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  1. Not a chance Bama and Georgia both go ahead of us. Not a fucking chance, especially not after the beat down of OkSt today. I firmly believe if any of Iowa, Bama or Louisville win today, we are in.
  2. Bama win or fsu loss and we are probably in. Definitely in with fsu loss. Probably in with bama win. Georgia win just takes a spot and devalues our win over bama, it only hurts Texas chances. Unless you believe bama and Georgia are both in. Anything possible with committee, but I haven’t seen anyone propose a non champ Georgia going in over champ Texas.
  3. I'll straight up eat Crow. I was baffled and kinda pissed just because of his last issues. The 5-7 season was whatever, but then getting us to 8-5 he still had that gotta throw deep to X every other play pissed me off, but hearing him say this feels like his team, I was like OK, let's see. Then we beat Bama and I was happy, but not satisfied. Lost to ou and was pissed but still improvement. Then we got some luck and now I believe. I finally came around once we reached 10 wins. We're 12-1 with a good chance to make the CFP, we beat every fuck on the schedule that we'll never see again, and we won the conference. He did this from the ground up by recruiting and using the portal in the right way. Incredible. I'll be real, if we have to go to a NY6 bowl to face.pissibly Tulame, I'll be pissed rhat we were passed up by 2 teams that didn't deserve it because of either their weak ass schedule, or the committee is a joke (which they are). I never thought I would be ungrateful for "just" a NY6 bowl. It'll sting because this team is better than that. It'll feel just like how Georgia felt in 2018 when they lost to us.
  4. If FSU beats Louisville BIG, then we're out regardless. They aren't going to sit Bama for us despite the H2H. If FSU barely wins or loses, we aren't guaranteed with a Bama win. They could easily put Georgia in over us even when they shouldn't. I think they will. In fact, I am very confident.
  5. If FSU beats Louisville BIG, then we're out regardless. They aren't going to sit Bama for us despite the H2H. If FSU barely wins or loses, we aren't guaranteed with a Bama win. They could easily put Georgia in over us even when they shouldn't.
  6. If FSU loses, we’re going no matter what. Probably with Alabama. If FSU doesn’t lose, we want an Alabama win. So, RTR
  7. Love it. Now we go in and win the SEC too
  8. I feel like the way this is heading... we have four realistic scenarios. Let's assume Michigan and Texas are gonna win. Scenario 1: Georgia wins and FSU wins.... Texas most likely out Scenario 2: Georgia wins and FSU loses.... Texas in 100% Scenario 3: Georgia loses and FSU wins.... Texas and Bama in, FSU out? I feel some momentum shifting this way. A lot of discussion of best teams over most deserving. ESPN is gearing up to fuck FSU. Scenario 4: Georgia loses and FSU loses.... Texas and Bama in, UGA out I think Scenario 3 is going to tbe the way the committee goes if Bama and Texas end up head to head.
  9. In on page…,.who gives a shit we are winning! Lets keep it going.
  10. Someone's gotta call a TO there, but OSU changed their DB alignment on that last possession. Will be interesting to see how we react to that in the second half. Gotta run the ball and not turn it over and we should be good to go. I think 50 wins this game.
