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  1. Not even one game..... total bullshit. We'd need an upset in the divisional round to get a home game. Even if we cruise up at the 5 seed, we have to go to the shit bird AFC south winner. From there, we go to the #1 seed. Total bullshit. Basically sets up for a trip to SF if seeding held form. If we don't win out, we should really be hoping for a Niners loss and letting Philly grab the 1 seed. I think we can beat them even at their house. SF? Eh....Probably not. I don't see a loss for SF. Maybe hosting the Ravens but doubt it. They're the best team in football.
  2. If we didn't lose to the fucking Cardinals or blow the first Eagles game at the end, we would be sitting a lot better. We are going to need to win out and have Philly drop another game to win the division. Don't see that happening.
  3. yeah, I actually noticed as I was typing that out that the things that had us excited before the season started all have more or less come to fruition, and yet somehow it is not coming together as a team. the back court is just a hit mess on both ends. i mean i figured that this would be a team that wins games with offense, but i did not expect a defense this visually and statistically bad. our three point defense makes me think of the “try hiding” line from super troopers. we ain’t even trying to defend the three point line. as for the offense, you may remember me frequently making the post “practice reps” during the short lived beard era. it was my favorite thing about his offense, that so many of our shot attempts were practice rep type shots- catch and shoot from the wing or the corner, a pull up J from the elbow or from 17 feet, a back door cut that leads to a lob, etc. this year the team has a few of those possessions sandwiched between way too many possessions where we make poor decisions, take bad shots, and generally seem rudderless. and we will repeat these idiotic possessions over and over as if it’s the game plan. the other thing that bothers me is that the effort has been there. the team has been playing hard. this is a veteran team full of guys who love the play college basketball and who are giving it their all. this hasn’t been like, “oh, they just need time to jell”, this has been like, “oh damn, these guys aren’t being put in a position to succeed, and i don’t know what this team and staff are going to be able to about that.”
  4. I haven't watched enough Washington games to say anything useful about matchups, schemes, etc. So I pulled some stats while I was bored. TL;DR - I looked at Wash's results against teams roughly as good as Texas and vice versa (based on stats I pulled over the past week while i was bored. You may or may not think these stats are relevant). Based on the stats I pulled for Texas, UW, and each team's 2023 opponents: Assuming the Pac-12 and Big XII are pretty similar, the stats I pulled suggest a close Sugar Bowl with both teams scoring in the low 30s. This is before accounting for UW/Texas matchups, schemes, injuries, turnovers, etc. Over the course of the season, Wash was about as good on offense and defense as Oklahoma. On offense, based on the stats i pulled, Texas sits somewhere between Arizona and Oregon. Washington didn't face a defense quite as good as Texas', but Oregon's was pretty close (statistically), followed by Arizona. If you insert a team about as good as Texas (based on statistical performance) into UW's schedule, you'd expect something like 32-30 UW. If you insert a team about as good as UW into Texas' schedule, you expect something like 30-29 Texas. I expect some of the difference is due to game pace/plays per game, but I didn't look into this. Again, this is all assuming the stats are useful (you may not think so) and it doesn't account for matchups, etc. Some of Texas' stats include games where Ewers didn't play or Brooks did play. Similar caveat for UW. This is not serious or predictive. More like a sanity check for some of the more outlandish claims and something to chew on for the next couple weeks. I just pulled these random stats while i was bored this week, and these are my thoughts. The Goal - to see how Washington fared this season against teams about as good as Texas and vice versa. I'm not trying to argue anything here. I was pulling stats to see - how did Washington fare against offenses about as good as Texas; How did Texas fare against defenses about as good as Washington's, etc. i was just doing this out of boredom and curiosity, and i'm sharing my findings. Stats I pulled for each team on Tex and Wash schedules: Yards per rush OFEI (opponent adjusted offensive efficiency) points per play passer rating yards per pass DFEI (opponent adjusted defensive efficiency) Opponent Yards per rush points per play allowed. Opp pass rating Opp yards per attempt allowed I could have kept going, but tbh I ran out of steam. (no conspiracy, I just happened to start with these stats and got too bored to keep going) Preface You can draw your own conclusion about how useful the stats are. Was the Pac 12 roughly as strong as the Big XII this season? In pass defense, rush offense, rush defense, etc? idk. You can interpret the stats how you like. For purposes of the below, I largely assume