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  1. Yep. We just destroyed Tech by 50. We gave the world a glimpse of our future QB1 (Arch fucking Manning). We’re busy discussing our possible paths to the college football playoff while on the cusp of winning the conference title. Meanwhile, aggy is still recovering from being the laughingstock of college football because of that ridiculous contract they gave Jimbo and the money they owe him to not coach. Now they’re on their fifth or sixth HC candidate (because no respectable coach wants to take that job), and they can’t agree on who that should be. So they’re most likely gonna hire the interim coach who just got blasted by LSU. They’re gonna go with a DC who has no previous head coaching experience to be the guy that leads them in the first year that Texas and OU join the SEC. Just when you think aggy can’t out-aggy themselves, they come up with even more insane ways.
  2. I agree money talks, and Taylor would probably take the aggy job. However, it seems like every time the coaches get fired the question is always who are we going to get to replace him? If Traylor gets good recruits and wins at Cougar High he will be the answer to that question and be able to pick where he wants to go.
  3. We (osu) have missed out twice on playing for a natty…and both were solely on the team. 2011 loss to ISU, and 2021 loss to rapists in conf champ game due to being unable to convert 4th and inches. Granted the LSU/Bama rematch was the stupidest thing ever protecting the SEC brand and our best RB likely converts one of those four goal-to-go runs but sat out due to the draft. It is what it is. Once you lose a game it’s out of your hands (or not if you’re UCF). That being said, any talk of Oregon having a better resume than Texas is fucking stupid and reflective of the entire dumbass nature of a 4-team playoff with 5 big boy conferences. MU/tOSU should have been considered an elimination game but I smell fuckery there…along with all this Oregon talk. The narrative is always changing and it’s just to cover the undeniable fact that it’s all a ratings play. Pisses me off as y’all have an outstanding resume with a win over us next Saturday.
  4. I think Texas fans are fretting too much over the Bama thing. Yes - Bama would have the better body of work, but not by so much that it outweighs a two score Texas win in Tuscaloosa. Regardless, I do not think we are going to find out. Georgia has shown they have an extra gear and I don’t think Bama can hang with that for four quarters.
  5. There is absolutely no justification for a 1 loss Oregon team to be ahead of a 1 loss Texas team. Their only justification is eye test. Nothing about their wins, quality of schedule, or even eye test are better than Texas. This committee is going off their wins against a 4-7 Colorado team and a very overrated Utah team they played without Cam Rising. Utah’s signature win this year is a bowl ineligible Florida team. The only scenario where we are fucked is if all the undefeated teams stay undefeated. We really need Bama to win out and beat UGA. I cannot imagine the committee leaving us out and letting a 1 loss Bama team we beat by double digits in. And make no mistake about it. We would smoke Bama again. We are a terrible match up for them.
  6. Well, it’s been a long run and it ended the only way it could have- with the only big 12 team to have scoreboard on us. They suck. We should rectify that. By a lot. We either win by 31 or by 3, but either way, we are lots better than them. Someone on here said something about a month ago and I thought about it and decided- they are right. Basically, Texas just needs one team ahead of them to lose. And there were like 23 events that could happen. 23 team parleys never come through. So, I started betting money lines every week on the following teams in a parley: Georgia, FsU, Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon, Washington and Bama. Right now I’ve won 3 weeks in a row. Thats like 19 events in a row. We are down to 4 bets we can make for my emotional hedge- a 4 teammer with Washington, FSU, Michigan and Georgia. If those 4 all win we will be something like 23 out of 23 in events, any one of which happening, could have probably put Texas in the CFP or at least made it arguable that we should be in. So, fuck you Florda for taking your shot and missing. Thanks for not returning the great favor we did for you in 1996. Double fuck you Oregon state- you had a chance to take down 2 of those guys. And you Penn Stste. You should be embarrassed to consider yourselves a helmet school after you let Michigan literally run all over you. Kiffin and Tennessee, yall are both frauds, couldn’t even keep Georgia interested. Whatever. It looks for all the world like we are going to go 12-1 in the first year ever that we have 4 “better” conference champs and the last year ever for only 4 playoff teams. On some level that will be hard to accept, but hopeful that the team goes out there, kicks ass and wins by half a hundred again and gives us the best chance to win the stupid beauty pageant and go ahead of Oregon or Bama if one or both of them win. Or, we could all root for a shitty Iowa team that couldn’t score if locked in a whorehouse or a Louisville team that couldn’t beat an also ran Mark Stoops team. Fuck you tech- how my ass taste? Fuck you Yormark, hope you liked being clowned on our Jumbotron. We coming for you Gundy, one last game to have collective scoreboard forever (conference champs) and individual scoreboard forever on every team in this shit ass conference, forever. Game Week fellas, news, notes etc here.
