the left hash mark last night and Quinn had rolled right, and if the receivers had cleared a path for him...
  15. Brooks isn't coming back. Bobby said he's headed to the NFL. It sucks, but we have a stable of capable backs. And you and I are in agreement regarding the 10-wins. They absolutely should win 10 games with our schedule, and we will beat Michigan. They're losing almost all of their upperclassmen. I believe we can beat Georgia, especially with Carson Beck starting. Ewers should be significantly better next season. I'm going with 11 wins with a loss to some mid like Kentucky, but we win against UM and Georgia with Beck starting.
  16. We failed to get much pressure on Penix last night and he developed a rhythm that really exposed our weaknesses in the secondary. We did finally start blitzing and that made Penix uncomfortable enough to throw a few incompletions and that helped give us a shot at the end. That makes me think our odds to win these games against a great QB improve dramatically with a consistent pass rush that makes them have to operate under some duress. So, where is that help going to come from? Do we have a monster pass rusher on the roster or in the pipeline? I wouldn't mind seeing what Anthony Hill might be able to do playing on the edge in passing situations. He has the athleticism and explosiveness to potentially be a disruptor.
  17. They executed well, but we knew going into this game that their WRs vs our DBs was a mismatch. We lost the turnover battle, too, and STILL had a chance to win at the end. I absolutely LOVE that this team kept fighting in every game this year, now matter how bad things looked. Seriously... after that second fumble, you'd given up hope, hadn't you? So had I. But the team didn't, and we almost beat a team that was, on this night, better than us. Anyway, fuck everything I just said. Losing sucks ass and there's no such thing as a moral victory. You CAN learn after a loss, though... just make sure you learn the right lesson. And the right lesson to learn is: We need better DB athlete croots to replace our current starters and to keep the DL machine going. And I'm so ready for a couple of guys on our OL to graduate.
  18. Yep. If Washington played in a dome for their home games, he easily wins it. Playing in the PNW in the fall, slows down the offense at times. There were some games where Penix looked terrible for awhile. They ended up getting the win but he was nowhere near what he was last night. Kudos to him, he finished the season with 2 big games. Underdogs in both and one was a double digit underdog to an Oregon team he already beat. All the talk was what is going to happen if Oregon wins the Pac 12 champ game. So many pushed Washington to the side. Then were underdogs again last night in terms of Vegas. They play in a dome again next week for all the marbles. I expect him to have another big game. Harbaugh has to see how Texas got away from the run too early and correct that. Harbaugh will run 60 times if he needs to. He has zero issues doing so. I wish we stuck with the run in the 1st half.
  19. First let's talk about the game- Here's the deal. Sometimes the other guys are really good and they can make plays as well. Penix was making great throws, and to be honest our coverage was tight most of the time early, but the receivers were making fantastic catches! Hell if you look at our players offensively the stats are good individually but not cumulatively. Running Blue 6.6 ypc, Baxter 7.1 ypc, passing Sanders 12.5, Whittington 17.5, Worthy 22.5, Blue 11.3 with Baxter 19.5 yard per catch. The anomaly is Mitchell at 5 ypc. But Ewers completes only 55% of his passes. The complete ones were solid, the running game was solid, what was weak was completion percentage and fumbling the ball away. Even then you have to remember that one of Washington's TD's was a tip, And one 3rd down completion was a tip that took heat off a ball that would would have been overthrown. We also got lucky with the early muff. But let's talk about Sark. Bottom line is we nearly won a game with our QB only completing 55% of his passes against an undefeated #2 team in the country. The fact we came back at the end was a testament to the type of mentality this team has developed! The most difficult thing for a head coach to do is build a culture. At first coaches have to come in and be not only the coach, but the head disciplinarian and head motivator. And it's never, ever, ever successful... at least at first. Winning coaches develop a culture within the team where team leaders are the motivators, and largely take over the role of disciplinarian of the players producing accountability to the team and each other. THIS is the secret sauce to success over time. Sark has added this secret sauce to our team and now we are in a good position moving forward from an accountability and