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  1. 99.9% of doctors on earth, along with governments: "It's a bad idea to shoot yourself in the dick and you shouldn't do that." Some dipshit podcaster making millions telling dumb people they're smart: "Look only a fucking idiot thinks you can trust the government. You listeners are the only really smart people on earth and you know you should do the opposite of whatever the government says, so of course you need to shoot yourself in the dick and do it now!" Pimphand: *shoots self in dick, goes to hospital where a doctor saves his life, whom he then calls a nazi cuck liberal media propagandist*
  2. This dude loves to get cucked by the courts
  3. I’m about to sell my truck and Vroom is offering $3K more than Carvana. Think I may go with Carvana and see if they’ll price match. Thanks for being the beta tester.
  4. Lol the cuck jokes write themselves there
  5. There’s nothing wrong with most of those things. It’s the sum of all of them. It’s just a snapshot. It’s just another iteration of machismo intelligence. They’re just asking questions, and ignoring the answers that are widely available. They are people who use the word “beta”. They romanticize hunting and living off the land yet use a deer feeder to hunt. It’s all cosplay.
  6. The guy I want is libtard commie beta sip Bill McRaven
  7. I stand by my statement, but maybe I needed to be more clear in my sentiment. I care that Texas is in a conference that is advantageous for Texas, regardless of the conference itself. If Texas is to be portrayed as the villian, so be it. Might as well join the conference that is also portrayed as the villian. I do not care what conference that is. I will never root for the conference that Texas is in. I will never boast about the conference, and I sure as shit won't become a shill or cuck to that conference. "Does that meet, wit your approval, Hellgate?" Now, how much SEC gear do you own?
  8. ztejas

    USMNT 2021

    So many betas on this team. The one alpha we have up front is 18 and needs more time. Someone needs to step up and lead these guys.
  9. I know that and you know that because we are probably the kinds of beta cucks that went to every OB/GYN appointment from the very start but people like Dan Patrick who just takes his wife at face value when she swears it's his baby, don't understand that the clock starts ticking 4 weeks before most women even think to pick up the phone to make an appointment at the OBGYN. What's more, by the time they get into see the doctor and get an accurate idea of how far along they are, it's already well beyond 6 weeks. Which maybe was the whole point all along. Let's get another frightening reality out there...........doctors are sometimes just as bad about letting their religion and politics spill over into their practice as elected officials are. There's gonna be that window between weeks 4-6 when there's some ambiguity. We got pregnant 4 times for sure, possibly 5. Every time, nurse on the phone asked "when was the start of your last period." And that date was stamped in bold on the top of our paperwork when we went in days/weeks later to see the OBGYN. It's a matter of medical course that they ask and record that and then verify against what they see on bloodwork and sonogram. So here's the shitty reality...those doctors that can't keep their religion/politics outta their practice...they're going to have their staff ask that question just as they always have. And if the woman if that woman is not known to the practice (having already had baby with that group)..........her appointment will be throttled down so that she can't come in until after week 6 is complete. Watch. Suddenly half the practices in rural/exurban Texas won't have any appointment availability until 2-3 weeks AFTER the woman's declared date of her last period from her first phone call. By the time she knows what's going on, it'll be too late to go to a Planned Parenthood or free clinic facility.
  10. Debated what thread, but this is Abbott's DFPS scrubbing this page because Huffines was pointing it out. Man Abbott is such a cuck to be letting Huffines push him around.