  11. We will go over Bama if they win. They might leave FSU out for Bama though.
  12. Copy / pasta from the other thread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The one thing I'm looking forward to is a book-ended Big XII championship. Longhorns come in & win the 1st one. Longhorns go out & win the last one¹. I'm predicting • Texas[emoji2392][emoji2389] [emoji830]︎ oKie Lite [emoji2390][emoji2392] Halftime Horns 21, Cowboys 14. Defense does their usual thang. Horns w/ a breakout / heavier scoring 3rd quarter, clock decided win by ~7:00 left in 4th quarter, Arch gets @ least 2 series, (1) prob. a 3 & out. Sweat eats 3/4 of a Cowpoke player, [emoji2957]pulls some traffic cone orange out of his teeth, burps the cleats. ¹While we are still in the XII
  13. (rant incoming) Maybe someone can help me out here but I'm confused. At some point are we going to actually sign good free agents or vets to try and win games and mentor these guys in the locker room? Cedi Osman is a fucking bum. McDermott can't play any D. Neither of them have ever played in a meaningful NBA game. What is the point of having guys like that on the team? I was watching Phoenix/Denver last night and Grayson Allen runs circles around any of our role players whether or not anyone thinks he's a scumbag. It isn't difficult to get a couple of guys like that on the roster. It isn't difficult to not repeatedly start quite possibly the worst player in the fucking NBA. There has been a lot of murmuring about Pop's ability to still coach at a high level. I don't know if he still has it or not. He's firmly in "show us" territory at this point, though. But that isn't really my main concern. My main concern is that I'm failing to understand what exactly the vision or mission is from an organizational and roster-building perspective. I get tanking for Wemby. That was obviously the right move. But, now what? Are we tanking again? Are we trying to win? If the former, why is Keldon Johnson still on the team (honestly I'm not sure why he's on the team either way)? If the latter, why the fuck are guys like Branham and Osman getting so many minutes? I'm a big fan of Spurs culture, team basketball, etc. but when half the team fucking sucks it honestly serves to get in the way of developing guys like Wemby and Sochan who our future is going to hinge on. I guess the plan was go into the season without a starting PG and just let Sochan be baptized by fire - but now we appear to have scrapped the Sochan experiment and so you look up and we have a good backup and a guy that should be playing in the G League at the position. Frankly, that's fucking unacceptable and GMing malpractice when you have the most highly touted prospect in 20 years joining the team. And now - we're bringing our other top 3 guy off the bench? The main goal should be figuring out how to get Wemby, Sochan and DV across the finish line and, in order, we: - can't get one of them the fucking ball with any sort of consistency or efficacy - can't figure out what position one of them should be playing - have apparently decided one of them is a microwave/6th man type of player despite, unlike most of the team, actually possessing an NBA-level skillset If there weren't so many flashes of brilliance it wouldn't even bother me as much - but Sochan and Wemby do multiple things every game that make me say "holy shit". This team has stretches where they look straight up good. You can even see some improvement around the edges. But my God this roster is like someone's dead grandma's attic. If you brought Danny Ainge in he'd spend the entire first week asking questions like "who the fuck is this?", "this guy plays how many minutes?", "what do you mean you don't have two point guards?" It's fine to be bad. It isn't fine to be this fucking bad and seemingly have little direction. I get that Pop has tenure - but I'd suggest that at a minimum he needs to either coach or GM. The two-hats routine doesn't appear to be working.
  14. Nobody is arguing that. Everyone agrees that the committee was 99% going to select the Pac10. But it's not an absolute. Very likely, yes. But not a 100% guarantee. And that's what's so frustrating arguing with idiots. You are stating with 100% certainly that you know what the committee was going to do and while they likely would have done that, there was a chance. However small. 1 in 100 is still better than 0. There would have been a discussion and you would have heard all about it from talking heads if we win our game...Should it be Texas or Oregon? And the committee would have heard that as well. Count the number of times you hear Texas should get in over Washington. It will be 0. And that's because there is no argument. I'm out. It's a moo point and some people just don't understand math.
  15. there is nothing we can do about the other games and the other teams. all we can do is fucking win. I would LOVE a 3 score lead with 5mins left, but at this point just fucking win, take the last title, and tell the conference to go fuck themselves.