team unity perspective. And that my friends is light years from where we were, at 5-7 with us finding a way to lose and players not looking past the tips of their own noses in many cases. Today we have a solid two deep at every position like we have not seen in decades. OF course there are some holes to fill, but it's been a long time since we had backups of a high enough quality level to step up and step right in. Sark has in essence rebuilt the program. In his own image no less. I think that one of the things that I like most about Sark is his relationship with the players. You hear time and again how he genuinely takes an interest in their lives beyond football, and that's how he spends most of his time interacting with players on an individual basis. His past very public missteps also make hime more relatable to kids. As opposed to the dishonest "just be perfect" mindset so many coaches project, despite the reality. I think this makes Sark approachable and makes players and equally as importantly a player's parents comfortable with him. This has allowed him to kick ass high school recruiting. The other thing I LOVE about Sark is he realizes that continuity is so very, very important in maintaining a culture. He has been very selective in bringing in portal players, because he understands how one or two very talented bad apples can start a rot in the whole barrel. This is perhaps the most overlooked quality that I think Sark possesses. We had disappointment last night. But Sark has earned his money and we are in a very good spot going into the SEC in 2024. Imagine what might have been with 58% completions and only one fumble... If you are not happy with Sark you are a fucking moron.
  20. With the talent we're accumulating, 8-9 wins would be a letdown. Top classes shouldn't just win 8-9 games a year. That's for Ole Miss to do. We better be better than that. 10 wins should be mandatory with our talent. We're only behind Bama and Georgia currently in recruiting , and we've shown we can beat Bama. I believe we can beat Georgia as well. I'm sure we'll lose a few games in year 1, but year 2 I expect 10 win seasons. 8-9 ain't going to cut it. Aggy wins 8 games, we should be better than that with Sark. That's when recruits start looking away. We have the talent to win 10 games. If we start dropping off, so do the recruits to Bama, LSU, Georgia, and even Ole Miss.
  21. Why we have so many pussies in here this morning?? We’ve already got 2 losses next season?? Michigan and Washington are senior laden teams that are going to lose a lot if key pieces after this season. They’re the ones that should be worried about when they’ll contend again (although the entire big10 looks to be down next year). If we go to Michigan and pull out a win we’re gonna get rolling with a great shot at beating Georgia at home and a bye in the first round. We should be optimistic about next season, not shutting our pants. The run D will drop off but the pass D should improve. It’s not that hard to discuss football without bringing politics into the discussion. Just fucking stop and talk about football.
  22. I like Sark I think this game will help him just as much as it will help the team!! Washington is a really good team but we definitely didn’t help ourselves. The penalties, T.O, Washington had the ball all 3rd Qtr, and Penix just being amazing and we still had a chance to win this game!! Can’t ask for much more, I believe this will help us going into next season more than you know!!! im actually excited for the season!!
  23. If we could only win one of the 2 mentioned, I'd rather beat Georgia than Michigan. Oh, how great it would be to go undefeated in the mighty SEC in our first season.
  24. Penix has been sacked 15 total times in 27 career games at Washington and his OL just won the damn Joe Moore award. The thought that we were going to win this game with sacks and pressure was delusional. We were going to have to hold up in the backend to have any sort of chance on defense. We failed and then got ball controlled most of the second half.
  25. Robinson returning kicks was baffling. I thought Ewers played fine, the batted balls were frustrating and you’d like to see the last throw a little more inside. But look, it’s a high pressure moment with little time to think. He’s trying to give his guy a chance on the ball. It was a miracle we even had a chance so I won’t criticize the last sequence too harshly. I was hoping for some Sark playcalling magic but it wasn’t in the cards. Ewers improved a great deal this season. I do think it should be an open competition at QB, which I believe he’ll win. Older players matter and Texas needs Ewers to take another step. If we are going to take our lumps next season, it needs to be from playing young guys in the secondary. We need more speed.
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