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  1. I'm legitimately disappointed we didn't get a "beta cucks!" in that tantrum.
  2. lol, what a beta cuck bitch our governor is
  3. Fuck you and your wife. Beta male who can’t control his fucking wife from jinxing us. Tell that bitch to save the bubbly until the game is over. Blame the defense but don’t forget to blame Captain and Mrs. Ant
  4. It’s more of our soft ass pussy baby shit o line and our overrated pussy ass D line. Not much you can do when any QBs on earth can wait 15 seconds to throw the ball. This team is full of beta bitches sprinkled with a few alpha play Makers. The entire offensive line needs to go to blind college because they are fucking trash
  5. DalTxHornFan making time with the cute girls from Gamma Phi Beta!
  6. I fucking HATE.....that you're right. We could make a fortune on just MAGA-hate porn -- both outward, and self-loathing. Guy in a Trump mask railing a Pelosi stand-in. A Guilfoyle look-alike yelling "The best...is yet....to OMYGOD I'M COMING!" And then just lots of vids of cuck scenes with a dude nailing a gal in MAGA gear while her husband looks on. It'll be easier and more lucrative than printing cash money. God I hate this timeline.
  7. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know shit, and like you I'm just postulating as to why I personally don't think he will. But it's college football and coaches do weird shit. I do wonder if he even cares about his legacy as a coach. He's not a shitty coach by any means, but he's more like Mack Brown than anyone I can think of, except he's a cuck and not a complete pussy who cries when the mean old media makes remarks about his team. Who knows, tho. If LSU wants him I'm sure they'll just take from the government to make sure he's paid. Football is all that state has.
  8. The aggy dads failed but the cuck has one more ace up his sleeve. Release the grackle. Bring in the moms.
  9. Oh, how convenient. Biden's in office and they happen to catch a MAGA believer who "allegedly" tried to burn down Democratic Headquarters. But the lib beta cuck that tried to burn down Republican Rick Perry's mansion was never caught.
  10. Jumbo is probably thinking to himself right now, "what else do I have to do to get fired?!? I've been trying for 3 or 4 years now. Stupid COVID fucked me good last year. Maybe when it sinks in that out of those 3 or 4 NCs they assumed they would have at the end of our first contract, they are getting ZERO". "Who's the cuck now? bitches..."
  11. And fuck that cuck Bob sturm.
  12. It's almost as though hyperbolic overreaction to literally any adversity is a common theme on sports message boards. It truly is a wild experience when I have people simultaneously telling me: (1) they respect Rice as an opponent; (2) I'm a beta male with no penis for suggesting they could win.
  13. I mean, I guess because you quoted my post, told me I was talking shit, and suggested I stop being beta, that I figured you were referring to me specifically. In any event, I agree with you. Let's go out and straight up murder TCU. I wanna see ABC execs testifying at congressional hearings about why they aired a snuff film. (butmaybeletsalsonotbesurprisedifmaybethatdoesnthappenmaybe)
  14. It's definitely not my intention to talk shit about a team that I love and spend an unhealthy amount of time, money, and energy obsessed with. What you'd call "talking mad shit", I'd call "cautious pragmatism". But that might just be because I'm a scared beta cuck, etc etc
  15. There’s nothing more indicative of being an alpha male than talking mad shit about your team’s opponent on your team’s own message board. Nothing. Sorry. Maybe try being less beta next time!
  16. It is fully earned and guaranteed and that is the problem. Aggy is stuck. He won't change. Do you think that cuck is going to turn over the offense to a new coordinator? No way in hell. They can't force him to do shit. Even if he did, he would micromanage the shit out of him. It will be interesting to see what happens to their recruiting this year and next. The current SEC teams will be all over them. I think Jizzbos tenure at aggy is going to mimic the roller coaster. Clickity clack mofos.
  17. https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/open-beta?utm_campaign=bf2042_hd_ww_ic_soco_fb_fb-open-beta&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&cid=70480&ts=1632849388930 Open Beta next week Oct 6-9
  18. He is publicly shit-talking Republican leaders, both state and national, and he seems to have some major grievances with Abbott in particular. He is absolutely trying to hurt Abbott with Republicans, which could actually hurt a bit in the general if MAGA types stay home. He seems to have taken a really hard stance against vaccinations. Really hard. All Mitch was saying was "hey get the vaccine" and Huffines ain't having none of that. This is the kind of "True Believer" stuff I'm talking about. Being publicly angry when a (R) politician is encouraging people to get vaccinated is...weird. He has Trump people publicly backing him, and his views line up with a theoretical MAGA party. Fox News has turned against Abbott. If Huffines wins, he would try to dump property taxes, which would make him and his buddies a shitload of money. Clear financial motives there, that he doesn't hide. But....there is no way his current internal polling shows he will win his primary, and while he's picking up a few hundred new followers a day, there's not much social media engagement there. Does anybody here think Huffines would be doing this if he didn't think he'd financially or politically benefit in some way? So if the election were held today and Abbott or Nameless Democrat wins, Huffines gets absolutely nothing, either financially or politically. Which leaves the question: How can Huffines profit from this? As long as he is running as a Republican, his only power is scaring Abbott in the primaries somehow (which he is apparently doing), but that power goes away when the primary is done, and Abbott hypothetically tries to swing back to the middle. But if Huffines somehow swung Trump's endorsement away from Abbott, that would definitely A) Bolster Huffines's ego, his campaign coffers, and his potentially trying to split the field, and B) Freak Abbott the fuck out. If Huffines makes noises about running third (MAGA) party, that would scare the fuck out of Abbott, so in theory Huffines's people could put it out there to Abbott's people that Abbott better do some things that Huffines wants, or Huffines runs third party and peals off 10% of the voters and gives the Dems the election. In Huffines's mind, it may not matter how angry Abbott and the TRP are, because he's publicly accused Abbott of being cucked by Biden, etc., and sees Abbott as no different than a Democrat. But what would Huffines get by giving up running third party against Abbott? No way Texas Republicans roll back property taxes and go with a state income or a major boost to the sales tax, so there's got to be something else there. Figure out what Huffines is ultimately trying to get and that will answer your question. He is actively trying to poison the well for Abbott in the general election, so something is going on, whether it's personal or financial. So the answer to your question is...
  19. Fisher cucked the entire cult. It's incredible and it's all guaranteed.
  20. Hmmmm….who woulda thought Jesus was a libtard cuck sheep socialist communist?
  21. Its really not that difficult to understand you liberal cucks. No one needs vaccines. If you get any disease, be it COVID, Rubella, Measles, etc just get on the floor and do an alligator roll to shake it off!
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