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  1. I think we will need to win at least 1 of those games for Beck to keep his playcalling duties. If we go winless, Herman will be forced to make a change.
  2. At this point we might as well see if we can get 11 wins with our future hall of famer going hitless from the leadoff spot for the entire playoffs
  3. Tomorrow night is a must win. We have to end this Philly is unbeatable at home crap and take control of this series. I am going to lose it if we lose this series.
  4. It’s going to look beautiful once we start winning…. We can’t turn into aggies and complain about everything… but yes, the color does looks interesting to say the least.
  5. "If we win I was calling plays with Bobby's input.....if we lose it was all Bobby. But in reality I have no idea how this shit is going to work." Jimbo translator.
  6. I’m gonna switch gears and watch the Lady Horns go to play Tenn up in Knoxville….we have a chance to win this Super Regional and go to the World Series…..
  7. 1 game behind OK State going into our series with them. Excellent. TCU is pretty set up to win it unless we go on a crazy streak though.
  8. Yea, but you've also believed that "we are going to win" going on the last decade so maybe you need a healthy dose of self-doubt with your Christmas cheer.
  9. We are in deep shit if we don’t fire his ass. If they don’t want to do it mid-season fine (I would but whatever) but I don’t see a win on our schedule. Like a don’t. Don’t we have to win out to have a bowl? Herman has gotta go.
  10. We would both go. The conference champions from the Big 10 (assuming Michigan wins obviously), SEC, Big 12, and Pac-Whatever would all go. We have a chance to get in over Oregon. We have a zero percent chance to go in over an undefeated Washington. So, we need to be rooting for Oregon.
  11. Eh- 1/2 right. We aren’t bottom feeders. We also aren’t going to win the bidding on the top player on the game in FA. So that means we can afford a win win extension for a guy like Bregman to buy out years at a generous rate- but if a guy like Springer or Correa are he’ll bent on testing the market and are the premium FA we ain’t winning that bidding. we can afford to buy 2-4 win talent on the open market- which translates to quality regular to low end all star- but the 6-9 win guys, which are mvp level talent- are above our means imo.
  12. I think we will be so determined to win the opener that we may be flat for LSU. Think how different the last two seasons would have felt with an opening win. Even if you exchange the loss for a win down the line. There's just an immediate, "Oh fuck, not again." If we win those games and have the same record, it would have been a lot more fun. Way to go, Maryland. Goddamn you!
  13. Nah it was SEC bias. More average teams in a 15 team conference = more middling wins. Big 12 was top heavy as fuck, but with only 7 teams, it’s great wins or bad wins - there’s no in between. We should have swept Baylor and we’d probably have hosted. Oh well, into the supers we go
  14. I'll go ahead and say the officials won't let us win this game. We're on our way out, K-State is a Big 12 darling with a chance to make a decent bowl, it's on the road. They'll go in dry on us Okie St style. The only way we win is if we blow the doors off them.
  15. Not only are we going to win today, but we are going to sneak into a bowl game at 5-7 like the ServePro, Quick Lane, or whatever and beat a 6-6 MAC team like Ball State or Eastern Michigan. Two game win streak to end the year! Momentum headed into the offseason that'll no doubt be showered in kool-aid.
  16. Herman is going to continue to inprove as a HC. I feel pretty good long term about where we are headed. It took Mack an extra few years to get where we were going with some disappointing 10 and 11 win seasons along the way. I would love to be pissed at 11 wins again.
  17. my take is that if Casey's thumb is ok we will win going away. If his thumb aint ok who knows what will happen. We lost two weeks in a row because of that thumb, I just hope we dont go for the hat trick.
  18. I think we get to 7 wins. I think we win the rest of our division games, and we beat the bengals. If we have competent Oline play, and a defense that has been playing with the effort it has the last 2 games, we’re the best team in the division. Definitely not something to be proud of, but it’s true. It sucks, because I was looking forward to going into next season with no expectations, since we only seek to perform well when we have no expectations going into a year. If we win the division and get to 7-9, those expectations will be through the roof next year. This is all contingent on us beating Washington next week. If we lose that game I think they could find a way to win the division with the tie breaker over us.
  19. Highly doubt CDC is waiting on a decision based upon if we sneak into a regional. Texas should never be hoping and praying to make the tournament, let alone with no chance of hosting. CDC knows this. We let Herman go after a winning season and a bowl win
  20. So when this "down-to-the-studs rebuild" happens, do we win a negative number of games? Is zero wins a reasonable expectation at the University of Texas? Maybe we should just lower our budget to $2MM a year and stop going through the motions. This is absurd.
  21. Good god Biden. At least pretend to try and stand up to the Rs. Some Dem is going to finally realize we have to fight dirty to win, but it's going to be too late by then. We had a decent run I guess.
  22. Idk what’s worse, putting him out there in an injured state AGAIN like we have in the past, or knowing he’s limited and thinking we are still going to win when he isn’t going to be able to play 100%?
  23. I still think we have a small shot even if Oregon wins, probably depends on how each of us look in CCG Louisville or Iowa wins - 95%+ Texas is in with a win Bama Wins - ~70% Texas is in (again depends on how those games go down) Oregon Wins - ~20% Texas is in (another eye test)
  24. I think Massey's odds are pretty reasonable. Odds are 78% that we will beat ONE of Baylor, Tech, Kansas, or Houston. But... the odds are only 28% that we will win out at home. So my guess is that we go 4-4 to close the year with a surprise win on the road and a surprise loss at home.
  25. Oklahoma State in Stillwater. They are convincing. We will lose terribly. I mean we are going to get the living shit beat out of us. Metaphysical certitude, even if we win 193-3 this week.
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