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  1. I preordered it so I got to play in the betas. The Betas were ONLY through the first 2-3 eras. They didn't let you play the endgame.
  2. I agree that it's unbalanced. I think this is one of those times where they just needed a lot more feedback than they were getting in beta testing and/or a lot of testers were not playing through the late game. With that said, I think it's got a lot more room to grow/improve, and the devs seem pretty open to change. I want to go play AOE IV (just dropped a few days ago) and come back later on after the November update. The October dev's letter is worth a read - it discusses some of the balance issues and the coming updates. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1124300?updates=true&emclan=103582791465187327&emgid=5198832665400675913 I'm assuming that the Oct 28 update they mention is actually the November update.
  3. I would agree with more of this if we didn't suck. Right now though we are channeling so much cuck energy that it doesn't matter.
  4. Looks like Sark’s getting his picture taken as well and throwing up the horns. Either way, I choose to believe he’s bombing the cuck.
  5. I hadn't even noticed the silly wager offer. As a "top 3 worst poster" (nice usage), I'll accept the label of beta from all but the two "top" worst posters below me.
  6. HMBL apparently just released their final(?) beta version for HUMBL Pay. Next version to be released to the public. If this works, I expect HMBL share price to start creeping up instead of down. 🤞
  7. Last year, during lockdown, two UT undergraduates who'd never met were both suffering from severe mental health issues. Even after on-campus services resumed in person, both were having an impossible time getting appointments with therapists. Even at a campus of UT's size, there's just not enough resources. They even tried to private pay with professional therapists in the great Austin community. But between the patient background incorrectly matching specialists, insurance red tape, and long wait times before appointments became available, both silently suffered. They met in the Dept. of Student Affairs lobby, both desperately thinking if they could make their appeal to get some help in person, they'd be scheduled faster. Using tele-health technology to match therapists outside Austin who have both expertise and time available, an AI program that more accurately pairs you with potential therapists, beta test help from a couple of big insurance companies, and therapists/counselors who know that engaging a person in their 20's can significantly reduce customer acquisition costs as they may stay on longer as a patient.....they launched: https://psykheweb.wixsite.com/website/services PSYKHE (remember the name) They gave a helluva pitch on Saturday and we awarded them $10,000 from the Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship. They now have access to tremendous mentoring and early stage funding at McCombs/UT. In less than a year, they went from mental trauma to a viable business model that will reach back for all the other young people our systems leave behind in this country
  8. Because Fox News's audience is full of cucks who live vicariously through this stuff?
  9. 1.) The fundamental issue in the housing market is simple supply and demand. Development of new housing took a long time to recover after the great recession, and did not recover in many places. The result is we are millions of housing units short of demand as the largest generational bloc in the population is squarely into homebuying age, even after delays due to student loan debt burden, low early career wages due to the recession, and social factors like delaying marriage and children. Demand > supply. 2.) Affordable suburban lifestyle is an illusion. Beyond America being in a historically unique macroeconomic situation in the second half of the 20th century, postwar suburban/car-centric development is the most resource and capital intensive development model out there. The health and environmental impacts are enormous. It took massive policy intervention and subsidy to create what we think of as normal. An energy hogging single-family home with an irrigated landscape in a car based development that requires you to drive everywhere should be expensive relative to more efficient options, which is difficult to deal with because the entire population has lived their life within this model at this point, and human beings do not do well with big paradigm shifts like that. 3.) Long term, as in decades long, the population of this country will be declining (I believe it already is excluding immigration), and the supply imbalance will self correct in a sense with boomers long gong, millennials aging, and fewer generation Z's, alphas, and betas to replace those two huge blocs.
  10. Guest

    Let's go Brandon

    That's funny because one of the two dudes in Austin I know for a fact have plowed her is named Brandon. Ted could not be a more perfect Beta Cuck if he tried.
  11. Bowlsby is such a dipshit. Repeatedly shows his ass by being such a butthurt little cuck. “Good luck with Vanderbilt”, “every conference has 3-4 bellcows”. Well, your conferences TWO bellcows are leaving, you’re part of the problem, and good luck with those “fine educational institutions” you are adding. UT/OU claiming you asked for a GOR extension in the face of networks declining to extend the current contracts is absurd and patently false, except it’s was Techs president who said it. I’m sure the tortilla throwers thought it would be a good idea to make up shit to cause a rift between the conference and its 2 bellcows to help force them to leave, just so Tech can get half the money and be more competitive as a G5. Or maybe their STD ladled brains misunderstood when Bowlsby said “ UT and OU are leaving but we are going to bring in a bunch of cougars in their place And the whole thing about his glide path to retirement, but now he will stay on board as long as the conference affiliates need him? Well Bob, that was part of the problem. what a dumbfuck. Whatever he gets paid is too much.
  12. I see that holiday card and I'm thinking, of course, of course it makes perfect sense in this timeline that the GOP would interpret war on Christmas to mean War ON Christmas because why the hell not? That whole thing about 'blessed are the peacemakers is just Jesus having some sympathy for the beta soy people before they got slaughtered. And when Jesus was talking about rendering, everyone knows he was talking about bacon fat, because if you're going to war on Christmas, you gotta eat.
  13. Keeping with the “every accusation is a confession” rule, the group that uses “cucks!” as a pejorative….is the biggest bunch of pathetic cucks in American history. They’ve elevated “pathetic simp” to an art form.
  14. Jimbo isnt leaving. he's got 10 year guaranteed worth of money. He can watch his new wife get cucked all day instead of coaching and still collect every single penny.
  15. nobody (not even LSU) can match aggy's desperation. I agree Jimbo aint going anywhere. The idea that aggy would add yet more money to that ridiculous contract is so preposterous I have to laugh at the idea . and then I realize that they absolutely will if given the opportunity. My guess is aranda is the guy LSU wants. younger, cheaper, and presumably not a cuck.
  16. this sounds like a frightful policy. Particularly from the group who were warned that, left to their natural end, would completely decimate the country in under a year. They burned the country down last year and stoked civil disobedience to the point of violence, over and over and over, ruined any semblance of a free and fair democratic election and the dipshits in the "Cloak Room" fucking ate it up, 900, everyday to the point to where they lie about criminal threats of violence here just to keep their fucking face out of the mirror. Your idea is a noble one (not negging in the Cloak Room) , but you are speaking to lunatics who can only have their drivel paid attention to by absolutely shutting down intelligent debate, or, worse, honest discussion. The mods here are frightened of them as well, which isn't surprising, but it is disappointing. These assholes gleefully cheered on the most corrupt idea ever to consider the office of t But, Brisket is Brown and Subliminal is gay, in case you haven't been reminded in the last 5 minutes in the Cloak Room. THAT point needs to be made over and over in that shit room or else, much like Biden gets away with it only with the complicit censorship, can survive that "Cloak Room" circle jerk because dissent is banned. You are trying to reason with the wrong crew. These are the destroyers of America, Americana, the Constitution, your children, education, medicine, scientist's credibility, monetary policy, foreign policy, not being branded globally as beta male pussy incompetent, thick, talentless corruption and any pretense of honesty. Miss me yet? But remember...in case you forgot....Brisket is brown and Subliminal is gay. This is 99 percent of the Cloak Room and everything that's embarrassing the State of Texas
  17. Dude's a Jew from Tulsa that graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown in Classics. About as un-Okie an Okie as you could hope to find.
  18. I mean, two of us already got bingo on that rant alone. Imagine the chaos if he'd added that and "beta cucks" as well.
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