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  1. Whichever staff handles the distractions better can prepare better. I loved seeing Vince on TV yesterday. I don't know if Vince has 100% access to the team, but he sure can help the players stay focused, I believe. lm sure everyone here remembers Vince "Whoever wants to beat Ohio St. show up at xxx hour". Obviously I don't remember the exact quote but the Ohio St. victory and the Alabama victory this year are comparable. I am not personally in favor of any additions to play packages. I think the team changed when Brooks went down. I remember typing that when he went down we weren't going to win the Big12 without him. Did Sark really discover over the middle passes after Brooks went down? I have seen a few over the middle passes since Brooks. I think Washington will have trouble preparing for all we can do offensively. And Ewers hasn't run the ball, except for the one run yesterday, since getting injured, so with him 100% healthy that is another aspect Wash should prepare for. This team reminds me of possibly only two teams, the 2004 and 2008 teams. No team should ever be compared with the 2009 team, being held together by a dominant QB and one receiver on offense. I believe both the 2004 and '08 teams had a will to win and a next man up philosophy this team has. This team has improved vastly as the season went on much better than any of Mack's teams. I think this team is much more versatile on offense. This team has enough good RBs to run the wishbone, and enough really good receivers to run the run and shoot. Of course none of that matters. At this point, there are only three factors remaining. Luck, injuries, and the football gods. And we all know the football gods owe us big time for January 2010. It is payback time.
  2. I feel like James Brown gets overlooked in these discussions, especially in the “big picture” context. Last SWC and first Big XII Championships. Reminded us we could actually beat OU and A&M on multiple occasions ….brought a swagger that still resonates today as evidenced by the weekly “maybe we’ll beat them by xx points” posts on each betting line thread started every week. Fact of the matter is that in the early 90’s Texas was very much the “uncool school” for DISD, HISD and Deep East Texas talent, which was either flooding out of state, or to A&M and OU. And yes, at that time, a Black starting QB at Texas was a big deal. James Brown committed to Texas despite being one year behind the Annointed Savior Shea Morenz, seized the opportunity when it was presented, and never looked back. He made it cool to go to UT. And he was a bad motherfucker. It was a different era offensively, but he posted numbers that stood up until Colt, Vince and even David Ash took down. He took down OU after 4 or more straight losses as a RS Freshman backup. He lead us to a win for the first time in forever at Kyle Field while playing on a sprained ankle. The discussion of greatest post-DKR era UT quarterbacks absolutely must include James Brown.
  3. Another thread? Don’t give a flying fuck. 😎 - We blast the fuck out of Oklahoma State to win the Big 12 Championship on our way out the door - We get to the CFP for the first time and we are in a sneaky good position. My dad (ou fan because my uncle played there) said we will get a home game in NOLA and another one if we get to Houston. My response “you’re goddamn right” - Volleyball beats aggy and SMU on their way to yet another S16 - Women’s basketball beat the ever living fuck out of UConn in front of a packed house that included Sark and the men’s basketball team - I won some money at Wynn and Resorts World - aggy crying because their beloved savior who they said “you’re good enough to get us croots but you’re not good enough to be our DC so stay here because of the croots not because we like you or anything” told them to fuck off and left and they keep crying the media got us in the CFP and we are going to get blasted by Wershington lol. It was a great fucking weekend for Texas Longhorns athletics, and we still have business to take care of. Leggo.
  4. Dear UT coaches and administration - Sark after dark, sark up before the larks, it don’t matter. you got this. Nothing like a night game in New Orleans - that’s NOT DKR so be ready, you’ll have to make travel plans. CDC make sure his iPhone charger works for the alarm, def don’t want to oversleep, and make sure he knows it’s a Jan 1 kick off. They changed the name to ceasers or some shit, it used to be Mercedes Benz, but that is just a sponsor it’s the superdome in New Orleans. Watch out for traffic on I-10 it’s not always friendly, and the gumbo could be a dinesh Patel special so best to be careful. In the end you just gotta prepare and be ready to score more points than Washington, but if you can’t do that at least win the turnover battle that’s important. Go fuck their shit up. Vindi vino devinchi and tell Quinn to stream fortnite but not too late NYE and tell VY we need his mojo horns up! sincerely, troph
  5. If you go back from the Arizona game through the last game of the season the biggest margin of victory has been 10 points or less. That’s like 8 straight games of 1-2 possessions that could have gone either way. If Texas plays a clean game we should absolutely win by 14. So we will see.