  11. obviously not financial advice but this nft game that is in beta just had their first recruiting event where players could pay in-game currency and then create new nft chars. these 'next gen' chars are now around .07 eth floor. the genesis chars are still holding strong at .19 or so. https://opensea.io/collection/crypto-raiders-characters?collectionSlug=crypto-raiders-characters&search[numericTraits][0][name]=Generation&search[numericTraits][0][ranges][0][max]=2&search[numericTraits][0][ranges][0][min]=1&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW you can sort by generation with the filters. the different races are mostly for cosmetic and recruiting bonuses and don't affect the game play. so base chars are just as valuable as rares for the most part. So the recruiting event ends on Sunday and then the in-flux of new chars will stop for a while but the market should be as buyer-friendly as it has been since mint (original mint was .01-.025) with all the new chars and people trying to sell. could go below .05. This is also on the polygon network so no gas fees for buying from OS which is a huge + right now. here is their medium page with all the recent posts https://cryptoraiders.medium.com/ with posts about recruiting and their tokennomics. it's a 'game' like ZED run is a race. You don't do anything other than equip the char prior to a dungeon run. better eq = better outcomes from the simulation. The interesting thing here is that there will be a death component. in certain dungeons that offer way better loot, there will a X% chance your char will die permanently; like your NFT is toast! This is will help with deflation and keep char prices stable in theory as chars die and need to be replaced. so full disclosure i own a ton of these chars but certainly not getting any compensation for shilling this. dyor and all that.
  12. Guest

    Shave like a man meta thread

    More like beta thread. Don't need no eyebrow pencil for a nicks and cuts. Let that shit bleed.
  13. The Taliban is serious though in its conservatism. The GOP are just pretenders and cucks to capital like everyone else in charge of anything meaningful in the West.
  14. Just want to @ mention our friend and patriot @GRHorn here so that when this treasonous cuck incites more violence against the US government he won’t be able to say “never heard of him.”
  15. https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/08/27/new-ucsf-study-vaccine-resistant-viruses-are-driving-breakthrough-covid-infections/ New UCSF study: Vaccine-resistant viruses are driving ‘breakthrough’ COVID infections ‘As long as the virus continues to circulate, it will continue to mutate’ SAN FRANCISCO, CA. – DEC. 30: Dr. Charles Chiu of UCSF is sequencing hundreds of Northern California viruses from recent UK travelers to help understand the latest mutations. He was photographed Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2020, in San Francisco, Calif. (Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group) By Lisa M. Krieger | lkrieger@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group PUBLISHED: August 27, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. | UPDATED: August 27, 2021 at 3:11 p.m. Waning immunity and ferocious contagion are known to be fueling the troubling surge in “breakthrough” COVID-19 cases among vaccinated people. But a new UC San Francisco analysis of 1,373 Bay Area cases reveals a third, and more ominous, problem: The coronavirus is learning to outsmart our immune system. Variants with antibody-resistant mutations are playing an ever-larger role in our highly vaccinated region’s pandemic, according to research by prominent virologist Dr. Charles Chiu. His team found that 78% of infections in fully vaccinated people among the study were caused by variants with these mutations, compared to 48% of the cases among unvaccinated people, who remained an easier target for earlier generations of the virus. Overall, the proportion of cases linked to these variants more than doubled between February and June. The findings add to a growing list of studies that are unraveling why the vaccinated are still so susceptible to infection — and provide a deeper understanding of what we may encounter in the future. Vaccinated people are still much more protected from serious illness, hospitalization and death than unvaccinated people, the study confirmed. “But I worry that as long as the virus is circulating, it will continue to mutate and evolve, which will, in turn, allow it to continue spreading,” he said. The study suggests that new iterations of the virus will likely become even more resistant, over time, “until, eventually, you’re going to see the vaccine not work, or its efficacy will be reduced significantly,” he said. Our vaccines won’t suddenly become useless, he added. So far, it appears to be a gradual process. The resistant variants will slowly dominate over time, he predicted. The rollout of booster vaccines, planned to begin the week of Sept. 20, will help bolster our defense against these breakthroughs, Chiu said. But as the virus continues to evolve, he said, vaccines may need to be reformulated to keep us safe. The team’s second major finding was more reassuring: People who never develop symptoms during a “breakthrough” infection carry very low levels of virus – a finding that should ease concerns that vaccinated people are unknowingly fueling the pandemic. However, vaccinated people who do have symptoms had the same levels of virus as infected unvaccinated people – so can