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  1. Biden could literally not look worse visually. Really going to be fun t9 have a 2nd Trump presidency where we are all murdered.
  2. That was a seriously awful punch to the nuts. Horrible. Monday night is going to be epic.
  3. Biden’s voice is terrible at the start. What is going on?
  4. Biden going with the "Hey my voice is off today" tactic, great move and especially good on annual review day
  5. How did Alberts become an AD in the first place? I know aggy is his third or fourth gig as a AD. But how in the hell do go from a talking head at ESPN to AD?
  6. I think I’m going to watch the debate AND look at NSFW stuff on Reddit…. I feel like that might make this better r/breedingmaterial is legit
  7. You know, I get that legacy media is still wading through uncharted waters. But if after 9 years, you can't figure out how to monetize Trump...you're not going to. You're not gonna focus group your way into shareholder wealth and prestige after this much time. You just pivot on your own dicks and fuck up democracy in real time. I'd rather you just be shallow, transparent, and rich than continue this nearly decade-long charade. You don't get why he's a thing, we don't get why he's a thing, he brought out 25mm voters that live and work at Dollar General and they're not really buying a lot of ad space within your sphere of influence. I get it. But eventually, just cut the losses and move the fuck on. Even MSNBC is like "Yeah, we're just gonna have Maddow teach about the Sykes-Picot act and it's ramifications on contemporary relations with Israel and Kamala Harris. Y'all figure the rest of it the fuck out." For god's sake, even the NY Post is throwing in the towel, "Yeah, old weird dude versus other old weird dude we used to cover back in the day. Meanwhile, there's a Perv in Queens!"
  8. If I were still going to be living in NYC after the holiday season ends I would be pretty excited to watch the Knicks. They are going to be a fun team that clearly does not care about the tax aprons going forward and have a good chance of actually making it out of the East next season if they can stay healthy. Bridges and Anunoby are players I enjoy watching. It’s just so odd seeing the Knicks being run so competently after more than two decades of being the opposite of this. Even the draft pick of Kolek is a good one. Now they just apparently have to get him a tutor to teach him how to read. /s
  9. Not advocating for one ahead of the other. It's lunacy that we are doing neither.
  10. I once bumped into him downtown and he asked me “do you know where the Omni Hotel/Austin Center is”? I simply pointed at it as we were standing in front of it and he said “thank you good my good man”. After that, I read all his books and voted for him. RIP Kinky
  11. IBRX shorts only declined by a little over 27,000 shares. Still over 53.4 million sold short…about 33% of the float. The average daily volume has declined in the past month, so it’s now just over 11 days to cover. IBRX’s website says, “ Meeting scheduled with FDA in June to discuss path to registration filing of ANKTIVA plus checkpoint inhibitors in 2nd – and 3rd-line NSCLC patients whose cancer previously did not respond to checkpoint therapy.” If the FDA told IBRX they could market to 2nd and 3rd line NSCLC, it’s very possible we get an outstanding short squeeze.
  12. Unfortunately I don't think he'll ever get the nomination because of prejudice and lack of support from black voters. My fantasy is Biden drops Kamala and picks Pete as his VP, then step down after the election. We need someone young, intelligent, and patriotic to lead this country.
  13. Man, even the commercials on CNN are right wing propaganda. Just saw one saying people were killed by illegal aliens and it’s all Biden’s fault so we need to vote him out of office. Scaring people on baseless claims? I may as well switch to Fox News at this point.
  14. Saw that earlier this afternoon and didn’t post here because I checked several sources and they weren’t all consistent at the time. The first story I read made it sound like he just discovered he was positive for covid, and other stores made it sound like he had it a couple of weeks ago, barely noticed the effects, and is recovered. Man, at this point, everyone’s form and fitness at the start is going to be a mystery. Who is really limited by injury/illness and who is playing possum or sandbagging? I don’t have much of a take on that, but I bet Chris Horner will…
  15. That is such a great point, but I don’t think we have to worry about that. The guys who see right off that the Aggie stuff is all bullshit do it anyway, because it doubles the length of their leash, the time they have to build before the seat gets hot. If a new Ag coach came in, saying that, and then lost a couple of games in a row, he’d be crucified as a heretic. It’s noteworthy that so many of their really successful coaches, Bryant, Bible and Schlossnagle, very clearly got the hell out when they could. Exceptions are Norton (their MNC winner) and Sherrill (if you really call him successful), and they both got fired eventually. (Sherrill, for all the Aggie bullshit he espoused, was trying to maneuver to an NFL job).
  16. Our substitute centerback (why we ended up playing 3 of them in the second half only God Damned Gerg Davis Burgerholdzer could tell you) was flat footed as fuck and let his marker shoot a rocket at our shitty backup goalie.
  17. I sat down to watch the game but got interrupted by work so I did not get to watch but I just now saw the result. Now they have to go get it done against Uruguay that will not be a simple task.
  18. Dude, you've voted for him IRL. Just man up to it. 74mm other people did it, too. It's a curious decision, but sometimes we gotta vote our industry. But this incessant deflection is just embarrassing fo you. This site probably every once in awhile drive people to extreme ends. I'm still about where I started, but just more zero'd in on small changes. You took a wildcatter gamble and thought embracing the cruel stupids would help you out, and now it's come back to be a burden to your reputation. That's okay. We all make mistakes. Just don't double down on it, which is exactly what I'd tell these dipshit protestors on UT's campus---I'm sure we're 20 minutes away from them declaring the war in Hamas is about oil.
  19. We have two defenders worth a shit and only one under 35. Let’s bring more of them on and park the bus for three quarters of a game. Now to go full masochist, I’m going to switch to CNN.
  20. I don't think I really have an issue with the whole "we invited pressure for 75m+". My issue is, if that's going to be your tactic, then make a sub IMMEDIATELY! Ya know, like what usually happens when there is an early red. And then you were given a fucking reprieve for your first moment of idiocy from Balogun and what did you do???? In that moment where no one would blame you for setting your team up to turtle? You did... NOTHING! Get fucked, GGG.
  21. I’m going to end up a regular at the new Tacos Dona Lena on 18th. Like, a lot.
  22. Blotto

    USMNT 2024

    If crashing in the Copa America gets Gerg shitcanned, I'd be OK with it. But in reality, we all know Cindy will give him a raise and a blowjob.
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