that the conferences are roughly equal. (Only because I don't know of any good adjusted stats, and even if I did, I'm not a math guy but I wonder how good they would be with so few cross conference games between quality opponents this season.) Takeaway #1 - Based on the stats I pulled, Washington and OU had about the same season offensively and defensively. Matchups/schemes/injuries aside, this would provide reason to expect a close game. Offensively (national ranking): Yards per rush/ OFEI / points per play / pass rating / yards per pass 40th/ 6th/ 6th / 11th / 9th (UW) vs 45th / 7th / 8th / 4th / 5th (OU) Defensively (national ranking): DFEI / opponent yard per rush / opp points per play / opp pass rating / opp yards per pass att 27th/ 70th/ 27th / 23rd / 23rd (UW) vs 21st / 55th / 22nd / 12th / 27th (OU) Obviously, the big difference is, unlike OU, UW found a way to win the games where it shit the bed. lol. Takeaway # 2 - Looking at Texas' schedule, Texas scored about 30 points against defenses about as good as UW's. Defensively, if UW is a 27/70/27/23/23, the next best Washington comps are Iowa State (28/37/26/13/19) and Wyoming/KState (average = 41/84/39/28/28) Against OU/Iowa State/Wyoming/KState, Texas scored 30, 26, 31, 33. Based on these stats alone, ignoring matchups, injuries, schemes, etc., you would expect Texas to score about 30 against a defense of this caliber. (Most of Texas' big score games came against really bad defenses). Based on the numbers, Alabama has a significantly better defense than Wash (9/31/19/20/18). Yes Texas scored 34 against Alabama, but Texas' offense had a very good game against Bama and won the turnover battle 2-0. Takeaway # 3 - Looking at Texas' schedule, it's not easy to say how many points Texas would have allowed to an offense about as good as UW's. OU is a good comp (again, matchups aside) for UW. Surprisingly, so is Kansas. If UW is a 40/6/6/11/9, Kansas is a 9/10/13/15/6. (again these are national rankings based on unadjusted stats, with the exception of OFEI.) I think it's hard to take too much from the Kansas' game, due to their bad defense and overall caliber of athlete. Then you have K State (31 / 12 /19 / 52 / 67) which doesn't pass the ball as well, and Alabama (85 / 21 / 23 / 10 / 4 ), which didn't run the ball as well, based on raw, unadjusted stats. Here, it's one thing to say that OU and K-State faced pass defenses about as good as UW did over the course of the season. But it's hard to imagine saying that about run defenses faced when it comes to Alabama and UW. So this is just a really clear limit of the stats I had handy. Assuming you use OU/Bama/K-State as Washington offense comps (ignoring the Kansas result and figuring that Bama's rush is at least as good as UW's), Texas allowed just over 29 points against OU/Bama/K-State. Again, these are just rough sanity check type thought experiments, there is a lot more to say and this isn't meant to be predictive. I think one of the interesting takeaways here is - again, assuming the pac-12 and big xii pass defenses are pretty similar, UW didn't average a higher passer rating or yards per pass than OU or Kansas throughout the season, UW just threw the ball a lot more per game. Run with that fact as you will. Takeway # 4 - UW didn't face a defense that did as well in the Pac-12 this season as Texas did against its schedule. Oregon was closest. Texas 7/5/9/26/31 vs Oregon 15/18/10/17/15. (7th adjusted defense vs Oregon's 15th) No one else on UW's schedule is really close. Notably, Oregon has a better pass defense, at least per the unadjusted stats, though Texas' defense is better overall. UW scored an average of 35 points vs Oregon. UW offense also laid some eggs against Oregon State, ASU, and Wazzu. I didn't check, but I assume they had more offensive plays/drives against Oregon. Hard one to call. Unclear to me why UW's points production was so uneven this season. If UW had played more top defenses, we would have more data to look at. Takeway # 5 - UW didn't face a good comp to the Texas offense, even assuming Pac-12 roughly equal to Big XII. On paper, Texas definitely doesn't have an offense as good as USC's or Oregon's. USC put up 42. Oregon put up 31 and 33. No one else hit 30 in a competitive game. Texas is a 25/15/17/17/18. Arizona is a 36/11/21/9/23 and scored 24. Oregon State is a 29/8/26/32/20 and scored 20. I'd put a little less stock in these results for the same reason I don't put too much stock in Kansas offense's output against Texas. (athletic differences + weaknesses on the other side of the ball affecting output). So, yeah, idk. I will say I did come away from this thinking that Texas is prolly gonna have to work for points. Final Caveat. Again, these are just random musings. I wanted to see how Texas and UW fared against other good opponents. Turns out you basically just look at Texas/OU and UW/Oregon (lol) but I think it also helps to eliminate the games that aren't really all that informative. And then we are left with (to some extent) Arizona, Oregon State, K-State, Bama, and Iowa State, all of which tend to suggest we should expect a close game in the low 30s, absent considerations of some huge mismatch, be it talent, athleticism, luck, turnovers, scheme, etc. hook em.
