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  1. Yeah but what if people paid five figures to beta test software around your family?
  2. I genuinely hope that Tesla gets FSD done right, and it becomes standard on most vehicles. I really think that within our lifetimes that we could see a dramatic reduction in traffic fatalities. With that said, I would not put myself or my family in a FSD vehicle from Tesla yet. I'm glad you're beta testing it, but it has a ways to go before people like me feel comfortable with it.
  3. What could possibly go wrong. https://electrek.co/2024/03/25/elon-musk-mandates-tesla-install-demo-full-self-driving-beta-every-new-delivery/
  4. Sounds like something a gay-tarded little beta would say.
  5. Good leaders first learn to follow. Good leadership requires understanding and exhibiting a good mix of intelligence, humility, and empathy and as you note, is context specific. Except for the pretty-introverted, there are plenty of adults who would often be considered "betas" by pissbabies who actually are or would be great leaders in certain settings. It's just that those settings might be, e.g., a D&D campaign rather than a football field.
  6. There's not actually any such thing as an "alpha." Men who claim to be alpha or bitch about "betas" are just insecure little pissbabies pretending to be tough.
  7. No doubt the Alphas at TexAgs ripped that beta a new one
  8. "What do Jimbo and Trev have in common? aggy bid against themselves for their services." Dang wrong answer, I was gonna say both are cucks?
  9. https://www.threads.net/@zuck/post/C4yMa0Gxxph First post in the fediverse! We're making progress integrating Threads into the fediverse and launching a beta in a few countries that lets people choose to federate their posts. If you see this and turn it on from your profile, you'll see likes from federated platforms appear on your posts here. When you post on Threads, your post will appear on other social media apps in the fediverse, such as Mastodon. Mastodon users can then like your post, and you’ll see those likes on your original post on Threads. The idea is to allow interoperability between apps, whereas currently, everything just exists in its own universe.
  10. Huh? Cuck the naughty is a hilarious play on illuminati. I cucked the illuminati. Cuck is a verb there. Weird how you couldn't figure that out.
  11. You refer to yourself as a cuck in your own twitter handle? Interesting [/elon] You already have an asshole rolling around the state capital, might as well just grease his wheels and let him keep on rolling. We'll be putting razor wire in the Red River to keep you loonies, but when I'm governor of Oklahoma, I'll also relocate OU to Bastrop or somewhere more fitting.
  12. Aaron Rodgers says stupid political shit. Aaron Rodgers spews Covid propaganda. Aaron Rodgers on a very shortlist as a VP candidate for a prominent political family. We comment on Aaron Rodgers' stupidity. But we're the asshole beta, low-T males? Got it.
  13. Actually Dak went 12-6. Cucked and fucked by a 7 seed.
  14. Mike Greenberg is a soy boy beta cuck.
  15. Right, because you are a soyboy beta cuck. BEGONE THE TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE I SAID BEGONE
  16. So many whiny vaginas on here complaining of getting Mixon. U wanna win, you need some thugs. Even Vince said it before we won the MNC. Didn’t realize how many cuck betas are on here, but at least you all outed yourselves for the board to see.
  17. Yeah I think I’m going to try it today and report my findings, forgot this site is full of a bunch of timid betas. Scared to try what is basically a chicken parmesan
  18. 1) I guess you haven't heard - from now on, all Cheerios come pre-pissed-in. 2) It's the newest breakfast feature brought to us by Elon. His fanbois assure me that the pissed-in Cheerios are indeed superior to all other Cheerios, and only beta soyboy cucks eat Cheerios with milk now.
  19. Here's the thing: the SCOTUS will be functionally dissolved. Plot twist: it will be by the Trump regime. If the SCOTUS fails to 100% in all respects do exactly what Trump wants, his next administration will simply disregard it, fully and finally destroying its last vestige of legitimacy (the next Trump regime won't make the mistake of the first one: actually obeying court orders is for libtard cucks).
  20. Well, since they are all a bunch of cucks they are probably asking him if he would use his big dong on their wives while they watch.
  21. Yeah. Fuck Siri. Three years of being able to set my smart scenes in my smart home, and in the last month, “set warm” has only attempted to set alarm and vice versa. I’m a full on Apple fanboy, and Siri is a trash product, that shouldn’t even be in beta (and I have lived full beta for all of my Apple OS’s for a decade). it’s a goddamn disgrace. I held out on buying Echo dots for voice commands for my smart home because I assumed Siri would get better and I could get Apple HomePods when the kinks had worked out. That was 8 years ago. My 6 echo dots were less than $25 total on deals, and work flawlessly for quick commands. My phone and watch are terrible in comparison.
  22. I'm naughty, @JosephStang, could you cuck me?!
  23. CucktheNaughty, eh? That's pretty bold for someone that seems to have cucked themself
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