spread the virus. This confirms a finding first revealed weeks ago by a CDC study in Provincetown, Massachusetts. “You’re essentially as infectious as someone who was unvaccinated,” he said. The UCSF team performed genome sequencing of viral samples from Bay Area residents who sought treatment for COVID-19 at UCSF hospitals and clinics between Feb. 1 and June 30, as well as people whose infections were detected at community test sites. Of these, 125, or 9.1%, were vaccine “breakthrough” cases. The study, published as a preprint on Wednesday, has not yet been peer-reviewed or corroborated by other investigators. A great concern is the study’s observation that vaccinated people infected with these “escape mutants” can likely transmit them to others, including the vaccinated, said infectious disease expert Dr. Gary Schoolnik, a clinician and professor of medicine at Stanford Health Care, who was not involved in the study. “The implication of their finding is that vaccine-resistant mutants of the COVID virus could disseminate more widely in the population,” he said. “If that were to occur, it might necessitate the development and use of COVID booster vaccines that specifically target such mutants.” Overall,three factors are driving breakthroughs, according to Chiu, director of the UCSF-Abbott Viral Diagnostics and Discovery Center and associate director of the UCSF Clinical Microbiology Laboratory. One is exposure to the large number of viral particles shed by those infected with the delta variant. People infected with delta may shed approximately four times more virus than those infected with the original virus. A few of these viruses can slip by our antibody defense, causing infection. Another is waning immunity, according to recent Moderna and Pfizer vaccine data. Six to nine months after vaccination, our bodies produce fewer effective antibodies. The third reason is this newer and worrisome trend: infection by a variant carrying resilient mutations. The new study found that the proportion of cases caused by these variants increased over five months from 40% to 89%. The team did not study the effect of the mutations on the effectiveness of the other arm of the immune system, involving T cells that kill the virus. Vaccination is not to be blamed for the increase in variants with these mutations, Chiu said. Because we naturally produce antibodies in response to exposure and infection, the virus is constantly changing to survive. “The virus is going to evolve to become antibody resistant, whether or not you deploy a vaccine,” he said. “But because we have a vaccine, there’s a way to prevent the virus from spreading and evolving further.” One of these mutations, L452R, is built into the genetic code of the dangerous delta variant, which now dominates. But this and other mutations, including E484K and F490S, can be carried by other resistant variants, such as beta, gamma, epsilon and lambda. Our antibodies are less effective in fighting off variants carrying these mutations. These mutations don’t render our antibodies useless against the virus. Resistance is almost always partial; it’s not an “all or none” characteristic. “This decrease in vaccine efficacy due to infection by a resistant variant can be minor, or significant,” he said. The mutations make it tougher for antibodies to bind to the virus, so the virus is able to slip through and infect a cell. More of them are needed to neutralize the virus. A booster dramatically increases our levels of antibodies. A new and reformulated booster, targeted for a particular variant such as delta, could push them still higher. Ultimately, we will control this pandemic by vaccinating as many people as possible, Chiu said. "Otherwise, if the virus continues to circulate and mutate,” he said, “this may become a never-ending round of whack-a-mole.”
  16. Did somebody Tweet back and ask if they had ever heard of beta testing?
  17. Fucking hell their fans are just hardwired to be betas. “Hey Daddy! Is other daddy winning a recruit really a big deal? Please tell me how to feel even though we are not involved!”
  18. What a fucking moron. Does he not realize by being left out of the cuck coalition, the big 12 is licking glass right along with window coug? The big 12 will be passed over continually. An expanded playoff is there best option in getting into the playoffs more than once every quarter century....
  19. Yeah JSD, if your mom dies, she dies. Stop worrying about it you beta bitch
  20. yeah potato does good stuff. you know the duder or just mean you following on YT? big CIV fan here for some time. Have been at HK for some months on betas and now in the real. Fun game. Very layered and of course very new and unbalanced. I understand its a bit "if you built it they will come" in terms of the various mechanics for now. Saying that it does feel a bit hollow to me so far. Very easy to survive and thrive and the scale via the various cultural buffs. the early game is however pretty challenging and many of the AI guys can snowball then too. fun game. lots of great stuff
  21. Yeah no, c'mon man she deserved to be ridiculed, but hitting her for her asinine yelling no. I put this squarely on her husband who didn't tell her to STFU, and pull her away. He is or should be labeled a cuck. I'd be telling my wife to STFU, and sit down or go take a walk, and cool off because your shit is getting ready to get me in a fight, and I don't want any part of that over something happening at a football game.
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