  5. The good thing about our path is we've been able to win away from home. When we play Wisconsin it will be approaching a month since they played away from home. This is going to be a new environment for them.
  6. Grew up idolizing Staubach, admiring Napoleon McCallum, and watching David Robinson, and always had a Navy lean. I joined the Marine Corps the day after I graduated high school, enlisted. Navy lean continued through early adulthood. Oldest son ended up going to West Point after I bet him his freshman year of high school that he wouldn't last in Jrotc more than 4 weeks. He was a bit...um...chubby... and nonathletic. He wasn't exactly thrilled with activities that required effort. He developed bigtime through high school and wanted to attend Air Force both for the opportunity and because his mentor was a USAFA grad. He did the night at AirForce with the cadets. He also did similar visit at A&M( which killed me, but I knew what the value was,) but that was literally his Plan B school. He got a late invitation to do the visit at West Point. He fell in love with it immediately. He called us on the first evening, "Mom, Dad, this is where I belong. I want to go to West Point more than anything." We would subsequently visit Annapolis on a family trip to the DC area that summer. "Nope. It's still West Point." He ended up NOT getting his appointment that following spring, but rather a plain, unassuming plain brown envelope that would change his life.( see also: massive amount of prayers against A&M.) It was a sponsorship to attend one of a list of selected Prep Schools, with the promise of "Take care of business, and you'll earn your appointment to West Point, one year later." Both my wife and I thought it was some sort of con, as you can't just go do a little extra' to earn that appointment. It was legit, as it was from the Association of Graduates however, and it came down to our son being very qualified with grades, leadership, and community service. He was 6'4 and MAYBE 170- not the chubby kid any more; but the concern was whether he could endure the training. The year of Prep School would allow his body to mature a bit. Well, it did. When we first went to West Point for A Day( a ceremony of Acceptance into the Corps of Cadets, after BEAST training;) I knew immediately why he fell in love with the place. My wife and I did too. The history,the legacy of leadership, the standards, the setting on the Hudson. It was incredible. I went to my first Army-Navy Game in 2014 in Baltimore. It was beyond awesome. The following year our whole family went to the game in Philadelphia and it was great! I teased him that I would yell for Army for 4 years and then switch back, due to my roots. That didn't happen, and likely never will. I love what the experience meant to him, and for that I will always yell for West Point. Now I can't wait to take my grandson when he is old enough to take it all in. Our younger son later enlisted in the Navy, but even he says, "Hey, I'm enlisted. It really doesn't matter who wins, unless we get liberty out of it." LOL We have retired enlisted Air Force and Navy relatives. He's the only one with Academy connections, and that makes all the difference in the world. Go Army! Beat Navy!!! Sing Second!!!
  7. Yeah, that's a good point. Was talking with my gambling addicted cousin and we laughed about that scene in "Casino" where Pesci is describing how Ace Rothstein knew every little angle about college football games. QB's dating situation, who was the referee, wind speed, etc. And that was in the 60's and 70's, long before internet and cell phones. And then all the info became readily available to the average joe, casual gambler 20-25 years ago. And still, the spreads remain the same, the house still wins, and there's still degenerates. But it's yet another new age where players come and go or sit out, most of which occurs after the initial spreads are put out. Bowl season used to be a haven for smart money, and even my dumbass made a few bucks. But now? It's a another brave new world and nobody knows nothing about nothing again. When speaking with students in b-school about trends and unicorns and all that cliche shit. I'd tell them...the original 'crowd-sourcing' in America was sports betting point spreads. That's all it ever was. It wasn't a measure of how much better a team was, it was how much money thought this way and how much money thought that way, and in between there was some action for the small business (aka, "The House" or "The Book"), and they were just market makers. That's it. That's all it is. USA Today didn't achieve its peak circulation because of the fun graphics and colorful photographs. They made it because it was the one uniformly available newspaper in every single town in the United States. People literally got whacked over differences in spreads according to different papers when the advent of calling cards and cell phones came along in the 1990s. Finally, it was tacitly agreed upon that whatever USA Today printed as the spread in the back of their sports page each Friday (for NCAA & NFL) would be the gold standard because everybody could see it for $.50-$1.50. So circulation spiked because every armchair QB and sportsbar patron bought a Friday and Monday copy every single week for a decade. And that, as they say, was that.