  7. Ohio State doesn't matter. If we win we jump them. I think we need 1 of Two scenarios to happen. 1. Both FSU and Oregon lose (if Oregon wins in this scenario we might still make it but it would be whatever the committee wanted) or two of the undefeateds going down. If it came down to a handful of 1 loss teams for 2 spots, being conference Champs with a win over Bama and a bigger blowout over Tech (a shared opponent between us and Oregon) would be enough to get us one of the 2 available spots. The one loss teams that aren't conference Champs would fall behind the conference Champs by default with the committee.
  8. New data point hits though. Texas now owns the best win in the country and has a win over another playoff team and the SEC champion. We will go over Oregon.
  9. If Ducks and Tide both win next week, our resume will remain objectively better than the Ducks’ going into selection. With one lone exception, the “eye test,” which we also have another opportunity to bridge the gap on next week. Directly to your question, we’re preoccupied because we’re fucking running out of clear options (e.g., FSU loss), and this is one of the few even remotely left on the table. And because we’re discussing theoreticals are discussed for entertainment…one of the primary purposes of sports message boards.
  10. Would I rather win the CCG by beating OU? Yeah, probably. But we've been on the receiving end of way too much fuckery by OU over the years, back-dooring their way into Big XII championships and BCS appearances. So I'm not going to openly weep if they have been completely shut out of the possibility of pulling that shit again this year. Bring on the Pokes. Let's win the Big XII as our final F U on our way out the door. If we make the CFP, great. If not, I like our chances in the future.
  11. Well he missed two games so his stats are clearly going to be lower than those guys you cited who haven’t missed any time. We only beat k-state because kleiman is a fucking moron. Our rb’s move on and we don’t miss a beat is because sark is really good. Our qb play clearly went down without Quinn, so brooks is not the difference maker you claim him to be by that argument. Sanders is an inline TE who can’t block. Gunnar helm is going to be better than sanders, there’s two off your list without even trying hard. Murphy is good because sweat takes all the attention, that’s not talking shit because I like him a lot. If you remove any of those guys we have a chance to win games with Quinn. If you remove Quinn we don’t have a chance in hell to win 11 games.
  12. that’s got nothing to do with who is a better football player time now. seeing as QE is far superior to maalik, no, of course i do not think we’d be 11-1 with maalik starting. what’s that got to do with where QE ranks among our best players? edit: and if we’re going to play that game, you don’t think that we’re undefeated with wildly better offensive numbers if we have williams, daniels, nix, penix, etc? you’re making my point about the greatness of his supporting cast. we lose bijan we don’t miss a beat; we lose j brooks and we still don’t miss a beat; we lose QE for two games and we win both games. this team is extremely talented, and QE is nowhere near the top of the list of our best players this year. he’s still a good QB, but he has up to 10+ teammates who are better, more consistent players. beyond this, quinn’s mediocre stats and national rankings as cited in my post above only look even worse when considering all of the talent that surrounds him. there are plenty of QBs out there this year who’d have wildly superior numbers running with this offense.
  13. There are so many things wrong with what your are saying it's unbelievable you think you are proving any point at all. But hey, you go ahead and dickride Georgia because you cant imagine the playoffs without them. Imagine thinking they will put a non champion, whose one loss is to a team we beat by 10 on the road, when they have played an easier schedule. We would have the best win in the country if this situation came to pass and would have a win over the SEC champ and would be the Big 12 champ.