  6. We're going to take our pound of flesh to avenge last year's loss...which we played without Bijan or Roshon and Worthy dropped two easy TDs because he had a broken hand. If we play Texas football, we win.
  7. You feel like could have been a massive blowout if we hadn't gotten tight in the fourth. Ladies played their butts off. Amina 6 for 8 15 points 8 boards and 2 steals First win over "Huskies" we are going to get this season.
  8. I'll be curious to see how the playoff game(s) affect his decision. Logic would say they "shouldn't", outside of terrific or terrible performances, but he's a lifetime UT fan. If we fall just short, will he come back for another shot? If we win it all, will he go pro, regardless of draft predictions?
  9. I’m not an expert on our personnel but I agree and mentioned Mohammed. In a nickel or dime set we are going to want some physicality at the DB position are we not? I think Blue and Baxter will do fine. We are going to have to score 50 to know we win I’m afraid - unless PK does some scheme wizardry. In the end if we can control the LoS on defense and get lots of pressure we will be ok. I think disrupting their WR would be a good thing. But hell I dunno. these games matter at a different level, let’s truly be all gas no brakes instead of rest stop third quarter potty break.
  10. Hahaha we did it. We were here when we lost to Kansas before it was cool (twice) not crossing the 50 yard line against Iowa state before Matt Campbell. Going 5-7 far too long. Charlie Strong. Steve Patterson. Tyrone Swoopes/Heard. The Texas Bowl. Missing an extra point to win the game. But weeeerrrreeee back bitches. 2 more games. Let’s do this.
  11. If Georgia had won we'd be 4th, I said all along the only thing that mattered was us winning and how they felt about FSU and that we would go in ahead of an undefeated FSU
  12. I should go back and track all the people in this thread (including you and immamac) that told me either that we wanted Georgia to win or that rooting for Alabama was pointless. If Georgia had won, we would have been out. Some crow needs to be served.
  13. Well, we just finished up most of a wildly successful year. We went into Bama and buttfucked them to the tune of a 10 point win when we had the ball for the last 8 minutes and clowned them when they couldn't stop us on the ground after we threw all over their ass when they thought they could cover us straight up. Would have been 17 points if we wanted it to be. Could have been 28 if we didn't drop 2 TD's and an interception. Then, we literally laid waste to the big 12. We now have scoreboard on every single team left in that shit ass conference and we got to boo Yormark off the stage while ironically chanting SEC SEC SEC at those fucking left behind dipshits. I'm going to pretend, for the sake of happiness that the last 78 seconds of the OU game didn't happen. Lets agree to never speak of that again. Basically, what it boils down to is Texas is pretty likely the best team in the country, we have a great offensive mind for a head coach that's awesome when he gets plenty of time to prepare, a loaded roster and the best team we've had in 15 years (this team is better than 09) while being headed into an SEC that we are going to skullfuck. But first, we lay waste to Washington on January 1, 2024 in the Sugar Bowl, before going ahead and likely taking care of Bama in Reliant Stadium in Houston. Game week notes and threads and thoughts and the like go here. Hook Em high like an eagle soars!
  14. The dipshittery on this board won't easily go away for me. The degree to which so many railed against Sark & Quinn is exactly the kind of crap that created the clusterf*ck around the Stoops-Elko fiasco. The UT brain trust 5-10 years would have listened to the these dip shits and run Sark & Quinn out of town. At least we fixed the top. Kinda like calling someone's mother a whore. You can take it back and apologize. But things are never the same. Dipshits 2.0. Re: SEC getting left out of CFP ... because Texas beat the SEC Champion ... the first tangible data point of Texas "ruining" the SEC, beating them ... on the football field . (Pls see Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and TAMU) We're Texas! "Florida State and Texas should be rewarded for scheduling and beating LSU and Alabama." So ... today ... I feel a peaceful contentment that I've not felt for a long time. Texas won the last B12 Championship, to go along w/ winning the first Big 12 Championship, to go with winning the last SWC Championship. Things are right w/ the world. People opened their eyes and saw what we already knew. Long time haters from across the county, the SEC honks, the media mouthpieces, even aggy, like apocalyptic zombies, lining up to sing Texas' praises and jump on the bandwagon. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
  15. Yep. It will be even worse than when Cincy played Bama. They sleptwalk to a boring win. Putting FSU in guarantees a bye for their opponent. Can coast to a win and exert much less energy. The discussion absolutely has to be FSU vs Bama, not Bama vs Texas. We already saw that this year. Spare me it was earlier in the year. It all counts. If the early in the year argument works, then why even play an OOC schedule with a pulse? Just go the route of Oregon playing Tech, Portland State, Hawaii. They benefitted from it and was ahead of us the whole time.