  8. Yeah if you would have told me the Rockets were going to be 3-1 vs Denver on 12/8 before the season started I would have thought you to be delusional. If you would have told me that is the same number of wins the Spurs would have in total I would have died laughing yet here we are. Speaking of those pinche pendejos we better beat they ass on Monday and keep their misery streak going.
  9. Would love to put this in DT and see it defended, but it'll get moved here anyways. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-historical-commission-book-removal/ The Texas Historical Commission Removed Books on Slavery From Plantation Gift Shops An agency spokesperson claimed that the move had nothing to do with politics. Internal emails show otherwise. After visiting the Varner-Hogg plantation an hour south of Houston, amateur historian Michelle Haas was incensed by what she had seen. At an exhibit that details the farm’s use as a sugar plantation worked by at least 66 slaves in the early nineteenth century, she’d watched an informational video. To her mind, it focused too much on slavery at the site and not enough on the Hogg family, which had turned its former home into a museum celebrating Texas history. She’d also seen books in the visitor center gift shop written by Carol Anderson and Ibram X. Kendi, two Black academic historians who have been outspoken on the issue of systemic racism. Outraged, she emailed David Gravelle, a board member of the Texas Historical Commission, the agency that oversees historical sites at the direction of leaders appointed by Governor Greg Abbott. “What a s—show is this video,” Haas wrote on September 2, 2022. “Add to that the fact that the activist staff member doing the buying for the gift shop thinks Ibram X. Kendi and White Rage have a place at a historic site.” Over the next eight months, Haas continued to email Gravelle, advocating for such books to be removed. In turn, Gravelle, a marketing executive based in Dallas, took up the cause internally at the Historical Commission, calling on agency staff to do away with the titles Haas didn’t think belonged at the gift shops. By November of this year, it appeared Haas’s demands were met. The Texas Historical Commission no longer sells White Rage by Anderson or Stamped From the Beginning by Kendi, or 23 other works to which Haas later objected, at two former slave plantations in Brazoria County, including Varner-Hogg. Among the literature no longer available for purchase is an autobiography of a slave girl, a book of Texas slave narratives, the celebrated novel Roots by Alex Haley, and the National Book Award–winning Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. The Texas Historical Commission did not provide Texas Monthly with a list of titles no longer for sale. Chris Florance, a spokesperson for the agency, said many books were removed from the historical sites as part of an effort that he said was launched in March to reduce inventory as the agency transitions to a new point-of-sale software system. Emails acquired by Texas Monthly through an open-records request reveal, however, that Gravelle was concerned about the way those books presented Texas history and about potential attention from state lawmakers over what books were available for purchase. The emails also show that he had raised those concerns in February, before the agency decided to change its software system. Haas, a graphic designer from Corpus Christi who sells Texas-themed merchandise, has spent years critiquing historical narratives about slavery. In 2006, she cofounded Copano Bay Press, an independent publishing house specializing in firsthand accounts of Texas history. She wrote and published 200 Years a Fraud, a full annotation of Solomon Northup’s 1853 memoir Twelve Years a Slave, which was made into an Oscar-winning film in 2013. In her book, Haas disputes Northup’s account of his life and argues that many U.S. histories are overly harsh to the South and do not acknowledge that slavery was “a socially acceptable and economically worthwhile practice worldwide at the time our thirteen colonies arose.” In 2022, Haas launched the Texas History Trust, a nonprofit advocacy organization that aims to fight back against what it describes as “historical societies, university history departments and authors who warp Texas history based on feelings, not the historical record.” She has protested the inclusion of so-called “woke ideology,” “neo-Marxist” influence, and critical race theory in Texas schools, even though CRT—a framework for examining systemic racism, for example in lending patterns—is not taught below the college level in the Lone Star State. Haas says that Gravelle, who declined multiple requests from Texas Monthlyfor an interview, was familiar with her before her September 2022 email about the Varner-Hogg plantation. According to Haas, Gravelle is listed on the Texas History Trust’s mailing list and has