  16. I would have expected this sorta low-income trash move from the SEC (arguably their largest socioeconomically connected fan base). The one thing I'm looking forward to is a book-ended Big XII championship. Longhorns come in & win the 1st one. Longhorns go out & win the last one¹. I'm predicting • Texas[emoji2392][emoji2389] [emoji830]︎ oKie Lite [emoji2390][emoji2392] Halftime Horns 21, Cowboys 14. Defense does their usual thang. Horns w/ a breakout / heavier scoring 3rd quarter, clock decided win by ~7:00 left in 4th quarter, Arch gets @ least 2 series, (1) prob. a 3 & out. Sweat eats 3/4 of a Cowpoke player, [emoji2957]pulls some traffic cone orange out of his teeth, burps the cleats. ¹Last while we are in the confeThang. [emoji869]
  17. Still on the Hot Seat next yr -- no extension. Neal Brown to return to West Virginia in 2024 "Coach Brown is going to be our football coach," AD Wren Baker said Friday. ZACH BARNETT 12 HOURS AGO Neal Brown's return to West Virginia was one of those things that, until now, went without saying, given that: A) WVU massively over-performed preseason expectations, and B) It's Dec. 1 and the school hasn't announced a change. But, when asked by WV MetroNews on Friday, AD Wren Baker went ahead and said it anyway. Neal Brown will be West Virginia's coach in 2024. “I have never said anything to speculate differently. I know other people speculate but Coach Brown is going to be our football coach. We are excited about what the future holds and we’re excited about building on what was a really good year,” Baker told the site. West Virginia was picked to finish last in the 14-team Big 12, and instead tied for fourth. “I was very pleased with the way the team performed and the way our coaches and staff performed. I thought they did a really good job. You are picked 14th [in the Big 12 preseason media poll]. I think the over/under on the win total was 4, 4-and-a-half, something like that. To finish fourth and double that win total and still have a chance to win a game in the bowl, I think our coaches did a really good job.” WVU went 6-3 in conference play and 8-4 overall. The Mountaineers will learn their bowl destination on Sunday. The eight wins are the most in Brown's five seasons on the job. While 8-4 is undoubtedly a good season, Baker is not in a rush to extend Brown's contract, either. “He still has three years left, which I think is a good amount of time. It is not like you are down to a year or two," Baker said. "Three is still a fairly significant amount of time. More than the years, what speaks to stability is the guaranteed portion of the contract. 😂The years aren’t as important as how much you have involved in if you were to make a change."
  18. I loved this from Sam and had they won the big xii against OU I think they win the NCG that year given the opportunity. Watching Bo Nix was a punch in the gut last night, imagining what the team could have been in Sark Year 1 with Sam instead of him going to the draft. That team would have been so fucking fun to watch vs the leaderless shitshow we got.
  19. This is all predicated on texas winning but today is going to be so fucking exciting. It's going to be emotional. Not sure if it's going to be great since we need some help but having a day like today the last week of the season is awesome. I couldn't ask for a better day of football. I won't be moving from my couch until about 10pm tonight and the family is aware. Love that we play at 11 am too. Maximum excitement for the rest of the games...provided we win of course.
  20. Very, very happy to be the final conference champion and have eternal conference scoreboard on every single team except UCLA (damn you, @Sbbruin!) But this is a bittersweet moment too, because this conference was a hell of a lot of fun. Goofy, crazy, siblings beating the hell out of each other, best road trips of any conference, some fun rivalries and the unfortunate habit of eating our own nearly every season. I loved it, knew all the conference teams and their fans (normally great with a couple of exceptions), went to games at every other school. It was ours, way out here on the West Coast/Best Coast, and although the fan bases were smaller than elsewhere, they loved the game, the rivalries, and the pageantry no less than anyone else. It filled my fall Saturdays for many years. I will miss it every season going forward. The conference only had one blueblood; perhaps that was part of its eventual demise. Tonight's UW win broke a tie for conference titles with UCLA - but still far behind USC. Now the enshittification of CFB brings my team to a conference we are very familiar with but that we will never fully be a part of. I will miss the Arizonas and Utahs and Oregon States and Cals. College football in this part of the country will never be the same. RIP, Pac-12. You'll be missed.
  21. I guess we should just let these people believe they were suddenly going to move Oregon down after beating an undefeated Washington for the conference championship. Like, oh shit, we’ve been mistaken for weeks now and they just had their best win of the season, but our bad.
  22. As long as PK doesn’t let millroe go D Gabriel on us we would win.
  23. This is one game where I see no real consensus. I honestly don't think it matters. The winner is going. We aren't jumping Oregon if they win. We should but we won't
  24. We're probably not making it to the CFP even if we win tomorrow. So, I'd rather stay at home because four undefeated teams went on to the playoffs. So, fuck Oregon... go Huskies!
  25. We would both go. The conference champions from the Big 10 (assuming Michigan wins obviously), SEC, Big 12, and Pac-Whatever would all go. We have a chance to get in over Oregon. We have a zero percent chance to go in over an undefeated Washington. So, we need to be rooting for Oregon.
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