  14. Then us and Bama go. Georgia won't even win their conference and lost to a team we beat by 10 on the road. 2 sec teams is not happening this year.
  15. Okie lite guaranteed the rig 12 is going to do us like 2015 and last year only difference is we still win by 42 against them and the refs fuck OU
  16. When we win the Big12 championship game its going to come down to simply does a 1 loss Big 12 champ trump an undefeated ACC champ for the 4th spot. Washington losing and then beating Oregon, Alabama losing then beating Georgia will throw everything into chaos however
  17. I don't get the consternation. If we can't beat OU, then so be it, we don't belong in the playoff. If we beat OU, we have a much better chance of getting in the playoff, because we will have (a) another "very good" win and (b) have avenged our only loss. Fuck playing OSU. Bring on the dirt burglars. 93 is going to destroy them, and I will be gruntled.
  18. I don’t want to fuck around with OU this year. Even if we win, that game is going to be so physical we’ll be lucky to get out without some injuries…
  19. Given you username, I’m surprised at how dumb your message board post comprehension is. 1) Unlike Aggie, you don’t get credit for winning games that you didn’t play. 2) No one that I have seen has stated that they want Ewers to go to the NFL this spring, because Arch is already better than Quinn. 3) People have pointed out Quinn’s deficiencies while also mentioning Arch’s strengths that are already observable in just over 1 quarter of play at the college level. I want Quinn to return and have Arch get in several games next year because we are so far ahead of our opponents. I want Arch to have nearly 100 snaps before taking over the starting job in 2025. And lastly, I think that Arch will prove to be a better college QB than Quinn and Sam.
  20. We aren't passing a 1-loss Oregon team. They're already ahead of us, just beat Oregon St (vs Tech for us), and would have to beat UW (vs OK ST for us). Committee isn't going to jump them based on this week and next if both win. I think our two realistic paths are 1) Bama beats UGA. Still very uncertain if we'd stay ahead of Bama even though we should, or 2) FSU loses to UF or Louisville. Highly likely we would jump them in that scenario. There's also potential 1-loss conference losers in play - would we definitely be ahead of 1-loss UGA, Washington, or even tOSU? UW would have a case considering they beat Oregon earlier and hard to leave out double defending-champ UGA. It'd be messed up if any of these teams went ahead of us but you never know..
  21. No question. If we face them we're going to win.
  22. Thank you for posting the comparisons. I had to hold a ladder for the wifey so I had to walk away but this is what I was going to look up. It’ll be hard for QE to match Colt but half of that is because colt stuck around for his senior year and QE certainly will not. Can you imagine QE getting better for two more seasons like frosh to soph year? Texas would be the hands down fav to win it all his senior year. As it stands we will be one of the favorites next year. and lets not forget Colt had continuity and a NC culture in place when he took over. again, I don’t know how QE finishes his career better than Colt and certainly no one can be better than VY. But QE is a stellar sophomore QB.
  23. Yea, that's fair. So the 9-12 was a blogging the boys analyst. I went back and watched it and in the time it mattered, I saw 8-11 (overall) with 5 first downs let up specifically in man. 2 of those put them in scoring position. One of those drives they would go on to score a TD where Samuel caught a slant in front of him which got down to the 1 yard line. Now that was a zone concept (looked like a zone blitz with DLaw in coverage) so it counts against him but I didn't count as giving up a first down although that's being lenient. Again, two things can be true. First, overall he's playing great and has great ball skills and two, Thursday wasn't his cleanest game. I'll take a blowout win over Washington anytime for Thanksgiving but just something to watch as we start to play better teams the next 5 weeks.
  24. Texas is analogous to Michigan, except we don't cheat. Ohio State is analogous to OU. They hate Michigan more than they love themselves. Similar to OU. You would think the winning would be what carries them. Nope, it's the hatred of their rival. Go Michigan.
  25. We win the Big 12 then we either need: 1. FSU to lose Or 2. Complete chaos 2 seems unlikely so go Gata
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