purchased books from Copano Bay Press. She felt confident that he would be an ally in her effort to get books she doesn’t like removed from the plantation site. “We don’t go yachting together or anything,” Haas said. “[But] he’s someone who’s friendly to us.” Internal Texas Historical Commission emails reveal her assumption was correct. In the first week of February, a few months after Haas reached out,Gravelle emailed three of the commission’s board members, including the chairman, and two high-ranking staff members, citing concerns “about some of the books (and perhaps other items) and the interpretation at our sites that are not about accurate Texas history, but seem to wander off into present social issues.” Gravelle wrote that he was inquiring because he’d seen a video that questioned the sale of certain books at historical sites, an apparent reference to a recording produced by Haas and posted on the Texas History Trust’s YouTube channel in December 2022. Rest of article: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-historical-commission-book-removal/
  10. I remember posting last March that we better win the whole fucking this this year because by next season the discipline, defense, and roster construction of Beard would be long gone. Injuries happened, we didn't get it done, and now we're back wandering the desert looking for the next great coach. As shitty as Beard seems off the court this is also why I advocated giving him a second chance. He was the perfect fit here on the court, I knew the media outrage only lasts 10 seconds in this day of over stimulation, and he was going to be a perfect reclamation project. But now he's Ole Miss's perfect reclamation project instead of our own. We can stand tall on our self righteous principles feeling good about ourselves while we watch Rodney Terry bumblefuck this program back to missing the tourney. We chose this path as a university so we have no room to complain. Just take the losing and get on with life.
  11. last time we were this bad through 8 games we went 11-22. our roster has an average of 3.06 years in d-1 ball, making this the 8th most experienced team in the country. we should not be looking back after 8 games only able to pick out a few good halves of basketball here and there, exclusively against cupcakess. it isn’t like this team needs time to jell, like they’re all still getting accustomed to one another and they’re just out there over thinking things, having not mastered the offense/defense. it’s that the offense and defense we are employing aren’t any good, despite our roster being better than most. guys are out there doing what we’re asking of them, and the team just isn’t very good. coaching matters. 24/7, 365 it matters. there’s no amount of time that’s going to pass that’s going to make RT a great coach, which again, is 24/7 gig. we knew who he was coming into this thing. yet for whatever reason, 99% of sports fans still don’t understand that a great coach is worth more than five great players, and that in order to win at this level you need a great coach. you’d think that Beard taking the steaming pile of dog shit that shaka left behind and immediately turning into a respectable team and then a great team in 18 months would have proven that beyond a doubt, but i guess not. don’t delude yourselves; we’re in for a long season. coaching matters so much more than we act like it does.
  12. I'd much rather watch aggy stick their crank in a blender against Ole Miss than watch us beat BYU 35-6, as a for example. So, if I had to watch one or another and we were playing Rice or Wyoming and I knew they were going to lose I'd watch that one. But them losing doesn't come anywhere near the joy to me of us winning if it's an important or meaningful game. Also- them losing can never be bad for me. Us winning- like- say UH- can be really irritating and not a cause for joy. I'd take us firing on all cylinders over them firing on none every day of the week and twice on Sunday, but you aren't giving it credit for the proper amount of nuance. All the same applies to OU of course.
  13. Its pretty simple for me. In the Big 12 Championship game, we win we go to the Mythical National Championship game because of chaos. There was no reason to not expect to win as we destroyed them earlier in the season.. Simms proceeds to throw the ball to the other team(Colorado)...........repeatedly. 4 turnovers resulted in 26 points. Applewhite comes in in relief and throws for 240, mostly in the second half and almost brings us back. Applewhite starts the Holliday bowl and sets passing records(443 and 4 TDs) The pick Major threw in that game early, they panned to Simms and he was having a good ole time laughing his ass off. Fuck Chris Simms for what could have been. That is why so may people hate him. Very similar to why people hate on Blake Gideon.........What could have been. I will say, the Simms choke job was much, much worse.
