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  1. Yep. Even a coach who doesn't want to be an aggy would rather not have a championship on his mantle and just throw a series. Championships are just rings that clash with his new suit. Screw it all, just throw the series and forget about a championship winning season. How do these retards keep procreating?
  2. When I went to Punta Cana we asked them about hurricanes. They were like "they never hit here - they just hit PR and veer north or south. We are blessed. PR is cursed."
  3. Something tells me all the hype behind Texas NIL isn't all true. Surely we're ahead of the game and have a high budget, but the fact that we can't really consistently crack top3 and struggle to crack the top5 recruiting classes despite this "monster budget" and relatively solid recent on-field success is a tell. Oregon has been more consistent on the field, yes, but they don't really have any signature wins/playoffs/etc. like we do. UGA is the new behemoth (justified given their winning) and tOSU is always at the top but... they're [UGA/tOSU] a league above in terms of acquiring talent and roughly equal in terms of getting portal talent. Bama was in that class, too, with the Saban discount and, of course, the absurd past 15 year run. But they're not exactly losing tons of steam and will likely finish, again, right around where we do in terms of rankings. Of course star power isn't everything, but it kind of is in terms of actually winning championships (conference or national). I know Sark is just getting going (and he's really grown on me; I was full-on Team Urban) and last year was phenomenal but we haven't really been able to capitalize on any of that, at all, in terms of recruiting success. That might change, but nobody is predicting us to vault into the top 2. If we finish top 4 again in the playoffs, maybe top 3 (recruiting). But something really smells about our NIL hype. We're being lied to by the $9.99ers. Besides Arch, we don't ever lock up top10 players in the country a year out with regularity. We've been having to steal them at the last minute. Meanwhile, tOSU and Georgia are already locking down 5* guys in 2026. Traditionally, going back to Mack, we offer national top guys late, rarely get them locked up early, and are always f*ing scrambling. Sometimes that works (last year, it worked really well), but we're not living up to the hype of "unlimited power" from the recruiting Death Star that we're being fed, sorry to say. That being said, I feel like our on-field product IS definitely getting way better and I'm absolutely m*f*ing hyped for this season and next given our absurd offensive talent.
  4. The kick in the ass seems to have been worth it if we get more NC rallies, enough with Slow Biden, leave that for the ads.
  5. Depends on where you want to be. Can't go wrong with Boulder or Golden. I would pick Boulder, personally, but it's a little farther from Coors Field. Not that much farther, plus you can take the light rail into Coors Field. Personally, I would still choose Boulder
  6. It’s kind of a shame we have to have a president
  7. Always loved Martin mull going back to Fernwood To night. That evolved out of Mary Hartman mary Hartman. I’ve never seen it in syndication.
  8. Uh, we already pay Ggg more than that. It was noted a few pages back. There is nothing slight about his results.
  9. So, tragic for a lot of reasons. What are some other institutions that have followed similar paths? Is there a way to compare apples to apples and find the outliers? OU, no matter how much they suck (it’s 10:50 and OU still sux), this is not the only university in this situation. There may be several (past) views on how each institution approached the similar issue. For example, Texas A&M increased attendance at the expense of capital expansion, cramming as many students into substandard structures, and online classes. I won’t mention the guaranteed contracts…(lol). OU took a different approach, “build it and they will come”! We as a state, send large amounts of our future resources to Alabama, Oklahoma, and other state schools fighting similar issues. Hell, UT, fagetaboutit…top 6%. Great problem to have, but, that has its own issues. Cost per student is a good metric, but not the end all be all. Not sure where I ended with this, but, Holy Cow , Batman…. WTF???1!
  10. So we put good money on the table for Sharma but Oregon decided they had to have the player. That’s gonna happen sometimes. I’m much more interested in what happened with Charles. We couldn’t beat out FSU for the guy?
  11. Depends on where you want to be. Can't go wrong with Boulder or Golden. I would pick Boulder, personally, but it's a little farther from Coors Field.
  12. I land in STT at 1:04 on Tuesday so, I’m rooting for a fast mover. Just go on and do your thing #2. Don’t dither about.
  13. Good point regarding passing. FWIW, here is how we stack up vs. last year in assists. Last year's top-5 in assists: 4.1 - Abmas 4.1 - Hunter 2.1 - Cunningham 1.5 - Disu 1.4 - Mitchell This year's team based on last year's numbers: 4.9 - Larry 3.4 - Pope 2.6 - Johnson (FIBA) 2.0 - Kaluma 1.4 - Mark
  14. This is going to be a monster Breaking: Tropical Storm Beryl has formed in the Atlantic and is expected to strengthen into a hurricane in the coming days.
  15. We’re going to have to sell off some arms next month.
  16. I’ll be heading with the family for my daughters (she’s 14 ya sick fucks) yearly cheer competition in two weeks. It’s one of the only trips we take every year that I really enjoy. I have no clue why, all I do is drink a shit ton and eat, just like I do everywhere else we go. Really like Tom and Jerry’s, and we normally go eat at Daddy’s. We rented one of the bungalows at The Sapphire this year so we will probably grill out more. If you see a guy who looks like Chuck Norris mixed with a little Brad Pitt and Dale Earnhardt that’s me.
  17. Small arms are useless, learn from Ukraine we all need to learn to fly drones in first person view for recon. Full battlefield awareness and no fog of war is better than a million small arms rounds.
  18. Not NIL or a great coaching staff or winning, but because he wants to be an aggy.
  19. ATF just had a whoooooole bunch of rules go away too
  20. If you strapped IMC into a CT with FSD enabled and then stuffed Andy Ngo in the frunk, please calculate the number of minutes until both get the Apollo 1 treatment and the world flexes in triumph. Then Buzz Aldrin punches another moon landing conspiracist in the face and climbs a tree because climbing trees is a joyful act and we are joyful now that IMC and Ngo have resolved to full Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru state. I’m timing you.
  21. Surely the Warriors aren’t going to let Klay walk for $13 million, right?
  22. I think so. Re the klay rumors... We could try to trade green into cap space and then use that to sign klay. OR, and this would be cold... We give all 26 million to klay and tell DJ thanks but no thanks. I think we give DJ that non tax MLE and try to get klay for 13.
  23. You aren't kidding, every single reply is absolute perfection, and I just wasted a lot of time going pretty far down..
  24. so i'm on my way through for like the 12th time, and i want to take a moment to appreciate lois. she's stuck on the switchboard, which she hates. then peggy gets promoted off don's desk, so lois gets off of the switchboard. then don goes to the movies instead of attending a meeting, but she doesn't know what to say when peggy asks where he is. she tells him that she covered for him, he tells her that she is not suited for this job. she goes back on the switchboard. then, right before the merger, the crew senses something is going on, so they go grab lois out and ask what she has heard. she says she's not allowed to talk about what she hears in there, but then goes ahead and tells them every detail of the ppl merger anyway, and makes them promise to get her out of there. they tell her of course. i don't know if she ever made it back onto a desk, but the next thing you know, she's running over a guy's foot with a fucking tractor. yet somehow she didn't get fired, because she appears in another episode later in s3. here's to you, lois. enjoy the switchboard forever.
  25. What do you mean a change at the top in the US? Meaning, we lose our status as top producer?
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