  16. I’m here to eat a big fucking plate of crow. When we hired Sark I was like “what the fuck?” It’s a good thing I’m not the AD or anyone in charge, they appear to have hired the right guy. We have more swagger than pretty much anyone else in the country right now and we appear poised to take over college football for a long time. Today’s game was a work of art. I was happy to have Sark at the helm pretty much all day….but when he brought in Brooks for the victory snap and let Arch Manning toss him the game ball, I finally realized that we probably have the best coach in America for the next decade. This crow doesn’t taste too bad with some BBQ sauce on top. Let’s go win the fucking playoff and go on a decade of dominating college football!!
  17. That’s what makes it so exciting. In 2001, I was bummed to not go to the NC game, but not really because I knew we would get our ads kicked. This is different - I believe this team could win the playoffs! We could bring that trophy “all the way back to Austin Texas baby!”
  18. I already made a thread about this (but it got deleted because there are so many shell-shook pussies on this board). Texas WILL be in the playoff. It will be made official tomorrow at noon. Bama beating Georgia sealed that outcome for us. Let me spell it out for you. The committee has continuously communicated with their weekly rankings that they value the Texas head-to-head win over Bama, and the committee specifically reiterated the importance of head-to-head THIS WEEK. They’ve been very consistent in keeping Texas ranked ahead of Bama ALL season. There’s no reason at all to assume that the committee will change up now. Most of the talking heads have Texas at #3 right now and believe that the #4 spot is a battle between Bama and FSU. We are fucking good this year. The national media and public perception of Texas has finally realized it (granted, the Oregon and Georgia losses helped with this--resulting in less total cock for the media to gobble). The bottom line is, we are going to the playoff. The only real question at this point is whether we'll be playing Michigan in the Rose Bowl or Washington in the Sugar Bowl. I don't know who the committee will pick between FSU and Bama and frankly I don't care. I think it'd be LOLhilarious if the SEC missed out on the playoff in the final year of the 4-team format (which is a very real possibility).
  19. I hope so. But I won't be surprised if we are #5 since Florida State is going to win. We'll see. Hope so. But now it is up to the Committee.
  20. Fuck em all! I hope we win and Texas gets in boys! Go blue and hook em!
  21. We are in. You dudes gotta get the sand out your vaginas. It will be Mich, Wash, Texas, Bama. FSU is going to get the shaft here or Bama. Not sure how the committee will sit there with a straight face after pumping UGA and Oregon being the 2 best teams most of the season and both losing. They don’t know shit. It’s easy to explain Bama being out bc they lost head to head. It’s going to be hard for them to explain how they leave Texas behind. Also, Bama looked like pure trash last week needing a miracle on 4th and 31 to win their game against a 5-7 Auburn team.
  22. If we are in, and I think we are. We still want FSU to lose to be 100% sure but truthfully seeding with an FSU win might be better. If FSU loses we probably go to the Rose to face Washington. If FSU wins we probably play Michigan.
  23. This is not the outcome we needed. The committee will not shut out the SEC….we have to have a Louisville win or we are going to get fucked.
  24. This is how I see it. There's nothing to talk about if FSU loses. Assume FSU wins later today. Pretty sure Dinich said there is protocol that allows the committee to take into account whether a key player's absence from the team would make the team uncompetitive in the post-season. 1) If Georgia wins, that protocol is our only hope, imo. Will the committee invoke that protocol to put Texas in over undefeated FSU? Maybe. 2) If Alabama wins, we could get the fourth spot over bama based on head-to-head but we also have a second way in - The committee could invoke that protocol to kick out FSU and put in the SEC champ + the team that beat the SEC champ. As Texas fans, we might be comfortable with 1), but TBH 2) seems like an easier sell for the committee and more in line with the talk from all the talking heads. (it's like a 2-for-1 you get to put in the SEC champ plus a second team (UT) that is clearly better than FSU) Here's another way to look at it. Assuming FSU and GA both win, does 1a) make the committee uncomfortable enough to keep undefeated FSU out to go to 1b) to make a space for TX? 1a) MICH WASH FSU GA 1b) MICH WASH TEXAS GA OTOH, if Bama wins, they have three options 2a) MICH WASH FSU TEX 2b) MICH WASH FSU BAMA 2c) MICH WASH BAMA TEXAS Assuming FSU wins. If GA wins, what's the %age they go from 1a) to 1b)? I think it's slim. If BAMA wins, I think our odds of 2a) + 2c) are better than 1b).
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