  14. Oh man the spin on these hires is going to be gold. "No, we didn't get the flashy big names & we didn't want them. Don't listen to the naysayers in Austin, a&m never really wanted the big names (Lanning, Deboer, Dabo). Sure we called them just for due diligence & if we wanted them we would have had them. If a&m offers Sark $10mm a year he wouldn't even finish the playoffs, he'd be on the next greyhound here if needed. But we didn't want them. We wanted the right guy. That's Elko. Same for Klein. Elko was given a blank check & he went and got exactly who he wanted. Big name? No. Big results? You bet. Look at the points he put up at KSU. KSU!! He just turned down PSU. PSU couldn't pull Klein but a&m pulled him away just by giving him a little wink because he knows what kind of opportunity this is. Just imagine what he's going to be able to do with all the talent right in a&m's back yard. Elko isn't going after the splashy hires, he's going after the guys that have a chip on their shoulder, ready to prove to the world that they belong at a top 5 job. That's what a&m is. Top 5. Ask anyone & the only people who will argue with you are the ones in Austin or the ones who are just jealous. a&m is a top 5 job any way you look at it. Facilities? Top 5. Fan Base? Top 5 - obviously the best imo. Commitment? Top 5. We just need the wins to match it & Elko has the right guys to get us there. I couldn't be more excited."
  15. This is great man, I'd love to see it again in a year. My suspicion what we see now is a bit of overvaluation on the conferences we see acquiring teams and we'll see a decrease in valuation somewhere to even it out. For instance, Texas leading the SEC is off a rank derived from being Bama, yes, but also Big 12 schools. If we assume the same projected power, and why wouldn't we, that decrease will not be felt in the B12 anymore, but instead against A&M, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Florida, and Kentucky, who will now own those losses. Same holds true for Oregon. They're going to get their wins, but now they have to beat Michigan, Ohio State and Washington next year to replicate those results. If they win out, either Michigan or Ohio State will have two losses at the end of the year, diminishing their score. If the SEC/B1G were pushing only for the post season, they'd make sure their big brands only play one big brand a year, increasing the amount of 1 loss powers, but TV execs won't allow that to happen. Fox will easily screw ESPN on the post season to increase the value of their in-season schedule. The same was shown in the B12 this year. Cinci, Houston, BYU, and UCF likely had much higher scores last year, especially Cinci, but then met the meat grinder of P5 scheduling. You simply cannot have someone go up, without something else going down. Next year for the B12 they'll have someone make the next jump, because there will be 16 less losses in conference play with Texas/BlowU moving out. I agree fully with you that I expect Arizona and Utah to immediately step into top quad contenders, but the list of who could make it there with them includes KState, ISU, OkSt, WVU, Kansas, TCU, Colorado. They'll either suffer from the Pac 12 issue of no one ever getting through unscathed, or a couple are going to end up looking like power houses. To your point, no historical champs, but I think their ceiling looks higher than the ACC's with historic champs. I've been saying it for a year, and @bullet sort of just proved it. In the new 12 post season, I expect to see 3.5 teams a year each between the B1G/SEC (absorbing the Pac's old spot), 2/each for the B12/ACC, and one school from the PacMWC/SunBelt/AAC (likely in that order) each year with ND stealing one of the ACC's spots when good, since they can't ever receive a bye. I also expect to see the B12/ACC get more wins than most expect in that first round, which will give a huge bonus to whatever school can do it consistently. Semi's in, I expect historic power to dominate.
  16. Cool cool cool. Again, I wasn't hyper critical of shit. Go look at what you quoted. It was me pointing out (that for any administration in the history of ever) employment is a lagging indicator not a leading indicator. By the way- I wrote the jacking off about Sark based upon program trends in July of 2022. And I was dead balls on right. I'm telling you that you have to distinguish between leading and lagging indicators and in football a leading indicator is roster quality and a lagging indicator is wins. In economics emloyment is a lagging indicator. You literally quoted something from me saying essentially a non-controversial law of how this whole thing works and tried to make something political which was not. Remember- jobs and unemployment are a lagging indicator and they won't be significantly up until a recession is well on, and they won't start going down until we are out of a recession and into recovery.
  17. They definitely should. And then keep asking him. Dotard has no self-control, he'd eventually slip up, "WON"T NEED ONE" or go full "YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT, I'M RUNNING AGAIN". It wouldn't dissuade his supporters, and might even encourage them, but it might help more people recognize the danger. If he wins in 2024, he'll never step down willingly, and I doubt we have another election. It will be a sham if we do.
