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  1. Guys who get no pussy like using terms like "alpha" and "beta" and don't realize that we all just call them "loser", imo.
  2. Are you going to tell us what you did to trigger the CR betas? Did you tell them they had to shower after football practice or something? I have seen so many pussies angry at a woman since Tara Reade got fired.
  3. Any time my son doesn't get what he want's he either says "you're racist" or "because I'm black." I like that the kids are making fun of the race-hysterical betas.
  4. I disagree. Truth is there are fundamental biological reasons why I think it unlikely that COVID will be able to find a mutation that will significantly escape our vaccines. When replicating, coronaviruses, including COVID, have a proofreading mechanism (PDF warning) that will verify the genetic sequence that is being replicated. It is not as robust as that in eukaryotic cells (human, mammals for example) whence the mutations we do see, but it does exist. Compare COVID to a true rapidly mutating virus like flu. Flu has two mechanisms that allow it to radically mutate in short periods of time. 1. Genetic drift - random point mutations in the genome from the highly error prone replication enzymes that lack proof reading that it uses to replicate its RNA genome 2. Genetic shift - completely swapping out entire gene segments for new ones creating a whole new unique flu virus. Only Influenza A viruses can do this which is why they are responsible for the pandemic strains. To highlight this, check out the two files attached to this post. The COVID_Variant_Alignment file are the top five variants of concern aligned against the original COVID sequence provided to CDC back in January 2020 that the vaccine was designed against. An * under the specific base means the nucleotide is the same among all six strains. Notice how much of the sequence is the same among all six, and you really must hunt to find changes. I've also attached an alignment from a surface protein of flu, a true rapidly mutating virus for comparison. Notice how inconsistent the flu is and you'll see why it is so challenging to design effective vaccines and therapeutics. Shifting back to the vaccines, the spike protein is a big protein. I've seen studies that report CD8+ (T killer cells, the ones that seek out and kill infected cells) recognizes 52 epitopes (spots on the protein). CD4+ cells (T helper cells, which help drive antibody responses) recognize 23 epitopes across the entire spike protein. I'll try to find my references for this later, but offhand I can't recall exactly which study addressed this. It is hard to imagine, given how stable COVID is, that it will find a way to alter all of these regions and still remain infectious. Comparing the Beta variant vs Delta is encouraging too. Beta is actually more genetically distant than delta and the vaccine was less effective against it compared to delta. But Delta has outcompeted it nonetheless. This is a good article that partially addresses what I'm saying above. And one finally thing I should mention regarding the immune response to the lipid capsule delivery vehicle. I wouldn't say I'm extremely worried about this. I'd just like to see it addressed before I take a shot that decreases my risk of hospitalization from 1 in 300,000 to 1 in a couple of million. COVID_Variant_Alignment.txt Influenza_H1gene_alignment.txt
  5. I’m pretty far removed from giving any fucks about the royalty, but the guys in that Twitter feed calling him a beta obviously missed his wartime interview. I get it, clicks and low hanging fruit. But my money would go to the ginger if any of them dudes had the balls to say that shit out loud.
  6. Oh they will. Make no mistake about it, they'll do everything they can to play his performance down because they're whiny beta cuck bitches.
  7. Fake news. They only take alphadine. No beta cucks. You’re the beta cuck
  8. What a classic beta cuck sheep thing to say.
  9. Cajun


    Mack is a beta who desperately wanted to be an alpha. The harder he tried to fake it, the more obvious it was he would never achieve his little fantasy. The Powder Blue of North Carolina is much more fitting on him than Burnt Orange.
  10. Well after the alpha-males (non-beta cucks who listen to faggy science) are done shitting themselves almost to death with horse paste...they're gonna need to clean out their vaginas via douche to avoid UTI. But I'm sure their guns will save them. Fucking pussies.
  11. Cajun


    Yep, it’s all an extension of Mack’s pussy “Weather the storm” mantra. No, BECOME the goddamned storm! Quit acting like Beta chucks and become fucking barbarians taking what you want at will. Leonids said it best - “Give them nothing, but take from them E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G !” I swear Mack’s vag juice is still dripping all over this program. Thank God VY & company were immune.
  12. Am I the only one more interested in what Nicole did to trigger all the CR betas? I tried to listen to the podcast. I thought it was more entertaining than the story. 1. I had no idea what "vocal fry" was until apparently it was invented for this chick - I just though it was 976-voice. 2. I love the fact that the Zoomer podcaster fanciers herself some sort of Edward R. Murrow with her three years of online "journalism" experience - helps explain why the average 'murican is so woefully misinformed 3. Her solo catfight with everyone else talking about the story is epic.
  13. gmr548


    The venn diagram of message board posters calling using beta male as a pejorative and incels is a single circle.
  14. Guest


    Who are these beta males on our team that are holding us back that y'all keep mentioning? What the fuck are you even talking about?
  15. You clearly have not been paying attention. You can't win football games in a culture of micro-aggressions and trigger warnings. Beta males don't get laid or win national titles.
  16. I've become numb to losing the last decade. HOWEVER, I absolutely loathe losing to a bottom feeding team with a fan base full of cocksuckers like Arkansas. Know what's really sad? The aggy have beaten these bottom feeders 9 games running. Arkansas is the KU of the SEC, they went two years without a single conference victory losing to teams like San Jose St, Colorado St and North Texas. All gas and no brakes my ass, I want to slap the taste out of any cuck that was spouting that nonsense all off season from a fucking fraud of a coach hired with a 46-35 career head coaching record.
  17. Here it Fayetteville. Most of the hog fans have been pretty cool, mature, and good sports. Then you get the basement dwelling t-shirt fan losers who come post shit talk here on the internets in between jerking off to cuck porn. Cool, cool.
  18. You sound like a beta cuck. Did your pig of a wife refuse to peg you tonight? Estrogen levels running a little high?
  19. These guys just cool with being cucked fucking pussies week in and week out?
  20. Doesn't matter. Had sex. Got cucked. Got paid.
  21. Jimbo has a new wife? I guess he likes to cuck.
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