  18. If we were to actually land one of A&Ms DL transfers, that place would go apocalyptic. What if we scored the game winning touchdown at Kyle Field on a long pass to Evan Stewart, while Walter Nolan sealed the game with a sack on 4th down?
  19. Not really? Maybe you are forgetting the previous 14 years? Granted we would have not been happy about it, especially if Bama got in ahead of us, but the goal this year was the win the fucking conference finally. And we did that. If we got shipped off to the Cotton Bowl sure that would be less good but ultimately it would have been alright. If we didn't like it, well maybe we shouldn't have lost to OU? Of course now that we are in the playoff, well now we want to win it. The bitter fucking pill was the LAST FUCKING 14 YEARS. Not going 12-1 you idiot. Ok...again did you see what sort of season we had in 2014? When you are shitty you really don't care about much else besides yourself and how to turn it around. Being a goddamn fuckiing spoiled OSU fan whose worst season since 1930 was that one time you went 8-3 in 1985 or whatever you have no idea what that is like. Your team won the Goddamn National TItle in 2014 and you are bitter at the school who went 6-7? Fuck off.
  20. He was up and down, but I left the game very impressed with him. He threw a few absolute darts and his receivers made some really nice plays for him. It wasn't a very clean game from either side. Regardless, I felt like UW won the game on the line of scrimmage. Texas couldn't run for shit and Washington could. UW made Texas one dimensional and our receivers didn't make enough plays to win. That was the ballgame. We have to have better line play on both sides. Nobody has been able to run on Texas all year, save for the first quarter against Bama and whatever scrambling that asshole from OU did. If UW is able to run, it's going to be a bad night. I like our chances with Sweat, Murphy and competent linebacking.
  21. there you go. play equivalent defense (hear me out) and win the turnover margin by at least +1. we shit the bed on turnovers that game.
  22. He did more than keep the wheels on the wagon. He led a very talented team to six straight postseason wins. The question is whether or not he can put together another group of guys like that. He deserves to get a few seasons to try. Evaluating him in December is pointless, anyway. We could go 10-8 in the B12, wind up a 9 seed, but if we win a couple more tournament games it would be another good season. I'd certainly rather have RT than that chucklefuck fraud on the other bench that beat him by 20 last night.
  23. Counter point - Washington will be the best offense we face, OU hurry up no huddle rivalry motivated mouth breathers would be second. [Insert but Washington beat Oregon twice and that’s a rivalry on par with Texas OU yada yada yada] I’ll feel comfortable when we cross 42 points so more like 45 to be certain we win. and up two scores in the 3rd? Show us that all gas no brakes bullshit you talk about. No Houdini act in the 3rd please. again that plus 3-4 stops and a turnover and Texas wins going away. Can we put all of that together? I dunno.
  24. I like you and I like your posting. You provide value to this board. I have sympathy for you and some of the issues you’ve discussed on this board. I like that you and I want a NC in basketball, and we seem to be one of the few people who actually want a competitive basketball program and not just entertainment in between football and baseball. With that said, you should strongly considering deleting this. This is a very, very strong accusation, and (I’m not lawyer) it seems that if someone from that side go ahold of this, it could be trouble for you and the board. But more importantly, I’m genuinely concerned that your hatred of Shaka and inability to move on has an influence on your health. I was ready for him to go and I got my wish. Moreover, I got my bigger wish which was us hiring Beard. 3 years later, I just don’t care what Shaka does. He wins? Great. He loses? Cool, I don’t care. Same for Herman and Strong in football. But accusations like the above have the ability to do harm to many people, yourself included. You aren’t going to change the minds of media and what other people think about Shaka because of what he didn’t or didn’t do at Texas because you’re personally hurt for some of the things he did (didn’t do) while here. Just a quick thot…
  25. i have a feeling that we need to go all BMW on offense to win tonight. marquette is better than we are, at least thus far. we’re still integrating new players and going without maybe our best player, and we’re playing a really good team full of vets with no new pieces from last year. and we’re stepping into a very hostile environment. the eight point spread is deserved. it’ll probably be a game where each team goes on a few runs. the only other thing besides shooting that can really help us is rebounding. they don’t crash the glass on offense so we need to dominate the defensive boards. if they’re getting second and third shots then we’re done.
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